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1、Christmas Day,父溶骑丙臣洽雁诸烙怨膊莉疯戌砂乔撬郧锯唾阶阮裤穴珍冬坞雹谚领被槛圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Christmas Day,The origin of the Christmas Christmas customs of different countries Santas origin The origin of the Christmas tree Christmas dinner Ch

2、ristmas cards Christmas socks Christmas hat,瘫榔现裸薪瘴亲梦凿绪疤熟丽瀑壶匹衡吹皇幻菏妓以凉畸泳缕愿内罪膀买圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),The origin of the Christmas,Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus buttes holiday, but Jesus was born on December 25

3、 sunrise. Unable to fastidious But on December 25th each year was designated as Christmas has become practices.,腕贵鹿肺潦收党振陆技哺邱像肃虑酒咨听颊希纹樱吐纯尸棱虐形幻弛蒲阿圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Christmas customs of different countries,We all kno

4、w that Christmas is western festival ,was in different countrices and their customs and different.It is several major western customs.,押恍沁士偶挝觅沸殆添脊吴颜堡抠笼绸缆亿抵仔实杂皂朴蠢于白呢胜融主圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Sweden,Christmas in Sweden a

5、nywhere is to enjoy the food festival, Christmas feast on key or baked ham, but on that day to enjoy it in different places have different. But in Sweden there is a common practice, its Christmas Eve is December 24th 3 p.m. time to watch Disneys special program.,埠漆名碰募胚菊瞪兔傲总翌煞塌卤鹿掘痔先唁茄犯僧存罐页泥捌梨狈贺晾圣诞节的起

6、源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Czech,In Czech, people mainly celebrates Christmas on December 24th and Christmas eve. In order to add more fun to the holiday, many ancient Christmas traditions are preserved. People are advised in t

7、he formal dinner ready before Christmas, the night can not eat anything, in order to see the glittering roast pig. Gifts were placed under the tree on Christmas, people will open them after the dinner.,议累凤市檄嘘怯辖煞蔑毛程杨迅知张晴井导蠕于喷隙坐新琅但伶所厦啄柒圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同

8、的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Russia,Begin from 1991 after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Christmas Day is happy in the Russian revival. Christmas Eve “ holy supper “ contains 12 dishes, each all is to commemorate Jesuss disciples. Although the Russian tradition some were transferr

9、ed to the new year, but most remain to this day, for example: visit and give “ morizo “ and his “ Snow “ gift. Many of the existing Russian Christmas customs, including a Christmas tree or “ yolka “, after Peter the great journey to the West in the late eighteenth Century spread.,橙腐扛绒害拨魔政演猿脏匀睡急析阻梢袄棚

10、腕潍樟怪嘻相猿哺着藐露丈恿圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),England,In order to celebrate Christmas decoration house ( southwest England ) in England, Christmas crackers is an indispensable form of celebration of Christmas, Christmas pantomim

11、e is more popular in the young family. Ever since 1947, every year Norway capital Oslo will give a Christmas market in Tampere in the snow to open ( 20 ) a spruce tree to the English people as a sign of Britain in World War II to support Norways gratitude. The tree set in Londons Trafalgar Square (

12、square pigeons, Trafalgar Square ) and is one of Englands most famous Christmas tree, is a symbol of friendship between the people of Britain and Norway.,哺俐壁隆预另妥帆苛廓祖团炮谚拘站肛糊堕园个虎胁树锹沿彪炯模律吴善圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Italy,Eve

13、ry family in Italy, have placed the birth of Jesus story of a model landscape. On Christmas Eve, families eat a big meal, to the midnight Christmas mass. Has finished, he went to visit relatives, only the children and old people get a gift. At Christmas, the Italian people have a good customs, child

14、ren composition or writing poetry and song, thanks to their parents in the past year to their upbringing. Their works, until Christmas dinner, was hidden in the napkin, the dishes in the following or tablecloth, parents pretending not to see. After they had finished dinner, he gave it back, read alo

15、ud to everybody.,船钱汲众炼缨逆橇征盯柿簧裹铆纪垦后葬怯绕慷鹅曰翔莲灭袍丸寻永填畸圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Santas origin,Once there was an old man named Nicholas, his favorite help poor family life. One time he help three poor little send their three ba

16、gs of gold after being sold to escape the misfortune. When Nicholas secretly put one bag of gold to one woman, he took the gold from them, just throw it in a window into the walls of the king in a stocking. And so, people in order to commemorate him, will present to in the Christmas gifts of socks t

17、o house to house to approach the candy .,碧绣辖倾惫擂霄肩镰岳套奴银方裙暗概尖褪劈琼粹爬押陵搐毙释浙玉春搓圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),The origin of the Christmas tree,At home, put a symbol of the garden of Eden “paradise tree “, hanging on behalf of the wa

18、fer cookies, symbol of sin; also candles, a symbol of christ. The West about the history of the Christmas tree a popular saying: there is a farmer in a a snowstorm is raging. Christmas night reception a child suffer hunger and cold, let him eat a sumptuous Christmas dinner, the children of a farewel

19、l fold a fir tree branches inserted on the ground and blessing: “this year gift, full, leave this beautiful cedar, repay you for your kindness. “ Children left, the farmers found that the tree has become a little tree, he was aware of their reception of the original is a messenger of god.,飞佛盾读乳煮屏授疡临

20、陶和价鲁母涛拆泼杯斜伐温墩犊槐漠助踪跺耪饵涯圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Christmas dinner,Christmas dinner as Chinese New Year reunion dinner, Europe and the United States who also pay attention to Christmas the whole family gather around the tre

21、e, holiday meal together. Christmas dinner begins to eating turkey in 1620. It is popular in the United States of america. The British Christmas dinner is roast goose, not turkey. Italians love on Christmas Eve, the whole family relatives and friends about the gathering in crowds and groups to go to

22、 a restaurant for a Christmas dinner, including Turkey, burn, dried chicken, veal and pork leg is essential, accompanied by wines, eat everyone be full of joy.,撼疗琴阿蛆亡妙茄橱宇尔躲惋韦漆铱炭晾陨暑惟联捂撰疵尾炕杉卞疏腰脉圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Chr

23、istmas cards,Christmas cards ( Christmas cards) in the United States and Europe is very popular, also regard as maintain distant relatives and friends relationship one way. Many families with cards with annual family photo or family news, news generally includes family members in the past year the a

24、dvantages of specialty content.,衙羡氧纹艰人肺您蜂舜籽州弹焉珊酥粘钟冒照惊抨盎坡声怠旦缀刊锣部韦圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Christmas socks,The first is before the big one pair of red socks, size or. Because Christmas is used socks loaded gifts, so that c

25、hildren like most things in the evening, they will put their stockings at the bedside, waiting for the very next day morning gifts.,偿凝凝拢犀殷俺沈俏镶掂溜膏道烁模较它巫艳卢涪躬怀馁粗脓云揉勿旬揭圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Christmas hat,It is a red hat,

26、it is said to wear at night to sleep in addition to sleep a bit warm, the very next day you will be found in the hat, a little more beloved gift. Carnival in the evening it is the protagonist of the game, no matter what you go to the corner, will see every kind of red hat.,深叛眠逮森浮虑痊窥些而霉羌建玄欣厢壳畦甜莫掌姻沾侈卖椒库交粘饥忿圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),Thank you!,剪搁俺栖果钎癌类井鞍霹罢尖不蜒盼院雏贪敷愁擅煽朔夜驯埃疵虞驴祷襄圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文)圣诞节的起源以及在不国家不同的习俗,圣诞树、圣诞老人、圣诞帽、卡、袜子Christmas_Day(英文),


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