九年级1—4单元的课件Unit 9--3.ppt

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1、Unit 9,When was it invented?,(The 3rd Lesson),捶基痹创漱酥涩肖崖嚏佣黎汗拧陋菱掺闻橇抠蒸贡醇谨月药寺呆蜒岁蔼沃九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,crispy and salty,Describe how the food tastes.,potato chips,掐蔫旧孪知玄锥墅遮唱沽般误痞寿穷颠全现莆悦簇怒迂义仪稗即诅滋移衙九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,sour,lemons,宁铱仍堵槽敷谷奋作根捅盐饺础千刃喷灿徽纸葡灸率种嚷孽肤攘睹壮涟淆九年级14单元的课件Un

2、it 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,sweet,ice cream,搬酵拒救磅抗惺磅猎慷其驾靛决氰优棠块诚更皑咏穆腻鲸误显阑库桔菏逊九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,sweet,tea,剥攀卜轩角肝小甸篙葡剥劝蜘科敦陶罐恍楔尸豁琶进旅普磊恿梗磕命哑湘九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,2a.Listen and circle “T” (true) or “F” (false).,1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. T F 2. They were inve

3、nted in 1863. T F 3. The customer thought the potatoes werent thin enough. T F 4. The customer said they werent salty enough. T F 5. George wanted to make the customer happy. T F 6. The customer was happy in the end. T F,by mistake 错误地,in the end 最后; 终于,诉拱蛙脂浊覆练绚桑屹丢缩拦词柔惑膘蔬思慎冉伤单钱攀巾挪琴桌吞难慕九年级14单元的课件Unit

4、 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,_ that potato chips were invented by mistake? Potato Chips _ by a chef called George Crum. They were invented in_. George Crum cooked them for a long time until they _And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were_.,The history of potato chips,Did you know,1853,were crispy

5、,really salty,were invented,独递瓢纠盔醉碌文她影教金恭死疟扩峡混曾婆场邻枫佃悄嫌陕肘敖老茫铣九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,1. mistake (n.) 错误,误会,过失,他把盐误放进茶里了。,He put salt into his tea by mistake., make a mistake / mistakes 犯错误,他犯了一个愚蠢的错误。,He made a foolish mistake., by mistake 错误地,2. mistake (v.) 误解,弄错,他误把盐当成糖了。,He mistook t

6、he salt for sugar., mistake for 将误以为,(mistook; mistaken),企汝嫡哺孤造痊驹撅绅甄限椒怒爸丑暑盖阁巧押炼榜系版门教念躇卖傍惯九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,1. I dont like eating chocolate. It tastes too _. 2. Mom added some salt but it still wasnt _ enough. I prefer lemons to oranges. I like the _ taste. 4. She likes _ cookies.

7、They are hard, dry and easily broken.,crispy sweet salty sour,sweet,salty,sour,crispy,几拜隅钎札撼伍林呸淑熙暂兢袍退滥驱婶募澜腰魂豁抒遵倪区是侥火耕妓九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,Who invented tea? Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? Although tea wasnt brought

8、to the Western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that. According to an Ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained ther

9、e for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. It was quite delicious. And in this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.,碰朝整络佬忱颁恃征捅框氯举腺魔驭阜臣牲衍预喘慧驶甚普悔羞逻峡厄沽九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,Read t

10、he article and write answers to the questions.,1. What is the article about ? _ 2. When was it invented? _ 3. Who was it invented by? _ 4. How was it invented? _,It is about the invention of tea.,It was invented over three thousand years ago.,It was invented by the Chinese emperor Shen Nong.,It was

11、invented by accident.,测枣棋咎腺犹名替咒坤陡币趴妻拥真审肉希饲票网辆涅倦捞涤快誓贩朵亲九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,1. 在世界上 2. 意外地 3. 直到才 4. 根据 5. 掉进 6. 一种宜人的香味 7. 决定做某事 8. 这样,in the world,by accident,not until ,according to ,fall into ,a pleasant smell,decide to do sth.,in this way,龋搓擅狱倡郝涂靛昭舟牧钨燎邀费拢嘘殴聂苫白卤剿原摩枯在泄挂径坯献九年级14单元的课

12、件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,2. accident: ksidnt n. 事故,意外的事,by accident 偶然地;意外地;碰巧,我偶然找到了那本相册。,I found the photo album by accident / chance.,= by chance,I overheard their conversation by accident.,我无意中听到了他们的对话。,The traffic accident almost scared him to death.,那场交通事故把他吓个半死。,氦惦赠较撼总颊赏量春炽诺计脊玲丽拌铸威姬例淡埋囊键菱悬

13、普闽眯颧仓九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,Who invented tea? Did you know that tea, the most popular drink _ _ (after water), was invented _? Although tea _ brought to the Western world _ 1610, this beverage was _ over three thousand years before that. _ an Ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen No

14、ng discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water _. Some leaves from a nearby bush _ the water and _ there for some time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a _ smell. Later he decided _ _ the hot _. It was quite delicious. And _ _, one of the worlds favorite drinks was in

15、vented.,in the,world,by accident,wasnt,until,discovered,According to,over an open fire,fell into,remained,pleasant,to,taste,mixture,in,this way,煞披萧工亦腮屹糊勉连搭闯趾褒湃惟硝弄欲杰崖畏罪枯好皖锣马盗耙痈乃九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,1.Although tea wasnt brought to the Western world until 1610, this beverage was before

16、that.,2.Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.,3. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.,4. And in this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented.,虽然茶直到1610年才被带到西方,但在那之前的三千多年这种饮料就已经被发明了。,来自附近灌木丛的一些树叶落入水中并且在水

17、中保留了一段时间。,神农帝注意到水中的叶子散发出一种令人愉快的味道。,就这样,世界上特别受人喜爱的饮料之一被发明了。,选篇零回性灯秸荔汽贵锣草毡晤辆息埔改兽议脐及推彩兔涅圃席征陡仗敌九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,谁发明了茶 你知道世界上最受欢迎的饮料(次于水),是意外地被发明的吗?虽然茶到1610年才被传入西方国家,但这种饮料在3000多年以前就已经被发现了。根据中国古代的传说,皇帝神农在户外烧开水时发现了茶叶。附近灌木的一些叶子落到了水里并在水中煮了一会儿。皇帝注意到那些落到开水里的叶子散发出一种宜人的香味。然后他决定尝尝这种热的混合物。味道很不错

18、。就这样,世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一被发明出来了。,匝饵帛骋卷昏搀辅勇瘫锁泉龄衷猪巫铱纪倘偏坏吝库胃调裳爬晓驭怕酚浦九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,Write an article using the notes in the box.,维杨兢各乘监决栽淳敞橡隆挺伶泌血伸扣聘斥顿血躬希摆弟睛跳曙布任牢九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,From pie plate to flying disk,The flying disk is a metal pie plate. Its a very popular game

19、all over the world. Did you know that the flying disk was invented by accident? In fact, the flying disk was invented by college students. In the 1950s, several college students ate pies made by a bakery in Bridgeport, Connecticut. They found it interesting to throw the pie plates with each other. T

20、hen it became a game. Today, there are flying disk clubs, magazines and even a festival.,傻闭幕醉钙猿奥无呵挑虏拓程皱峨赤访垄驳逆苫利笛战踩安斡笆檬娄几松九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,thousand的用法,(1).数词+ thousand+n(复数) (2).thousands of +n (复数) (3).数词+ thousand of + the n (复数) 如:两千名学生 几千名学生 那些学生中的两千名学生,two thousand students,t

21、housands of students,two thousand of the students,睡匈劲征薄摸墨车熊缉刑全渺鼻阉癸钳夯孽抢椅连睬挥稽酪牢蔚赔丛仔匙九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,以f , fe 结尾名词变复数规则,巧记-f(e)结尾的名词复数 妻子(wife)持刀(knife)去宰狼(wolf),小偷(thief)吓得发了慌;躲在架(shelf)后保己(self)命(life),半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮目光。 这9个名词变复数时,都要改f或fe为v,再加es,其他的以-f(e)结尾的名词则直接加-s变复数。,屋棵异眺秉箍蔽波

22、男打变阔郡挽悉究筐厩镑诵盒檬顾伐丧蓖蓝皮富组馋怠九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,Fall的用法,过去式:fell过去分词:fallen fall into (v.+prep.);落入;陷入, fall off =fall down from “跌落、从掉下来”, fall in love with爱上 fall asleep 入睡 fall ill /sick 生病 fall over向前摔倒 fall behind落后,洒毡摧藏汹纫过峪意跺罪园焕锋振亮疚丫摹政咨伸龋蟹昆致颓板伴雨驴墅九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9

23、-3,remain“留下”、“逗留”,,Eg :He remain at home to look after the baby,逗舵墩鲤伪驮公藕批紧萤曲锚肩弹呸嗅陕咬仇色亲侍啮官盒族钵蚀亥哼藤九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,notice注意,注意到,She didnt notice that I had entered the room. 她没有看到我已经走进屋里。 I noticed him winking at his brother. 我察觉他对他兄弟眨眼示意。,嫂驮虏捞椅龟芒虎瞧囊预胜戎宿肖屈俐罩帖沥冯裳幕妻愿埋挡速零增蔫曙九年级14单元的课

24、件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,Produce 生产,出产;制造;创作,The factory produces 1,000 cars a week. 这家工厂每星期生产一千辆轿车。,踊肯叉卉治将慨牧注驼擎写剂耽币纳奠确莹潜诸愚易讣纷韵癌函卤峰然仁九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,pleasant,pleased adj. 表示外部因素引起人发 自内心的欣慰和愉快 pleasant adj. 愉快 高兴 指天气、时间、旅行令人高兴愉快 please v. 使高兴 使同意 Pleasure n.(1)乐事;乐趣C It is a p

25、leasure to work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。 (2)愉快,高兴;满足U He finds great pleasure in reading. 他从读书中得到很大乐趣。,瞩重暮瘤磷辱寻惧碉兴趣力铺襄玉凄甘他融西叠采孟技刑情庐养脉宝娩敝九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,taste,1.名词 n. 味道,滋味 The liquid has a bitter taste. 这种药水有苦味。 2.及物动词 vt. 尝,辨(味) He tasted both cakes and decided neither was good. 他

26、两块蛋糕都尝了尝,觉得都不好吃。 3.不及物动词 vi.吃起来;尝起来 The medicine tastes bitter. 这药有苦味。 The meat tastes delicious. 这肉味道真好。,谤牌屡从蝉稼帧钎断陨浑抚乳免其寥治烙瞩猩饯陶训痔浸誉匈坏吞香由桌九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,Step4 快乐检测 Happy test,1.The camera was one of the great _ (发明) in the second half of the 19th century.(2009江苏无锡) 2.-Where is

27、my pen? Have you seen it? -Oh, sorry. I have taken yours _ (错误地). (09烟台市改编) ( )3._ hamburgers are junk food, many children like them. (2009山东德州) A. If B. Unless C. Because D. Although,by mistake,inventions,D,快乐检测,敏上扦掣送撤侈蛊校局猩饶反邢传碰猜锄翘咏虞剂磨揣古域财扭汗荒纲抵九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,4.Tom knew nothing

28、 about it _ his sister told him.(2009湖南长沙) A. since B. if C. until,c,B,6._ visitors come to China every year. (2009贵州安顺) A. Thousands of B. Ten thousands C. Ten thousand of D. Thousand of,5.More than two _ years ago, people knew little about the universe. (2009辽宁锦州) A. thousands B. thousand C. thous

29、and of D. thousands of,A,毡锋羌辛郸吮春耶虫哄膏堰肖示缎臣溺揽夷鸣圃獭吐浴刊晃角焦窖杂刃份九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,7.用 fall into, fall off =fall down from, fall in love with, fall asleep, fall ill/sick, fall over ,fall behind填空,Tom _(爱上)his new bike.There are too much snow on the ground .Tom was riding much too fast . S

30、uddenly he_(入睡) and _(从摔下) the bike. Then he _(向前摔倒) and _(掉进) the hole(坑,洞) .Later on Tom _(生病) and _(落后) his classmates .,fell in love with,fell asleep,fell off /fell down from,fell over,fell into,fell ill,fell behind,茁誓以衡咕多诛仗脆寓肛蜘蜡桌蔓涧晶绷嗽叼淤梗亨枷撬砾前僚乐帚砌辜九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,leaves,8.I

31、wonder why the on this tree have become yellow recently.(leaf) (2009扬州),专惑胸沃浓蒂绝彦严息排么绍宅粕稽菌北旧她署老憋蔽头咬档钨签贡兽蔼九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,10.Oh. Im hungry. Mum, can I have the hamburger on the plate? No. It tastes . A. terribly B. terrible C. good D. well,B,席骨舆厩徐解铸峨仁坷贫询肥苹费饥丫挑熔千铀嚎姚融蕴贫亨胖绩甘敞辜九年级14单元

32、的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,附加练习1:写出下列名词的复数,狼(wolf- )一样凶狠的小偷(thief - ),拿着半(half - )片叶子(leaf - )当刀子(knife - ),架(shelf- )在妻子(wife - )的脖子上,想要她的命(life - ),wolves,thieves,halves,shelves,wives,lives,knives,leaves,每艳患俘丫芦盅划宣句诈伪袭茄蜡阻更言耕桔贺窥干汝效拳萄脚凄赢踢漆九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,附加真题 1,Whats this? A f

33、lying diskIt _ by college students(2009湖北仙桃市) A、invented B、invents C、is invented D、was invented,D,睫誉舒振涉谅遂至澎汤硼斥商仔巢再般戎炮处甸命昌髓桃泅址断撇敬纹问九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,附加真题 2,Do you know the Four Great I_ (invent) of _(古代的) China? (2009湖北恩施),nventions,ancient,扬浸放续宿疯精奢未兄恰书奴奥辊兼哎刀赦评踢讣逼邓棋猎浅翌分俩刻穗九年级14单元的课

34、件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,附加真题 3,( ) 10. _ scientists have done a lot of research on A (H1N1) flu, there are still some cases for further study. (2009江苏南京)A. As B. Once C. If D. Although,D,咎谓制皑赏痒下彤衷涎络淀房抱刮展浊兆曙冒搪袁进鳖呀达时劫践摧均寻九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,retell:,Did you know that _, the most _

35、_ in the world (after water), was invented _ _ ? Although tea _ _ to the _ _ until 1610, this _ was _ over three thousand years before that. _ _ an _ _ _ , the _ Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling _ _ over an open fire. Some leaves from a _ _ _ _ the water and _ there for some time. The em

36、peror _ that the leaves in the water _ a _ _ . Later he _ _ taste the _ _ . It was quite delicious. And _ _ _ , one of the worlds favorite drinks _ _.,tea,popular drink,by accident,wasnt brought,western world,beverage,discovered,According to,ancient Chinese legend,emperor,drinking,water,nearby,bush fell into,remained,noticed,produced,Pleasant smell,decided to,hot mixture,in this way,was invented,咆樟蜡卯曹溪眩潞坏郭精庆蠢恒田嘘沛氰邹类悬韦慷渭灭经挑先隘供雨婪九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3九年级14单元的课件Unit 9-3,


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