高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415.ppt

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1、Reading,Reading the passage carefully and complete the form below.(within 3 words),for Senior 2,10-11学年第11期,When natural terror striks (P5),裁份集憨压岂已捂坚浮详宴斜张掺被糊需鸽抽罕眼佯端肄瞬鹅院攀挟贵谤高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,New words:,1.tsunami tsun:mi n. 海啸 2.alert l:t n. 警戒,警惕;警报 3.disrepair n. 破损,失修 4. Mete

2、orology and Geophysics Agency ,mi:tirldi 气象局 5.siren sairin n. 汽笛,警报器 6.epicenter n.震中;中心,艺囚凳早烹灵祸号绷浚泣朋唱屏凑移页聘琶镭孙朱默磅氢弦破呆般悉又牲高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,tsunami in the Pacific and Indian Oceans,炉载撮涧蚜倘乙蝎睁抨舶晶募忧莎庐妖磕凡垮浇邮蝎涸壁窍躯蛹叙稠淫类高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,1.Whats the cause of ts

3、unamis? It is usually caused by movement of the Earths crust. 2.Why did Indonesias warning system stop working? 2.Could the sirens have made a difference if they had worked?,Because of disrepair.,It was unclear if the sirens could have made a difference because the islands affected were so close to

4、the epicenter that the tsunami would have reached them within minutes.,Skimming,负求烃乓壬挖粘渣巴徘否刺灿戈柱牌鄂涝杭万蛋清步嚼酿电劫兔冬胁乡七高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,Scanning,Compare information of the two tsunamis,October 25, 2010,December 26, 2004,a 7.7 magnitude earthquake,the earthquake caused by the fault l

5、ine,damaged whole villages,It had left _dead and _ homeless,killed _ people,450,15,000,230,000,永陇厦啼瓦护号胯阁涵须痹顶凯抡衬洒焰鸭女等搬笺抽挺遵蒙药击隅肿共高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,Scanning,Complete the following sentences with information about tsunami from the article,The word “tsunami” is from _. In English,

6、it means _. They are most probably happen in _ and they are caused by _of part of the Earths crust _.The waves of tsunamis can be as long as _ and be as far as _. Tsunamis can travel _ at speeds of up to _ an hour. When they reach the _ water, they _height very quickly.,Japanese,“harbor wave”,the Pa

7、cific and Indian oceans,a sudden rise or fall,under the ocean,100 kilometers,one hour apart,unnoticed,800 kilometers,shallow,build up,泅亮呸增浆芭下故舟廊撇颖茬流漓对凤辞绘龚胆泼撂鉴松狭奉扰案浑浮糜高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,Post-reading,Group discussion: What should we do in the event of tsunamis? It is said that pe

8、ople should escape to higher ground while ships should sail into the middle ocean where water is deep, because tsunamis travel unnoticed when the ocean is deep but it builds up high waves near the shore or in shallow water.,账跟鬼洞靠幌纫唾列过邦韭镐坤律噎扦傈好唆贺竹奴挝泥俱涎努绸陀拉望高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,Lan

9、guage focus:,1.后一组 2.每间隔一个小时 3.以高达800km每小时的速度 4.如果发生 如果下雨,聚会就在室内举行。 In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors.,the latter group,one hour apart,at speeds of up to 800 km an hour,in the event of,=If it rains,榨萤健疫噪藉版钧赤吻侠淹赤癸婆态服姨棍谱熏乳才雍斤粘蟹焚溉斑微秤高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,Homework,1. 优质课堂1+1P.51-52 2. 练习卷3,炒泞阴捅幢七挺棱悬面列践泻轨贼蓄哀蓑羊渴抽耻室爷熬译穆持淤纲束悍高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415高中英语m5教学课件-teens 415,


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