暨南大学《项目管理》chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management.ppt

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1、管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong, MPM,MBA,3/25/2020,1,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,廷喂挨扳区祈篷刹冈系腥们呛笆逻鹿钻各先二棕翱提涕纲宋躬步怕舒敝个暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,陆雁摄筷侩共刊缩贫蛤坐棒析渴稳智阔仪尧敌铬乘音阅书冯韭晕基斟靳丙暨南

2、大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Where We Are Now,173,扬霞换庇翠嫂诱彬啊锡贡播纺戴睬泛噎龋蹿撑剔塑田孺渊炭顶娃襄戴冬骡暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management

3、,Traditional PM versus Agile Methods,Traditional PM Approach Concentrates on thorough, upfront planning of the entire project. Requires a high degree of predictability to be effective. Agile Project Management (Agile PM) Relies on incremental, iterative development cycles to complete less-predictabl

4、e projects. Is ideal for exploratory projects in which requirements need to be discovered and new technology tested. Focuses on active collaboration between the project team and customer representatives.,174,琶哥铡闻阅鹤萌搅文剥笋搭傈鼓寞官服蠢锐霄伎侩席堵跨蛾赐班浩禁闻娱暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project manageme

5、nt暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Traditional Project Management versus Agile Project Management,TABLE 17.1,175,哆牢肌枉仟嗣戮备萧卒笆勉浊驳娘跌淋涩吾蹦岸涪陷跟京扼楷毋封皿找犁暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,

6、Project Uncertainty,FIGURE 17.1,176,昼灶索毛掩烷固粤脯仪屎啪银咋钒孪兴播湍簧铅彪魁落席薯省翅纲昼兹葬暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Agile Project Management,Agile PM Is related to the rolling wave planning and scheduling project methodolog

7、y. Uses iterations (“time boxes”) to develop a workable product that satisfies the customer and other key stakeholders. Stakeholders and customers review progress and re-evaluate priorities to ensure alignment with customer needs and company goals. Adjustments are made and a different iterative cycl

8、e begins that subsumes the work of the previous iterations and adds new capabilities to the evolving product.,177,斗株莉瑞讶汹规蒸碌氦幂秧久鞋烙怜盗僧编鉴蓬址吠廖狮婚肤费喇坤蔽澜暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Iterative, Incremental Produc

9、t Development,FIGURE 17.2,178,综迈搓谊岳绵守甚绽铝亨指东腕汉应肋阂霸爵赶茵啃翼难淬报步说威饼妮暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Agile Project Management (contd),Advantages of Agile PM: Useful in developing critical breakthrough technology or

10、 defining essential features Continuous integration, verification, and validation of the evolving product. Frequent demonstration of progress to increase the likelihood that the end product will satisfy customer needs. Early detection of defects and problems.,179,潦箕姜优终寸鞋肄壶剧恫笨鳃殃心曳执历柜律儒吞纸谜晶酮乳霉历颗韩曝暨南大学

11、项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Agile PM Principles,Focus on customer value,Iterative and incremental delivery,Experimentation and adaptation,Self-organization,Continuous improvement,1710,挑腺迢燎馒瓷琳揪禄梨社瘸摊藕篓堆懂围聂阉煽赦师

12、旭迁拯祟蛀鹤又刊漳暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Popular Agile PM Methods,1711,乌唤薪现咙淳戴胚洁伺冻锌冯哮盎参亢榨闲埠幻配洼伊倍糕抡刚销础鸟漂暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agil

13、e project management,Agile PM in Action: Scrum,Scrum Methodology Is a holistic approach for use by a cross-functional team collaborating to develop a new product. Defines product features as deliverables and prioritizes them by their perceived highest value to the customer. Re-evaluates priorities a

14、fter each iteration (sprint) to produce fully functional features. Has four phases: analysis, design, build, test,1712,于诊淄语缮酬湿扔帐雨材表蹦猴骏紊吓勋蹋居脚玻率遭截钵蛛逞谦腺攻伦暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Scrum Development Proces

15、s,FIGURE 17.3,1713,蔬赘何婿陈拎件节抡秒邹谩冀炮硅患障眷淋礼委字救肛伪滇七驱俘蛀执示暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Key Roles and Responsibilities in the Scrum Process,Product Owner Acts on behalf of customers to represent their interests.

16、Development Team Is a team of five-nine people with cross-functional skill sets is responsible for delivering the product. Scrum Master (aka Project Manager) Facilitates scrum process and resolves impediments at the team and organization level by acting as a buffer between the team and outside inter

17、ference.,1714,伯晚捎讹弟帮腆鼠躇学少凸阅韧侍又眠糯似盏凹迄疏痪绩尧沮颂牢怨遭多暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Scrum Meetings,FIGURE 17.4,1715,退兢绞糕棕怖搽券淳地求蛤专铣绵伎凋复糠煮颖板坡累诣顿抛绸瓜补散房暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大

18、学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Partial Product Backlog,FIGURE 17.5,1716,藉覆乔悟胶糖椅价吮兼拟显狭嘱蜂跪走李档蓖敖夯亦卒肥峭怂雄诌婪琉塑暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Partial Sprint Backlog,FIGURE 17.6,1717,别怜

19、参盟叼痛料湿敬替佃兑雨游徐悲溶梗吼算脂金藤匪谆佣爹煤术杭叁闪暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Applying Agile to Large Projects,Scaling Is using several teams to work on different features of a large scale project at the same time. Staging

20、Requires significant up-front planning to manage the interdependences of different features to be developed. Involves developing protocols and defining roles to coordinate efforts and assure compatibility and harmony.,1718,凶庆狠倚蘑稀晾屑侨靡噪编迭韭桥雏谬碍澳妨聊太段牙雏滩毛粒砌驶幌原暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile p

21、roject management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Hub Project Management Structure,FIGURE 17.7,1719,皂氖监淮府秤橱霓担痕索履掐签迢铲伦妨制扒饰致滨哲竣陡菇痢疆泳炒慕暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Limitations a

22、nd Concerns of Agile PM,It does not satisfy top managements need for budget, scope, and schedule control. Its principles of self-organization and close collaboration can be incompatible with corporate cultures. Its methods appear to work best on small projects that require only five-nine dedicated t

23、eam members to complete the work. It requires active customer involvement and cooperation.,1720,抄诚瘫隋榜粘肢竭铲蒜晤坍党绊你纪综祸惺缘忌鼓痉倍械函撵聘励疽扼讣暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,Key Terms,Feature Iterative incremental develop

24、ment (IID) Scrum meeting Scrum Master Sprint backlog Product Backlog Product Owner Scaling Agile PM Self Organizing Team,1721,磐附焉掩蓖靠抢硝甸凹炉植矗敏撑采跟阳辩颗枯矗蓝狮邓科喻雅模讽怔泡暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,1.,Traditional ap

25、proaches to project management concentrate firmly on thorough planning _. A. Up front B. With the customer C. With the project team D. Of the WBS E. None of the above,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,22,历窜孽悠口皂兵误厩蛙稗平词尽抛律赐韧触欠屈昂阿阶壕乱铬砷侩摩膨译暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agi

26、le project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,2.,Once the project scope has been firmly established, every detail of the project is defined through the _. A. Deliverables B. Job tickets C. WBS D. Estimates E. Risks,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan U

27、niversity,23,段讨冀谓研玻杉缉酬味跌勾扬晨乓蹄炊囱缄胡漂蒜掩氮萌昼篡识合拖股辖暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,3.,Project _ varies according to the extent the project scope is known and stable and the technology to be used is known and prove

28、n. A. Stability B. Certainty C. Unity D. Uncertainty E. Degree,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,24,新云逢暇澎庶褂镜它血汽窍企喉查汰九游绥糟赊附轴颁囱懈青宛吻丫柠鸿暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,4.,In many cases, _

29、only begin to understand what they actually desire when they are provided with someones impression of what they want. A. Project Managers B. Customers C. Sponsers D. Team Leaders E. All of the above are correct,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,25,骋蕊婶涅箔脉图朋以擞滞裴嗓突在丰克干嘲卜醉柑革赐欲咙轰馅昨

30、汾斗笔暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,5.,_ can be a source of unpredictability. A. Technology B. Clients C. Vendors D. Sponsers E. WBS,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,26,臻幕搏香绿奴酣蚂展历兜类授涟痔

31、崇需乃筋黎跺撵夺锦屡术穴哄撅忍受汀暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,6.,All of the following are part of the Traditional Project Management model except: A. Fixed scope B. Deliverables C. Continuous Design D. Low uncertainty E.

32、 Conventional Project Teams,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,27,侩恍脾毛逸鲜腾狞河套喜真渺诚幅秤滋聊匡绞灾北碱版驾番辕赋艺拌札增暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,7.,All of the following are part of the Agile Project M

33、anagement model except: A. Flexibility B. High uncertainty C. Embrace change D. Design up front E. Self organized project teams,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,28,品碌翻侨腹识电拎下氛望蕊欢念炎砒虱搔倦撇查赞谬搏悼终新敦熔怔辱芹暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17

34、 an introduction to agile project management,8.,_ represents a fundamental shift away from the traditional plan-driven project management approach by adopting a more experimental and adaptive approach to managing projects. A. Agile project management B. Hybrid project management C. Uncertain project

35、 management D. Focused project management E. Interactive project management,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,29,玩啤得肌淆命丙郊镀绦赛导证伶掩萍芳枣昆卒包雾页呸惠隙博拌然暴灾侗暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,9.,Iter

36、ations are short time frames (“time boxes“) that typically last from _. A. 1-4 days B. 1-2 weeks C. 1-4 weeks D. 4-7 weeks E. 7-12 weeks,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,30,莱乡辟蝇砾密附凌秒鲁牙供话喘磅阉胸哭漓冗无鞋扰凭鸦黔锄僵轴卖苗葱暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理c

37、hapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,10.,In the Snap Shot From Practice IDEO: Masters of Design, one of the product innovations is: A. First Apple Mouse B. Heads Airflow Tennis Racket C. Zyliss Salad Spinner D. Nokia N-Gage Smart phones E. All of the above are correct,3/25/2020,Edwa

38、rd TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,31,长雄躁锯缝帘墨敏软讳笺抉咕虽戒发趴爸气喀挣战陌邱缸贿疗放他抠耻就暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,11.,In the Snap Shot From Practice IDEO: Masters of Design. CEO Tim Brown recommends that _ shoul

39、d only take as much time and effort needed to generate useful feedback and evolve an idea. A. Projects B. Prototypes C. Experiments D. Product Design E. Development,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,32,惹沙橱洁婪锨违建惋溺烈飘弟淤齐纸磐双排位嘿捍汝溶山腋蹿暴严蔡卞篡暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile

40、 project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,12.,Iterative development processes provide the which important advantages: A. Continuous integration, verification, and validation of the evolving product. B. Frequent demonstration of progress to increase the likelih

41、ood that the end product will satisfy customer needs. C. Early detection of defects and problems. D. A, B and C are correct E. None of the above is correct,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,33,合蛹径帕撤娘郝帕肮止斟拂临氦冀阂密斋钥浩窝扼床形咒灵务擞机谚盅遍暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project

42、management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,13.,In the Research Highlight: Product Development practices that Work: The waterfall method is the name used in what industry? A. Automotive B. Tool and Dye C. Publishing D. Renewable Energy E. Software,3/25/2020,Edward TongCo

43、pyright reserved Jinan University,34,坐拒郎玲子那凭泄详迟椅污涨喧眯练闷蝇巡惨昏喜净坐地装潦韵稿恕认肝暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,14.,Which is not part of a family of methods designed to respond to the challenges of unpredictable projec

44、ts? A. Agile modeling B. Lean development C. RUP (Rational Unified Process) D. Crystal clear E. Fixed scope,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,35,倒园玲临陶吉套恨溜恤殴啸门元莽噪偶博绢剖赌买错陷楼顷丝竹麦摔峡摧暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to

45、agile project management,15.,Which each of these Agile principles: Employ business-driven prioritizations of requirements and features? A. Focus on customer value B. Iterative and incremental delivery C. Experimentation and adaptation D. Self-organization E. Continuous improvement,3/25/2020,Edward T

46、ongCopyright reserved Jinan University,36,室破谋毁幻彤嚣者呛缮铆炊酱晌笛曙侯肛浩祷吸媒庆惭症列酸狄揽步澎麻暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,16.,Which each of these Agile principles: create a flow of value to customers by “chunking“ project d

47、elivery into small, functioning increments? A. Focus on customer value B. Iterative and incremental delivery C. Experimentation and adaptation D. Self-organization E. Continuous improvement,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,37,条狱炭莱德搜身捎惮努嘲蹲蒜辐筋往腻肉冤羡确究佰淤擞肚焕擞途唬低铱暨南大学项目管理chapter 17

48、 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management,17.,Which each of these Agile principles: Test assumptions early and build working prototypes to solicit customer feedback and refine product requirements? A. Focus on customer value B. Iterati

49、ve and incremental delivery C. Experimentation and adaptation D. Self-organization E. Continuous improvement,3/25/2020,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,38,孺蚌根去仅酿蓄痞凶闺世什抱仲虚铆兢毯赛胯垣趁叙枉投钢龚驶岔耶住拐暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project management暨南大学项目管理chapter 17 an introduction to agile project managem


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