大学英语四 英四单选题.ppt

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1、,1. Sometimes great people dont make it into history books. A lot of women achieved great things or were influential but went . A unrecognizing B recognized C unrecognized D recognizing 2. Despite their unspectacular beginnings, each would go on to a place for himself in history. A endow B ally C ci

2、te D carve 3. Beyond a certain point, he explained, other factors, like the ability to communicate effectively, become more important than intelligence as measured by an IQ test A innate B tremendous C unspectacular D uncompromising,1. Sometimes great people dont make it into history books. A lot of

3、 women achieved great things or were influential but went . A unrecognizing B recognized C unrecognized D recognizing 2. Despite their unspectacular beginnings, each would go on to a place for himself in history. A endow B ally C cite D carve 3. Beyond a certain point, he explained, other factors, l

4、ike the ability to communicate effectively, become more important than intelligence as measured by an IQ test A innate B tremendous C unspectacular D uncompromising,滤护楞存鞭啊官恤巾城职袄啮腊祟龟诽芦牛仟鄙斤箔冠纷雄署冀龙奈践贝大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,4. Though he doesnt have a formula to define how or why certain people rise abov

5、e (too many factors are involved), he has a few common characteristics. A catch up with B come up with C keep up with D pump with 5. Because his helpful, honest act had not been appreciated, that cabdrivers day was poisoned, and I knew he would think twice before a similar service. A slamming B glar

6、ing C growling D rendering. 6. Today, researchers have evidence that an passion for ones work is a key to rising above. A anonymous B extrinsic C intrinsic D external,4. Though he doesnt have a formula to define how or why certain people rise above (too many factors are involved), he has a few commo

7、n characteristics. A catch up with B come up with C keep up with D pump with 5. Because his helpful, honest act had not been appreciated, that cabdrivers day was poisoned, and I knew he would think twice before a similar service. A slamming B glaring C growling D rendering. 6. Today, researchers hav

8、e evidence that an passion for ones work is a key to rising above. A anonymous B extrinsic C intrinsic D external,恋嘘点浇羹恳胁号熟肢百盗弹素莫些凯鲤纪孪寡窟码酶谁行著割惩绳扮鞋大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,7. After many inquiries, she found the woman who had sheltered her sonthe wife of an farmerand pressed a package into her hand. A o

9、ffensive B impoverished C irresistible D agreeable 8. The mothers act of gratitude so touched peoples hearts that it has become something of a legend in and around the village. It has done more than fine speeches to good feeling toward Americans. A fumble B trace C spin D foster 9. The boy who deliv

10、ers our paper, the milkman, the mailman, the barber, the waitress at a restaurant, the elevator operator all us in one way or another. A elevate B oblige C confide D persist,7. After many inquiries, she found the woman who had sheltered her sonthe wife of an farmerand pressed a package into her hand

11、. A offensive B impoverished C irresistible D agreeable 8. The mothers act of gratitude so touched peoples hearts that it has become something of a legend in and around the village. It has done more than fine speeches to good feeling toward Americans. A fumble B trace C spin D foster 9. The boy who

12、delivers our paper, the milkman, the mailman, the barber, the waitress at a restaurant, the elevator operator all us in one way or another. A elevate B oblige C confide D persist,坊滇先吵轿游柑勇适悦患邓兆物淹峦袒卤伸鹿槽段蹭溶腔甲疑氧垛纬史抉大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,10. He was told that names of donors are never revealed. A few wee

13、ks after his he came back to give a pint of his own blood. A denial B thoughtfulness C discharge D sentiment 11. From the discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection against deadly smallpox came and the end of smallpox as a scourge in the western world. A parable B impasse C tactics D vaccination

14、 12. To change your point of view, you must reprogram your computer, thus freeing yourself to new ideas and develop new ways of looking at things. A take on B take in C take off D take after,10. He was told that names of donors are never revealed. A few weeks after his he came back to give a pint of

15、 his own blood. A denial B thoughtfulness C discharge D sentiment 11. From the discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection against deadly smallpox came and the end of smallpox as a scourge in the western world. A parable B impasse C tactics D vaccination 12. To change your point of view, you must

16、 reprogram your computer, thus freeing yourself to new ideas and develop new ways of looking at things. A take on B take in C take off D take after,捌哮般舔州嫁摧康脂拐掉苫林苞焙琼壕罗这审扑却床涎加乖阻汰蜗蒙髓锈大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,13. Sherlock Holmes took the opposite point of view and maintained that the fact the dog had done

17、 nothing was of the utmost significance, for it to do something, and on this basis he solved the case. A should have been expected B will have been expected C should have expected D will have expected 14. Most people fail when they are trying to stop smoking because they themselves, No, I will not s

18、moke; no, I shall not smoke; no, I will not; no, I cannot. A come up telling B wind up to tell C come up to tell D wind up telling,13. Sherlock Holmes took the opposite point of view and maintained that the fact the dog had done nothing was of the utmost significance, for it to do something, and on

19、this basis he solved the case. A should have been expected B will have been expected C should have expected D will have expected 14. Most people fail when they are trying to stop smoking because they themselves, No, I will not smoke; no, I shall not smoke; no, I will not; no, I cannot. A come up tel

20、ling B wind up to tell C come up to tell D wind up telling,毕快锋缓妹走喝陡闲尚饱阉攘邮烦讽肾钝宵秸胡臂孝衣礁刹淳漱戍凤绎辰大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,15. Reluctantly the merchant agreed. They were standing on a pebble-strewn path in the merchants garden as they talked and the money-lender to pick up the two pebbles. A turned down B st

21、ooped down C took down D knocked down 16. There was an extra amount of confidence and interest in her voice that said, “Youre bright children.” There was a constant tone that told them they would do well, very well. A reassuring B superior C momentary D greedy,15. Reluctantly the merchant agreed. Th

22、ey were standing on a pebble-strewn path in the merchants garden as they talked and the money-lender to pick up the two pebbles. A turned down B stooped down C took down D knocked down 16. There was an extra amount of confidence and interest in her voice that said, “Youre bright children.” There was

23、 a constant tone that told them they would do well, very well. A reassuring B superior C momentary D greedy,繁猜河骂定酣暗少靡代毗司罕竹涡巳渔凛障措项保仓咨毁玖同尾苗川琴策大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,17. One point it did make with unusual clarity is that a child will usually a teachers expectations when the child believes those expecta

24、tions are honest. A come up to B stand up to C put up to D live up to 18. He senses the love in his parents voice before he understands the words, and he also senses the rejection, , fear, or hostility, and he reacts to those emotions too. A welfare 13 indifference C carpenter D trash 19. Most of th

25、is is through the voice, but a surprising amount is in the attitude, in touch, and in facial expression. A transcribed B transported C transplanted D transmitted,17. One point it did make with unusual clarity is that a child will usually a teachers expectations when the child believes those expectat

26、ions are honest. A come up to B stand up to C put up to D live up to 18. He senses the love in his parents voice before he understands the words, and he also senses the rejection, , fear, or hostility, and he reacts to those emotions too. A welfare 13 indifference C carpenter D trash 19. Most of thi

27、s is through the voice, but a surprising amount is in the attitude, in touch, and in facial expression. A transcribed B transported C transplanted D transmitted,款腹晓数谰跺诌横沸瓢堵绥追恫浚赋蚊啥惧式置郧郑疙萌莹濒膜邓挥烟桥大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,20. to students tired eyes and stifled, yawns, the Knowledgeable One delivers her mo

28、nologue, dispensing one dry fact after another. A Hasty B Bizarre C Oblivious D Rash 21. With every succeeding page, I also learned of people and places and events from history. Actually the dictionary is like a encyclopedia. A miniature B inevitable C maximum D immense 22. 1 spent two days just unc

29、ertainly through the dictionarys pages. Ive never realized so many words existed! I didnt know which words I needed to learn. A emulating B corresponding C thumbing D burrowing,20. to students tired eyes and stifled, yawns, the Knowledgeable One delivers her monologue, dispensing one dry fact after

30、another. A Hasty B Bizarre C Oblivious D Rash 21. With every succeeding page, I also learned of people and places and events from history. Actually the dictionary is like a encyclopedia. A miniature B inevitable C maximum D immense 22. 1 spent two days just uncertainly through the dictionarys pages.

31、 Ive never realized so many words existed! I didnt know which words I needed to learn. A emulating B corresponding C thumbing D burrowing,贷仲阿继迅戈粱销甭她惮遏亿橱廉挛嫌肌糙贤瓷弘叔锐士耐钨湖效稳耘扳大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,23. When I had progressed to really serious reading, every night at about ten p.m. I would be with the “lig

32、hts out.” It always seemed to catch me right in the middle of something engrossing. A ragged B sizable C dormant D outraged 24. As I see it today, the ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive. I certainly wasnt seeking any degree, the way a college a status symb

33、ol upon its students. A devours B confers C quits D feigns 25. Through reading develop some new skills and interests. Then if conditions change, you can slip with comparatives ease from one field into another, hardly . A imposing on B breaking stride C leaning on D slipping away,23. When I had progr

34、essed to really serious reading, every night at about ten p.m. I would be with the “lights out.” It always seemed to catch me right in the middle of something engrossing. A ragged B sizable C dormant D outraged 24. As I see it today, the ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to b

35、e mentally alive. I certainly wasnt seeking any degree, the way a college a status symbol upon its students. A devours B confers C quits D feigns 25. Through reading develop some new skills and interests. Then if conditions change, you can slip with comparatives ease from one field into another, har

36、dly . A imposing on B breaking stride C leaning on D slipping away,襄磅族忧频鱼衣脯胺含绳瘫痪羹夷沏勒谤蹄郁俩哉淘此役类掉碴帮冗启撇大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,26. You can have this marshmallow right now, he says. But if you wait while I run an you can have two marshmallows when I get back. And then he leaves. A aptitude B empathy C ant

37、idote D errand 27. It seems that the ability to delay gratification is a master skill, a triumph of the reasoning brain the impulsive one. It is a sign, in short, of emotional intelligence. And it doesnt show up on an IQ test. A over B upon C with D for 28. He sees practical applications everywhere

38、for how companies should decide whom to hire, how couples can increase the that their marriages will last, how parents should raise their children and how schools should teach them. A remedy B odds C brainpower D civility,26. You can have this marshmallow right now, he says. But if you wait while I

39、run an you can have two marshmallows when I get back. And then he leaves. A aptitude B empathy C antidote D errand 27. It seems that the ability to delay gratification is a master skill, a triumph of the reasoning brain the impulsive one. It is a sign, in short, of emotional intelligence. And it doe

40、snt show up on an IQ test. A over B upon C with D for 28. He sees practical applications everywhere for how companies should decide whom to hire, how couples can increase the that their marriages will last, how parents should raise their children and how schools should teach them. A remedy B odds C

41、brainpower D civility,拾痪胶兰久嗽嘲骆风捣煮怯亩蒸吹荚佩诱喉簇脯艰沸甜矿骂途龟晴蝎窖樊大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,29. While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issues finally taken seriously, they fear that a notion as handy as EQ misuse. A interacts B torments C invites D stabs 30. The ability to re

42、cognize a feeling as it happens is the of emotional intelligence. People with greater certainty about their emotions are better pilots of their lives. A outburst B irritability C keystone D milestone,伯傲乎履烧帮祁浸农亩拖隙墨忠剥恒瞻苔寐俏扩烦慌搁理欠胞勒疥旬争巨大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,1. Sometimes great people dont make it into h

43、istory books. A lot of women achieved great things or were but went unrecognized. A uncompromising B contemporary C recognizing D influential 2. Despite their beginnings, each would go on to carve a place for himself in history. A tremendous B unspectacular C bold D super-normal,1. Sometimes great p

44、eople dont make it into history books. A lot of women achieved great things or were but went unrecognized. A uncompromising B contemporary C recognizing D influential 2. Despite their beginnings, each would go on to carve a place for himself in history. A tremendous B unspectacular C bold D super-no

45、rmal,冀耘春帽模修假袁映闯馈帖萎啼氖铺桃誉嘛虱记忘电规忆哄驯辜腮赛脐失大学英语四 英四单选题大学英语四 英四单选题,3. Beyond a certain point, he explained, other factors, like the ability to communicate effectively, become more important than intelligence as measured by an IQ test. A striking B peacetime C innate D prime 4. Though he doesnt have a formula to define how or why certain people rise above (


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