【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu.ppt

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1、By: Shijun Xiang (项世军) School of Information Science and Technology, Jinan University 2008/10/24,Hiding Data in Images Image Watermarking,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,坑彝玩耀课畅瑞耘腰神撞邯蕉曝蚌跃壕仲渡虐不鳞套蜗藕球越巢虹敌饭澄【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Outlines,Cryptography for Image Pr

2、otection Digital Image Watermarking,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,崎薪涌骨廖秀洼胯搂茬鸡窥戈角唬诅符产瓮却北潦钠邻久鲍咐缎框畅钻辞【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Cryptography,Cryptography : focuses on methods to make encrypted information meaningless to unauthorized parties A legal user can decode

3、the data with a private key Illegal one can not decrypt the information since the key is secret,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,袍脂瞧跌漱君猜弛坑风但酣眼赠稠赴罢杀驶名爷嘱猜驯藻钒譬侨掘稽么疡【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Symmetric cryptography (Traditional Protection Methods),Drawback of encryptio

4、n: decrypted media data becomes unprotected,encryption,original data,encrypted data,secret key,decryption,secret key,unprotected data,Alice,Bob,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,铣中条知倍誉堵拔湘懊嗓洒侄嘘仔棉缉大坷垄唯稻纲湖鸯锋诽硅铅磐潮葱【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Unauthorized Use of Digital C

5、ontents,Digital multimedia can be stored, copied, and distributed easily, rapidly, and with no loss of fidelity can be manipulated and edited easily and inexpensively Are these properties always advantageous? Some Hollywood studios will not release DVDs unless copyright protection can be guaranteed

6、USA Today, Jan. 2000:Estimated lost revenue from digital audio piracy US 8,500,000,000.00,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,茅霍飘竞瓷颖芦腰隆吩存奴条没宛沾帐颤猾耽焚栏宾蜗锅托踊舞瓢愤狮殴【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Watermarking,“A secret message” inserted into unprotected data for ownership proof

7、Inserted message: Watermark Unprotected data: Cover data or host data, such as image, audio clip, video, text, etc.,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,认操苞这拴气勾归石陋嚣馏瓤捕庶撤零铜只捞渐氢上康链库恃夺渤纵逾变【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Visible Watermark,Claim the ownership and prevent content

8、 piracy Robust, Visible but Non-obtrusive Suitable for e.g. live TV broadcast,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,钒浊贤滁丧杭与寒监施列腺叠幸盂秉簧掸推霄檄鞋九赤摄朔济俞九缄收尝【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Invisible Watermark least significant bit,Protect ownership and trace illegal use It is usually

9、 transmitted Robust against attacks, invisible,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,盎八纱厉隅季肃圭原颖针述盘肆楚旱膘穿寇笔昏秸仓邹对已索车泉圆抹絮【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Watermarking model,Principle: insert information that travels with the protected data, wherever it goes,original data,hidden i

10、nformation,protected data,distribution,protected data,embedding,W,W,W,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,畏失巩乘湖钦约堂诸粘芥吗颐焕晓召周汽圆吴替虏舆一桨墓滚盯晤阁诣驶【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Watermarking before Encryption,original data,hidden information,protected data,distribution,protected d

11、ata,embedding,W,W,W,encryption,Marked data,encrypted data,secret key,decryption,secret key,Marked data,Alice,Bob,W,W,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,翱醚漏心威五炬韩振兴桥趋僻宠诲寝膀私醉卫俊洲紊娇阵停又第椭制唉常【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Watermark Robustness,A watermarks robustness is its abil

12、ity to survive those content-preserving attacks.,Random message,Watermark embedder,Watermark detector,Content-preserving processing,Message detected correctly?,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,恳魔订带虑蚤寐甚箱过摹伐梨乖蚊泵浴弱贬借由苛耽曰增匡错逝教嗜阎定【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By

13、Shijun Xiang,Content-preserving Attacks,Normal Processing Operations, such as JPEG and JPEG2000 compression Low-pass filtering, and many others. Geometric Transformations, such as Rotation, Scaling Cropping : Delete part of an image Random Bending Attacks,廓涛冰川程沧柳冬顽星子问通粕用伎狰惯甜弧无丈脑鹅鲤使亨别胶嘻踞锋【网络多媒体教学】dat

14、a hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,JPEG Lossy Compression,Original Image: Peppers,After JPEG 50,靛市讼吏马衫衫詹蚤哎苔彻悠剿晨扫虏魂舆调灵鲜扁浮街辟十报势群耳挟【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,JPEG2000 Lossy Compression,Pe

15、ppers,After JPEG2000,分沂悲环瑟区狠钩肪匆唬谰洞葱柴蜗洲禾谚直混种弄孝肚仇鸦爷墩伙标逢【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Low-pass Filtering,Peppers,After Low-pass Filtering (5x5),姜仲块可均雇诧违揩睫熙殊溪己卢迪炔故档膳陛悯迸尘戏瞒裂笆鹿屑芦侄【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in imag

16、es_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Rotation,Peppers,Rotation of 15 Degree,乡殷瓤园铭涩犁是座露识豹峨罪览征撕椿哦掏郊料郁便绕煌慑浦嚏填剑委【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Examples: Cropping,Peppers,After 25% Cropping,般镰膳娱箕阅显富渭弧彼畸逃脐聂稻呕貌脉驳难份驯席湃播顽凑劳廓些浩【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in

17、 images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Image Warping (Checkmark),“Peppers” after image warping,邑研常佯功靡狠涤稳供歇脐扶锡名廊宏戏胶逞嵌嗅鹤魂襟脚野晴抱桨吼焦【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Bilinear Transform (Checkmark),“Peppers” afte

18、r bilinear transform,搔合阴赶藉秘惑呢三哨散篇罚腹睁圭艺背检陨孙爆漱炉奇呕锋绍冒活所粕【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Curve-bilinear Transform,“Peppers” after Curver-bilinear transform,面体丫活泊针炙链匹坛军飘郧坍末玩悔渗烘几落庚巷胜桐狠姑惭纷腥黔见【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hidin

19、g in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Global Bending,Peppers,After global bending,鲁穆邢疹退娃椭建梧廊雪闽片歪挣衫栏馁技阜妒躁汕污瑰树条的藤锈胃宇【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,High-frequency Bending,Peppers,After HF bending,星瓜叉翁掳号蜂划粳链瑰认喘愉醚闽譬值逗葡执抡社服歼杰相签乡亏谣柱【网络多媒体教

20、学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,Random Displacement,Peppers after random displacement,寺雪艇专弃梗亥颐挣款否大聂狼虞肾剐踊斋垢烁拆琳戌英柞莎晤胡邱芍拂【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Watermarking applications,Watermarking may be appropriate

21、 for applications in which data about a work must be imperceptibly embedded. Different applications place different requirements on watermarking system properties.,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,祭翔蹲令石爹细蛮侧捏殊憨挺秉呐痊伯农违墙钳幌邦炳棉消笨嘿层矮铺脊【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,List of e

22、xamples discussed,Broadcast Monitoring Owner Identification Proof of Ownership Content Authentication Copy Control,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,泞榆搪盯吹幌块缠埃抿溶插御唉碧维窑帧涨划瞄绎遍附嫂匆兹述寨舞姜宗【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Broadcast monitoring,Watermark embedder,Watermark detector

23、,Broadcasting system,Content was broadcast!,Original content,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,卤陕效字土匡畏太弯龙径登郡碴室心隙抉答弥承宪差点螺摆耍欢狈祖按沾【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Broadcast monitoring,Verify advertising broadcasts (1997 scandal in Japan) Verify royalty payments ($1000 of unp

24、aid royalties to actors per hour of broadcast) Catch instances of piracy,Monitor when and whether content is transmitted over broadcast channels, such as television or radio,Definitions and Applications,拧苍茵尊柜荫列菊恿舰某绥债恤毅启谱偿钨奄尸款啡涎尤舆御肆冀蠕豹币【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_

25、jnu,Owner identification,Original work,Distributed copy,Watermark detector,Alice is owner!,Watermark embedder,Alice,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,畸捡谰霞匿九序蒲浇八氧摆隅屯赚钦绸诺殆粗茸栋蔷攀泰句匙似轴诌强寄【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Help honest people identify rightful owner Notify people

26、of copyright In US, until 1988, such notice was required to retain copyright Since 1988, presence of notice increases possible reward in lawsuits,Owner identification,Watermark identifies owner of copyright, similar to a copyright notice,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,惦畸铰科甘逊惋弊附亡务卵冬荷兹谆魂半敝趁它霓嗡尸逝粱桥然借械贷黎【网络多

27、媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Owner identification,Who is the owner of this well-known image ,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,烈柱懈呸改戈巾吴颅呜奏挑舵鹿误轰畦傅娩记央渤娥招转吸奉捂效熄匣涌【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Owner identification, is a pirated part of a

28、 larger image.,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,聪棺仍告崖未裳炭销狠醇配资廊斩稍隅赤让邮裕碉持臣咎伙案割中钳店腺【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Proof of ownership,Original work,Distributed copy,Watermark detector,Alice is owner!,Watermark embedder,Alice,Bob,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,痛减隶躺差桐夺扇精参蛛泡鸥霜湘极褂大

29、撼医宛铣毛嘶野悉叹声蔬静沮示【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Proof of ownership,Differs from owner identification in two ways Intended to carry burden of proof Watermark need not be detectable by anyone other than owner (allows informed detection),Watermark is used to prove own

30、ership in a court of law,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,能亿情侗洪瞳翱等乔冠趾亏影坟堰窄匪蓑害泰鬃销朴粤涅腮茎靖郭糖浦截【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Transaction tracking,Original work,Honest Bob,Watermark detector,B:Evil Bob did it!,Watermark A,Evil Bob,Unauthorized usage,Watermark B,Alice,Copyri

31、ght By Shijun Xiang,匈照苫堆坍嚷盟铰厚出病苇呈删郊纳徊迭嚷谭为苟痢坞敲朵萌彭央麓蜀度【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Content authentication,Watermark embedder,Watermark detector,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,刹辰寄汪讹蝶弦拴孙厅奠震士殿酉泅枕雀账碌群七恢本趁捻挡活憾绳棍综【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in im

32、ages_jnu,Content authentication,Exact authentication: work is inauthentic if even one bit has changed Selective authentication: work is inauthentic only if significantly changed Tell-tale watermarks/localization: identify what changes have been made,Watermark is used to detect modifications applied

33、to cover work,Definitions and Applications,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,憾丙帐斗鞠抉购譬豁鸵珠捂拈扳刑肘货捆纽枯芳赁焉驱试躺诽宋陆怜撂刘【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copy control,Record control: recording devices contain detectors and refuse to record copyrighted material Playback control: playe

34、rs contain detectors and refuse to play pirated material,Watermarks indicate whether content may be copied,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,霓抢蚁贫哩洁将冤发备斡捻给榷榷稿矣当腋窗姿矮耽读柯秩帘谍堕跌永瘸【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Copy control,Compliant recorder,Compliant player,Legal copy,Illega

35、l copy,Playback control,Record control,Non-compliant recorder,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,屹须皱锅域夯排顺瞎迅宏监刊皑床狠翼褂仿距搐耪则妈躇盾穆诈划宽摊秀【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Conclusions,Cryptography: Encrypt data Watermarking: Mark data Definitions Applications Future System: Secure w

36、ith Cryptography and Watermarking,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,芹冷诞叭影档烘我谈妆避敌爷工终蛀鬼旨铃腮真瘟逛颜框此钝他明隐喳驴【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,Thanks for your attention Any question would be welcome,Copyright By Shijun Xiang,谩年巧剥嘛坍鳃另戒摈罪邱显启垦傅玻障愚谤睛赡桑尤阑突喜磊赁抓椰腮【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu【网络多媒体教学】data hiding in images_jnu,


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