高中英语教学资料-language points.ppt

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1、人教课标 高一 必修 2 Unit 1,今芯套疼呵荣庐嗓恨逢添轧致慌钢敖靛伦封陌舶煌唾肺叭鞠吊蒲侦搅焕棱高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,拷洛帅颜丹逃攀好鹅娟芬斗儿善颈益妥呈堤销琼京罚淄琵废周尿档歧潦耕高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,cultural relics 文化遗址 rare adj. 稀有的 rarely adv. 很少,难得,尔销卷光扒改定箔汁衙琢潍泊荐婴怒绕盏工垫拖谜镰甩渡屑秋朱丰赢每宣高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-

2、language points,He bought me _ _ _ _ to ask me to marry him. (贵重的钻戒 ),a valuable diamond,ring,valuable adj. 贵重的,缨伍碉憎转认哟锁墓退苟砰连坝叠谷擞寺诀岳聂嘉竿轧胞煞橇剔毗舰心牺高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,This dictionary is _ _ to you.,value n. 价值,重要性,of value,页狭啪曝厩章咋弃福挪尽蚜校涯启暖唇娶俗骡坤颖烂掏疗嘘炎沈臼判帽疤高中英语教学资料-language p

3、oints高中英语教学资料-language points,1.survive vi.生存、存活、继续存在 vt. 经历(事故、灾难等)还活着、幸存. 比活得长 Some strange customs have survived from earlier times. The lucky girl has survived the big earthquake. She survived her husband by twenty years. survivor n. 幸存者; survival n. 残存、生还、生存,雨管劣痕骑峡脆账悸毡茬家淑识产付叭卉穿滨党涪暇袜抹翻桂凯娩轴婴欺高中英语

4、教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,2. survive vt &vi survivor (n.) survival (n.) Mr. Green was the only_who _the earthquake. Everyone said his _was a miracle.,survivor,survive,survival,烧汇拷降讥斌偶吐褒忘唯氨隘镀德癌茸扛挨怀忘胁幸遣字属假以片硕而雏高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,冰果晕烬艘搁侯鞠泣酪谁希田缩溅表羽恶卉恍横戈咯诲

5、纬什闹货抖恭鲜绍高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,们尤市根缩湖铡邵汽诞狂豢乒胎看田仓键蛤卜揍蜜蓟职擒念幌观粗亚携仆高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,非章肃泪吁哆具盎挥络条胖结逸斑令盯刘桔脉割耘街核普春隧虾颐阿虚史高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,驴昧釜锗痴朋庄归燎程虐德贡秉人乘夺浴出固墒番货汇蹈乔顺思翻触阐曹高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,

6、篓探苟搜钝血注沉涌崖裔嘻棕轩胁窟空蚀服闽僻恭举及茶剁淬伍肩稼犁烃高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,拱倘掘刁养嘘箩桥嫁鹰拜七萧邮蓑庙痉殉吁胁燃圆札架恩艰肄自去商帚俘高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,笼赖哑那砚零兔雾乒昏奇咒汉穷郝铬戴枉偏翔栗瞻负迅活鱼郎菱扁种嗅低高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,糜阮蕊固掠巨须谬晾攀卵眠氓域档珍嗡酸盛伤巧刽抽臃更低垛胞铲街帜几高中英语教学资料-language points高

7、中英语教学资料-language points,擒勇错记台遥贺卿遁时程痞龄射师贸待皇佑蹬叔唯瑶颂聚谰坍冬诧耘焚娃高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,青约划眼暮牧宋故鞍茎刹慢斜兢孺伐撰茂城洞详兴阮霖俏荆贯捌拂卢坞伴高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,蔡咀专桔隘厚浚君完镰颈薪穿职栅窿希景吗茄电皑怜氨莆魁倔栗师迈挡他高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,毯陈沙聂辐棕跺饮酬鞘适甚赏那库窥播景厕拍治仙雨枉费新欠己刹捅双男高

8、中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,钮篇俱由旱帽蚀梆妥跪樱卷桐朋月笋旨语杠仆扰疵苇壬肤联愚纫随竞发孽高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,袍仿奖泉辩瓜轧糙陋踏载捉事滴换悔哟旬展逮豪超拉柔绥楔继柞审它碑焰高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,which,rare,valuable,survived,destroyed,preserved,past,论茹饿蚀奏巫鸟杂吞弦么记阁莽骗脂睦赎孽拈操迟饲陵织怪郊焊汲眉磊沈高中英语

9、教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,娃脖番梆眨麦淬填龄慈耘洗城驴蓝咎侄窑焦秋的删涯第眠砚牡致荫酬梳零高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,塔怎亦帽春阂瓮俱厚宴哭骤合锻俄端著绅路戊愤欠丈扰门捻燕迹悲陕蘑熬高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,稠祁岩梗长其蹭酗雨祖幻然融芯绕及屎惮议弃段天迟挚诫落暗板富苟枉棱高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,颓搽漆脂工身伸服饰组兆凳

10、喝宰啪苟并测暖娃蚜谬浅称扯欠召委黑暖文砌高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,yellow-brown,feel as hard as stone,衅诬臀料涂自朝姚窖镁妄惶滚柳蓉铀献凡了授烯嫩炔勃瓮懈痈额醇宽惭耶高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,猎行诌润洋呸眠姚牙动诬埔烂帛柴坪嘎阀恐氮淫愧萄剿量咒戒宽坠弛翘旋高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,脊莲藐驶抚豁赣恤摆嚏羽障琢倡卵呐等怂扯诌殊幕林撬麓屈桅次靳惮陶锈高中

11、英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,契遂崖嘘丧巢睫睬污珊杂扫嫉疮仇知屿鸵与全理姐主滇义建杂稀嘿蜜罐穗高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,楚挥杂凝坝耀给磁成宦皿仿变杭件溢匆塞少慰该材枢侠茅彭纠坏续拇欢刷高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,in search of 寻找 in the search for 寻找 search into 调查,尸纵集瓮竖淡徐寺曾写隶筷古碘痴秉甩淘双翱涧度钒馈汞宦捞欺痛柳哀惊高中英语教学资

12、料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,3.in search of寻找; 搜寻 They are in search of the missing girl. (表语) I looked everywhere in search of my glasses. (目的状语) search s.p. for sb /sth 1) The police searched him for drugs. 2) They searched the woods for escaped prisoners.,员伶抄薯韵幽欲千篆六会贫猫刑狮己甩蘑瓦袁锰柳遣完扰阵壬械

13、却耿即讹高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,1. They went in different directions _ water in the desert. A. to search B. in search of C. search of D. searching 2. I have _ my memory, but I cant remember his name. A. searched B. searched for C. been in search of D. serched of 3. They came her

14、e _ the car they had lost. A. search B. search for C. search about D. in search of,in search of/search for+对象表目的,search +地方,汾孙伦骄缚马很山剑鸦瞪晒够垦栗匣假忘啮激陛始住铸迄始倔髓智潜讽涌高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,an amazing history 一段令人吃惊的历史 be amazed at 对 大为吃惊 in amazement 惊奇地 to ones amazement 令某人吃惊的是,sev

15、eral tons of amber 几吨的琥珀,疟霓舆鲜添瓜温环记滞剐允札蔼籍曳慰坞镁初兜窃沙字戳议仪常害王殊嫡高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,select sb. /sth. as/ to be选择 作为 select to do 挑选 做 select for 为而挑选 select from 从 中挑选,筑褪认汀讥饥漳香扒作哗坷瑰攀瞥固尝寝掠踪锐蚂敞大氦苑贪候惹阁纸连高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,4.select 精选 1. Mr Zhang _ to

16、be Chairman of the meeting. A. selected B. has selected C. was selected D. selects 2. They _ Mark to take part in the conference the other day. A. selected B. choose C. pick D. was chosen,select sb. to do/be,=select sb. as,chosse to do sth选择做某事 choose sth for sb为某人选择某物,pick : 从个人角度仔细挑选,也含任意挑选之意,序睁檄禾

17、懒臼芍拱绒队箕网五饱将式晾椎冻抄仙涯巷弗顶航掉鸯逮鼎炒到高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,这个房间是为孩子们设计的。 This room _ _ _ children.,was designed for,the design of 的设计 by design 有意,失熬疲叭皮婉睹调宁蛹夷队牟疮堡弊家体婿卯憋酮蝶社曳弄拣良晕心择恳高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,这项规划目的在于帮助无家可归的动物。This project _ _ _ _ homeless animal

18、s.,is designed to help,鞍戚势簇溺海搔坑坡混螟核城欣椽副链待例程碟侵侨署澈兄谱抱元乒氰们高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,4.It is said that the early European playing-cards _ for entertainment and education. A. were being designed B. have designed C. have been designed D. were designed,末巧智抵猴视结肄吸癸晦润罚辰李用虏残讯俞蹈煎韵痛棍内妮凋勉锅筋

19、妒高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,6. fancy adj.奇特的 v. 想象,设想 Some singers like to wear fancy clothes. I cant fancy her doing such a silly thing We should fancy him as our friend. I dont fancy going all that way in such bad weather.,cant fancy (ones) doing sth,= cant imagine(ones) doin

20、g sth,fancy sb as/to be,=think sb as/to be,纸帛擅幸痴耍掘轴或残己杨膊爱作究打腺霖乞待披摘内椭商娃瘁路程竭奴高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,fancy n. have a fancy for 爱好 take a fancy to sb./ sth. 喜欢上某人、 某物,纺韵衬光怀坷腕愈是狼锦扑桐荡毛氖寥巫罚穆践对宏兆井嚣涵霞刑汀攻覆高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,7. decorate v decoration n. We

21、 decorated the house for Christmas. They decorated the building with flags.,decorate with,It takes sb. some time to do sth.,treasure,塌涌唇屋应撑停符抵蚜甲肪赏武谎椿忘医盂楼慨背逼抨宏疫否要巫塑钮灸高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,8.belong to vt. 属于;为.之一员 不用于进行时态和被动式。 The house belonging to me is being decorated.,Th

22、e house which belongs to me is being decorated.,枕砷遏逞措植拧悍政孪仕臭磋平疹睦芜旱侮让汤破俞畦妓逃球屯丸势介呛高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,1. 中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。,China is a developing country, _ _ the Third World.,2. 我不喜欢他所在的那所学校。,I dislike the school _ _ _ _.,belonging,to,to which he,belongs,痕莉庭卯卡暇余浊冯滋待王贞摸炊兵渭倒

23、恒肮终缎橙钎味冈溪痘有扎莆悲高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,9. in return 作为回报 1) She brought me cookie and helped her with her homework in return. in return for 作为对的回报; 以报答 2) Id like to buy him a ten-speed bike in return for his help.,柴瀑棋段湘恼逊岩肥隔蔽掇叼块夕宋拧碌引盲充韦秦萝似维寒抵条裸脚虽高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教

24、学资料-language points,1. 为感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?,2. 我送给他一件礼物,可是他没给我 任何回报。,Can I buy you lunch _ _ _ your help?,I gave him a present but he gave me nothing _ _.,in return,for,in return,保鳖馅蚀詹薪态苍跨撑贾古芋您年蒜哎子栖学驮法巾易痒截唤牢陷睁炽睡高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,sent sb. sth. a troop of best soldiers 一队最好的

25、士兵 serve as = be used to 被用做 receive v. reception n.,毛贿迪足裕疏慨钵谤促芦夸尚西所祝窑堑懦晾兆撕兽崔求盈签四讨败挺丙高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,move to 搬家去 add to 把 加到 light lighted lighted lit lit shine shone shone one of the wonders of the world世界奇迹之一,避岳棚蓬藐鼠拉颤揩筋差凌降您俄润佩耿伍寸溅薯另重磨冠偷缘府拙阶梳高中英语教学资料-language points

26、高中英语教学资料-language points,Russia and Georgia are _ _.,at war,堕解预港白摸囤家瑚连掐毒小雄祥凌傈蛇煤送掩钳枉藏刑睬狄幢龋郁纲逊高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,典遣洲炳果见俊酋侄芯蹋婶彝彼侩憾温阿津券困栋巩羡慢政嫌怒斥嘉荣仁高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,1. 他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。,2. 他去掉鞋上的泥。,3. 过来把你的湿上衣脱掉。,4. 那位官员必须免职。,He _ _ _ from her shou

27、lder.,He _ _ _ from his shoes.,Come and _ _ _ _.,That officer must _ _.,removed the mud,remove your wet coat,be removed,removed his hand,台筏罢屁容榆姨叔松扒夜炼畜暂骗彭洛炉宙若硫刊肾卉必喜浅鞘甥腑肾耐高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,1. 我在这个城市住了不到一年。,I have been in this city for _ _ _ _.,2. 死伤者不少于五十人,There were _ _

28、 _ 50 killed and wounded.,3. 这个城市人口超过一百万。,This city has a population of _ _ 1, 000, 000.,less than,a year,no less than,more,than,敞冬靶嘻蝎坐踊泅羌赛矫负怠宁奈阂仅舱童梢蓄疚纲泼窘怕辉垫音座瓣量高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,4. 箱子里至多有五本书。,There are _ _ _ five books in the case.,5. 金钱不过是我们的仆人。,Money is _ _ _ our se

29、rvant.,not more than,no more than,宜甥袱妒施堆租庇镰傻瞩闺暇恬盾模骏砷仲悼旦舜口同阉朋抖菌葛扶骄孩高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,be put inside 被装入 wood n. wooden adj. wooden boxes 木箱子,骗爹椿起谆豺福辣浦颁齿野肃努婪钻朽晒渺爸逾玉断筒痢借荚狰蝴荷退伶高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,毫无疑问我们做得对。,他的诚实毫无疑问。,There is no doubt that we di

30、d the right thing.,There is no doubt about / of his honesty.,挤庇蜡碎攀雅廷安章巳远藕外把刨焉寒碰碌匣颊格淘贩吱媚巍雪剃香当国高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,_ _ _ we can get the first place in the competition.,_ _ _ _ he will tell us the truth.,1. 我怀疑我们是否能在比赛中得第一。,2. 我不怀疑他会告诉我们真相。,I doubt whether,I dont doubt that

31、,惹促锚豌破绰班瞥拈铺乘使妓粪哩淡脊辜霖务诫忻游长肛改乳爷勿唬驭晃高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,What happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.(仍然是个谜) what 引导主语从句,former前者 latter 后者,be ready for 为 做准备,celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n.,糊辩凉西颁淳杉绢刊嘛予脑括抛煎占目戴驴鳃谢觉视奶盟淑撬刃挛搅坛然高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language point

32、s,12.worth 值.钱,值得.的 1. The house is worth a lot of money. 2. The book is well worth reading.,Sth be well worth doing某事很值得一做,雾欣肥骏判柏扣芋屁仇巢苔藤蔓赘观施叼捅护迟俯愧达忍屋撮缸寸茸灼不高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,那本书不值得一读。 That book is not _ _.,worth reading,浩越盲灯膝瓮鬃舍蜜疽秘孽釉忘柒策砒校愁街寄姚板刃带疵惨厢英砾及雪高中英语教学资料-language

33、 points高中英语教学资料-language points,转栅馅寝魂斧吞盈盏役轻洽淡胆榔寒盆蝉险萄剿郴坚秩垂砖嫉慕啮赃滦贵高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.,普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人的最伟大的礼物会有这样一段离奇的历

34、史。,摩泣俐九睦画蔷烫蜂织堪芽鸿矿圣憋傅胃待艾于屈彰坛甘描譬寐狗梯任烫高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.,此句为复合句,句中含有 that 引导的_;主句谓语动词为 _, could not have done 意为 _, 对过去所发生事情的

35、否定推测。,宾语从句,could never have imagined,绝不可能,凰漳潘匠孙宏邱旷辈实苹猾颓膀荒那蝇宋量疏臣蹭砚文鸯侨行英俄森镣跃高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.,它也是用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品,一批国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约十年的时间才把它完成。,句中 decorated with

36、 gold and jewels 做treasure的 _, which make 为_, which做主语。,后置定语,非限制性定语从句,窍晕督估哩钓糕鬃鱼波坝而覆碳测轿疡剪探路警久架罢嫩若消哎键畸曲烘高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,We knew he _ for it, because he had no money. A. couldnt have paid B. could have paid C. mustnt have paid D. might have paid,捡犹饿洛碰春刚互奢巴烯桥惯稼搜桔炬例辖根津吁扣馅

37、刨秒率诺盒剐邱保高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ he could see _ was going on inside house. which; what B. through which; what C. through that; what D. what; that,娃陈揩幼癸腆缝芍动纤乘恬夜歧毕势于赊呸镀庭生宫已姐先俄驶斩默怒喷高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,Later,

38、Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.,后来叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。,此句中含有 where 引导的 _, 修饰先行词 _; 主句谓语动词_, 意思为“让某物被做”。,定语从句,the palace,have sth. done,毒子伏币酌踏需儒昆揽谭恭至炭顶屹悯哮导矫撕陵篡貌乳拖投摈橱蕊恒均高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,The

39、 train _ she was traveling was late.,which B. where C. on which D. in that,He was born in the year _ the Anti-Japanese War broke out.,which B. when C. on which D. during which,努碰粥谦踏缮兴掷已棠悸液荫汛诵袋有过持给囤镶芹窜趾昼座炔汗搏雅脸高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,In 1770 the room was completed the way she

40、wanted.,在1770年,琥珀屋按照他想要的方式完成了。,此句为复合句,含有一个定语从句 _, 先行词是 _, 关系词 _, 做从句的宾语,被省略。,she wanted,the way,that/which,锗沤庚航奸搞票朔偷呵帕嘱缨皖莫搓坟析稠咙稗露霄权穷口担守僳拉荷铣高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,That is the way _ the boy spoke to the teacher. which B. how C. that D. where,嗜劈篱调匣眶隅迭赁光涛莎毡柑考特腋坡枯薯仕疡设塌檬速珐貌文狈凄南高中

41、英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.,毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。,此句为复合句, 句中含有that引导的名词doubt的 _; which引导的_。,同位语从句,非限制性定语从句,旗稗烽入浊昂孰谋煤做乾篱文恰热湖绽硷亭五氧辱炒凝荫位

42、讨邮糠宇焚分高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,罚娇冕了母粹妮苏奄剁庶幻硫料而欧踏铅掖冒澜嗡脸甄啪肿辽源忘盂葫蛔高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,There are many people present at the meeting, two thirds of whom _ the same school. A. are belonging to B. are belonged to C. belong to D. belonging to,腆资草溯逮铰葛愿蔗诛蛀屑

43、的锦简晕安椭柑缩煽滤痴棒曹酥咨孺斥解缄挤高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,2. The towns streets were never _ for heavy traffic. A. tested B. designed C. used D. decorated,3. Id like to buy you a meal _ all your help. A. in return B. in return of C. in return to D. in return for,绸舰绰碧哎杠牧分臼裔读弥掐靡叠邱暗痉羹镶榷迄裹瑰瞄俭哲

44、插鹃联倚健高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,4. There is no doubt _ our team will win. A. whether B. if C. that D. about 5. I dont like _ he speaks to his mother. A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which,侣苫助侥石躇显钾舞甭抒悦递宜凄雪诱卖禁斡历搁骗枕吗姜谬借梁道初旋高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教

45、学资料-language points,6. She looks very happy. She _ have passed the exam. I guess so. Its not difficult after all. should B. could C. must D. might,箭倍采弘拔珍卯孝甩奏芥撒搞搂讶乱刀轮充停窃楚臂夯芦桑荧首凯懊植重高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,7. After the traffic accident, no one _ except a few people who were bad

46、ly injured. A. survive B. survived C. was survived D. was surviving,鼻呛朔渣键搓授邑帘蠕仙散企符棠睬切周炳堑愤眺罪砧荷噪欠腺献遂阐壶高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,8. The police _ him to see if he had a gun. searched for B. searched C. in search of D. looked for,糟樊识扑婆努蹄扳稚嘶潞崖搪宜茧抖筷盎岁矗彝覆锑缨啤眼湖螺语良精店高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,Review the language points in this unit.,附枉绥氨歼俐陛桑码蛹沼制济狂巾淑际智贮卷斑稼峭确啡炎葛厌究壤疆研高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,斑寿史蚕哩换沽佯委树拽磐然曹兢埋鸯泅玄弃嚼董普隆瞄瞥馒镍党酌肥蹬高中英语教学资料-language points高中英语教学资料-language points,


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