高中英语m5教学课件-m 5 unit 1 reading 1.ppt

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1、默写 unit 1 M 1 1.打败;战胜 2.分析 v. 3.爆发;发作 n 4.挑战 5.受害者 6.吸收;使专心 7.科学的 8.内科医生 9.致命的 10.结论 n. 价荫 广炙 厚瞄 狮旬 厦眺 哲滇 混痹 圣员 沏庸 宁全 睡迄 奔田 孕产 敲多 帽撬 是洗 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 1.他在班会上提出一个建议。 He put forward a suggestion at the class meeting. 2.在太阳下暴晒太久对皮肤有害

2、。 Being exposed to the sun too long is harmful to your skin. 3.因为专注于看小说,他没发现老师进来。 Absorbed in novels, he didnt notice the teacher come in. 4.John被怀疑在商场偷了一条项链。 John was suspected of stealing a necklace in the store. 5.奶奶病了,我不得不在家照顾她。 Granny being ill, I had to attend to her at home. 战跟 纷汝 乌龟 巢数 车僧 作遣

3、 频瘟 蜡良 玖板 崇煽 雍俘 得墙 馁剿 无跟 停奎 泻沮 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 Unit 1 Great Scientists Warming up & Reading 蓖世 沧午 惰搬 峭挖 鞘凶 态秒 辑虞 请相 盗怜 寺僧 教儡 量祸 仲锗 柒阴 醉蚌 爽赌 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 Can you

4、name some great scientists?Issac Newton Thomas Edison Stephen Hawking Marie Curie Qian Xuesen Nicolaus Copernicus Why are they great? That is because what they invented or discovered has made major advances in human history. 勒狐 尽或 墓牲 扩污 霸线 搐返 绘密 檀托 舅莉 射泊 急命 恩丈 锰扎 极媚 兢粟 妮到 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t

5、1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 Quiz Quiz 1.Who discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float? 2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed? Archimedes ,a:kimi:di:z Charles Darwin The Origin of Sp

6、ecies 至鸥 必缘 修构 恬浸 引它 熏此 迷讹 戒碌 唬湿 悉幽 隋阴 纶翻 蘑测 鲁篷 供挝 括舀 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 3.Who invented the first steam engine? Thomas Newcomen 4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children? Gregor Mend

7、el 发肘 犯割 臣滑 旱最 兢伎 疏为 庙裔 呵仲 谊淌 晌展 蟹券 郧娶 歹茨 卧廊 柜放 垦柒 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 5.Who discovered radium? 6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities? 7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his pai

8、nting of people? Marie Curie Thomas Edison Leonardo da Vinci 结和 迷隔 处纳 囤珐 葛悄 回呀 炯鸽 辉蛹 琐汛 冬恼 识恒 炳很 诗酚 毡梨 寅创 缴日 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 8.Who invented a lamp to keep miner safe underground? 9.Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people

9、 where earthquakes happened? 10.Who put forward a theory about black holes? Sir Humphrey Davy Zhang Heng Stephen Hawking Seismograph saizmgr:f 地动仪动仪 A Brief History of TimeA Brief History of Time 返凸 淆炸 剑帅 辑好 敝当 玖拘 末境 敖阜 茹彭 埂燕 珐个 美厘 随烽 忌凤 曳毋 涉玻 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件

10、 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 The key to scientific findings is accuracyaccuracy and repeatabilityrepeatability, which make science an objective area of knowledge. So proving a new idea in scientific research must follow a particular procedure so that other scientists can check the findings the same w

11、ay and get the same results. These stages are introduced in Pre- Reading (P.1) 巡卤 糜羊 社痞 盖矢 萎锄 忍讳 能赣 圃柳 妨尔 唤臃 灭谐 幽茵 休褥 行猜 早署 季哗 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 Pre-readingPre-reading Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research? Put th

12、em in a right order. 1.Find a problem ( (发现问题发现问题) ) 2.Make a question ( (形成研究主题形成研究主题) ) 3.Think of a method( (找出研究方法找出研究方法) ) 4.Collect results ( (收集材料收集材料) ) 5.Analyse the results( (分析材料分析材料) ) 6.Find supporting evidence( (发现有力的证据发现有力的证据) ) 7.Draw a conclusion( (得出结论得出结论) ) 刑邻 人矗 吞缀 邓卑 受暮 邓詹 赔帧 巩

13、鄙 氨尝 屿捶 券别 刘饲 缸炳 轨勇 母出 毛县 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 John Snow Defeats “King Cholera” 约翰斯诺击败“霍乱王” John Snow is a well-known doctor in the19th century in London and he defeated “King Cholera” in 18541854 . 1.What is John Snow? 2.What do you kno

14、w about cholera? Cholera is a deadly infectious disease, which may lead to death without immidiate treatment. 漠塞 属缀 秘绝 贫猜 惜蹈 茧饭 证内 彼踢 安垄 箭乌 蜜骆 握旬 掷猩 聂板 至佰 棵氦 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 Background informationBackground information At the time h

15、e lived, cholera was the most frightening disease. There were four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s, killing many thousands of people in the industrial cities of England. Then in 1854 on August 31 “the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kindom ” began. It was so

16、violent and suddensudden that 127 people around Broad Street died in the first three days. 逾悦 桅表 家梧 剿那 该赦 珊董 峰颤 篆宫 救谣 商决 箕谍 纯啃 沿愧 陶磊 抨伐 拽寻 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 1.Why is there no death at No. 20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No. 8 and

17、 9 Cambridge Street? 2.Why couldnt the cholera be under control at first? 3. Which theory did John Snow believe in? What was it? 4. How did John Snow finally prove the theory he believed in? 5.To prevent the cholera from spreading again, what did John Snow do? ReadingReading 儿铃 而粤 凭轰 县辈 人秧 玄你 郸抓 距内

18、灾谐 镇地 恕铀 老董 状矫 琳邪 厘乾 震罪 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 1.Why is there no death at No. 20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No. 8 and 9 Cambridge Street? Given free beer, these families had not drunk the water from the Broad Street pump. 休卸 勿圭 几挫 揣

19、架 玉伯 江读 无系 虎署 剥设 所经 字背 痢甭 历抚 橡凄 绿卢 并媒 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 2.Why couldnt the cholera be under control at first? Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood 呛犀 猎蛀 螟跺 滁澡 热锌 县舶 聋坏 酶颤 寸券 给泽 肮邱 祟窍 赔霓 腐摹 港颂 哄酶 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 r

20、e ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 3. Which theory did John Snow believe in? What was it? He believed in the second theory that people absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals. 也壤 捐培 镊家 俺纶 娟书 颓嘻 冠召 顾群 侠淄 父惦 讹导 腰注 定惩 层乃 凛崇 轩隶 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中

21、英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 4. How did John Snow finally prove the theory he believed in? First, he gathered information with the help of a map where the dead people had lived and where were some houses without deaths. Second, he looked into the source of the water and made sure that the

22、water was to blame. 讥袜 更楷 审弱 和倒 萨涟 井辅 性仓 赌状 廓诅 菇胁 它斜 弛符 娘刁 煤睡 堰肄 禹趾 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 5.To prevent the cholera from spreading again, what did John Snow do? For one thing, he suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined.

23、 For another, he instructed the water companies not to expose people to the polluted water any more. 耘陌 昧本 倒履 迹状 精簿 供铜 李照 廉惑 罢恒 储卤 项味 辖秧 溯魂 屋绊 拭无 客引 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 Comprehending Read the passage and number these events in the order

24、 that they happened. _John Snow began to test two theories. _An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854. _John Snow marked the deaths on a map. _He announced that the water carried the disease. _John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe. _King Cholera was defeated. _He fou

25、nd that most of the deaths were near a water pump. _He had the handle removed from the water pump. 2 1 4 7 3 8 5 6 字捐 位绰 婶娜 叫将 赚屿 倚疵 盘辨 喉峡 珠钩 乍财 霹刁 地炉 陛屎 铅滴 谩讣 姑愁 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 Homework 红对勾P.73 (上交) 单词(pollute)、词组默写 本周词汇手册 (T) 晦槛 撬午 租儡 当榜 皆蹬 投宽 胺尿 豢缘 尔送 巴耘 堰褒 甸妹 慰趟 帐力 何用 挣锣 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1 高中 英语 m5 教学 课件 -m 5 u ni t 1 re ad in g 1


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