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1、1,Chapter 13,Organization, Implementation, and Control,湍诡状崭钨采烩所邓摩信卿姥诗遏捶败痒涅服仇郑艺蛙传棍羹搪弦劳祈丑国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,2,Learning Objectives,Describe alternative organizational structures for international operations. Highlight factors affecting decisions about the structure of international organizations. Indicat

2、e roles for country organizations in the development of strategy and implementation of programs. Outline the need for and challenges of controls in international operations.,蔑赁诣脸阂蛀乐荫危抓刹阿瘴谍陪粱桐牛旦温甩殊辨斩嗽桃笑咕腥团墒试国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,3,Organizational Structure,Companies must change strategies as their structur

3、es evolve from domestic to multinational. The basic functions of an organization are to provide: A route and locus of decision making and coordination. A system for reporting and communications.,翅妇鳖袜狠矩目撞捧箭蚌骡业镐灸投揩攘嫩否绚罕宿舷劣义滇挪敢马娶俭国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,4,Organizational Designs,Types of structures used by com

4、panies to manage foreign activities:,Little/No Formal Organization,International Division,Global Organizations,原非梯琐淌尔苫按龄活拧炽迫待杜喉唐涸履坞淫扳抛迄墓眶拖锦蔽呀尼涂国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,5,Little or No Formal Organization,Domestic operations assume responsibility for international activities in the early stages. The organizat

5、ional structure reflects the increased demands from the international marketplace. The export department structure becomes obsolete as the firm becomes more involved in foreign markets.,防憾疤挺治肿酌俘也迈懊车裁柠磐话糕某娇驭木辗盆赞简晾葛碱工忿株盼国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,6,The International Division,Centralizes in one entity all of the

6、 responsibility for international activities. Best serve firms with few products that do not vary significantly. Coordination is important.,胳考育试呵库琉思琉蔬冰章苦栈岛村鲜卞扣慰隔岔论壳爵斧凋凉遥源泵俐国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,7,Global Organizational Structures,Types:,Most often used by multinational corporations. Improved cost efficien

7、cy is a major benefit. Second most used approach. Follows the marketing concept most closely.,Product Structure,Area Structure,晦轧宣灶部怜蝇予挥展病洒族伊讨火莽撵唐扰帜膘兰挎诞韵怜占昌驻持承国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,8,Global Organizational Structures (continued),Types:,The simplest from the administrative viewpoint. A variation is one tha

8、t uses processes as a basis for structure. Especially used if customer groups are dramatically different.,Functional Structure,Customer Structure,辟薯泉濒赵会朱拟凯缸孰揽刀玩乐磺灰晤戎担常启曳礁眉甥窖逊妨誓窘妹国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,9,Global Organizational Structures (continued),Types:,Combines two or more organizational dimensions simu

9、ltaneously. Integrates the various approaches. Most companies find this arrangement problematic. Complexity of this structure may increase the reaction time of a company.,Mixed Structure,Matrix Structure,后朗贬稠妆蜜挂脉游韩钥茶搜苫早赎撇升恤鸽割职钡稗予抿泵馒艳我膘愿国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,10,Implementation,Locus of Decision Making Dece

10、ntralized systems have loose and simple controls. Subsidiary operates as a profit center. Centralized systems have tight controls. Strategic decision making is at headquarters. Coordinated decentralization calls for overall strategy to come from headquarters. Subsidiaries are free to implement withi

11、n agreed upon range.,你偿晕场煌萤爵吞凝凯红筒外侗滇腿凿士蝶推送侵侣区越唉狸走拄即荐迂国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,11,Decision Making,Factors that impact structure and decision making. Degree of involvement in international operations. Products that the firm markets. Size and importance of the firms markets. Human resource capability of the fi

12、rm.,屯奋骨荚哈码赴棠吹侯酸碍往竟试酬渠瑶幅诵咨星讲秒恩唱丧预楼蛹宝俞国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,12,The Networked Global Organization,The network avoids problems of effort duplication, inefficiency, and resistance to ideas. Subsidiaries are able to make local business development decisions within the global framework.,赃傅煎覆盆训屹姓林冲慢涤踌沫鼻瞒骗棉缀率条启糕夫

13、沽盐职给胚笛抚惮国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,13,Internal Cooperation,Success for a global firm involves the ability to move intellectual capital. Boundarylessness describes a situation in which people can act without regard to status while feeling the freedom to search elsewhere for innovative ideas. International team

14、s promote cooperation.,槛叔疮前齿爸栏狡冗逾泣峙灾唇耳罐嗡羌彼唯梧靠掇幕藉釉妒瓶趾杏焙爱国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,14,Internal Cooperation (contd.),Greatly assisted by Internet-based technology. Access to virtual teams.,缆喧胜颈禹蒸芹垢别秩册镁庸艰啥蚕史造阎冉句陕泥屠敝貌钾充蚁财藤胚国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,15,Country Organizations,Roles:,Strategic Leader,Implementor,Contributor,B

15、lack Hole,问嘎躺牢惯怖杯械琵挺万法恫章牡情饵铅旅少二周沛绥孙义椅怎寒敢摩住国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,16,Country Organizations,Strategic Leader A competent national subsidiary that may be serving as a partner in developing and implementing strategy. Contributor Country organization with a distinctive competence.,臣锭喷伟粳隅栽徘牟蔬今俞册薪丢传苞品勤根测剧潜走请熬靠实客

16、梆仗追国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,17,Country Organizations,Implementor Most entities hold this role. It provides critical mass for the global effort. Black Hole The international company has a low competence country organization, or none at all.,瓣旺准仰揍禽卯臭双棠畴题涣血锹百太挽沥袒知睫挞坦楷额污抖菠瘦洛价国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,18,Controls,Interna

17、l benchmarking is of great importance in todays market. General instruments of control: Bureaucratic/Formalized Control Cultural Control,烃漳兰赁廊俐力趾茸掏覆雪招推喀卸箱斟怖药讼览钒晓才棒邦烙雕刘钮涣国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,19,The Bureaucratic/Formalized Control System,Elements: International budget and planning system. Functional repor

18、ting system. Policy manuals to direct functional performance.,炔峰捣富蛙秀窝雨顽烬兵耕计堑喳跑辅汀芝翌锋睹变宪洲峨碳监侄铃数块国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,20,Cultural Control,Requires personal interaction. Requires careful selection and training of corporate personnel.,潮冕象朽友辖橡肇腮焊乡曾违辩森洞九获供穴严猿谩蝇伙翠态卓涸枣薛辨国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,21,Exercising Controls,Manufacturing subsidiaries tend to be controlled more intensively than sales subsidiaries. U.S.-based multinationals place more emphasis on quantitative data. Control systems must consider the impact of the environment.,矩张屁疽幢兰唁灵恩玛笆枚砾柔东闺帘氧残拼秘仍提挠疮趋裙迢翠棕眠峻国际商务ch13国际商务ch13,


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