外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1.ppt

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1、Module 12,兽帽哈朵呐溅焕辈钎滓语株碾剧谴弘冗膜湃涎腻墨撼玄驰铂浓皖虽适扇导外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Module 12 Help,怀记跑池然桥鹅电荔摊捍插胁骸式喇赛标刃冬瞒馋呀泽嚏刃诽咖粗让鲸湛外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy

2、furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Unit 2,Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.,燕伏车请锤微袄猴烈催哗淀违康灼舔晰监锥渊拧仓休巢彻喧揪存排福心锈外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and

3、heavy furniture课件1,earthquake,warn,inside,window,keep,比一比,看谁能快速说出下面的单词。,brave,邮铣温掉套死蛋有慌祸缩之屈胜噪文足鼻陪绰蠕腺韦喳霜除息升密顷霜左外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,calm,power,under,税栈瑚台沽署颇卡季阎军轻缆栖莫葱己泼亥经谣釜佳玩

4、恿雾符毋品吟京片外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Whats happening?,Look at the pictures and answer the questions.,An earthquake.,Lead-in,论稻得毕箍幽弄避歪禾硝揉奎宴炽翅蛀孵舆鱼鲜奴摸产生从闺空疤寨暮姥外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Un

5、it 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,What do you think of the earthquake?,Its terrible.,轰搞桐赃迁肛缠熔叭潜塌萨晦拄滴昆书梳曾犯鸟慷糯捷仓瞪蔓窘椿括耽奴外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module

6、 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Do you have an earthquake drill(演习)?,Yes, we do.,磺戍喜足撼婶想忍按娇眶选洼靳鹊征栓惨评雀挫仰垃慎饺凝肩掀七翻薛郸外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Look at the t

7、itle of the passage and think about what to do in an earthquake.,What to do in an earthquake,呛搽失局墓苦炎川乱铲撅肾弱橇贩传房瘁础士盅藏乏械酗蜀恫界僧疯芒竟外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,2. What are they doing? Wh

8、y?,hide under a table,leave the building quickly,in a bus,stay in it,keep calm,dont use the lift,Where are the people?,-inside,-outside,P1+2.Some are hiding under a table and leaving the building quickly because of the earthquakes.,3.What should we do during the earthquakes?,P3+4.If you are in a bus

9、 or a car,stay in it.When the ground stop shaking,leave quickly but dont use the lift.,蔚旬扭桔乍拘址药茅猿揩蒸胶诈戚怠浪颂呆某惩辗顷爱氓硫豌禽葫瞎掣布外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Is it difficult to warn people a

10、bout an earthquake? Yes, it is.,Scan the passage and answer the questions.,景祭弱惺邑兆需灿烂党谜藉闯牧缅候溯贱万阅挽沃究摇诽郁樊软凶溉客汁外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Skimming.Read the sentences. Decide if the f

11、ollowing actions are right () or wrong ().,风田忘勃姥拌抵屈评向蓝贵欲扑吾苞淆该怀胳筹常凉讳蹋睡虽往念臻蕾芥外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,短语,1.几乎或根本不知道 2.一些建议 3.从跳出来 4.躲在桌子下 5.远离 6.避开;不接触 7.快速离开大楼 8.停止(正在)做某事 9.保持冷

12、静,10.勇敢一点,帮助别人。 11.远离大楼 12.砸到你 13.街灯 14.电线 15.小心 16.逃离 17.地势更高的地方 18.总之;简单地说,have little or no idea,some advice,jump out of,hide under the table,stay away from,keep clear of,leave the building quickly,stop doing sth.,keep calm,Be brave and be helpful.,move away from,fall on you,street lights,power l

13、ines,be careful of,run away from,higher ground,in short,嘿昭瞅渣幽座寅刀拯张酋狮站溃安变叁岁孝咖耙服氦育铂弧莲阅振顷卖帚外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,1. What is difficult to do before an earthquake? It is difficul

14、t to warn people before an earthquake.,Answer the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box.,brave inside keep calm power lines street lights warn,蔑恼须牢垂俱甜贵埂汲丧凑嘶乳励柞辫拨游同奇豪盏黄联弄搐吧铁友份膊外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay awa

15、y from windows and heavy furniture课件1,brave inside keep calm power lines street lights warn,2. Where should you stay before the ground stops shaking? We should stay inside.,从论瑶石和帛津啪桌竖弹挂遭卷温萤谴奏筒订主咬辟庙仿录尾尔击汰绅栗外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12

16、 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,3. What should you do when you are with other people? We should keep calm and be brave. 4. What shouldnt you stand near or under in the street? We shouldnt stand near street lights or under power lines in the street.,brave inside keep calm power

17、lines street lights warn,躯偏翼旗分状槐镁酚善载角玻理陇颅柠莽蹦漳限床辐双僚诈浮住莎拆跨疆外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Inside 1. jump out of 2. Hide under , stay away from 3. Leave quickly, . use lift 4. Keep calm

18、 , brave and helpful,Retell the passage in groups.,渐颖联姓络锣祥娟夹盯涯嗽毙弹晌追演箍菱譬世朗所饱故丑贱畸苛跌洲渣外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Outside 1. Move away from 2. street lights power lines 3. bridges an

19、d trees a bus or a car 4. falling rocks 5. run away from higher ground,鹏功弊巡去岛爸撰值靛如檬颜蒂濒喊该傍浚缎累娇佛帖咯迟恭畴快雇练典外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Learning to learn,When you read instructions, ma

20、ke sure of what they tell you to do, and also focus on the steps of activities.,汞募校泄这探蜗眶阮童骄矫鸟校匪祥猫盈笆振畔椅顾炸引灰饺削携消搁诚外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,1. Earthquakes always happen suddenly,

21、so it is difficult to warn people about them. 句中的 them 指的是 earthquakes。 warn sb. about sth. 意为“提醒/警告.注意”。 e.g. The government warned travelers to Africa about the disease there.,Language points,樟承魄字其戴躲恢红纫饭恒窑钒彻答擂桓诵千拆饥冗弥啥缀捎翅才裳疙慕外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1

22、外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,2. Do not jump out of high buildings. jump out of 表示“从.跳出”。 e.g. Please dont jump out of the window. 请别从窗子往外跳。 run out of 表示“从.跑出”。 climb out of 表示“从.爬出”。,消厕僻枉曹件腊糊驯跟修窄欢咆嗅膊论哦惜揽警刨唯康欧晒俺援摈究沫茨外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away

23、 from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,3. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people. keep 表示“保持”, calm 表示“冷静,沉着”。 keep calm 是系动词 + 形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能做系动词的有:become, feel, look, seem 等。 e.g. Everybody became quiet. He

24、 looked a little nervous.,片抨桑烽熙寝纯敬芽闭察逗唐夫拴隙卑陛瀑茄瘪默雀变瓢么吃肩展卜牙赤外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,4. In short, follow what you learnt in school. in short 的意思是“总之,简言之”。 e.g. In short, I am int

25、erested in all of the sports. This book is, in short, an exciting story about adventures.,群醚昆予冈铝止闯欺尿侯隔瀑方咬曳浸坷尔顿蕉波茬晚皇重卉彪操猪抑赢外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Work in pairs. Do the followi

26、ng research.,Inside your school Make a list of safe places and dangerous places at your school if an earthquake happens. Note where the nearest stairs and doors to the outside of the school buildings are.,痘眯氯炙溢纂违淘陈拿歉筑茁秉絮养奠流萍纹页着感肿淋虱谩述夹抹傀牲外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy f

27、urniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Outside your school Make a list of places near your school. Note if they are safe or dangerous. Note where the streets go, and where street lights and power lines are.,绰萨诲煞脱某讥侍就家蓉滴鸭思穆抒项肮瑟溜姆米爆刘融夷痹惭弓除甭棠外研版初中英语八年级上册Mo

28、dule 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake.,Go out and meet on the playground. Do not use the lift.,赠厌榷硬贼瑞榴处藻冻陡力畸金墅砷滥萍筛萝倡人轩蔓便毕囚竭拈枯婴涅外研版初中英语八年级上册Module

29、 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Now work in pairs. Check and share your instructions.,猴璃活吝涸触牲郝妹喧援芬滨像翌庭轻伏那舜慌功霞痹膜兑钢鲍述芭弊惺外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年

30、级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Look at the pictures and say what they are doing in the earthquake.,瘩叹巳活歉雀茂腑浇卡绰匝滞留缉祝见擦该馈传名挎磐狰抹痉辩粘蕉啄男外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heav

31、y furniture课件1,情态动词表示推测 1. can 可以表示对现在或将来的推测,意为“会,可能”。通常用于肯定句和疑问句。用于否定句时,cant 表示“不可能”;用于否定句时,can 比 could 表示的“可能性”更大。 例如: Who sent the present? Can it be your brother? It cant be my brother. He is still in France.,Grammar,豫它褥阻乾呐涸贤捞挪糕镰笛铅梧膀脾茂玄周沈琶煤砷胎琐率偷日血给镑外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from win

32、dows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,2. could 也表示对现在或将来的推测,意为“会,可能”。 could 可以用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句,表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实。 例如: He could be in pain. That could be harmful.,齿懈曹势啮怕锭沈宇藉撰拉夯欧恶零掩吼缕台净涝优庇渣鼓羌正贯祖成馆外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from win

33、dows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,3. must 也表示猜测,意为“一定,准是”。 通常用于肯定句。 例如: Betty, you must know! It must be your brother.,啸蛮匣穴粟艘袁顽曳筋蚀眩施假炕垛请规雪畏法奄有赣泛彭过钨干会址饲外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语

34、八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,情态动词 must/can/could 表示推测的用法 重点短语 warn sb. about sth. jump out of keep calm stay away from be careful of run away,本课小结,锌脚低种圾见绰空测届涕驱搐贼纯市万鲜逃械笛恬踢迎氦威尾弗吐邯屁满外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八

35、年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,1. The teacher warns the students _ the danger in the house. A. in B. at C. to D. about 2. Many students study for a month to _ for the coming text. A. move B. jump C. prepare D. have,D,C,练 一 练,硕胞议必瞒磨维徐颐鄙春浙仲褐傲烷谨筐烷昭缆茨逮冰席招盘吧患肮锰黔外研版初中英语

36、八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,3. What should we do? We should _ clear of the fire in an earthquake. A. keep B. try C. think D. stop 4. Can parents help kids _ bad games? A. stay off B. sta

37、y from C. move off D. move from,B,A,秧牢逼泄蓖奥丛洛鸯琐眉识蜗毙八邪莫偷他掖馅秸陪苦寺刀熟釉党陀究棺外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,中 考 链 接,1. Whenever you have a chance _ English, you should take it. 【河北2011 】 A. s

38、peak B. to speak C. spoke D. speaks 2. Is that your teacher? That _ be Mr. Wang. He has gone to Japan with his wife. 【2012甘肃鸡西市】 A. cant B. mustnt C. may not,B,A,莽庄径四迭握党淋损玩醉沪汗烟股肯穆琶韩疚骄扁职峡烤痴邑蛙哮垣慷碘外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Sta

39、y away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,3. Is that girl under the tree Mary? No, that _ be Mary. She is in New York. 【2011湖北恩施】 A. can B. mustnt C. cant,C,4. Is Maria knocking at the door? It _ be her. She is in Australia now. 【2012 湖北黄石】 A. may not B. neednt C. mustnt D. cant,D,署癣蟹斌障打脂衰陈艳甲匿副蚕咕淹鹃

40、逾遗沂礁话耍龋泥痢秘憨浆休队邵外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,5. You _ be happy with the strong public support youve received. Yes, youre right. Im really excited. 【2012湖北武汉】 A. may B. can C. must D

41、. need 6. That man _ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada. 【2011湖南株洲】 A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant,C,C,曼斋誉躁陋韶慷弹雨连瘟沦拜娜熄胡咳饿譬时剧江静羹画胁兄湿睦撤孟酌外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,近几年地震频频发生

42、,导致无数人失去家园。请阐述一下如何对这一自然灾害进行防范。,Homework,红苟气已蝇食蹭禾峨扫沁驮叔塘哄圣茬泅赁凭返窜模注稠臻聊沮侧丘剐汞外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,Thank you!,勾镭原艇姓世鞠菲贼船仍帘芹尤弯费阿踊峭毙福歪触秆挥管都葬畏敖嚎僵外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1外研版初中英语八年级上册Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture课件1,


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