暨南大学《项目管理》chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction.ppt

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1、管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong, MPM,MBA,3/25/2020,1,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,蜡潭麓怒苍迪点慨掺货牡耘珐史姬逃蜡申居涪屉凌俯躯迢吝示谴豪迸平旋暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Chapter 2,Organization strategy and pr

2、oject selection,3/25/2020,2,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,掩除驰嫌嘶蜂萎订免那丧营迫膜庙虑咨在摆营吊琢刁莲耳域锨诫听肋虫彬暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Where We Are Now,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan Universit

3、y,3,验涂刚丑猩烘惨粥着佑再芍船婴返芭血琶但淤英猜蒂筒扮梳倚斩当釜胜素暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Strategy and projects,Strategy is implemented through projects, Every project should have a clear link to the organizations strategy.,3/25/2020

4、,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,4,A lot of funds, so many projects, but how to link to Alibabas strategy,留欲字朋幕述藕料库笆啪牧毒耕雨诊教崭惕溉胳敦谣蓑弯帖狈鲍菊朽孔租暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Strategy, projects, and pr

5、oducts or services,Organizations use projects to convert strategy into new products, services, and processes needed for success.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,5,Intels major strategy is one of differentiation, its projects target innovation and time to market.,Projects and

6、 project management play the key role in supporting strategic goals. It is vital for project managers to think and act strategically.,筋迁讲羡秘圭跌毛嚷拱雏些另盈钟避惺工纶旁炸率凹浊测玻卷逝拔梢价墅暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Why project m

7、anagers need to understand strategy,Project management is at the apex of strategy and operations. It is time to expand the traditional role of project manger from an operational to a more strategic perspective.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,6,炮这怂散朽哈妹抄阉掣茫弧像褒帧咕佬优竞挖菠粪沁虞垦损湃醚谨燥

8、赁差暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Why Project Managers Need to Understand the Strategic Management Process,Changes in the organizations mission and strategy Project managers must respond to changes with appropri

9、ate decisions about future projects and adjustments to current projects. Project managers who understand their organizations strategy can become effective advocates of projects aligned with the firms mission.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,7,瘤驱骡沃涛肥奄垃帜鞘寂晓蹦彩觉镀茁惯出垛同单工隋碾姚操磨地蜘煽割

10、暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Projects and Strategy,Mistakes caused by not understanding the role of projects in accomplishing strategy: Focusing on problems or solutions with low strategic priority. Focusing

11、on the immediate customer rather than the whole market place and value chain. Overemphasizing technology that results in projects that pursue exotic technology that does not fit the strategy or customer need Trying to solve customer issues with a product or service rather than focusing on the 20% wi

12、th 80% of the value (Paretos Law). Engaging in a never-ending search for perfection only the project team really cares about.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,8,茧滤剧宝隔坛烘牺死照鲍侥页盼炸踩跃蜕欠剧雾页跃吓腰澜枯铣篓潜刚船暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organ

13、ization strategy and project selction,The Strategic Management Process: An Overview,Strategic Management Requires every project to be clearly linked to strategy. Provides theme and focus of firms future direction. Responding to changes in the external environmentenvironmental scanning Allocating sca

14、rce resources of the firm to improve its competitive positioninternal responses to new programs Requires strong links among mission, goals, objectives, strategy, and implementation.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,9,谢机袄朗植械涵抡蜡庶髓惫挠窒什懦隋聚憋肯弃匠炎绽龋桅援力孩镣诀想暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organizat

15、ion strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Strategic Management Process Activities,Review and define the organizational mission. Set long-range goals and objectives. Analyze and formulate strategies to reach objectives. Implement strategies through

16、projects,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,10,售囊勿闹委厘溜六擒虞劳辉痪荆况弟酚诺睬畦某荤啼扇窍渔杯颈近故孟否暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Strategic Management Process,FIGURE 2.1,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserve

17、d Jinan University,11,标鹏淮映箔刀酚阎塌刘迸趣睹莹董虎吧跳舵蹬柔缩隘诅掂我不演沸眺检兵暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Characteristics of Objectives,EXHIBIT 2.1,S Specific Be specific in targeting an objective M Measurable Establish a measurabl

18、e indicator(s) of progress A Assignable Make the objective assignable to one person for completion R Realistic State what can realistically be done with available resources T Time related State when the objective can be achieved, that is, duration,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan Univer

19、sity,12,椰哥婿砾靴涣啼雹开瘴捐宙权芜按岔疏斌崭侄喉刷滋仗裸糯以篇锻垫舵折暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Scenario Planning: A Supplement to Traditional Strategic Planning,Clarifying your core business and assessing drivers of change in the indu

20、stry environment,Developing potential scenarios and assessing the impact of STEEP factors,Developing potential contingency strategies and best future strategic options,Identifying early indicators and establishing triggers for strategic action,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University

21、,13,资所睡铂典刚铲瞳祷肪蜀肢给掏吹惨莹币晓暇扇钞健倍停闰袍脂淖玩临蚌暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Project Portfolio Management Problems,The Implementation Gap The lack of understanding and consensus on strategy among top management and middl

22、e-level (functional) managers who independently implement the strategy. Organization Politics Project selection is based on the persuasiveness and power of people advocating the projects. Resource Conflicts and Multitasking Multiproject environment creates interdependency relationships of shared res

23、ources which results in the starting, stopping, and restarting projects.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,14,舍数缘籍皿烁享铣油通瘸赘戴暗亥窑堪幂溅叫烫距浙姐显腰淫皇糖引釜铀暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Benefits of Pr

24、oject Portfolio Management,Builds discipline into the project selection process. Links project selection to strategic metrics. Prioritizes project proposals across a common set of criteria, rather than on politics or emotion. Allocates resources to projects that align with strategic direction. Balan

25、ces risk across all projects. Justifies killing projects that do not support strategy. Improves communication and supports agreement on project goals.,EXHIBIT 2.2,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,15,拜亿籍茵捣警丫既羌冷铬匪应狰妨毁趋式彦哭恕汹飘扰呈厉吮韩缕凸给伸暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and p

26、roject selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,A Portfolio Management System,Design of a project portfolio system: Classification of a project Selection criteria depending upon classification Sources of proposals Evaluating proposals Managing the portfolio of projects.,3

27、/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,16,臻契盛起澡背持渔猎宴漳郧试阉篆骆劲熟其通艺傍郸濒宁修初抑野躬冬诣暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Portfolio of Projects by Type,FIGURE 2.2,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan U

28、niversity,17,技薛冤朵需幽君痕柠政检商订掌密早谈绅更灼血牙跋蛤于浅夫列赡皂甸贡暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,A Portfolio Management System,Selection Criteria Financial: payback, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) Non-financ

29、ial: projects of strategic importance to the firm. Multi-Weighted Scoring Models Use several weighted selection criteria to evaluate project proposals.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,18,循湿救吭孜兜志赁缨捏层骑协葛舶沪疫敏蝎耐袱膏潭爬崭乍郝串骑嫉刚马暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selc

30、tion暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Financial Models,The Payback Model Measures the time the project will take to recover the project investment. Uses more desirable shorter paybacks. Emphasizes cash flows, a key factor in business. Limitations of Payback: Ignores the ti

31、me value of money. Assumes cash inflows for the investment period (and not beyond). Does not consider profitability.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,19,躬郊姓验皮盛敏抵球灶沟涎屏箭屑罐破临痈哪蜡牡霜舌体闪奢恰硷屯柜止暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization

32、strategy and project selction,Financial Models (contd),The Net Present Value (NPV) model Uses managements minimum desired rate-of-return (discount rate) to compute the present value of all net cash inflows. Positive NPV: project meets minimum desired rate of return and is eligible for further consid

33、eration. Negative NPV: project is rejected.,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,20,息漏劣死居括讨阉誊酣术镑惺互膜翟犯吝稍贡奔撰赶绘盎乌囚囚耙骸管芽暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Example Comparing Two Projects Using Paybac

34、k Method,EXHIBIT 2.3a,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,21,荔铀蛋携咯泵怎丝翟倍貉志视诗环涨逻塘瑞丘纶赶叶肢漾意琴掺灾腺免爷暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Example Comparing Two Projects Using Net Present Value Method,EXH

35、IBIT 2.3b,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,22,盾怨妨探殖无凰律圃焕糠序软隶猖疥挺降间瘴拐团哑翘绰柄烙削肖拭赃国暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Nonfinancial Strategic Criteria,To capture larger market share To make it dif

36、ficult for competitors to enter the market To develop an enabler product, which by its introduction will increase sales in more profitable products To develop core technology that will be used in next-generation products To reduce dependency on unreliable suppliers To prevent government intervention

37、 and regulation,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,23,尹苑捶瘩褥愁萌按耕这制敬磺阑舱谱茧朋寐倔贡节聋僚彼蝶驼资茹肘扬惜暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Multi-Criteria Selection Models,Checklist Model Uses a list of question

38、s to review potential projects and to determine their acceptance or rejection. Fails to answer the relative importance or value of a potential project and doesnt to allow for comparison with other potential projects. Multi-Weighted Scoring Model Uses several weighted qualitative and/or quantitative

39、selection criteria to evaluate project proposals. Allows for comparison of projects with other potential projects,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,24,寡拟迎舔圈码茶慰注黑镭宴楔宏哭鼻抗绝伶聂突距床筐州填潜兽疏禹银蔓暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization str

40、ategy and project selction,Sample Selection Questions Used in Practice,EXHIBIT 2.4,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,25,挨理款痈拿蝇贡邵松宴盏殉卿横砚办衅失巫卢瓮嫉加老春凳翠膘傅膏瞥理暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Samp

41、le Selection Questions Used in Practice,EXHIBIT 2.4 contd,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,26,涧硷呢要肘咨咱鹰奸谱谱泰抉艺娟浦残叶缸忠坤缕妥载及娟阮硅径锣图筒暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Project Screening Matrix,FIGU

42、RE 2.3,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,27,等科瓦彦啸队唇倦趾勾狸指韩隐唇犀蓟航沸演捷子抒骚疫烫惭温颅弟酗刃暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Applying a Selection Model,Project Classification Deciding how well a strategic

43、or operations project fits the organizations strategy. Selecting a Model Applying a weighted scoring model to bring projects to closer with the organizations strategic goals. Reduces the number of wasteful projects Helps identify proper goals for projects Helps everyone involved understand how and w

44、hy a project is selected,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,28,氦桂宝鞘霖谊夏窃秒此抢碴啮薛敬严蓖架秒表埠蓖绳譬谱盯摊征质江赣捕暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Project Proposals,Sources and Solicitation of Project Proposal

45、s Within the organization Request for proposal (RFP) from external sources (contractors and vendors) Ranking Proposals and Selection of Projects Prioritizing requires discipline, accountability, responsibility, constraints, reduced flexibility, and loss of power. Managing the Portfolio Senior manage

46、ment input The priority team (project office) responsibilities,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,29,湍涂铲侧谓拷钾笛炬碾鳖象牌圣迈且鸽突憾臂耐骨羡扰柬衔被拂球线虎蛤暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,A Proposal Form for an A

47、utomatic vehicular tracking (AVL) Public Transportation Project,FIGURE 2.4A,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,30,甜囱荫含挑褐悄橱虾洼椽明软伺旅叫耗锁末攀妻席摆酱务摇褐挖颈鹰扼柿暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Risk Analys

48、is for 500-Acre Wind Farm,FIGURE 2.4B,3/25/2020,Edward Tong2014 copy reserved Jinan University,31,盆即税库徒惩搅轧梦蓉昧贯扫橇肺秽浊雀辑内卤狐煤弧乎漆酣殉嫩期铅母暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction暨南大学项目管理chapter 2 organization strategy and project selction,Managing the Portfolio,Senior Management Input Pr

49、ovide guidance in selecting criteria that are aligned with the organizations goals Decide how to balance available resources among current projects The Priority Team Responsibilities Publish the priority of every project Ensure that the project selection process is open and free of power politics. Reassess the organizations goals and priorities Evaluate the progress of current pro


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