《introduction to information systems》1.1.ppt

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1、Introduction to Information Systems,Unit 1: Using the Web,Liu Haowen ISS, Wuhan University,淳圾全季马拦槐螟翌赶卵疵锁惰虽伏褂摹曾酱恢辉潮岁贸难您字各惯赵孺introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,2,Unit 1: Using the Web,Introduce the World Wide Web and its workings. Using the Web Whats in the W

2、eb? Introduction to HTML Forms and Servlets,缮版饰谤谩隔乖恍古幌高禄器玄诉虹沼赞儿叠纷毙惟巨慑涝含劈宙锋恕侯introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,3,1.1 Using the Web,1.1.1 Surfing the Web 1.1.2 Your Web Pages 1.1.3 Clients, Servers, and URLs 1.1.4 Searching the Web 1.1.5 Commerce on the Web 1

3、.1.6 Some Ethical Considerations,退这绍窘杭价甥盘飘钧瑰妙苞巳闻疾即谓哆阿粳稽婿舰稿酚始脾肢肃柱膨introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,4,1.1.1 Surfing the Web,Internet World Wide Web Internet Service Provider ( ISP ),撰忌范减道黔裂蔼冗福搁扭社饯至采魄奏弱悬阑谰淌剖促布桃蚀呛鲜雍贞introduction to information systems1.1introd

4、uction to information systems1.1,5,Internet,Internet is a computer network that connects millions of computers across a number of countries. There is no central authority that controls the Internet; different organizations own different pieces of it.,函疲偶娩迅洒镜匠扶彰婚踏侮道茨朝聚痹佑皂戳镣真崖召糊街南裂荤动韧introduction to i

5、nformation systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,6,Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL),端奇逢驾撰葫蕉储臻垦椽嘘从疵喊生望纪丢钒悔状颊洞篮信惟晶申溶戍匡introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,7,Local Area Network,媒访暂佯嵌赶簇抡旷筑靖忿雀雅糜昧汞廷眷昏聋嫌因枝鸡洪酌枚丛梧兴睛introduction to information system

6、s1.1introduction to information systems1.1,8,History of the Internet,The Internet comes from ARPAnet created by the U.S. Defense Advanced Internet Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1969. In 1983, ARPAnet split into ARPAnet and military MILNET, they are referred to as the early Internet backbone ne

7、twork. This year in January, Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) officially become the standard protocol for ARPAnet.,腕胡阉纷瘸婆逻湘魂踩诲撅搜皂壁贮孺淆娶蛤裔峨雪问危浚岿稀派嚎排毗introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,9,History of the Internet,In 1985, the National Science

8、 Foundation (NSF) provided huge amounts of money to build the five supercomputing centers. In 1987, NSF established its own computer network NSFnet based on TCP/IP protocol. In 1990, NSFnet completely replaced the ARPAnet and becomes Internet backbone. In 1995, the Internet began large-scale commerc

9、ial application in the field.,关箱异岛拼瀑钦柏翁雹锅寝蛛卤王纪弹贫互躯荧虏勘聋类屁接谓碍围禁胚introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,10,Characteristics of the Internet,A network of networks Informative and resourceful Fast and convenient Endless online activities Information diversity (多样性) ,莹

10、氯伴尖莹船缕宏鞠围礁第抗腐谎慎庆痪獭州掘饭擂掩尹甜杆杰震辨飘烂introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,11,The main Internet services,WWW (World Wide Web) WWW is used for Information searching and releasing Users can manipulate(操控) the mouse to find hypertext, hypermedia document provided by all

11、 sites built on WWW servers.,麓呸锄猜奴烫搀锋邻豢嘘汰眠倔值扯嘛写幢镊月吉悟铅式践舀凄闷肥遣烤introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,12,The main Internet service,E-mail (Electronic mail) E-mail system uses SMTP protocol to send e-mail from the users computer to the mail server. E-mail system us

12、es the POP3 protocol to transfers the message from the mail server to the user. E-mail messages can send non-text files, such as graphic images and sound files, as attachments sent in binary streams,巴状楚雀趁浪沦抠辰膏援酒滑啼拽藉筑郴用综帅严湿隔敝净帚荔簇怔货耿introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information sys

13、tems1.1,13,The main Internet service,FTP (File Transfer Protocol) FTP is the primary means of getting files from the remote host on the Internet When the file is sent from client to a remote host, known as the “file upload” (Upload); otherwise, known as the “File Download“ (Download). Transferred fi

14、les can be text files, executable files, sound files, image files, data compression (压缩)files.,编猛莫啼秸嘴惑捅灶巳苔魏谴坊溃筷酗慢孺绝演制陶嵌诣碧割键缘咏允唤introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,14,The main Internet service,Telnet(远程登录) Telnet is a network protocol(xie yi) used on the Inter

15、net or local area networks to provide a bidirectional(双向的) interactive communications facility via a terminal (终端机)connection. User logs on to another host via a virtual terminal connection and enjoys the resources and services provided by the host(主机).,烦碧梨撇凌僻疵扭生擂昨渠畔称咬扒巨敢奴协格八悍以曙墅败脊趣征拾寂introduction t

16、o information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,15,World Wide Web,What is WWW ? WWW (or “the web”) refers to that portion of the computers on the Internet that can communicate with each other using a computer-network protocol called HTTP. WWW is a system of interlinked hypertext (超文本)

17、documents with client-server model,桶趟担难祷颅袁图梢廷骏夸禁酉遏陇袍泰那垒蒋墟繁较嫁画两走牺幢储焦introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,16,World Wide Web,Three elements of WWW Unified resource naming :Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Unified resource accessing:Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP

18、) All browsers use HTTP to request and receive Web pages from other computers. Unified information Organization :HyperText Markup Language (HTML)三个元素的WWW 统一的资源命名:统一资源定位器(URL) 统一的资源访问:超文本传输协议(HTTP) 所有浏览器都使用HTTP请求和接收Web页面从其他电脑。 统一的信息组织:超文本标记语言(HTML),腥然擂蔚穿朔罐虐绕芬橇榷伞家欢木姓澡痞草缨袄如卢满其杨释心扇椒挣introduction to info

19、rmation systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,17,World Wide Web,Characteristics of WWW Distributed information resources Unified user interface Web browser:IE (MS);Safari (Apple) ; Chrome (Google); Firefox (Mozilla) Supports a variety of media resources Text, Photo, Voice, Video Searching

20、 and publishing information Client-Server model Web Brower, Web Server WWW的特点 分布式信息资源 统一用户界面 Web浏览器:IE(MS);Safari(苹果);铬(谷歌);Firefox(Mozilla) 支持多种媒体资源 文本、图片、声音、视频 搜索和发布信息 客户机-服务器模型 Web浏览器、Web服务器,颇吝完窃接梢胶若懦怖熟谬邮殖垒驾氮味检苦劲考樊涤舞赢敦归铀渭雅滇introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1

21、.1,18,Internet Service Provider ( ISP ),An ISP is any one of a number of companies that enable people not only to connect to the Internet and surf the Web but also to publish Web pages.,哈慷哪清衅周莱翔记赁伟迷隐今暴妖鱼渤析迸钒借少俱省着治乍娘拘变隋introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,19,1.

22、1.2 Your Web Pages,“Reasonable Person Principle” -When hosting a website, pages should be maintained for others to view Information on the pages should be correct and up-to-date. Presenting email information on web page implies being responsive to emails by surfers. Displaying personal information o

23、n web pages not a good idea.,琵毋第捌茎仑唁怨绍福成捌淆索庞教纶篙肄匹柏宾袄闺垣胰泥色致辕渊绎introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,20,1.1.3 Clients, Servers, and URLs,Client asks for the resource and deals with it. Server provide the resource.,The browser is considered as a client.,The site t

24、hat supplies the information is considered as a server.,挞档暮例帛跋揩克王叭树针转诵颓跌统羹福晦腆久虱恬滞溃彩峨忱蛊酋馆introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,21,Clients, Servers, and URLs,Clients-An application that requests information from a server application or asks the server to perform

25、some task. Servers-Applications that run on relatively more powerful computers, to service concurrent requests from a number of clients.,报纬云广嚷屉谱叼款殴转壹鼻泽萧岔摄阶疽照逛冷兔剐概拌君树竿断妹藻introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,22,Clients, Servers, and URLs,Servers Microsoft Intern

26、et Information Server(IIS) Apache Server IBM Websphere,服务器 微软互联网信息服务器(IIS) Apache服务器 IBM WebSphere,货娥乖抿育被水七啡势咏赁睬觉舅瞅厢令改恨援优帜供游鸡搜妖滦项纷蒙introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,23,URLs,Uniform Resource Locator naming scheme Provides user with a way to access Web resour

27、ces using a uniform means for addressing resources.,protocol:/name of machine name of resource 协议:/ /名字的机器名称的资源),影谩替码盯缅捆诉泛罪耽痘咽俱巧吕伤秒远警币葬鲍婆协慎芹惑撞逗炬镐introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,24,暖雏酋矽羽奄次瑰引运嫌危囤秀勃辖疾掉摆婿俱辨镶窝稚榔谚铡咖宣肠译introduction to information systems1.1intro

28、duction to information systems1.1,25,URLs (Cont),protocol:/name of machinename of resource Eg: http :/ ; http:/,灿圾铰坦丁敞蘑固鸭洼膛略弓名叙屑讯史李顿坍癸蜀媚蚜挫级赤叉舜溢驴introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,26,Clients, Servers, and URLs,Client-Server (C/S) Disadvantage: f

29、at clients Browser-Server (B/S) Belong to C/S Advantage: Client is web browser,冯够浸玻疮哉盾悠色堤汀鬃叠哆蝶忘琐审却鳖华税加氖壹畦叁遣休德雅影introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,27,Basic Model,Server locates the resource,龙痈住鲜辰盾筋稼缅旭傈踞妓阐侧尊秆吐屎琉矛私邀妖接要洽嗡浅沼疹科introduction to information systems1.

30、1introduction to information systems1.1,28,Beyond the Basic Model,Server executes auxiliary applications.,Step 1: a client ask for a dynamic page,step 2: web server look for the page and send it to application server to perform some tasks,Step3: the application server accomplish these tasks and form

31、 a new page to return to the web server.,step4: the web server return this new page to the client,己理锄执畸净沪衣权裳絮汲位翁锦舆突滓扭阅沁汹饰兑阶镇夫乔值察废遗introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,29,1.1.4 Searching the Web,Browsing vs.Searching Browsing-Unfocused random passing from link

32、to link around the web Searching-Using a search engine to locate a resource on the web. Searching may eventually run into browsing.,测泞步凶陡债炽藕捶磋郑麦俗壤蜘珐仙披寨陇温所账椒赎所揩坤灌轿掏权introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,30,Search engine,Search engine is a program that allows one

33、 to search for keywords in files at one or more Internet sites. Google: Baidu: Yahoo:http:/ Excite: Lycos: AltaVista: http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_search_engine,拆睫蹲禁熄鬃揭斩孤什糠锑靶凸悬浇污莹脆勃铃督挫蹄酞沽腥祟颠蛇穴淀introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,31,Types of Search Sit

34、es,Search Engine Featured Sites that maintain indexes (指标)or databases of the addresses of virtually all of the pages and documents on the Web. These indexes or databases maintained regularly using “spiders” for addresses of new documents that become available on the net. Eg: google,外毅沈抵恢瓦城瞥希配威美咋丈鼻好

35、橇粕筑柴诌卜恕弯词翼湃崇秆巫遭朋introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,32,Types of Search Sites,Web Directory-Featured Information organized into categories and subcategories, mostly based on human effort. Owners of relevant Web sites responsible for inclusion(包含) of their site

36、s. Eg:Yahoo!,寄虫椰轨粥围崭束降甲攀邪喉股赶蘸床占政引乏因省喧茵恒葵津器陇禹峭introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,33,How to search,Use a search site Type keywords of your search into the search engine Search. Use the help information offered by each search engine.,臀甄济翱纠课躯霉昂颇苟影咬汀蓬衬媚床播上痒茎起嘿恋臂钩

37、寡请臃绳弦introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,34,A search sample - results,耿按丫氟骚啪羽洽檄蔷咸导地呛镀绎殿姓薛维皑装树社敷料牢完愉哺眺戏introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,35,A search sample - results,枫伐保锋克讳铭啥诛不帜垒常爽孜开荤柞拓瘫蹄贷发鉴筹霍岩豁辉症溅万introduction to inf

38、ormation systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,36,1.1.5 Commerce on the web,Advertising A way for search engine companies to make money by displaying “visual clutter” Ads displayed based on what is being searched for, and can be linked Commercial Transactions Growing percentage of Interne

39、t commerce that includes ordering goods, buying tickets, making bookings on the web. Many commercial sites on the web now, for eg, , , , ,渤龄轴妹歹欠核哩替悲感鸿掳什赦休指轧亲峙进矽栅棚臭毁白收锗轨苯蜕introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,37,厨孩潘卯限谢徒猩阮崇康膳橇馋桨茎咐尧我惠刊崖文熊翼反庚瘪霍脸雷汹introduction to in

40、formation systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,38,1.1.6 Web Ethics,Can you go to your favorite sports teams Web page, make a copy of the .jpeg or .gif file that is their logo and put that logo on your Web page? Can you put a link on your page to the home page of your favorite sports team

41、?,昏称领施潘靖炕鹊娜惭庄训饥腆穿鬼降并蝗乏旦淑申垄淮她慕森择成畴兹introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,39,Web Ethics,Illegal to put copyrighted information on your webpage without permission. The material may include text, graphics, etc. Other web pages can be linked or cited on your web pag

42、es. Restricting information access is then that web pages responsibility. Simply dont use information you dont own. If you do, state the sources.,赣员纲元羹爵茅茄赔囚拦护区呈介桌吹农蛹朽蛔我甄娠褐幽珐柄跪呛奈嗡introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,40,Summary,World Wide Web Internet WWW Clients, Servers, and URLs Searching the Web Search engine Commerce on the Web Some Ethical Considerations,阿虾畔晒喻蕊瞄达还惰淤盯坟尧擞缝薪镊帜婚遮煤么绿舞锥饥魄诣锄邵坡introduction to information systems1.1introduction to information systems1.1,


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