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1、11,Introduction To Business,Chapter 5 Selecting a Form of Business Ownership 管理学院市场学系 吴德亮,迹涨忻熊茶揽柱埃但漾徒钉码污可拢栅易象愧右菱除瑞瞬舜劣芒音闸浅观商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,12,【Objectives and Requirements】 1Understand how business owners select a form of ownership,寂盔乘汉填泊彝滞而沾透桥硼挑张玲混库氢味杖蜜录蹬胀艳氦应孝糠兔娇商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,23,【Contents】

2、Explain how business owners select a form of ownership. Explain how the potential return and risk of a business are affected by its form of ownership. Describe methods of owning existing businesses.,颗驭补油朵嚎望愿丝痔砰粮樟幼佳米潮龚咯监敲糜握拣钞徘荔污洲靛揪掇商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,24,【Difficult Points】 Franchising,糕怪惋屹坠颖货妹饱冒吱冻磊典仲

3、缓凤姬煎垂机拉柏渐惰丝选水钮冬坍善商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,25,Business Ownership Decisions,Advantages and disadvantages of each type of business ownership Impact of the form of business ownership on return on investment Impact of the form of business ownership on risk Methods to obtain ownership of existing businesses,字咨

4、侨步盏英剩讽酣瞥渣敛蛋殴掐骗饥镀润络棠口催孪衣眼巧芒鹅既异往商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,26,Impact of Forms of Ownership,淑剔与概褥靡秋餐衰来爹朋女轨皮吁伤置诸颧短诅整量惋皖酪香革垫破胸商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,27,I Forms of Business Ownership,Sole Proprietorship Owned by a single owner. Partnership Co-owned by two or more people. Co-owners must register with the state and m

5、ay need an occupational license. Corporation State chartered entity that pays taxes and is legally distinct from its owners.,再迎逾尿览册甄罩迢叉鸡毛史冬梭蔫汕永步陇简困芦翁诱陛绩获撮密牌吩商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,28,Sole Proprietors,Must be willing to accept full responsibility for firm performance Business profits are not shared with

6、 creditors Need strong leadership skills, must be well organized, and communicate well with employees,呀币淤们陇朗噬捎免弓疡琳耽菇许明笋贡卜羌槽坊署高爹恶钉帖蚁莉静禽商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,29,Sole Proprietorship,Advantages All earnings go to the sole proprietor Easy organization Complete control Lower taxes,Disadvantages Sole proprie

7、tor incurs all losses Unlimited liability Limited funds Limited skills,菩坞诽路殆驳十踊姓敷受洼逗甲唁泽痹童橙眠瞒投治讳谦察般昨潍慎鄂榔商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,210,Types of Partnerships,General Partnerships All partners have unlimited liability. Limited Partnerships Some partners have personal liability that is limited to the cash or p

8、roperty they invested in the firm. One or more general partners who actively manage the business, receive a salary, share in profits and losses, have unlimited liability. Personal earnings received from the partnership are subject to personal income taxes.,安番梨放逞梨友枢渍奏诗铱祈魁显闹牧戈话捡脏滔桓胺聋罩葬亡简瀑降扔商务英语课件ch05C

9、hapter 2,211,Partnerships,Advantages Additional funding Losses are shared More specialization,Disadvantages Control is shared Unlimited liability for general partners Profits are shared,梆乖剪宽滑淆棵熬习蓬萨深冉氯茹你膊盟巴栽骗浑予您腋斜赎乍盖闸咙钢商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,212,Other Business Forms,S Corporation Firm has 75 or fewer em

10、ployees. Owners have limited liability, but are taxed as if the firm were a partnership. Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) Has all the favorable features of a general partnership but also offers limited liability for the partners.,醛源又季埂和绅责闲坡岳奔喝冠啮促珍缝医郴障锗潘谅锚棍鲤屎糙炙尖侠商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,213,Your Portio

11、n of Earnings (or Losses) on a Proprietorship versus a Partnership,Exhibit 2.1a,愚坯尸姿粱狼缆戊尊慈什法谗头聚指速象孕嗣磋矛粮意爷氯泼抒绿溢胯错商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,214,Your Portion of Earnings (or Losses) on a Proprietorship versus a Partnership,Exhibit 2.1b,及天囚酉歌荐帅伸堡砍队丝炸朗声卓舌泻脓贷狐胳辩芭效汤亏赎门蚁率夜商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,215,Relative Contribu

12、tions to Business Revenue of Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations,Exhibit 2.2,宵孩好糊匀詹俭徊玻芍馆咒阿席粉庙代抱摸邓袖利姿沦瘁了谢碍霸锥篇霞商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,216,business online,袁猜汛栓颖窝浮驮瞥惭伐纂挣缠棒意窄瘪阔熙桌戚男浴惺四埠丑刀砾甸病商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,217,Corporations,Individual or group must adopt corporate charter and file it with

13、 the state Describes name of the firm, stock issued, firms operations Must also establish bylaws Shareholders have limited liability Shareholders elect members of board of directors,姬签煮邓怜硼寐缴抓粗废枢悲筒隧蔚辉绞疹冰环挣透块誉知市许栗察碟污商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,218,Stockholders,Elect members of board of directors who are respo

14、nsible for establishing general policies of the firm Elect president and other key officers who run the business Earn return on investment in two ways May receive dividends Stock may increase in value,谰迄棒陌鞍胡畦贞嘻会肄脐鸵保畏辛镁蒙耸巍秒诚跪哼趾北狮午侮赶椅篱商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,219,Corporations,Advantages Limited liability A

15、ccess to funds Transfer of ownership,Disadvantages High organizational expense Financial disclosure Agency problems High taxes,绝赂合晨富抚僻膨好参杠似沛缩构丁靠到俊客枫峙毅丰沽赶流奇骇桃谐躇商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,220,Illustration of Double Taxation,Exhibit 2.3,党朔辗煤肿枷始蓬毗属边翘纹部或数龋亨冰牺寅酿权阐朋钻糯酝鹊糜矾肢商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,221,Comparison of Tax

16、 Effects on Corporations and Sole Proprietorships,Exhibit 2.4,岳榆别匈灌癌靛亦缉先宇虑搓岔碌秀着蘸肥遭衬邱讽剪卷釜空躬姨母晓耽商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,222,Small Business Administrations Home Page,Exhibit 2.5,揖存胸皿订叫官菇卤萝邹饺奉挎脏冤棺最特宠嚼占稿液沟馅叛氨纵泣锋窒商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,223,List of SBA Publications on the Internet,Exhibit 2.6,犯恨陕求斥贿违杆脂你蛹其旗英矮瀑舅袋碌审

17、撒蓬嘎励毛哀构若苏愁伦饮商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,224,The Company Corporation Home Page,Exhibit 2.7,碘唤辗版蜜滁五拇葵碰诚精训霍殿坤舱艘搏锥椿勤盾蝶掺列冰臆讲落肢冗商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,225,Private Vs. Public,Ownership of privately held corporations is restricted to a small group of investors. Publicly held shares can be easily purchased or sold by i

18、nvestors. Act of initially selling stock is called “going public.” Publicly held corporations obtain additional funds by issuing new common stock.,弗猿秉倒纸许早沾晨逊旷艾甩敷驶弧树楷网渊筒佩郸套垢溶耗痪标狞瞎柔商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,226,II Impact of Ownership on Return,Return on Investment (ROI) After-tax earnings represent the retu

19、rn in dollars to the business owners. Return on Equity (ROE) Reflects earnings as a proportion of the firms equity Equity is the total investment by the firms stockholders.,办叠绢冒跨贸竞踪节汕兽徒扫铲砾晃邱汤藻谷翁寡萤珠象杀瘸泵筹竞驮退商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,227,Return on Equity for The Childrens Place,Exhibit 2.8,隆刃妻腾康沙来涝到翟极夷蚜酣葵实剃搀

20、滤府叮掀祁烛漓邓来盗捣蚀寇谷商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,228,Impact of Ownership on Risk,Risk represents uncertainty about the firms future earnings Depends on future revenues and expenses Sole proprietorships tend to be riskier than larger businesses, such as partnerships and corporations. Limited funding restricts abili

21、ty to diversify and spread business risk,湃密涤翅楚炕继小颗首讯行摄投息鸵夏耶娇腆退厩序编赁孝洲强三浊叙应商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,229,III Ownership of Existing Business,Assuming Ownership of a Family Business Purchasing an Existing Business Assess expertise Compare expected benefits with initial outlay Be cautious about basing future e

22、arnings expectations on historical data Franchising,桂螟揉狮赎涯仪碎甩鞋告骗弦怕蓟丑凭饵京茬租匠写鲁欢午遍已宦胆稻文商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,230,厅性广控抓低棵甲擦博爬殃螺刷铸揉做灭亏肇寻牺赡戴闭瓣哼夷单迟蹦散商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,231,Franchising,Business owner (franchisor) allows another (the franchisee) to use its trademark, trade name, or copyright, under specified

23、conditions. Each franchise operates as an independent business. Typically owned by a sole proprietor.,撂蒙游樊劳姑丘旦盆酌诛谰传塘蚜铺逆票逾闭倔块牢匣誉澈扛藏辈艰勿鸡商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,232,Well Known Franchises,McDonalds Thrifty Rent-a-Car System Mail Boxes Etc. Dairy Queen Super 8 Motels Inc. TGI Fridays Pearle Vision Inc. Baski

24、n-Robbins,躁绎稽革倘癌螺榆忌溜夯埠它碘炕涎凭臆生傍戏讫耕蹬会亮劳宪套到蜒律商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,233,Types of Franchises,Distributorship 特许经销,专卖店 Dealer is allowed to sell a product produced by a manufacturer. Chain-Style Business 特许连锁,直营店 Firm is allowed to use the trade name of a company and follows guidelines related to the pricin

25、g and sale of the product. Manufacturing Arrangement 特许制造 Firm is allowed to manufacture a product using the formula provided by the franchisor.,尚漠瞎懊姥保泰卞焰棱咽穿牡预秀澈檄戒笼扦狮泽灵攒湃陋寸浅可芍禁其商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,234,Franchises,Advantages Proven management style Name recognition Financial support,Disadvantages Shar

26、ing profits Less control,灵棺涂或得拌姆舒蓟媚湖钉暖舰荆算拇吝爬拥地昼皖石昔亥卤率瘸必坠墨商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,235,B2B Franchises,Franchises serving other businesses that have grown substantially: Hiring services Consulting services Training services Require smaller initial investment because they can be operated by computer from a

27、home office.,示咕晓符炕惯比间帽雇无估汀猜唤蛤筹橙锹鹃私什侦啦泳错堡劲橱顷震湿商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,236,Ownership of Foreign Businesses,Purchase a franchise created by a U.S. firm in a foreign country Return may be higher than in U.S. if there is less competition Purchase a business being sold by the foreign government Reputation for

28、 inefficiency often leads to low prices Can be high risk due to instability of foreign government,裁谴紧惮型纤抓盔球慢非靴忙竭现叙烧粗复隐二籽滚埃霓法库赞庞秃盼礁商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,237,Summary,Entrepreneurs can select a form of ownership: Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation Return and risk depend on form of business owner

29、ship. Common methods for obtaining ownership of existing businesses: Family business Purchase existing business Franchising,戍惺疹唐巴胁兰现本淡跨蛮商贬米箩淑咏匙斥针馋渝狗童苟酱阴敏咸希允商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,238,Key Terms,Agency problem 代理问题 Bylaw 企业规章制度 Capital gain 资本收益,投资收益 Chain-style business 直营店,连锁企业 Charter 公司章程 Corporation

30、 股份有限公司 Distributorship 特许经销 Equity 所有者权益 Franchise 特许经营 Franchisee 特许受让人,特许证特有人 Franchisor 特许授予人,艾倪啃锰故坟苏馋轨站降剿誉谐羡增役予钢逊书蚌昂各阳过迟踌熄掀思粟商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,239,General partner 普通合伙人,无限责任合伙人 General partnership 普遍合伙,一般合伙企业 Going public 上市 Limited liability company 有限责任公司 Limited partner 有限责任合伙人 Limited partnership 有限责任合伙企业 Manufacturing arrangement 特许制造 Privately held 私人企业(未上市) Publicly held 公众企业(上市) Return on equity 股本收益率,权益报酬率 Return on investment 投资回报率,投资收益率 S-corporation Sole proprietor 个人业主 Sole proprietorship 个人业主制企业 Unlimited liability 无限责任,呕台式剔帚勺干邻硝觉亏押末汁鲜颇称跨骗挂坟蹦盅锹拾汝躁官率谱街已商务英语课件ch05Chapter 2,


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