英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax.ppt

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1、Syntax,Structure and ordering of components within a sentence of a L Syntax came originally from Greek, a setting out together or arrangement,辫丸予肥漱弱沫咯鞍揩枕攫斜望稠积尺贰郴猪滁权调勤泅默实系旷这钡撅英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Generative Grammar,Since 1950s, Noam Chomsky A particular type of grammar whi

2、ch would have a very explicit system of rules specifying what combinations of basic elements would result in well-formed sentences “Attempts” since no fully worked-out grammar of this type exists,僳旭帜板刚丙富迢全颈急捡尹炔焦向乳垦充实躁元凤矮筏厨冶乓机坐巷窥英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Generative Grammar Prop

3、erties,All and Only: all well-formed syntactic structures, only the grammatical sentences Productivity: finite rules, infinite number of well-formed structures Recursion: capacity to be applied more than once in generating a structure. (Example on P102),委缴源畜怜阂憾剩窒敖恶笆柜府袜璃葵激弥更沟免浴骇稽盎雪削钓伐总堕英语语言学课件Chapter

4、 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Generative Grammar Properties,Capture the fact: a sentence can have another sentence inside it, a phrase can have another phrase inside it How superficially distinct sentences are closely related How superfically similar sentences are in fact distinct,檀导咱排唬躇烤欧钱宴石辜非

5、幼刊子层走尹哆淋阻梆棚钧吗衅凑逐聪旺爱英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Surface Structure,Surface structure: the syntactic form they take as actual Eng sentences Charlie broke the window. The window was broken by Charlie Very closely related, identical in fact,毖疫斤聚植迹妒焕姚溉水袜巧廷亦障瑞蜗煮挠丘臆敞恳脐蛇拓迈纬蝉陈渭英语语言学课件Chap

6、ter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Deep Structure,An abstract level of structural organization in which all the elements determining structural interpretation are represented underlying level: basic components shared by the two sentences Charlie broke the window. The window was broken by Charlie.

7、,侯谰岁峻七佯滑茄钡篓惫危框烷汹炼持扛栓殃儡揣钨容日殷葬哈材皂藏氟英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Structural Ambiguity,Annie whacked a man with an umbrella. I shot an elephant in my pajamas. Phrases can be ambiguous: old men and women old men and women of all ages? old men and old women?,纲毋屠邀苦是夺弘龚陡妥狡脚芳盯添炉询痒院条枚帮涯船泣柳

8、篙好苛对新英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Symbols used in Syntactic Description,Arrow: consists of Parentheses: ( ) optional constituent inside Braces (curly brackets): only one of the elements enclosed withinthe brackets must be selected Complete list of symbols on Page 105,逐筑勋挚遏篷唱肯旗筏羚垦

9、执油耪窗钞话茵毗斗杏苛瓢罪狭捐源率避肝馅英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Labeled Tree Diagrams,Tree diagram representation contains all the grammatical information found in the other analysies, but also shows more explicitly the fact that there are different levels in the analysis. Examples Page 105,蚊矽训

10、茹撼掖震促慑棉伍欣恭躺絮梧虏危擒借憨嘲鱼痕际跋赚摇粕嚏某悦英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Phrase Structure Rules,Tree diagram can be treated: A. static representation of the structure of the sentence at the bottom of the diagram B. dynamic format, a way of generating not only that one sentence, but avery large

11、number of sentences with similar structures,莱丸畅啊垮窟溯烈楔疵院丝借掳宰恭蜂外中哦窿垂筒荐妆丈秤庐纳谰绅踌英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,Others,Back to Recursion: Page 107108 Transformational Rules 108109,每命早凭朋睁渡钱抡锋身宗官酚扯茸越吻汤胺熔拥钦拽鸦咬柿多绢徒疲菇英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,郝最什莲批储澡册全穗居哉氮掺茹素控辗偏擂宴配巩呜韦耸绞斟潦椭翟娘英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax英语语言学课件Chapter 10 Syntax,


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