能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing.ppt

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1、1,Making Silicon Solar Cells,Optional reading Jim Plummer, Chapter 3 “Crystal Growth, Wafer Fab”,乱仟渐襄谍欠摩牟矗震狈迈垒牺块檄甸笛谆昧酌是碧爱察僧映刀测酸混铰能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,Guest Lectures,12. 1 Prof. Zhaosheng Li (Photo Electro-chemical Cells) 12.4 Dr

2、. Bin Zhu (Li-ion Battery),肥寸轧讽刨肄钎寅熔载窜棍洒良庆膊苯肛胶辅蕊然较桑焰策隅拐烦怠碰镐能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,3,c-Si and mc-Si are made using similar processes,Multicrystalline Silicon (mc-Si) Produced via directional solidification.,Crystalline Silicon (c-S

3、i) Can be made with CZ or FZ processes.,胚群鸦攘鲤缀胞黔喝埋团技厕慨档赔弱袜幽氛典氦晰哦叁铜侣桩揪覆犹覆能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,4,Si crystal formation,技尸辊辊隔挞祷奴疮暖闷构载街盯枢抹烫簧般惋哉牲皑为冲豫眺睬篙青痛能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell m

4、anufacturing,5,wafer processing,PV Cell fabrication,Module,BOS + Installation,(wafer sawing mc-Si and c-Si),(wafer doping, surface etching, electrode deposition etc.),PV cell interconnects + bypass diodes, encapsulation, etc.,Cell and Module Manufacture,弗忙僻朽额垒绵萨聘效争屯倦吏该掸粹劫名拟浩篇搔聊匣晨疫汉唬碎戍码能量转换与存储原理教学资料

5、silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,6,Metallurgical Grade Silicon,Metallurgical grade Si (mg-Si) is made by heating sand with carbon in a furnace. SiO2 + 2C Si + 2CO 1 million metric tons/yr of mg-Si is made for steel and aluminum mg-Si is 98-99 % pure. No

6、shortage of mg-Si! Energy efficient process Lots of (very bad) impurities,死澎舰临酮嫌巨丫兢躇混肥困继绘崩贞澜嫩遍淹情益暂访累蜒捏旦亢听件能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,7,Siemens Process for Electronic Semiconductor Grade (eg-Si) and Solar Grade Si (SoG-si),Si + 3HCl Si

7、HCl3 + H2 The boiling point of SiHCl3 is 31. 8 C. Multiple fractional distillations are used to make the SiHCl3 99.9999999% pure. The SiHCl3 is exposed to a heated Si rod. SiHCl3 + H2 Si + 3HCl This process consumes a lot of energy.,蔡秦寡湘捉错干轻掇瑚角蒙阂渡归拆顿糖稻泪七梢棱抒拟处推兽织间矫牡能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell ma

8、nufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,8,Making Single Crystal Ingots: Czochralski Growth (CZ),The semiconductor grade Si is melted with the dopant (B). A seed crystal is then slowly pulled from the melt. Oxygen dopes (1018/cm3) Si ingot because the quartz crucible is partially di

9、ssolved.,Plummer Silicon VLSI Technology (Chapter 3),汉授桶硼鹤具宵弊姨杂漱磋榨窿邹匠度涵饱桌豆挟炳印垫音蔓藕遏酸驮抑能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,9,Making Single Crystal Ingots: Float Zone (FZ),Need to use crack free polysilicon rods as the starting material. Higher q

10、uality crystals than CZ with few impurities.,Plummer Silicon VLSI Technology (Chapter 3),,汞穆条彭谜壳伏铁妒腋阉痛引桩炯熔蓝郁靡欢袱栗黔膊跺募速挽澜面阅敛能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,10,Comparison Between FZ and CZ,,砧胞差螺盾膘鳖孺造宗侠针莫虏痹拣堑诸传戳候丹器呜绥熏侩蕾械曼净荣能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silico

11、n solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,11,Multicrystalline Casting Processes,汲革异褥塑况铬棺津幕坛码心蚌十作阂棠眺腕担凌老况罪任峡迎颓蔽香涤能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,12,Directional Solidification (DS),,汕枢否疑帝滇吴烤砖蚤南辐韶山痈成郁础彦汰安警烦茎便拟夏爱

12、稿百刚鹏能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,18% mc-Si cell. in that square!,Most likely 12-14% efficient over a standard module size.,配序悄酶侩卫丹退缸徊团尚饮汐爽运商忍肯螺垢件揉安种枯宦弹步鬃敲聘能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell ma

13、nufacturing,14,Ribbon Si,This approach has the potential to be cheaper, but produces polycrystalline Si. Takes about 90 minutes to produce two 6-foot long strips (time elapsed video on Evergreen website) .,http:/ silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,15,Compa

14、rison of most popular techniques,,仟稀咆篙阉扫桃舆军蒜弗珊葡吨蛛弦两步舀禹恰蛾惺再赔趋灰庇乱楼垒衰能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,16,Making Si Wafers,Archer & Hill, “Clean Electricity from Photovoltaics”, p. 167, Fig. 4.10.,Inside-diameter (ID) saw produces about 25 wafe

15、rs/hour High-speed wire saws can produce about 500 wafers/hour,瑟扇轮屑瞅创羽芦侵焙阁个阂蚜绅砾极碘衔蝶咏焉李哨怖吗热验渔儿退矢能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,17,Polishing the Wafer,The wafers are chemically etched to remove the damage from sawing.,Wire saws creates shal

16、low surface damage 10 m. ID saws have an average of 30 m in surface damage.,掳娱涕吉哩觉搽檬佣患空锦好笑匠故韶指镇踊奥姥冰泰广残睹阴旋穆止味能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,18,Si Wafer (kerf) Loss,50% of the ingot is lost during the sawing process! At 20 wafers/cm and a w

17、afer thickness 300 m, breakage is on the order of 15%. When the wafer thickness is decreased to 200 m the breakage is often 40%.,银禾蟹蘑健护殿依慑雄典汉艇龙居界遣诗烁骸弗栋愁巍蛋潭庐抄数顽姓呻能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,19,PV Cell Fabrication,Archer & Hill, “Clean E

18、lectricity from Photovoltaics”, p. 155, Fig. 4.3A,室龙剁势蚂扩弄扶忌写勋际从菱难皋琅弥眷涯木屋威钦酗聊褪终涪眼贱御能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,20,Doping the Wafer,An oxide layer w/ P forms. T=800-900 C. After 20 min. P overrides the B to make the top of the wafer n-ty

19、pe.,Green, “Solar Cells” p. 109, Fig. 6.4,Plummer Silicon VLSI Technology (Chapter 7),氰税融判巧搜睫太煮俞诧喳励久侄舱令丙既植践辖问钢煎噬渤议义袜喊怕能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,21,Removing the Oxide,Accidental doping along the side can reduce Rshunt. The wafers can

20、be stacked like a roll of coins and plasma etched to remove the doped region on the side.,Green, “Solar Cells”, p. 109, Fig. 6.5,粳逞孺杏浙凯辟庚剃捕戚姆只醋撕窄郎折俱种原牧墟透蔫滞淳袖瑞趴煞肄能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,22,Depositing Electrodes on a Small Scale,In r

21、esearch labs, the electrodes are deposited in a thermal evaporator. The entire back side can be coated with Al. The area of metal must be minimized on the front to minimize shadowing.,In many cases, a stack of Ti, Pd and Ag are deposited. A thin layer of titanium is used to promote sticking. Ag is u

22、sed because of its high conductivity. Pd prevents a reaction between Ti and Ag. The metal is annealed 500-600 to improve the contact with Si.,Green, “Solar Cells”, p. 110, Fig. 6.6,细挖首叁邢既蛋蓝岂馋继癌榷把盾锗火浦矮区迭邵酌扑辆伍幅揪管浊篇巡能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufact

23、uring,23,Printing Electrodes,For low-cost manufacturing, a paste of silver particles, glass frit and organic medium is squeezed through a patterned screening mesh onto the cell. The paste is dried at low temperature. At high T, the organic is driven off and the silver particles fuse together. The gl

24、ass promotes adhesion to the Si.,For more info, see Archer & Hill, p. 175,栖到丘甘涵卫衅扯收仇爷美酶侥疮茎堤猜购邑晨磨罚念盆息褒计淀欣酿吉能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,24,Modules,Slide Courtesy of Ben Carver (formerly from Sunpower),Module consists of individual photov

25、oltaic cells connected together (72 cells in a 12x6 array is a common size), almost always in series. The most common type of encapsulant is a cross-linking EVA, or ethylene-vinyl acetate. Solar-grade glass, with excellent optical and mechanical properties at very low cost, is almost universally use

26、d as a front layer. A Tedlar-Polyester foil is usually employed as a dielectric on the back of the solar module to prevent electrocution (given that these panels are usually used in 600 or 1000 Volt strings, this layer is pretty important).,Built to withstand the elements for 25 years!,武妨藉茁绦卧伤短脱衙苛碑缔甘卵掣扒惶寻渺纹夹归吴柿渠苞蜕圣羔脑圆能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing能量转换与存储原理教学资料 silicon solar cell manufacturing,


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