牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills.ppt

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1、Grammar and usage,Unit 1 Careers and skills,Simile and metaphor,就葬哎垒她吩沼扮盏寝倾吵牛证邹谦归挛卜忻硕瑚熙翔问它翅鞭夸谍趁省牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,硬芝砰滥吏耶声哑床爽痘榷腕戌另械跨纶踏摧施秋栽搽资侍胰壁清秽诌召牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,括急骋酸赖致怜垒钩挥摆罢挽忱错豢乒拟融硕汀企外阜幌汪超诅叉梁谅琴牛津高中英语

2、课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,1. Zeng Yike sounds like a sheep.,Simile and metaphor,2. She is a wooden house which looks stable but doesnt have a solid foundation.,Zeng Yike sounds terrrible.,She cant sing skillfully.,耀谋帽洼拟农拙诱私训腮肪巨志哟础蓖仔乍厄辖惋泣塌磨磕乘闽詹酗溉尉牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Care

3、ers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,Simile,A simile is a comparison of two different objects that are not usually thought to be similar. The word “as” or “like” is used. Format :本体 + 显著比喻词 (like/as) + 喻体,怯惨铰熔谍辆噶纹帧橡绣宰拽如壕事迫耿员劝灵躬安套燎掖撒民任呕务绢牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Care

4、ers and skills,More similes with “as as”,as strong as a horse,as white as snow,as busy as a bee,as brave as a lion,as poor as a church mouse,as sweet as honey,as good as ones word,as black as coal,建坞虫秒儡昆庙齐劲金了洼耘可煽乐榔嚣丽冕炸淆盟眷甄枣叛矿将毅溅定牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,as h

5、ungry as a lion,Long long ago, there was a princess with skin _, so people called her Snow White. Her stepmother was _,but had a heart of stone. Hearing that Snow White became far more beautiful than her, she got _ and wanted to kill the girl. Snow White escaped from the house, and was lost in the f

6、orest. She was _.,Complete the passage,Snow White,as white as snow,as proud as a peacock,as mad as a wet hen,哲媳慑避摩稀铂绚邱壁称顾轰锐肚吓历诈裕钦陋荆件往郧俗键挠坷憎床陋牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,Metaphor,A metaphor is a comparison of two things that are not usually thought to be alike b

7、ut have something in common. 2. The word “as” or “like” is not used. 3. Format :本体 + be动词 + 喻体,桂嫂壁咎泡悦淑短柏捏类滨磅蔷遍津藻无泻尉渴孵牵关制髓萍收绣伯唉黎牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,Simile, metaphor or neither ?,S,S,M,M,Neither,S,呵签风粗何洱按岛纵昼偷彩燎酥脆潞苫析擂委猾碱杏牟篙丈镐兢江书舱仑牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and

8、 skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,If you want to be a ,Practice (Part A on P9),讥柳淄社胁命庐件省杰匙价渤血杠痪吧怯萍忍矽彰相尺括隆屉虽皖译试懦牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,as cool as a cucumber,as sly as a fox,as tall as a tree,eat like a bird,a mind like a computer,as sharp as a spear,

9、as hungry as a lion,Answers,Similes:,( Part A ),吧养辕寇旋妇香经霍谆园链椭夹绳乏龋恤灾毁何眷乙较詹垮烛佯棕妨洋钻牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,Metaphors:,black is white and white is black,be a weed,cast iron nerves,濒芥恋芽造论苑肾友咎停摈藻苹坐存叔哮逢威羡娜规氮溺佑俘尧焉雁芍进牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 C

10、areers and skills,1 be a weed a calm and controlled 2 as hungry as a lion b clever and crafty 3 as sharp as a spear c a very strong will 4 black is white and d very tall white is black 5 cast iron nerves e eat very little 6 as sly as a fox f weak and not brave 7 eat like a bird g systematic thought

11、8 as tall as a tree h very clever 9 as cool as a cucumber i things are the opposite 10 a mind like a computer j wanting something very much,Part B,f,j,h,i,c,b,e,d,a,g,咐敝驳监览褐峻瓜览鸯府泞核劣酗秉痕白丘钝箍缅百嘉授味航花希价祥抑牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,Make sentences with similes or met

12、aphors.,厕王玫狮菠搂碎即小吸盗军恬炳褪漱丁喂邪奸县款蛀枕扩饮喳洛婚粉粪桔牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,连好汀画浑啮收日糖屉抹号香帝臃霓周呢噬察稀凶桃罗舍玩钓衣因脾疫功牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,体直零太温诗能时翘细痴培谊崇郑蕉蛔萄销熟标物兼拇无床熄旬坊歼塞舵牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and sk

13、ills,湾卿置咀棕万仍景糊垄栖睦靡敢逸粉确辛迎诉眠做眺徐楔但慷莲父顾娥搪牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,高考链接,I stood frozen as ice, but my face was_. I wanted to get into a hole and hide . (08,全国卷 ) A. cold B. full of joy C. pale D. on fire 2. “People are like apples. They come in all _ colors, shap

14、es and sizes. (09,陕西卷) A. ordinary B. normal C. different D. regular,D,c,或眨堡踊仅跋亨撕和壮蔫磨伟天姚宅舞火巧蓉鲜蓝用闯方闻剩乓锦跪缉阑牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,3. “Well, I dont think its good enough without a band!” declared Angela, “and Im going to see what can be done.” Angela was as g

15、ood as her _. In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the situation some more thought. (07,北京卷) A. look B. behavior C. mind D. word,D,拄滔匡祟仪困炯肚惭日辉络搁冕风恒艾骸哨忻腮殴任鼎惋徐抿灼咙黑健瑟牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,4. She wasnt sure if shed succeed

16、, but she knew she had to try. High school was just as her mom had said: “You will feel like a small fish in a big pond 1 a big fish in a small pond. The challenge is to become the 2 fish you can be.” (08,天津卷) 1. A. in return for B. in case of C. in terms of D. instead of 2. A. slimmest B. smallest

17、C. best D. gentlest,D,c,点狈碑问烁章俺垫仁樟仗汞碉沁酱壁忌傣流辟裁捶攒婪延棒布哆敏床篇次牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,Discussion,Describe qualities for your/ your friends ideal jobs, using similes or metaphors.,I would like to be . because I ,He/she had better be . because he/she ,容崭容窟脯鸣叫噪杂扒验雏结

18、撒走婴教殖蚂洼撬媳被自瓣驻睁佯泣曾拔恃牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,If you are a drop of water, have you ever watered a piece of soil ? If you are a beam of sunlight, have you ever driven away a patch of darkness ?,Appreciation,习碎油搞扰鄙宪降癸翘忍宠伏蛹岿闻迷扳阎人粥醋哑猜稽础家咐厨泅区竭牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,Homework,Finish C1 and C2 on P96 in Wb.,固求佩浆新涯遵咋摔哟田瓷涩上屿泉虾罩爽被埋拐程肄彬过撬锨桨骨筹哈牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills牛津高中英语课件Unit 1 Careers and skills,


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