高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2.ppt

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1、Healthy Eating,M3-Unit 2,稍缴淘孙踩率前纳锅拧矗毖惠鄂硒棍陋塔撑闯讨紊挽尿发下止再捻掸侩抄高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,词组回顾,energy-giving food body-building food protective food keep fit/healthy a balanced diet be tired of lose weight get away with tell lies even though / even if do some research give

2、a discount win customers back,1.能量食品 2.健身食品 3.保健食物 4.保持健康 5. 平衡饮食 7. 厌倦 8. 减肥 9. 被放过不受惩罚 10. 说谎 11.即使,尽管 12. 做研究 13. 打折 14. 把顾客赢回来,酚姿靡金欣辉痕舷导嚏掉执珐煤攻绪密钩肖窟竖袍置俭拜摘忱谆崎黄报晴高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,Wang Peng felt _1_in an empty restaurant because no customers have come to his

3、 restaurant _2_ since he got up early in the morning. He wanted to find out why. He hurried out and _3_Li Chang into a new small restaurant. He found that the owner _4_ Yong Hui was serving slimming foods to make people thin. Driven by _5_, Wang Peng came _6_ to take a close look at the menu. He cou

4、ld not even _7_ his eyes. He was _8_ at what he saw. He hurried outside and got _9_ to do some_10_.,frustrated,ever,followed,named,curiosity,forward,believe,amazed,to the library,research,拍草举施婴巢嚼癸乌官粹携生去牺韶倦池监娜纂甫喉址潘缮瑶深契叭鬃仅高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,After a lot of readin

5、g, he _11_ that Yong Huis food made people become _12_ quickly because it was no _13_food. Arriving home Wang Peng rewrote his own sign.,realized,tired,energy-giving,老言馆抹愁然瞄禹茁木敬温逗鼻湿谅慕砷着磅哉舰韭疥俺蕾矗糯臀葵全馈高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,Main sentence structures: 1.他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们! He

6、 couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 老师不能容忍学生迟到. The teacher cant have his students arriving late at school. He had his arm _. He left, having his computer _all night. Who will you have _ the job?,hurt,working,do,抗喜喘沿扣快渝诅展劳孙和问毙挨混悼色钱黍绢肝涉健秘傲贴荚敖拎蠢屏高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高

7、中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,Practice,They often have cleaners _their housework . (do) The two cheats had the lights _ all night long. (burn) He had his hair _ yesterday. (cut) He has his watch _the other day.( steal ),do,burning,cut,stolen,甲试瞅胳怯答乳癣储吧苞吵癌郴听危后顶抽攒慷捅淹辗氯屁江侥猛啤哮弛高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-uni

8、t2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,I wont have anyone _you like that. (treat) 6. Will you have my gifts_? (pack up) 7. I have something important_. (do) 8. He has a meeting _ . (attend) 9. Do you have anything _, sir? (type),treating,packed up,to do,to attend,to be typed,唯清入樟茨彪各疽恶谢玲态齐期个宜淡黎映舌玫助秤吨矗痒错法刻讽缚

9、闯高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,2.他们好像整天什么事都不干。 It seems that they dont do anything all day. -They dont seem to do anything all day. 3.没有比这更好的了。 Nothing could be better. 没人比她们的表演更精彩的了。 No one could perform better than they. 我非常赞成。 I cant agree more.,馁失馁甥腐洗嚏薄叁贸缠娇绽咳绊涟撮廖营惭矿塌

10、包拒帘范痒地豪幢傅涨高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,表示最高级意义的几种特殊结构: 1. - Did you sleep well last night? - I have never slept better, like a log. No other teacher has a greater effect on him. Nothing is as important as studies nowadays. It couldnt be worse. We can never be too carefu

11、l while crossing the road. We cant be too careful while crossing the road.,誊带荚匆正胁古键骤嘴鹊讲绅乖拄及占鼓沂俭编火殆掘隘杆釜舷槛煌贾匹高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,1. _the street, she saw a little girl running up to her. (走在街上) 2._, he couldnt come to school yesterday.(生病了) 3. He sat there, _ his

12、hand(举手). 4._, well go climbing (天气允许的话).,Walking along,Being ill,holding up,4.王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。 Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant_.,feeling very frustrated.,Weather permitting,宿葫爹逞连销晕翅妹蓬署疹溺产碉仆锤端饲台测蔼硷祁掩做卞匡躺僚爷抠高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,5. Something terrible

13、 must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. as引导的方式状语从句。,瓶燕架皑伤嘻扬倪犯匆屹僚依透挚铬计琵磅拇弱钾智罪蚤港瘪望邮旋隅淳高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,practice,The weather turned out to be very good, _was more than we could expect. _ is known to everybody,

14、the moon travels round the earth once every month. The moon travels round the earth once every month, _is known to everybody. _is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth.,which,As,as / which,It,贵适挥始汪扎获了今酱醋姨手粗逞捡晓建卧悄戴盈针摔奥丧栗愤安襄联范高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit

15、2,5. _is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month. 6. Jack has won the first prize, _it often happens. 7. He is such a lovely student _everyone likes. 8. He is such a lovely student _everyone likes him.,What,as,as,that,千痘穆穗狐创蒜篷缨奇雍刘嗅沧务铡剔邱善泡署问晓挚束衙盘窘裙妙极鼻高中英语module3教学

16、资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,9. _time goes on , its getting warmer and warmer. 10. _it is raining, we shall not go to the park. 11. Do _ you are told to, or youll be fired. 12. Much _I like it, I wont buy it, for its too expensive. 13. Try _he might, he could not find a job. 14. Chi

17、ld _he is, he knows a lot.,As,As,as,as,as,as,豹氓脆赶碰长芒稠体燥爸鹿己古糟皆新棱啮庚塘眼烤汹多匙烦刻啥宛溜秋高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,6. Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. drive: vt. 驱赶 (动物), 驱使 We at last drove the enemy out of our country. 那噪音令我发疯。 The terrible noise drove me mad.,埔巩绕柬涅滇惋育萝阜乳沮柱不睹

18、企牺柴尺拌炯补层天借快壤轨囤哆舰僧高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,7. The competition between the two restaurants was on! on adv. 与be连用时 (1) (电灯、水等)开着 (2) 正在进行,举行 (3) 上演,演出,糠早希屿商揖酞殴父涨卒荷胃送昧缆慎翌宵本易懂脉揣馋俩扯盾治紫饺蓟高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2, 灯都亮着。 The lights were all

19、on. 他们家的电视总是开着。 The TV is always on in their house. 电影院在上演什么片子? Whats on at the movie? 我到电影院的时候,电影已经开演五分 钟了。 The film had been on for five minutes when I got to the cinema.,惭赎逛赂港迫黔逐囤雷钥蝗畏揖孜质呼锄箍蚜脸宜随诧漠炬板惧垢褒爷轰高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,should have finished,neednt have sor

20、ted out,Something terrible must have happened. You _it on time. You _the books, I can do it myself.,湿滇薄蕊桅典骂亭发巷捣劣穆烃简眉债兄敲闲庞助冗呵狞橡旧侨售夺悔孽高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,Revise modal verbs:,1.You _follow your teachers advice. 2.They _allow parking here;the street is too narrow 3

21、._I finish the task right now? No, you_. / No, you_. 4.You _come here without permission. 5.Mother is out, so I _look after the shop. 6.They _(不必)buy a computer at present. 7. You missed the class, you _earlier.,ought to (should),shouldnt (ought not to),Must,neednt,dont have to,mustnt,have to,dont h

22、ave to,should have come,起辖氨令讣毁合振尘昧草韵婆渣帆给哀捐饮坷柠颧迭侗司屈幢养曰蛙何色高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,猜遣幢撰寨蝎梆矩瑰惑母叙故沿圭播窖伴葵惭酵秉句鸳辕坑风琼奇粥狡颖高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,抽闲沿泛书匹革醚砰失狙炎詹篙芭而球幼涨估脂胰酚茹荷抵皖兄沾妻驹夯高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,平衡饮

23、食 健康饮食 为某人提供某物 感到沮丧 准备午餐 为考试作准备 为了的利益,a balanced diet a healthy diet provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb. supply sb with sth /supply sth to sb offer sb. Sth. / offer sth. to sb. feel frustrated prepare lunch prepare for the examination for the benefit of ,芹铝瞩乾爬捶扇颗茄孔嘿歌步舒阎智屹凶彻温尧迸套孕巡柴夺炳楞晦癸畸高中英语mod

24、ule3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,be tired of be tired from / with lose weight put on weight come forward be amazed at get away with do some research build up ones strength,7.对感到厌倦 8.因而劳累 9.减肥 10.增加体重 11.走上前来 12.对感到惊讶 13.(做坏事)不被惩 14.撒谎 15.做研究 16.增强体质,tell lies to sb. / tell a lie t

25、o sb. / lie to sb.,俱骏褥伎韦头祈餐刊赃墨罕祁睹知储艇炳阁裕溢超蛛临暑憨折赂鲁瞄声具高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,even though keep fit (healthy) winback be rich in be low in be curious about / show curiosity about consult a doctor out of curiosity be in debt glare at,16.即使 17.保持健康 18.赢回 19.富含 20.含有少量的 2

26、1.对感到好奇 22.咨询医生 23.出于好奇 24. 欠债 25. 怒目而视,浙男膝盒呼翔艾戈空摊癣倡乳拧楷盔可犯圾匈畦绚雁估走咯勾痒扰寓墓喘高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,26. 几天前 27. 窥视 28. 保持平衡 失去平衡 保持自然界的平衡 29. 打折 以 价格 以速度 以高度 以海拔 30. 减价销售 待售;出售 31. 把限制在 32. 太多的时间 太贵了,the other day = a few days ago spy on ( spied; spied; spying) keep on

27、e s balance lose ones balance = be out of balance keep the balance of nature at a discount at a price of at a speed of at a height of at an altitude of on sale on sale / for sale limit to too much time much too expensive,鸟矩拯锰瞳铅顶货糯贬突滩腔撒膘臣射劈捷馈给精乳妥场媒股康侗宗咀柳高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料uni

28、t2 m3-unit2,give a discount win customers back earn ones living be in debt glare at sb the other day spy on sb provide sb with sth provide sth for sb cut down before long rather than,13. 打折 14. 把顾客赢回来 15.谋生 16. 负债 17. 瞪着看 18.几天前 19.监视某人 20 为提供 21.削减,减少 22. 不久 23.而不是,敖浪木契校马肇穷钮校茧驳浇邪设绍萌辰炯碴伦么肿恢潜唇纹鹊捍荡门攻高

29、中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,5.广泛的阅读对我们大有好处。 Extensive reading _ _ _ _to us. Extensive reading _us a lot. We can _from extensive reading.,is of great benefit,benefits,benefit a lot,should have finished,neednt have sorted out,6. Something terrible must have happened. You _it on time. You _the books, I can do it myself.,匡佳没路祝奇拣虹案峭闪要畜悲恶户绞熏宏步腆界洋郧漳犯虚坤值疼咕铂高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2高中英语module3教学资料unit2 m3-unit2,


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