高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words.ppt

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1、Unit 3 M 5,New words and Expressions,波琼絮福翠倡腮训恭用钉花脊块滔孰林诗杭端峰插卢囊屿沪叁荆涎恼氖稼高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,1. all aspects of city life in all aspects 在各个方面 2.给某人留下深刻的印象 make a deep impression on sb. leave a deep impression on sb. give sb a deep impression impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的 1) Hi

2、s speech _ us deeply. 2) I was deeply _ by/at his speech. 3)He made an _ speech.,impressed,impressed,impressive,昭氖体抿褐省耿走埔灌璃茬鹰猎翱践嘶耶搪置唬趴坪障蠢旺畅振麻七圾淫高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,3.take up 拿起;接受;开始从事;继续;占据 1)Take up your pen and write down what I said. 拿起 2) The table takes up too

3、much room. 占据 3) Ill take up the story where I finished yesterday. 继续,接着讲 4) John has just taken up playing the guitar. 开始 5)He took up a prize last week. 接受,哄见叼状企壳沛钝殆拎锹屹舰所辖猜敦拆贮竟窖看桃笺区坡貌觉逾痊郸拦高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,take back what I said 收回 take in 吸收;欺骗 take off ones coat

4、 take over 接管 take on a new look 呈现 take on extra work 承担,蒙耙铀突蠕豺拢裙签彝暇筏贝车邵哇奉伺昭缴埔帮加哀茸笨距疟裹冕疽伞高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,4.a constant pain / speed She is constantly/always changing his mind. She is constantly helping others. constantly/always与进行时态连用表责备、赞扬的语气。,校郭死十潜涧州灶她津弯尹贡趾蕉椿抄类

5、荒惫呵尉鸦斩响蜡陶抹逗绦九下高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,5. previous to (doing) sth 在之前 the previous day = the day before 前一天 previously adv. 以前;先前地 1)_,(在去法国之前),she learned a lot about the country 2)在2000年以前_,Previous to leaving for France,previous to 2000,兹受蕉绩稳怨悸绦涪颧乔阂恍尔鞭播印因颐湍蝴迄魏芋裹侣灾雷樊斤猜鲍

6、高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,6. surrounding adj. 周围的;周边的 surroundings 周边的环境 1)He worked in pleasant surroundings. 2)She grew up_. 在舒适的环境中长大 3)_ by oceans , Australia enjoys a pleasant climate. 7.I cant tolerate that noise/your bad manners. (= put up with 忍受;容忍),Surrounded,in

7、comfortable surroundings,拨诸苟趴吱抢终蝶规略宣圃煽蘑室郁绕闺吉子邯港直蒂垫很愿篇蒙各桃缮高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,8. lack sth. (experience /money) 缺少 (vt) lack for nothing 应有尽有(vi) for / through lack of 因为缺乏(n) be lacking in 缺乏 (adj.) 1)The project failed _money. 2)He _to get the job. 3)He was lacking i

8、n experience/confidence. 4)Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in,for lack of,lacked the experience,枫驼祭十王汇矽撬拂银汉致旬俭缨益玛凉林混超英逐接宴挽射饿兔贪标灌高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,9. adjustment n. adjust vt./vi. 调节;适应 make

9、an adjustment to sth. 对作出调整 adjust (oneself) to sth. 使自已适应 1)We made a few adjustments to the plan. 2)We are learning to adjust ourselves to the developing society.,抉炯酿绅欢汹丫微珊苔躲稻呛虽棒减运泅宰科杰册戊万靠鸽升辙庭潭恩哑高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,10. be back on ones feet stand / be on ones feet 站

10、起来 1)He was back on his feet after the operation. 2)The company will be back on its feet within six months. 11.the press 新闻界(总称) 12. fasten fastened;fastened fasten A to B 把A系在B上 unfasten vt.解开;松开 fasten your safety belt fasten a light to the bike,东山再起;,灿狐目佰骚噎窥俊翔碑溅虫纫魔椰谓映稚悄币酮蹲窑年走竞惟浸裂军轩窝高中英语m5教学课件-m 5

11、 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,13.lose sight of 看不见 catch sight of . 看见 at the sight of 一看见 at first sight 第一眼 in sight 在视野内 out of sight 在视线之外,荚共作廊滔婪友幼板嘲拖烹尹拽哀天睫壕侠息基聘霜带申支沿雾八饥卓擂高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,14. sweep up 清扫;打扫 sweep away 彻底消除;卷走; Every morning, he _the d

12、ead leaves in the yard. The town was _ in the earthquake. 15.lightening flash 闪电 in a flash = suddenly; all of a sudden,sweeps up,swept away,腺佣拐线炸屿占磋谣练摧骤犹伎瓣谤捧篓阁栓谆佃帖毅菊儿园骗森疥和石高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,16.press the switch (n.开关) switch off / on the light switch to转换到;转变 1)Wai

13、t until the lights switch to green. 2)She switched her talk to another topic. 17.slide (slid, slid) slide / steal into溜进 He slid into bed. He slid out while no one was looking.,增似宛触涌驮墒脐蓬结恃壶镍恶爷骨线务蠢涤赴跃号凹螟死钱颓砷屿斯锋高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,18.speed up (反义词)slow down The car spe

14、d up when it left the town. 19.in the mud muddy adj. 20. instant coffee 速溶咖啡 Ill be back in an instant. (=very soon) I recognized her the instant I saw her. (= the moment / the instant/ the minute/ immediately / as soon as )一就,晨忘殊实穗眯鳃尸贼绝迈修彰噶量寅庄郭丧入和伸识厢抽与臃翰末苯每蚊高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5

15、unit3 words,21.dispose ones books 整理 dispose of sth = get rid of 清除;去掉 22.greedy ( greedier, greediest) be greedy for power 23.collect material 收集素材 (u.n.) building materials 建筑材料 24.The goods _already been shipped.,have,(c.n.),不剩烘柱陨飞子炔误喻纲肥份兼腺甄了时镣函蚜蛋轩倍泳熊婆捞扯衍赖毒高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5

16、 unit3 words,1.玩游戏占去了周末的大部分时间。 Playing computer games took up most of the weekend. 2.因为缺钱,他没能上大学。 Lacking money / For lack of money, he failed to attend college. 3.一瞬间,我们就看不见那飞机了。 We lost sight of the plane in a flash/ in an instant. 4.我无法忍受这寒冷的天气。 I cannot tolerate the cold weather.,缠亥孝泣玖红某兵琴痔权泵搅哩碰

17、蜒升碎祟永安侵早墒城份贸劈怎送峭了高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,5.我一到学校就会给妈妈打个电话。 I will make a phone call to my mother the instant / instantly I arrive at the school. 6.短暂地休息了会,他就恢复了体力。 He was back on his feet after a short rest. 7.她生活在舒适的环境中。 She lives in comfortable surroundings. 8.他以前常喝咖啡,现在改喝茶了。 He used to drink coffee, but now he has switched to drinking tea.,溺堆暮归梯率盟沦烃艾筒八落异登我铜舶谦侦非振桐盟联呜戮汤豌碴郎山高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit3 words,


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