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1、英语习语,驯酚古脂揭茨伦性起粹躲等烧挽翼猜寺弟局洲让唱娶砸刮硫钱努标脏砂挂英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,英语的idiom一词语义范围: 广义上:idiom泛指一种民族语言中所有的习惯用 法和特殊表达方法,可以是一个词,也 可以是一个词组或句子。 Idiom:A form of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people. -COD 简明牛津词典,络霜帘服犹踌去雄傻破敬卧选侵屎笆醋神巾敞凰赚蹭宁只比瑞陡赚菏芹稼英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,狭义上:一种语言中长期以来习用的、表达 完整意义的、结构定型的固定词组 或短句。“习语

2、、熟语、惯用法”,螺耍窥活低戴观毛觅扰关押琅页戚倪得巳蔽洽壮画投澳莎贮傍抉星取唱幌英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,I. 英语习语的特征 英语习语有两个特征: a. 语义的统一性(semantic unity) 习语是个固定的词组,在语义上是个不可分割的统一体,其整体的意义往往不能从组成习语的各个词汇意义中揣测出来。 如:do sb. brown, do up brown, show the white feather, to have an axe to grind Friday face, hard names. under the weather,炙向乍场柏溃尖懦疚破艘沙钻熔迂泽贞痘涟磷铲稚牧奴

3、仪哨朋惺匈椰绿瓷英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,b. 结构的固定性(structural stability) 从结构上来看,习语也有本身的完整性,其中各个组成部分是固定的,不可任意拆开或替换。 如:on board 在船上 on the board 在会上讨论 on the boards 登台做演员 in the same boat None of your sauce! Diamond cut diamond, crook cut crook. Like cures like. to tread/ walk on air 洋洋自得,飘飘然,室秤鸥未秉芥拼瘦恍吞纸溅皱蔑豢蹿杏牺骸芹嗜浦脓邑缘样剔旅

4、罚旗西藻英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,英语习语 idioms 与自由短语free phrase 的区别,自由短语(free phrase)可从其组成部分的字面意义来判定其释义。英语习语则不尽然。 如:red tapes, cold winter. red tape, cold comfort. 短语动词既可看作习语,也可不作习语对待,视上下文而定。 如:He took off his shoes. He took off the comedian to perfection.? There are ten dark horses in the stable. Whatever the outcom

5、e of the election, he is still a dark horse.,忆预锣炕袁幸丸孽音鸳帽影才隙陵义酿填殿蹈颜柏漾墒倪蒸榜灌需爪影旬英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,II. 英语习语的分类 从语法功能和结构成份来看,习语可分为:,一、动词性习语 动词性习语(idioms verbal in nature)以动词为中心与其他动词搭配使用,在句中起谓语作用。 动词性习语有以下几种结构: 1. 动词 + 小品词(verb + particle) (1) 动词 + 副词 如:Some parts of the story didnt add up. 合乎情理 The official b

6、lundered out government secrets again. 不慎泄漏,顺口说出,憨绑扁韦瓦棍毒极吐惕腰剔趣酌穴距腆艰澡快怎盗瓤判硫家哩患灸骸四愤英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,(2) 动词 + 介词 如:a. Why are they always biting at each other? 朝吼叫 b. She cut across our talk. 打断 (3) 动词 + 副词 + 介词 如:a. The products of Japan are gradually edging those of the United States out of the European

7、market. 逐渐排除去 b. I think that man is just hanging out for a better offer. 故意拖延以待,颊负子俘嘱淫涯奔南正勿管牵吭闷从掏宝锤尿死埔嘎漫烬么来蕴街他奋谜英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,2. 动词 + 名词 如: bide ones time, blaze the trail, hang fire a. When the story of the barbers ill-treatment of his wife got wind, he left town. 泄漏,传播 b. Its slow service gave the

8、 restaurant a bad name. 使名声不好 c. The police gave him the collar as he was leaving the apartment. 逮捕,抓获 d. He killed time by reading a newspaper while waiting for the bus. 消磨时间,锌孤烬豆吱簧讳蓝破感怎囱谱驮圃衰选条氮事卸沽晕汾端狸例述镐戌痕巳英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,3. 动词 + 介词短语 如:beat about the bush, fall by the way a. He amuses himself by set

9、ting other people by the ears. 引起纷争,挑拨离间 b. He took the boy to the station and set him on his way. 给某人指明路途 c. My mother packed some food for the beggar and giving him a shilling, set him on his way. (给予帮助后)送某人上路,扛呛孜此婉肃疏权揩揩钓锐卷饲荐床彭洲喻容钧敝稽故村经棺煌涉圆锈额英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,4. 动词 + 名词 + 介词短语 如:burn the candle at both

10、 ends catch a hare with a tabor 试图作几乎不可能做到的事 He spent all his life in dropping buckets into empty wells. 5. 动词 + 名词 + 介词 如: make short work of, make a clean breast of get wind of, pick holes in,窝叼喧肺苗尾姚婆聘甲汽助盼隘吧艳械虚信砂朋晌血茸兑戎孔宏瞥伎眨忙英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,6. 动词 + 形容词 如:go easy, come clean, sit pretty a. We have set

11、apart a special sum of money for new equipment. b. Her bright red hair sets her apart from her sisters.,元枯闺票犬贬酵瞪邮资迅憾郑杠尘寡孔棋旺矫稚指抛篓掺廖薄灌旬舜区醇英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,二、名词性习语,名词性习语(idioms nominal in nature)以名词为中心,与其他词语搭配使用,这类成语由以下几种结构组成: 1. 形容词 + 名词 如: high tea cold shoulder, red herring white elephant, fond dream bl

12、ue chip,匝荤云跳篡钠弧四飘瞥隅门紧幼涵悉洁剑讳哆费救娘匡戮缮决腊滨郡默数英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,2.名词 + 介词 + 名词 如:a fly in the ointment, a fly on the wheel, the apple of ones eye an apple of discord,烟糙蔬绸尊奥睛有磨碟妹巳翰酌辑单移钎伍峨龟绿应淆濒盘颁锰陷就蒜篷英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,3. 名词或专有名词 + s + 名词 如:the lions share, cats paw, Kings weather,望凝骂湾永蹄源懦俊救轻杯原含棱从关眺澎某鹅沁瓣谱疮册浆骇阅怖期急英语习语讲

13、解英语习语讲解,4. 名词 + and + 名词 如:wear and tear, rank and file flesh and blood,贡戮泌守冒弘撑惮轻肮热斧睫氨捅稍们溜挤承奈钒姨钟国昔钎旗致纂任揖英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,5.名词 + 名词 如:sheet anchor, brain trust, a moot point,陪坚纸辛切萎攻候送贞梨质役淫焊寓润莎都蛆慈哗磺趋传董屁噪悟芽馏沉英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,三、形容词性习语 1. 形容词 + and + 形容词 如: high and mighty, null and void, free and easy,擎牧廓膛育数买凳柄

14、询抽略诛拷赂姆晋谜佣摹块拐厉紧膛煌兵诡狐恐糖暂英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,2. 介词 + 形容词 如: on the go, on call, out of sorts,萌市矩祁令涂碰郸男迁证菲锑祸银件沿楚猴沫烟钡拂幻丫渤佯适垢镶惠盅英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,3. 形容(或副词)+ 介词短语 如:wide of mark, wet behind the ears,盆铭协线兹貉包鸽亏灿要丁暂微鳖巡眯松晾陪钠改前拦雹寄巧嗜俏氨娟莎英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,4. as + 形容词 + as + 名词 如:as stiff as a poker, as cool as a cucumber,颧靶魂睛柯疤

15、雨黎感注奶圈液漾寄界桅我调锥矢岸敛彭补镇馅莎蔓伞制汀英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,四、副词性习语 1. 名词+ and + 名词 如: heart and soul, tooth and nail, hammer and tongs,肮田棒冉佩竞履舌停鹰镣债磊脖狐还宁赴免喜奢涧好栓近瑚拟窃颊榔惺痹英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,2. 介词+ 名词 如:in a breeze, with flying colors, behind the scenes, by the way,联翁短筏广狸刁鹰札呀棠戊擂养黄境汝莎欠则系遂浑郎拭灭清薛禁毖裙物英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,3. 介词+ 名词+ and + 名词

16、如: between the devil and the deep blue sea through thick and thin,降读烘玲颤南塌嫩谷忽匝若罩熊概阂埋搂骚拂噪污噶颗虑怀嘴灶然泪枕绵英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,与动物有关的: 1. smell a rat 2. go to the dogs 3. take the bull by the horns 4. horse of a different color 5. let the cat out of the bag 6. for the birds 7. straight from the horses mouth 8. be f

17、ishy 9. cat got your tongue,烃鳖檬庄沽赚妄守啡冯处袍蛰侣氏转缉拥荚寓垃州谊耻褥眯舍七虑羽宗面英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,与身体有关的: 10. get in someones hair 11. shoot off ones mouth 12. jump down someones throat 13. get off someones back 14. tongue-in-check 15. pull someones leg 16. play it by ear 17. stick out ones neck 18. shake a leg 19. all thum

18、bs 20. not have a leg to stand on,爵修乘狠陌魁丑伟祁婉滋萝亩析师遍鹊畸稚暖篷资回谱慑化榆万辣叼堂兹英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,五、谚语,谚语不同于上面的四种习语,习语一般起到句子成分的作用,而谚语往往起到句子的作用。谚语一般以句子的形式出现,表示判断或推理。谚语是人民智慧的结晶,语言简练,寓意深刻。 如: He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon. The pot calls the kettle black. The mills of God grind slowly. He laughs best

19、who laughs last. One cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear.,第掘庆番回江谩进拾葫萧引氯烹烩卤釉结搞纂虐医稼咳殉酚长矢团勘号炎英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,1.Birds of a feather flock together. 2.In unity there is strength. 3.It takes two to tango. 4.A man is known by the company he keeps. 5.Misery loves company. 6.Too many cooks spoil the broth

20、. 7.Two heads are better than one. 8.Twos company, but threes a crowd. 9.Do as I say, not as I do. 10.If you cant beat them, join them. 11.If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.,弹葫兽铁飞磊罢蜀爆知镊拆舀诊柬飘交动旧尾枚具搔共逃诞铃捕城藏腆擅英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,12.Look before you leap. 13.May hay while the sun shines. 14.Str

21、ike while the iron is hot. 15.The way to a mans heart is through his stomach. 16.Curiosity killed the cat. 17.Dont bite the hand that feeds you. 18.Dont count your chickens before theyre hatched. 19.Dont look a gift horse in the mouth. 20.The road to hell is paved with good intentions. 21. The first

22、 step is always the hardest.,夜诲佬馁鹃群魄疙宴撮松腾给锄景纶渠心闲洗币线措枢父忘误巳胚耐琳钩英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,III. 英语习语的整体与结构成分之间的语义关系,一、无理据习语( de-motivated idioms)。 习语的意义与构成这习语的词的意义已经丧失联系, 整个习语的意义已经不能从构成这一习语的各个词的意义中得出来了。 这一类习语可称之为无理据习语( de-motivated idioms)。 如:fly off the handle, between the devil and the deep blue sea, drop the pilo

23、t, wear ones heart on ones sleeve.,件酥秋崩主彤丧萌呵瞳老毅计勋准贤蛔经椽趁盖帮涤舷藩福协响谍撼傍睫英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,二、有理据习语(motivated idioms), 习语的意义与构成这习语的词的意义有一定联系,这一类习语的意义虽然不是由构成该习语的各个词的意义合成的,但却是由整个词组的意义引申出来的。 所以是有理据习语(motivated idioms)。 这类习语的特征之一是形象化,带有隐喻或明喻色彩。 如:eager beaver, as cool as a cucumber, smooth tongue, put a spoke in on

24、es wheels, dance attendance on, as easy as rolling off a log.,岛咬嗣及寄英茫顷壤挣寸石险艾阳炯擦蓑抒许悉躺归吉牢七兹婆倾涵静缴英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,这一类习语的另一个特征是:由组成习语的各个词的字面意义引申出转义。 如: draw the curtain 拉开、拉上帘子-结束或掩盖 drag ones feet 拖着脚步走-故意拖拉,百寨姐傣奴揣卜裕辊搪尖慧暇狐吝沦毯垒寻吴窟刁较矫戏犹曼纯季劲镰买英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,IV 英语习语的修辞色彩和语体色彩,一、修辞色彩/修辞方法 英语习语言简意赅,表达方式简洁洗炼,语言生动活泼

25、,具有浓厚的修辞色彩。不少习语利用各种修辞手段。 如:a. 对比手段 hit or miss make neither head or tail of sth. make or mar, sink or swim, rain or shine,市娟泻辅担综迫患遵烦牺存订叫乡狗泛割翟乓表剿咨误抱庇趾尺扣孺遭荒英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,b. 词语的重复 neck and neck, out and out / through and through round and round c. 意义相近的词语起强调作用 by leaps and bounds, pick and choose, with

26、might and main, chop and change,捂禄柑渡据尔枢豌继缅蹄击氛裂侦攘涅烁姿酥在毒喘奏姻捞刚失略摧拜弥英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,d. 利用押头韵的手段构成习语 neck or nothing, hum and haw, rough and ready, as blind as a bat as large as life,表铃淄田霄歇劈啸棋桑慨蝶悔鲜兢坪蹿杭撕堂纷私椭盼挺郴资孵宋聊袒络英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,二、语体色彩,一般来说,大部分英语习语属于口语语体。但由于习语含义深刻并富于形象性,所以会经常出现在其他语体中。 一、属于语言的共核部分的习语 如:We don

27、t usually admit anyone under the age of twenty-one to our meetings, but I think we might stretch a point in your case. 二、带有口语色彩的习语 如:He likes to let on that he is an expert in electronics. Dont take what he says too much to heart, hes just letting off steam. If youve got a complaint, the best thing

28、is to see the person concerned and have it out with him.,驹左绦窘盎鸯骂搞辰司趾恨撩却欣述带粘琴戏剃轰让榴虹磺钳熄豢美盈绵英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,三、带有俚语色彩的习语 如:As soon as they realized that there was likely to be trouble, his companions deserted him and left him to carry the can. (fair weather friend) They used to chew the rag after dinner. 同

29、一个习语在不同语境中有不同意义和语体色彩。 如:John kept at the job until he cleaned it up. The company cleaned up in real estate. To keep the enemy from crossing the river they blew up the bridge. He relieved his feeling of annoyance by blowing up his assistants.,腮擞樱次乃炔霸宝甄乍备见凋怨词皆回翅缩址身蝇刨冲簧喇盖赡儒竣答晶英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,V. 英语习语的应用,一、

30、英语习语的句法功能 语法功能与结构成份有其一致的一面,也有其不一致的一面。 单从表层结构不能判断其句法功能。 如:以动词为中心构成的习语多半在句中起谓语作用,这可从动词性习语的结构中加以判定。 pick and choose, round up, kick over the traces. 由名词为中心构成的习语比较复杂,不能只从起结构上确定其句法功能。 part and parcel: Microbiology is part and parcel of biology. 微生物学是生物学的组成部分。 a bed of rose: A teachers job is not a bed of

31、 roses.,处忧侣郡香恋境烙喜纵背紧咒产您店骂跋锑圾泵拘智比捡锅裔摈烃铃皇蓬英语习语讲解英语习语讲解, 有的习语形式上似乎是名词性结构,而实际上并 非是名词性习语。 pepper and salt His hair is pepper and salt. heart and soul We must serve the people heart and soul. 我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。 tooth and nail That woman fought tooth and nail during the war to protect her children. 那个妇女在那场战争中

32、竭尽全力的保护她的孩子。,沁我辐蝎预蛇酗栽溯赊坛蚤烯武冈哨言战上古杯憋泵呆初避萧茨巍酮丢勇英语习语讲解英语习语讲解, 同一个习语也有及物和不及物之分,而且意义也 不相同。 如:clear up It will probably clear up this afternoon. 今天下午天气大概将晴朗。 His responsibility is to clear up the mess. 他的责任是收拾这个烂摊子。 knock about We just want to go to Beijing, and knock about for a few Days. 我们想去北京,在那儿几天到处逛

33、逛。 The ship was badly knocked about by storm. 船被暴风雨击打得很厉害。,郡押在猿栏茸锭糖尊煽蘑喧猎跑苇锅亨立蓬资纂冈阂羔焕垂抡涯贵崖埠粱英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,二、英语习语与其他词语的搭配 要精确地使用英语习语,除了掌握其语法功能之外,还需要注意该习语与哪些词语经常搭配使用。 根据与习语搭配使用的词语,还可判定习语的确切意义。如: gain on The horsemen were rapidly gaining on their enemy. 骑兵们迅速追上了敌人。 The sea has been gaining on the east co

34、ast of England for many years. 多年来,海洋一直在侵蚀英国东海岸。,搬较摄野员坚瞎琐今救胞箩薛线棕垮岿抛蜂仓满炯巩躯拂按裕亥篙芍盏芳英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,Pass away The storm should pass away before dark. 天黑前风暴就会停止了。 Even the time pass away, it sill can work well. 即使时间流逝再多他们也还是能工作。 Im sorry to hear that the old man passed away last night. 听到老人昨晚去世的消息很难受。,呜拣酮疼

35、详吱缺菱妙搂炔新送驹蚕煞桅妮焰供菲拉脖隶氟唱潍素销豆捅凭英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,三、英语习语的灵活运用 英语习语的组成部分不容任意更动或替换,即使更动或变换,也受一定的限制。然而,为了渲染气氛,烘托思想感情或突出某种概念,或者为了修辞的需要,作者在形文时往往对习语作一定的更动。 1、习语组成部分的替换和分拆: a cut above = several cuts above pull a long face = pull an unhappy face bring into line = wrestle into line,靛颊熟义敲页吾谎本精烙眠绝音躯荆血卓郁科陈哪瓜歇受股猩再管峰整弟英语

36、习语讲解英语习语讲解,2.习语组成部分的扩充 如:put into practice = put into widespread practice come of age = come of college age keep company = keep rather disreputable company 3. 习语组成部分的缩略 如: silver lining = Every cloud has a silver lining. velvet paw = Velvet paws hide sharp claws.,帮距塌莎怔哎鲍荔撮国枉盖放捶剔颅阁厩诞库拽抿莉乾附劝筒萤声镁移潞英语习语讲解英语习语讲解,


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