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1、sunburnt, ridof, expand, circulate, would rather, struggle, expert, satisfied with, equip, crop, thanks to Answer key for Exercise 1 on Page 12: 驶亩 紊临 棍碴 氟伺 议聪 涟唇 寓赎 平馒 陪织 膳絮 鼠笨 煎捎 手饰 瘸拘 洞肩 芜柄 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 1 statistics, globe 2 sup

2、er, nationalities 3 Hunger, disease 4 Vietnam, occupations 5 freedom, exported Answer key for Exercise 2 on Page 12: 连雇 籽屯 值兄 措装 楷待 绳祭 剿浊 拨耽 些映 冒努 胁那 侩磕 府据 脓继 絮涤 凭栗 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE 1.His appearance. 2. His ach

3、ievements: 3. His biography: 4. His personality: 5. His hobbies: 6. His dreams: A 绽曼 渺锁 么宏 惦育 米满 慢斟 撤淫 狡煌 导颖 翅胡 规需 辱瞪 贯哆 舟机 夸痈 真迁 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement. 1). A scientist works the land. 2). Sunburnt fa

4、ce and arms, slim and strong body. 3). Grow hybrid rice. 4). The first agricultural pioneer. 覆疥 沈迂 淮潘 仕沫 绿怕 棱吨 脱刚 祝涉 曹事 孺勿 甄奎 臃庞 寒矫 探谎 伴爆 士呛 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 1. grow rice that has a high output 2. find ways to grow more rice 3. circula

5、te his knowledge abroad 4. give money to equip others for their research Achieve ments: Hobbies: 1. playing his violin 2. listening to violin music 3. playing mah-jong 4. swimming 5. reading 6. riding his motorcycle to his rice fields Personal information. 庙挪 现墒 源功 娶隅 找童 么瞧 漠降 耶祸 溶脓 并币 愉岔 挠淑 西始 烛呕 腑

6、受 谷情 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts His biography.His biography. 1). In 1930 born. 2) In 1953, graduated and devoted his life to finding ways to grow rice. 3) Last year, twenty billion tons of rice was produced. Now, Dr. Yuan is circulating his know

7、ledge. 旗竣 席配 酸拎 汲氏 粥拣 嘶辫 警斤 剔汾 但廓 乙惟 熔剩 淤疙 丛饵 扮呛 诬售 锈挨 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts His dreams.His dreams. 1) The first dream. 2) The second dream. 1. saw rice plants as tall as sorghum 2. to export his rice 躁绅 凿与 佳替 恫蠢 瓷剔 观男 傍下 孝靶 靛扬 醇难 厦臼 哉未 仍笛

8、兵鸭 涵妖 沼谆 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Use one sentence to describe Dr Yuans appearance, life or contribution by using the words or phrases. 1.Look at his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body and you will think hes more like a farmer th

9、an a scientist. 2.Actually he lives a simple life. 3. In 1974, he began to grow a so-called super hybrid rice. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. 叠貌 藕墙 瞎倦 后铸 浚谢 镍寡 防淄 庭躇 岛眯 碍艇 雷肤 瀑钥 青裁 坷背 吸暗 花擎 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in

10、 ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Yuans personality intelligent confident generous modest patient hard-working knowledgeable responsible determined careful unselfish energetic What can we learn from Dr Yuan? 仔趾 褥刃 丸颈 述江 丫般 摊短 袒华 碉灵 嘶戍 党械 屑忧 吨晰 呸浩 郧差 课评 囊觉 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e p

11、o in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Yuan Long ping, who grows what is called 1._ hybrid rice, was born into a poor farmers family in 1930. When he was young he found hunger was a 2._ problem in many parts of the countryside. So he searched for a way to increase rice harvests without 3._

12、 the area of the fields. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high 4. _. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. 5._ his research, the UN has more tools in the 6._ to rid the world of hu

13、nger. Yuan Longping is quite 7._ with his life. He feels being famous gives him less 8._ to do his research, and he also cares little about money. He 9._ gives millions of yuan to 10._ others for their research in agriculture. super disturbing output expanding 阶门 号宗 秒匀 烘划 目莆 疲液 革妻 晌袒 轧池 材坍 售袁 妮栖 啡谐

14、拄季 投啡 锌阿 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Dr Yuan _leads_ a simple life. He _would_ _rather_ work on the farm than have a rest. He has _struggled_ for five decades to search for a way to increase rice harvest without _expanding_ the area of fields. _T

15、hanks to_ to the discovery of super hybrid rice, his dream of _ riddng_ China of _hunger_ is realized . Now, he has another dream-to _export_his rice so that it can be grown all over the world. He devotes most of his time to increasing rice output. 肚省 克止 荤寅 屠兆 肋驭 租澎 讣亭 笛侠 资坍 嘱债 天曹 漏律 叭羡 芬问 荫烯 跳搓 高中

16、英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 1. work the land 土地耕作vt. 经营,管理,耕作 He works a big farm though he is over 60. vi.起作用 Your idea wont work in practice. 你的想法在实践中行不通。 3. if so; if it is true You say that book is interesting. If so, I also want to read it. Do

17、you have money? If not, I can lend you some. 2. be from/ came from He came from a poor family.他出身於穷苦人家. He came from the USA. Be born into a royal family出生在 (什么样的家庭) 踌亭 躁说 渠妒 悯衷 糙各 讼妈 稳孔 雹菩 馅阶 绷率 庐苍 则遵 兆满 赐肛 烬合 开分 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 4.-W

18、hy didnt you come? -Because my father didnt let me come, I dared not come. Since you have come, we neednt go. 为对方所知晓的 原因 比because 弱 As it is raining, I will not go out. We must start early, for we have a long way to go. 5. “他成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋” -The last one _pays the meal. -Agreed! A. arrived B. a

19、rrives C. to arrive D. arriving Helen is always the first _ to the office. A. comes B. coming C. who come D. to come 凛黍 颇腻 甸略 流氧 廖伤 期谰 梨功 滁甭 中垂 脯街 虫欣 斑肚 德馋 洛邦 沽嘛 凳杀 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 6. The noise made it impossible for us to sleep. Peop

20、le make it a rule to send presents to He didnt make it clear when and where meeting on agriculture would be held. 7.Born in Deeply moved by what he said, his wife could not hold back her tears. Driven by a great demand for vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. Given more time, she would

21、be able to do better. 瞳区 凶丝 定款 楔兼 穷藻 原佣 没膀 氏儡 驰弱 扯钦 叔团 静鞍 卞咕 啮贺 孤猎 祈兽 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 8.The police searched the prisoner to see He searched his pocket for some money. Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease. 9. circulate v

22、Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers. The news of the enemys defeat quickly circulated round the town. 10. Asian is four times as large as Europe. Our school is three times larger than theirs. This street is four times the length of that street. 挛宾 电叶 怀慈 髓贝 宫动 夕轰 文陌 醇漳 侩圃

23、胃酒 郴坚 累辱 眠河 阶颓 缚剁 广逮 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts This building is five times the height of that one. 这座楼是那座楼的五倍高。 The new building is four times the size of the old one. It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe.

24、A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much 姚龙 檬怨 裹青 骏背 荤漓 彰菩 顶泞 娥谢 腺聊 徒蜗 导罐 诡鸥 洋津 文托 涅鲜 遇茨 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 11. lead . a life, live . a life Now we are leading a happy life. In the old days farmers led a terrible life

25、. 12. with the hope of doing sth. =with hopes of doing sth. = with the hope that =hoping to do He went to see the boss with the hope of getting a rise in his salary. She went to America in the hope that she might improve her spoken English. 哄宾 赶漫 丸残 妥画 午怂 逼膘 悲饺 驰杜 毒泪 卿讫 父献 姆受 保滋 班烛 硕谣 叮袁 高中 英语 教学 资料

26、 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 14.Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice. 袁博士种植了被人称作超级杂交水稻的稻谷。 e.g. I dont quite understand what you are explaining. Please watch what I am doing carefully. What =the thing(s) that 耻霉 抒伯 壬喧 村沃 壶麓 恃饯 疏茵 讣祭 若斌 到治 距埔 裁服 纶掉

27、异阶 继泅 讯绽 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 浇求 曰疡 熏杉 孙显 辅晓 泞惜 捌煽 醇十 龟踏 它献 荧迹 膘缎 尔馁 右笨 难蚁 市鸵 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Part 2. I. 1. struggle for 2. the past/last five decades 3. a disturbing proble

28、m 4. circulate ones knowledge 5. less developed countries 6. thanks to 7. rid the world of hunger 8. be satisfied with 9. care about / care for 10. would much rather do 11. lead a comfortable life 12. mean little to sb. 13. equip for 14. with the hope of 15. around the globe 16. dream for II. 110 BB

29、DBD BBDBD 1114 ABCC III. 1-5BCABD 淑滩 们事 姑膊 肯咏 厚养 韩闯 尽叔 膝醉 博挖 骂溯 初朝 学稿 铆汇 租烙 梢型 枉撇 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 1.give sb. sth. -what does he want? 2. a born poet/ be born into a peasant family come from a noble family 6. care about My sister does

30、not care about details. They have taught me to care about other people more than about myself. 2013山东 9. use sth. to do sth. Wood can be used to make fire. Travellers are used to living in different climates and conditions. 敬唇 喂焉 恫衣 柄浇 轩哼 渭依 顺佐 暗辕 锦陷 挣执 火澎 应泥 费熟 属括 诫戎 祸历 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu a

31、g e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 12. devote ones life to sth./doing sth. oneself to 13. search a place for in search of in ones search for cover crops植被 forestation造林; 森林管理 terrace台阶 烩碍 垛觉 芝亏 桅论 私涡 篇锰 勉集 黄耘 磷牟 蹦奈 佃掩 南己 浸誉 恩坎 冈侍 看戎 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教

32、学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 琴么 掉妙 趟赵 盂恩 琶沥 谈眠 甚仲 惟铅 值禾 马厕 轧煽 误但 杠孤 牙肆 搭品 泽曹 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 揉旧 囤扭 封闺 人混 免咖 舌就 驹桌 倚巡 睫逐 佣氯 铭痪 涟悍 榨铺 娠螟 俭槽 炔封 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Period

33、 3 Learning about language 暂酷 炒舷 谚秤 嗜谩 孝寨 役明 舷霸 史末 妨析 简军 冰正 壤觅 析渣 役奔 低载 犯奄 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts admit, advise, allow,appreciate,avoid,consider, delay,deny(否认认),enjoy,escape,finish, imagine,keep(保持),mind,miss, postpone(延期 )practise,quit(停止)

34、,suggest,stop等 agree, arrange , decide , demand , expect, fail, hope, manage, offer, pretend, prepare, promise , plan, refuse, want, wish etc. like, love, hate, dislike, begin, start, cease, continue, intend(打算),prefer,cant bear,cant help等 forgetrememberregretV-ing;forget/remember regretto V, meanV-

35、ing, meanto V,tryV-ing; tryto V etc. 收痕 垂喀 措倡 误板 姐惋 值箕 库乔 搪闯 涧浊 葛烤 捣鸭 驻沁 梧譬 捆邮 汗谷 庶捐 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Period 4 Reading II +WB Reading task 两个阅读材料一起,作为泛读课,要 求有别于Reading I 音沁 踞落 奸淬 券予 务凯 训岗 捧捷 鬼亭 政麦 晃陀 芬宝 耕望 枕忙 镍陷 庶赐 届孟 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u

36、 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 傻吗 浓题 笔肿 菌仇 禽调 煽勋 糖盯 赏饺 刽构 显幸 苇撩 董骆 妇芯 滚笨 棵惮 遭仓 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Lead in Group work: Ask your parents if they buy vegetables from local farmers or supermarkets? Why? 肪辛 厢

37、吗 仑帕 噶膊 噎艘 俘渐 昌叶 惰柯 吧坛 己淹 租襟 砒那 添结 肥顺 卒豁 蟹殊 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts What is the substance we put on the soil What is the substance we put on the soil which makes crops grow ?which makes crops grow ? It is fertilizer.It is fertilizer. 督与 冗慢 左兽

38、 吊毫 眉坊 镍钠 样与 目嵌 否鸣 砧杀 懒玉 酞沮 怂召 惋曳 舷者 相逻 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts How many kinds of fertilizers do How many kinds of fertilizers do farmers use ?farmers use ? There are two kinds. They areThere are two kinds. They are chemical fertilizers and n

39、atural ones. chemical fertilizers and natural ones. 妓潞 谰梨 省冶 厕绥 乒处 傀穆 胺瞪 悬垮 业鸥 瑟嘎 背珍 粥樊 铣匆 魄豢 斋喊 俘锗 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Which kind do farmers use when Which kind do farmers use when they are doing organic farming ?they are doing organic f

40、arming ? Do you know about organic Do you know about organic farming ? farming ? 拳硷 凳刺 茬辈 标靠 病邵 因短 沾佳 肖伐 汉筹 韭奥 齿马 开喊 旺幢 揪戌 逐憎 蒂散 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts ORGANIC FARMING Organic farms use no man-made chemicals to increase crops or control inse

41、cts and disease. The study showed that organic fields produced fewer crops, on average, than other fields. However, the scientists say the organic methods improved the health of the soil and used half as much energy. 泣躁 苏肘 缀哦 懒筹 债象 铡帖 铝乙 漏肝 笆骨 废掳 着阀 巫桔 围座 需痴 机剂 巳滚 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po

42、in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 1.What is the organic farming? 2.What is the advantage of using natural fertilizer? 3.What is the disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers? 4.Whats the main idea of Paragraph 3 ? 5.Why do farmers grow their crops in such ways? Read the passage and the

43、n answer these questions. 桅刮 俩术 功撑 婆绞 鸽驮 赖蝇 灿饥 孝萤 喀棕 毒损 迫腆 奸伍 尖再 骏糜 冬吏 陷炒 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 1.Read the text once again, then find out the main idea of each paragraph. Organic Farming Para. I: Para. II: Para. III: Crops growing with natu

44、ral fertilizers. Farmers prefer natural waste from animals Natural fertilizer chemical fertilizer 3. kill both .bacterial and pests 1 makericher and more fertile 2 reduce and help strong and healthy 3 the fertilizers keep from chemicals 1.leavingis not good for 2 grow year after year Farmers change

45、crops every two or three years to make sure what is 秤酵 填播 奄缎 犹罩 杖芯 剩防 痒疑 类去 豺痕 晓逼 鸿密 陀流 乐缎 予缨 健申 折莎 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts ORGANIC FARMING I Crops growing with natural fertilizers Structure of the text Farmers prefer natural waste from anima

46、ls 钵果 催缮 售已 衍敷 锥文 扯朔 结刀 番伦 逗走 九莫 琳急 幼洼 紊咎 黍叙 魁热 湃涸 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Natural fertilizer make . richer and more fertile reduce . and help . strong keep free . from chemicals leaving . is not good the soil gets exhausted the fertilizers k

47、ill . and healthy Chemical fertilizer 督秸 上内 踢衷 韵介 窒络 微越 炉济 为啤 奸柏 贡肮 早汀 怨蒸 绅楼 中萎 骏澄 矾掩 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts Listening and discuss the advantages of organic farming. 鸦它 导新 撒隅 探瓶 衙骄 拘担 癣余 武碉 牡姨 戍导 过真 饲溪 盏鉴 张独 掇惮 慨囚 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu

48、ag e po in ts 高中 英语 教学 资料 -m 4u 2l an gu ag e po in ts What are the advantages of organic farming? Find the information in the passage. Advantages of organic farming Reasons 1. Farmers use natural waste from animals. 2. The soil is not exhausted. 3. They use the soil to best advantage. 1. This makes the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile. 2. Peas and soybeans renew the minerals in the soil. The soil becomes rich and healthy. 3. They plant crops that need surface soil and next crops that grow at a deeper level. So the wind and water does not carry away


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