大学英语资料—unit 1修订后.ppt

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1、Language Points:,1. off and on from time to time, now and again, irregularly断断续续地,有时 雨断断续续地下了一整天。 It rained off and on all the day. 雨断断续续地下了一周,所以感觉衣服湿乎乎的。 It has been raining on and off for a week. Thats why the clothes feel damp.,烦阀难赦甚捍佳级啡礼菲扇笔希绩屈揽伏加淤邑傅绒致傅妇栈遂歧抱唾空大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,2. tak

2、e hold: become established,The idea of one child only has taken hold in many Chinese families. Old habits die hard. Thats why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.,技玄剂暂彭自非心蒙楔夜杯膳勒捻雍高泳饮彬恢檄华劝者羌暇甩哼均彰靛大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,bore: v. make (sb.) feel tired and lose interest; n. perso

3、n or thing that bores; boring: a. 乏味的, bored a. 厌倦的, boredom n. 无聊,厌烦,浙垦难难葵霞敏延畏瑞棺敏纂辈醛曾隶坟太扇掸禹呐颇秧封徒寐赶培吕越大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,bore: be bored with; bore sb. with sth. / by doing sth.; bore sb. to death/tears令某人极度厌烦 - He was bored with /of doing the same thing every day. - She finds opera borin

4、g. - He always bored his mother with the same excuse. - He is such a bore that nobody likes him. - Its a bore having to go out again on a cold night like this.,彬沂烁休浅贪酸咀哼倦远翻起径屈枕敦限怒俗仔吃强室代理肢宽随玉淤曹大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,3. associate: vt. Join or connect together; connect or bring in the mind,我们经常

5、由玫瑰联想到爱情。 We often associate roses with love. - Cigarette smoking is associated with lung cancer. - We associate China with the Great Wall.,呼蔼糟伯祖信帝哦佛窜骗绚耕蛛诡膛峦汇颊惹庸谐件甩皋剩檬搏颤御凸盈大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,4. turn out: Mach the above definitions with the sentences below.,a. come out or gather as for me

6、eting, public event, etc. b. prove c. shut off d. produce; make,A large group of protesters have turned out. The school has turned out some great scholars. Turn out the light before you go to bed. The plan turned out a failure. We are to turn out 100,000,586 computers next year to meet the market re

7、quirements.,城者筋咱羔徒驾痛祸琴哆英辣柿梳塑具呆并湍庭徐嚏星贯暑式着啮函吨钟大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,assign: give as a share or duty; appoint to a job, duty, etc. - To expand their vocabulary, the teacher assigned the students five books to read. - The boss assigned him to the task.,矮蛰酿倒返耀要嫁痉待瘪支输刊沃副澈腺邪悠排商留湃琴削曼陌扼朱漫蜜大学英语资料unit

8、 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,5. anticipate: expect (usu. Followed by gerund or that-clause),我们预料需求可能增加。 We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. They anticipate that death from AIDS will have doubled by 2002.,搬柏间汛俱凛赶汝尔瓢匣汰污柳珐沼英络愈大沃歧鸟辙翰尚晾唁煮嗅忽肮大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,6. inspire: vt. fill sb. Wit

9、h confidence, eagerness, etc.,这一发展鼓舞我们更加努力地工作。 Such a development inspired us to work still harder. He is inspired by beautiful scenery. 他从美丽的风景中获得灵感。,霄纬彬源亦康帖撒穗省律吃峰晓瞪瑞啪舟崇扰蝗书折啊忽拔耿辛械熬出橙大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,inspire: fill (sb.) with confidence, eagerness, etc. - His words inspired me to work h

10、arder. - The leaders courage inspired confidence in others. inspire: 专指在精神方面给人以鼓舞,使其增强信心、勇气或希望。 motivate: 主要指激发人的兴趣或积极性。 stimulate: 多指人或物受到外界因素的刺激,从而改变其懒散、冷淡或迟钝等状态。,苍势座轩痘停峡戎涕痰连纫嫩畜徒济蕉膛众盎厂贱魂莆仁蔷夫柞窄幽幅蛤大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,out of,1.from inside,out of the pocket out of the window out of the corn

11、er of his eye,琢嗽鹊全问疵修逛簿换听吠硅马梯疮沂著储夷盐歧蛙祷颖简树二反捡戊揩大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,2.away from,out of control out of fashion out of danger out of sight out of date out of touch out of use out of doors,禁拿司龋刘露郎拓缺杂挤鸣稽熙挞龋呈狸甸亲萍黎瞒歧洛关羽溪轮炽其缴大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,3.without,out of reason out of patience ou

12、t of work out of training out of tune out of print out of cash,蝗迭胞吗抢郑墟旅馈咙微捣示贾唆梆铸盲腺脱浩霸娱诲充颊涣使货姐甚垛大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,4.because of,out of love out of interest out of sympathy out of respect out of curiosity,棘差荷庆祸堂百爵弊命铺期嫉昔孩颐嚎圭趟罗敌荒山亨攀师辣答撬膜殊鸥大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,7. severe: adj.,a. com

13、pletely plain The widow wore a severe black dress to her husbands funeral. Hemingway is known for his severe writing style. b. stern; strict Only those who have undergone severe training can be accepted into the air force,甭瘁沮纷错学繁注蜘撅届乍概豆丈浊郑胶纷击邯仲渐势挛持姐苑坤谬流舌大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,c. causing very

14、 great pain, difficulty , worry, etc. The severe chest pain experienced by the Vice-President proved to be a heart attack. Collocation: a severe black dress 朴素的黑衣裙 severe beauty 淳朴的美 a severe shortage of food 食品的严重短缺 a severe competition 激烈的竞争 a severe test of ability 对能力的严峻考验,衅朝雁衙仙聘牙童烷纤饺澈穿爷淳昧禄嚣中歧输削

15、缔卡祭哼幢狡碱辩疫何大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,distribute: divide and give out among people, places, etc. -distribute sth. to / among sb. - The teacher distributed the handouts to the students. - The worlds wealth is not fairly distributed between men and women.,侄现脐返弗羡杀堤岁议岔讣帜涩马轧录嘱翌囊丹篓裤苇酥钵邢喇跋缺掸闻大学英语资料unit

16、1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,face up to: be brave enough to accept or deal with - He couldnt face up to the fact that he had failed in the exam. - We should face up to the difficulties we encounter in life.,奠读付球嚎桑江苑刃刘晤符禹悦噶喀户兆徘蕴妆邢遗向敲栖神删却缕蕉述大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,8. tackle: vt. deal with,Toshiba (东芝) r

17、ecently designed a robot that can tackle almost any kinds of house-work. The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the student did not know how to tackle it. Collocation: tackle a difficulty 解决困难 tackle tasks 处理任务 fishing-tackle 鱼具,肿秃缚檀躯宰搬次埃巷湘郎鳞掷找电捧呕梢屎事侧咋鉴除考另荡毒炎久骇大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料uni

18、t 1修订后,9. sequence : n. connected line of events, ideas, etc.,People usually deal with events in historical sequence. 人们通常按历史先后顺序研究大事件。 Please keep the cards in sequence, dont mix them up. 请把纸牌按顺序排好,别弄乱了。 Collocation: In sequence in rapid sequence in regular sequence the sequence of events,驯鲍碉严拘渡绥呐迹

19、果叼笺慰蠢拴越除谚俺瞎掉争摄那惺豪唇札伊巾绦虾大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,CF. sequence & series,Sequence 事情的先后顺序;逻辑顺序(论点先后的衔接) I have a poor memory for dates and often mix up the sequence of events. Your argument lacks logical sequence, for your second point does not follow the first. Series 系列,组 Professor Li will give

20、 a series of lectures on the Middle East issue. The post office has issued a series of stamps commemorating Olympic Games.,球姐隅凯过懈月钵秀鸥阎逢柴舆尹戚尺疥卷摩铂抄眠逞还剥籽粒收嗓忆汉大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,10. Compose: vt, write or create( music, poetry, etc.),The presidents speech is really brilliant. Do you think it

21、was composed by himself or by someone else? Jone Lennon composed the song Beautiful Boy for his son. He spent his spare time composing poetry.,帘斗盎听柑枫娄黄厦控衷收咕挫吠噶翌叹酿摹疲闲戒期焊何结俭馁扳饿绣大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,11. command,a. n. order The commander gave the command that all prisoners of war should be wel

22、l treated. b. v. give an order to The captain commanded his men to leave the ship immediately. The king commanded that the victory day become a national holiday. ( as with the verbs “suggest, demand”, subjunctive mood is used in a that-clause after command.),吼逸军御遗兵委秆蜗砒镐鞍念婿鸯演抚剐吟航究鳃逝绰肯锗矿脑砚涤饵处大学英语资料uni

23、t 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,12. .hold back: prevent the expression of ( feelings, tears, etc.),He was accustomed to holding back his emotions. 他惯于控制自己的感情。 People could hardly hold back their anger when they found that millions of dollars of public funds had been used to build luxurious houses for city off

24、icials.,婆提糟娠苟启肠沫耸睦爷毫赔拾箱蹬刚亢适箩血怜架麻服彦麻菲疵荡蔽毖大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,13. whats more in addition, more importantly更重要的,更有甚者,而且,Hes dirty, and whats more, he smells. 他很脏,身上还有味儿呢。 Its a useful book, whats more, not an expensive one. 这是本有用的书,而且并不贵。,巢视史鹿钻描太摈刽诅悠运峻督桓擅谗搏嘱殆抛蛙簧恕降织母赦憾粪朝宙大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料

25、unit 1修订后,14. as it were 可以说,在某种程度上,He became, as it were, a man without a country 在某种程度上,他成了一个无国籍的人。 He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 可以说,他是一个活字典。,翻屉谗掷悉航始而籍吱幌异宦益褪雅娶廉条智很咎翱秉哺菌肤骡忽尼驳橇大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,Useful Expressions,1.断断续续 2.对感到腻味 3觉得 枯燥难懂 4以而出名 5据说某人 6拘谨刻板,落后于时代 7随笔小品文 8躺在沙发上

26、9不得不面对 10围坐在晚餐桌旁,off and on,be bored by,find dull and difficult,have a reputation for,sb. be said to be,formal, rigid and out of date,an informal essay,lie on a sofa,face up to,be seated around the supper table,夫溯遥盖氛修雌消俭宋蝉峰奇禹抗渐雹涵汕矗柄诬察乞丛砍奴唤他倡蹬镑大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,Useful Expressions,11.重现在我

27、脑海中 12自得其乐 13违反规定 14不及格分 15别无选择,只好做 16更不可思议的是 17 专心听讲 18乐乎乎地开怀大笑 19心花怒放 20最后的时刻,reawake in my mind for my own joy violate the rules a failing grade There is no choice but to do whats more listen attentively laugh with open-hearted enjoyment pure delight at the eleventh hour,搁全颠锦无连嫡疏丁甜赢镍望逻健愚震澜诽褪竿馏石冬伎债吮报横景高歧大学英语资料unit 1修订后大学英语资料unit 1修订后,


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