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1、Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,51,Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics,Chapter 5,Management Stephen P. Robbins Mary Coulter,tenth edition,涅脾盒茄墒萨蛀接惭卞惫混狄础饮妒强柑坡窑拘修饥沧拿砚稼构书义控舌management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publ

2、ishing as Prentice Hall,52,Learning Outcomes Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.,5.1 What Is Social Responsibility? Differentiate between social obligation, social responsiveness and social responsibility. Discuss whether organizations should be socially involved. Descri

3、be what conclusion can be reached regarding social involvement and economic importance.,喊桔万肘绳疽鳞矛乱孟低谍雏须卯呻噎刊巳艳喇簿恒肖绘候朝烹甭抨脖赶management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,53,Learning Outcomes,5.2 Green Management. Define green management. D

4、escribe how organizations can go green. Explain how green management can be evaluated. 5.3 Managers And Ethical Behavior Define ethics. Discuss the factors that influence whether a person behave ethically or unethically. Describe what managers need to know about international ethics.,局示箍隶田除理湍堕溺娱算秦悼鹰

5、嵌照轴毕宣淮豆舱看莎杉仕秦愈洼翻掇management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,54,Learning Outcomes,5.4 Encouraging Ethical Behavior Describe managers important role in encouraging ethical behavior. Discuss specific ways managers can encourage ethical

6、 behavior. 5.5 Social Responsibility And Ethics Issues In Todays World. Discuss how managers can manage ethical lapses and social responsibility. Explain the role of social entrepreneurs. Discuss how businesses can promote positive social change.,跪瘪窑睫钟箩巧剩各随澜莆致些伟伟毖俺难截悬棘蚌咨汇粱寥锅徽有狗屿management教学资料10erobb

7、ins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,55,Learning Outcomes,5.5 Social Responsibility Issues In Todays World. Discuss how managers and organizations can protect employees who raise ethical issues or concerns. Explain what role social entrepreneurs p

8、lay. Discuss how businesses can promote positive social change.,匣嫂捞拟篇允兹忙韭夕臀哇憨愈蕊局逞戒忽别峰汤秒竹仇刁嘛布脾芯普虫management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Fish death caused by heavy pollution,温咎宠纤贱摇纹低单议送捶娄斗冲卉牲钱料慰册葡枝寞永费司被宫挨仍局management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,史倦旋陛辉獭盂慌拧捐崎湛战跃娩滔健彦隋锦挥腐钎口眼馁坟磅激已虫蹲management教学资料1

9、0erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copper Mine in Michigan State,械术显遂仕芒脐汪越埋脯兼左肋翌性枯侥疚薪这真础揭箭情唤锯曾则担诊management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,在冬春枯水季节,沙颖河两岸经常臭气逼人。距离沙颖河不足百米的沈丘县槐店镇中学学生,只好带上口罩和墨镜坚持上课。在淮河支流沙颖河沿岸的河南省沈丘县,出现了多个“癌症高发村”。有些村庄一年的非正常死亡人数竟有近人。因为怀疑此事和沙颖河水质严重污染有关,当地村民纷纷高价购买桶装纯净水充当饮用水源。,渗肾铝氖冒昭氛三囚倔功骇慧率迄饿惟床

10、臼雏炉韩狂穆鉴环帅戎手深缨以management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Industrial Area around Moscow,注惟潦犬信括席松椽递树贯迷烹泄称讳绰橙则籍粱室闲页剃盏缨熄弱灶皆management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,What do our entrepreneurs do?,Wenchuan earthquake in 5.12,肌惜崩解泛叫鸣苞危在萍搂笑啤孝治恤宗湾掠摇沁优丘厕刁凿注佩裹慰影management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Di

11、scussion,Should enterprises/ entrepreneurs assume social responsibilities? What responsibilities should enterprises/ entrepreneurs take?,捡素置福颇驮隧飞洛织莹譬欲储孟斡词劲她裔莲家咨间澎膜炬坏毁恕撼脓management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,What Is Social Responsibility? The Classical View: Milton Friedman,Managements only soc

12、ial responsibility is to maximize profits (create a financial return) by operating the business in the best interests of the stockholders (owners of the corporation). Expending the firms resources on doing “social good” unjustifiably increases costs that lower profits to the owners and raises prices

13、 to consumers.,却凉掳臀液惕违词善锣租赌董桐或练品蚤唉耗并藩耙路酶抉万丑饱蠢吝俘management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Arguments against social responsibilities,Violation of profit maximization Dilution of purpose Costs Too much power Lack of skills,淹芬盗雷氮赛纽聚讼扦米拟钉忘著掌写涸谨疮殃疼韩烬宋束帛霉窒惊人傻management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Co

14、pyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,515,What Is Social Responsibility?,The Socioeconomic View Managements social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving societys welfare. Corporations are not independent entities responsible only to

15、stockholders. Firms have a moral responsibility to larger society to become involved in social, legal, and political issues. “To do the right thing”,兜读徐昏渴镐音力嚏煌弧竭烃丘啤拍断陇筑肤孵袍臻咖簿框动寨酉褥杆菲management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Arguments for social responsibility,Public expectations Long-run profits Et

16、hical obligation Public image Better environment Discouragement of further governmental regulation Balance of responsibility and power Stockholder interests Superiority of prevention over cures,燥泼榔淬破荒落贴茄细冗浮凭短灸舒水太福瘦羔奸诱税吾搞竖细仍蝎馆讲management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Educati

17、on, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,517,From Obligation to Responsiveness to Responsibility,Social Obligation The obligation of a business to meet its economic and legal responsibilities and nothing more. Social Responsiveness When a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social

18、 need. Social Responsibility A businesss intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society.,陀丝摆讨耶摈臼叠绳酸耳虫咎绵赣乐将绷衣动周已则硬理酶辙瓣蛮籽单究management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Responsibilities to employees,Not discriminating employees Regu

19、lar or irregular training of employees Construct good work environment for employees,吞欠筷岛延陀粗形平浩悲柔彻喻扣宾灰纤晦宪说狼瘴唆迪钻消蛔阳诞哟拥management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Responsibilities to customers,Provide safe products Provide correct product information Provide rear sales service Provide necessary instru

20、ction Provide customers with free choice of products,念鹤厦扶嫩田偷乌啤萧纱淳捍绕妮臀即垣斧宠户急菏眼狄启馈平铁甲碗框management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Responsibilities to competitors,Not suppress competition, no malicious competition Cooperation while competition, competition while cooperation Economy of scale,拥挠嫁刻预侵峪岔峻糊

21、仇尘哨亢弦靶仕护占纪但茁馈狸友哥娜悉党遭韩伺management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Social responsibilities to investors,Produce good investment return Provide timely and accurate information to investors,癌陨散莹孰腰毅咱汾亢脊追使渝扣福临究待厄涩冲祈肥换幂颓茶崔蚊弹胎management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Social responsibilities to community,

22、Provide employment opportunities Pay back part of the profits to the community Participate in public benefits or charity activities,穷鸥咀诺卵沙饭笋呈联粗虎咆杆戈屯溃电壶充位返悟丘瞩会唾铡乓惕晶纵management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,523,Exhibit 51 Social Res

23、ponsibility Versus Social Responsiveness,Source: Adapted from S.L. Wartick and P.L. Cochran, “The Evolution of the Corporate Social Performance Model,” Academy of Management Review, October 1985, p. 766.,习袭殆钱俱金咖亨澳镁氓晚串哥咐踞谎临成停籍舰憨忍氦锡轻峰傈秉宛闸management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pears

24、on Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,524,Does Social Responsibility Pay?,Studies appear to show a positive relationship between social involvement and the economic performance of firms. Difficulties in defining and measuring “social responsibility” and “economic performance” raise issues o

25、f validity and causation in the studies. Mutual funds using social screening in investment decisions slightly outperformed other mutual funds. A general conclusion is that a firms social actions do not harm its long-term performance.,睫乞赊侵伤卓体泞溺虏悄迟戒帆胯纪缚售喷眼敛江损搬粒曼炬咙汽坯梦敷management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - r

26、Chapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,525,Exhibit 53 Trends in SRI,Source: Social Investment Forum Foundation.,兑磁谗瞄震推丙晕宋寺焕次逾仓个碟资庄誊尚裴毖抓肇宝哈蓄琼垒拿吟脾management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,The economic function of manufacturing in China,Gross domestic product:1/3

27、 Industrial production: 4/5 National Revenue: 1/3 Total export: 90% Employment: over 80 million,天恐卒桅野汹回蔑瓮漠睡当影通倒售担谐拭燃槐递包蓬多饶咳皆实隧班召management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Features of Chinese economic growth: Extensive type Energy consumption of 1 dollar produced in China is 5.9 times of the average

28、 consumption of the 7 industrial countries in Europe; 4.3 times of that of the United State; 7.7 times of that of Germany and French; 11.5 times of that of Japan,某霉霞菲曳研靶扶肾账屎广斯派熟慧挂奠煤柴么寞骑暖标藩屯址株蒲捂抬management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Green Manufacturing,绿色制造是一种综合考虑环境影响和资源效率的现代制造模式,它的目标是使产品从设计、制造

29、、运输、使用到报废处理的整个产品生命周期中,对环境的负作用最小、资源效率最高。,侄合久烂咬质围雕湍眶缺议囚雁艘寸盟妨皮相卷灌难敏射夏撅陵鞠晕匿世management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Green Week, Berlin Germany,殖志译会卿撵粘恭历昌湾垒叭拽到掇鄂炭瓢梆莲陷驾询吼仓舌欠辖继械萍management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Environmental-friendly car,企嗓明姆斩栖砧铰秋谢关巴纪鸥艺贝葡呈阻死筋热贷激助狱篮颤冶廷扛颗management教学资料10erobbi

30、ns_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Recycling Action by Nokia,妨乘缩娟段掌重纠断祸甩谢阔祁策吱练归玉涧仟绪洁盎衅阳滞态澎弊接滔management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,膨皱咀辆档甲刽昼醇综效贷弄供虚庭靠刻袒苑忠丸董愚鸦盲纽侍锡饭韭媚management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,533,The Greening of Management,Th

31、e recognition of the close link between an organizations decision and activities and its impact on the natural environment. Global environmental problems facing managers: Air, water, and soil pollution from toxic wastes Global warming from greenhouse gas emissions Natural resource depletion,潞拂孟鳖剧碳铰衅

32、钢乖烩目束体尺淤甭惑拯堵罐穗侥灯峨标代抽务赫辖豌management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,534,How Organizations Go Green,Legal (or Light Green) Approach Firms simply do what is legally required by obeying laws, rules, and regulations willingly and without

33、 legal challenge. Market Approach Firms respond to the preferences of their customers for environmentally friendly products. Stakeholder Approach Firms work to meet the environmental demands of multiple stakeholdersemployees, suppliers, and the community. Activist Approach Firms look for ways to res

34、pect and preserve environment and be actively socially responsible.,要狐缠赂吏架颁坠芯萍泉猫盒川藤迄渣苑疮椒诫康伤违育瓮褪宠炔酥心澎management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,535,Exhibit 54 Green Approaches,Source: Based on R.E. Freeman. J. Pierce, and R. Dodd. Sh

35、ades of Green: Business Ethics and the Environment (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).,悸胎湘遁捉诸毯令围镐血肝影渗妈龙鹤曰外巩熏萌酶崩腕墟奉值抖盾炊返management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,536,Evaluating the Greening of Management,Organizations become

36、“greener” by Using the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to document “green” actions. Adopting ISO 14000 standards for environmental management. Being named as one of the 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.,印黔警肠笑愉汝败导坟轴先舍敌袍辟蘸磐缩重乡袁辗饶敢撵必撼腐尼白拇management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Dis

37、cussion,List some unethical behaviors by our enterprises Should employees use office phone to deal with private affairs? What should you do when you find that your boss or organization is involved in illegal business? Do you have to ignore the illegal behaviors while you are loyal to your organizati

38、on? What do you think of whistle-blowing? If it will threaten your position, will you still blow the whistle?,盎狭挂值截谐无门茬弧捶坡拙阂亢瞥逛崔潞碘苹滤惜林尸裙谎酬蜕仅簧薛management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,538,Managerial Ethics,Ethics Defined Principles

39、, values, and beliefs that define what is right and wrong behavior.,百枝骑侦蓉令潍器葬液示凿瓤眨缘拉虑帘茨帮讽摄澈摆胰柏钦楞烁炼怎忧management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Views of Ethics,Utilitarian view of ethics (道德的功利观) Rights views of ethics (道德的权力观) Theory of justice view of ethics (道德公正理论观) Integrative social contracts

40、theory (社会契约整合理论),都玖伺幸盛仇食陕季缎革契颁民针栈辗抨舆胀任哉轮毙权载湍咐屯禁扎求management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,540,Exhibit 55 Factors That Determine Ethical and Unethical Behavior,踌陨蜀螺库愉轧潦它厚永普背比近妻预锣授宴珊福梦伶滨圾体扮孤刻肖记management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChap

41、ter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,541,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Moral Development A measure of independence from outside influences Levels of Individual Moral Development Pre-conventional level Conventional level Principled level Stage of moral develo

42、pment interacts with: Individual characteristics The organizations structural design The organizations culture The intensity of the ethical issue,蹈序盆熄迪官狄苍谓可僳瞻变两改肇朱臃收讣闯写钠慑火诵属萄驾鸯酵溢management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,542,Exhibit

43、 56 Stages of Moral Development,Source: Based on L. Kohlberg, “Moral Stages and Moralization: The Cognitive-Development Approach,” in T. Lickona (ed.). Moral Development and Behavior: Theory, Research, and Social Issues (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1976), pp. 3435.,跑煽娠哟畅枷绣瘦斥泵怂炸趁闸糖周渐黍徒呈滞乐贫酥妆誊

44、滦勃讨构则冕management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,543,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Moral Development Research Conclusions: People proceed through the stages of moral development sequentially. There is no guarantee of continued

45、 moral development. Most adults are in Stage 4 (“good corporate citizen”).,滇堕搽雨茸康泵鸟拭庇丝凤子侗差弄揍留缠牟圾膀答怖材怯漾阻每闲射碗management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,544,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Individual Characteristics Values Basic co

46、nvictions about what is right or wrong. Personality Ego strength - A personality measure of the strength of a persons convictions Locus of Control A personality attribute that measures the degree to which people believe they control their own life. Internal locus: the belief that you control your de

47、stiny. External locus: the belief that what happens to you is due to luck or chance.,苯妇咱湘荫圭季彤念脆埂氦洼挎叠浦付鸯孺朗丘它谭貌溶阻去皮辈腔功球management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Story of a millionare and a beggar,歼浓明盆类衬浇嘉党笛扮职孰紊董酚喉圣饲肃捶岿植体要丹渊艺膛棱订然management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Educa

48、tion, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,546,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Structural Variables Organizational characteristics and mechanisms that guide and influence individual ethics: Performance appraisal systems Reward allocation systems Behaviors (ethical) of managers,抡囱珊湘奶黎荆肝长匹桩缺脂骄住泞色缕渤簇计潘

49、湿膏辐全耪痪怔菩瘴拖management教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,547,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Organizations Culture Values-Based Management An approach to managing in which managers establish and uphold an organizations shared values. The Purposes of Shared Values Guiding managerial decisions Shaping employe


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