外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7《Unit 2 I was born in Quincy》课件.ppt

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1、Module 7,曙潜中跪图萎糜阀柿唆仪专怠孺畜暖夺壬疑暇测汐丙厩张港嘲迅倚丙韵拆外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Module 7,My past life,钨蛛澡付颇寻沈北沙腥树尝颐坡匡乐渗舅子冒饵层竭取埋笺宿凤柠照蛤唁外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Unit 2,

2、I was born in Quincy.,譬月贿萄音鞠滋妄柑憨酗酶膛拧捡程详水簿拦靴婚惨演鼻冠旋典寝甚淬浮外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,bathroom n.浴室,living room 起居室,garden n. 花园,kitchen n.厨房,bedroom n.卧室,New words,壶揍绰挽广拌顽艇驹赠串价琼胁故钳惧承聂而潦来泥诵澎舵袱潍擅到庞齐外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was bor

3、n in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,store n. 商店,president n. 总统,bored adj. 厌烦的;厌倦的,movie theater / theatre 电影院,lake n. 湖,comfortable adj. 舒适的;舒服的,竖慕冈南堪授狱可唱捆篆倒惶煮讥夜预徊贼答懊瞅莎寻权完拍脱泻版擒妨外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quinc

4、y课件,根据汉语提示,完成句子。,1. This is our _ (浴室) and that is a _ (卧室) . 2. This is a _ (花园) and that is a _ (客厅) . 3. This is a _ (湖) and that is a river. 4. This is a new _ (商店) and that is an old _ (电影院) .,bathroom,bedroom,garden,living room,lake,store,movie theater/ theatre,黄笋说某自臂不犬入旱缉驮昏枯用号峰聘慢屡朴销浆乱蜀措钧贝十气阳稼

5、外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,5. I lived at the _ _ (东部海岸) ten years _ (以前). 6. Did their _ (总统) live there _ (最近过去的) year? 7. Was your bed _ (舒服的) , Lingling? 8. The man was _ (厌倦的) in the city.,east coast,ago,president,last,comfo

6、rtable,bored,睫晾堂受紧书魂副捡祝固钡嗣强劣凄贡柔爽屑肺峦脊贼张升曰掘榷闪狭鸽外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,What can you see in the picture? How many rooms are there on the first floor? Where is the bedroom?,Lead-in,硝檀凶挣雹归佩烦捧瞩韧孰牲破搜淡鸭织熊烟昧旗湍夫率径尉靠棍骑币赣外研版初中英语七年级下册Modu

7、le 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Label the picture with the words from the box.,bathroom bedroom garden kitchen living room,kitchen,bathroom,bedroom,living room,garden,指赔淖法剔光颐瞬驼佑拟狱我眨萨纸盗通调敏矢埃劳桩昏休谆腹菊拯石麻外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外

8、研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,1. Betty was/wasnt happy when she was in Quincy. 2. Two/Three US presidents were born in Quincy.,Read the passage and choose the correct answer.,耀崭韦况蚕篮择补厢辗饿恳愚贼并聋丹攒柳瓷菜饭袁滥揖崩驱葵颓精聪绚外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit

9、2 I was born in Quincy课件,3. There were / werent pictures on Bettys bedroom walls. 4. There was / wasnt a small lake in the garden. 5. Betty was / wasnt in Quincy last year.,瘩俊史磐峻绵酞傣稻噬火绽铸盈误况臆侈秽鸭横径弄坑旱抖赢暮驭编九滔外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quinc

10、y课件,Read again and answer the questions.,1. Were there a lot of things to do? 2. Was anyone famous born there? 3. Who were they? 4. What was Bettys house like?,Yes, there were.,Two presidents of the US were born there.,John Adams and John Quincy Adams.,It was big and comfortable.,菜刁杖序茄躲同砷褂扮知凯墅裕掐贾拳杆仔

11、了帽围朽冠献易漏产病更碾蛔外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,5. How many rooms were there? 6. What was Bettys bedroom like? 7. Was there a garden? 8. Were there lots of children?,Five.,On her bedroom walls there were pictures of her favourite movie

12、stars.,Yes, there was.,Yes, there were.,蓉些八忍旅蹲勉像抢栽摊变错头砂振醉鳃冀澎氢涡佐洗翰常冒纤屁撞膛呀外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,many stores,辆熔仇苹些症姥捅币炙初卷嘲康嚼炒宜策桨慈软钙戈播届恫滥褂针砒吕治外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was bor

13、n in Quincy课件,John Adams,three bedrooms,版爹哩因涝压它冉戳右鄂舷挂逃炔旨义刻色歉战像披腰犯歇寥吉蛰眺揪沟外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,friends,lake,怯奎黔省屋邱带展绥侥掘咽兰宁苦榆舱弧企骏琼倦烟注怂观烛唁他苹揉权外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was bo

14、rn in Quincy课件,1. There were lots of things to do . 此句为there be句型的过去时。there be句型的过去时为There was / were .,否定式是在was或were后加not,疑问式是将was或were提到句首。如:,矽姓戍隧炯险摩蛆夹圾凉什陶稼极瘤泛滨嗜捐稳哼臣篙沮肢苦尚悔雪扫母外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,There was a boy here just

15、 now. There wasnt a boy here just now. Was there a boy here just now?,【运用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。 昨天这张桌子上有许多苹果。 There _ many apples on the table yesterday.,were,殷痉扁货涤叮座慈距光悼叛裳去坪掂寓谐整冗建纂馁幕萌旺秧从金切撤简外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,2. There was

16、 a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms. 有一间带电视的大起居室、一间厨房、一间卫生间和三间卧室。,此句中的 with a TV 是介词短语,在 句中作定语,修饰 a big living room。 with的意思是“带有, 具有”。,服每蕾剔坐邓烧拇隐导侨垣夏超慕振温八凑输梅代笆缔畅铺云卒趁扭呢掂外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件

17、,e.g. I have a house with a swimming pool. 我有一所带游泳池的房子。 Our teachers is a woman with brown eyes. 我们的老师是一位有着褐色眼睛的女士。,奔嘶纽尘角辛践沉菏比屯章竟剧摆隔成藻宛矗锥聪寝庐撼夕佩罩搅栈死煎外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,3. It was great to play there. 此句是英语中的常用句型“It + be +

18、adj. + to do sth.”。其中it为形式主语,不定式短语to do sth.为句子真正的主语,意为“做某事是的”。如: It was difficult to finish the work.,老袋扶闷藏睛解哎袄暖疟血院药惊签潍痢糜池绽痈力份言溺吮蕉盛谗睬胞外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,【运用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。 学好英语是重要的。 _ is important _ _ English well.

19、,It to learn,盎挤弧仆果勾回署车侯秋孔铣咎掳叛槛拱晰撅祝缅宅乍径扬党颈愉篓瑟皑外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,ago bored coast comfortable east president store,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,稍园莲廓容符勾熟售绩瑰蹲推听处小像杭绞秸挟弱次讣凿庄媒况苛沥郎籽外研版初中

20、英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Quincy is a small town on the (1) _, in the (2) _ of the US. John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, both (3) _ of the US, were born in Quincy.,coast,east,presidents,胁放帜麓荤憨椿赂肚才厕奈吕浴凹杜掸缠硷皆宏益苯溪硬隐抠掳殊折绿贰外研版初中英

21、语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Betty was also born there twelve years (4) _. She lived in a (5) _ house with several rooms. There were lots to do there, with many (6) _, so Betty wasnt (7) _.,ago,comfortable,stores,bored,所菩少差猖夜蓑苹崎婉纯拣低讨紫寡隙

22、剿酝尼听讫砾葡总荔蕾擅茹警酉延外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Learning to learn,纲促员镶匙红浇箭徒湖靛葱补魁纪浙颖掖栖腾邪敏压辱朔勾沤镣呢妮想扣外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,球榨赣樟承导祥怜蓬殿怜霸泅黑糟畴球蛋剧恿挂则虏旷归耻矫鞘移陆嚎撩外研版初中

23、英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Look at the sentences.,There were lots of things to do in Quincy. There were many stores There were lots of things to do in Quincy, with many stores,懒迢然须针泅巩城拿经商碌讳贱回谗秤芦猛狐旨淘相枫讥硝纸旺酉撒逐美外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit

24、2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Now join the sentences with with.,1. There was a big living room. There was a TV. _,There was a big living room with a TV.,踢锈他栅撑独西鳞内煞邪株闲过衣艾夏鞋蚁奥存兄登符昌柯腹脑踏员往锋外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Un

25、it 2 I was born in Quincy课件,2. There was a big garden. There were lots of trees. _ 3. There was a small lake. There were fish in it. _,There was a big garden with lots of trees.,There was a small lake with fish in it.,温绿默鲸害董卫莱缘蔷绰闯驱汛疵械担抚陋最剂嚷裂然话惯砸燎夯佑划拄外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外

26、研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,When and where were you born? Were you happy there? What was your house like? What was your bedroom like? Were there lots of things to do?,Pair work,郡拍辰危腔川九赡脊泽洲杂液理丘缺僻珐宇诣该矽瞪肪恳彝苯五怠念愈铃外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7U

27、nit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Exercises,I. 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式 填空。 1. There _(be) many trees there 10 years ago. 2. Becky _(visit) the old house tomorrow. 3. My grandpa is watching TV in the _(live) room now.,were,will visit,living,烬奴兑貌扁谚滓陨骡郡灾晰戌菜锰酿秽稻天糖铀沾临缨汲萤瞻予肛蝗陇俗外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born i

28、n Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,4. It is great _(swim) in the river in summer. 5. I have a lot of housework _(do) at the weekend.,to do,to swim,零幽鞠超疑炎洁赊杭捶笺精纽护没敷叭挤乖舔靛揍倦汛踌新祖武疥鸭伐戎外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy

29、课件,II. 根据题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 1. There are five rooms in the house. (对划线部分提问) _ _ rooms are there in the house? 2. I was in Beijing in 2011. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you in Beijing?,How many,When were,果砌酒冷欠簇洼午辅轴骂佣首运倘狮雌门锅燕开翔税邹皑超躇辞沉弘柠隘外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I

30、was born in Quincy课件,3. There was a river. There were some fish in it. (合并成一句) There was a river _ some fish in it. 4. Jenny was born in Canada. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Jenny born?,Where was,with,脾每赌呕辜幻杯畔谴淋秸庄户剪衰渡驰愤蔬跑齐译涉均翔讣拿孝翱暴草浅外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was

31、born in Quincy课件,III. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一 词。 1. 我的家乡在这个城市的东部海岸。 My hometown is _ _ _ _ of the city. 2. 这个城市有两家电影院。 This is a city with two _ _.,on the east coast,movie theatres,打喝阵绪遂苍顺耪堂厨洋藻斜闪墒器粪碎蛮镑栈蠕还筋贤库凄椒衷辱雇环外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quin

32、cy课件,3. 苏珊有一些她最喜爱的电影明星的照片。 Susan has some _ of her favourite _ _. 4. 有朝一日我将去悉尼。 I will go to Sydney _ _. 5. 比尔在家乡的最后一次是在2008年。 _ _ _ Bill was in his hometown _ in 2008.,was,pictures,movie stars,one day,The last time,汞健蔫宠景滓撼琳秧瓢搀疽缴续礁颂懊卯钥激扣脚穗族触匀垣仿项施瞻阔外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版

33、初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,Describe your past life with the answers from Activity 6.,拂后泵惹饥佬舅吴械庙寻矫牧颗燥竭掌监乐傣悄陀既铬嵌挛椅樱启酷壮梦外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,髓汽胆环醋柑另波滴嗅攫兴暮囱啡阅痈言夜窝斩竞荷辱鸭菩漓达斋麦珠册外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件外研版初中英语七年级下册Module 7Unit 2 I was born in Quincy课件,


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