高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study.ppt

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1、Teaching aims:,1. Language points in Reading I 2. Part 2 3. 辅导报 Unit3,姬药抽仲音误叠木熔晤卤龄甜粱名倪雍掖逻过峰累嘿坞荚门街萎犬扛解傣高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,Revision: 1. up to now 2. be born in a poor family 3. feel depressed 4. be/feel content with 5. badly off 6. a homeless m

2、an 7. cut off 8. throughout the world 9. worn-out shoes 10. a walking stick 11. overcome difficulties 12. on the edge of a mountain 13. pick out 14. be unkind to sb. 15. star in 16. a social failure 17. be remembered as 18. inspire sb. with confidence. 19. eat each mouthful with great enjoyment,惊最悼样

3、筷射晤莲齿柱铆季匿强稽饰刃罕若数嗽子栅侩斯滇贪炼相厩鸵汕高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,The key sentences from the text:,1. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. 2. Not that Charlies own life was easy! 3. His fathe

4、r died, leaving the family even worse off. 4. As time went by, he began making films. 5. He cut off the top of the shoes as if it were the finest steak. 6. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that its one of the best meals he has ever tasted! 7. He is remembered as a great actor wh

5、o could inspire people with confidence.,Not that 并不是说,疮锤坪牡坐锅佃客疥桑腰嗡长盔母贡宰灵窄谷硒隋障尝霍产盂钱哭芬抑随高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,Part 2 up to now, be born in a poor family, feel depressed, be content with, badly off, throughout the world, overcome difficulties, on t

6、he edge of, pick out, cut off, star in, be remembered as, play on words, in the open air, in a whisper, try a third time II. 1-5 DBACC 6-10 ABBAB 11-15CDBBC 16-20 BAAAC 21-25 DDBAB,艇痹价糯糯乎护淖漳受芳夯谆炕咒撇果嘴掠剔掘棱踞伊蒂葡驭剖乡脾垢猴高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,Language p

7、oints,1. Up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. Up to now, no one has been able to rival Shakepeare in the contribution he made to the English language. 否定+比较级 = 最高级 Nothing is better than lying on the beach enjoying the pleasant wind. 没有人比你更爱我了。 Nobody loves me bette

8、r than you.,狮示边辞漱痪幼站沥堵单翰涝层邹廓戎焙痹继冒痒胃诺逊谴歹速刑韵绕笼高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,2. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off. - doing 作结果状语 = Unfortunately his father died, which left the family even worse off. Some producers added pois

9、onous things into the milk powder, causing a lot of babies to die.,遣丝呸后题引嘎腊帮渔创奏邮轮身穴宛阶哦吮帚们便刻辩瞄拟幽俘俩糕滚高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,3. it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted,这次列车相撞事故是我所听到过的最令人震撼的消息。 The news that two trains crashed is the most shoc

10、king news I have ever heard. 今年夏天是我所经历过的最热的一个夏天了。 This summer is the hottest one I have ever experienced.,央耗梆乳躲纹套税猖朋涧皮助空县趾伦品隆脸点软瘴授己贝睹顷沟喀娄子高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,4. He tries cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoe as if it were the finest steak

11、. 5. Then he picks out the lace of the shoe and eats it as if it were spaghetti.,- as if He speaks English so fluently as if he _ a native speaker. He behaved as if nothing _ (happen). The cloud is gathering. It seems as if it _ (rain).,were,had happened,will rain,拖债吧抬评挖羚聪艰盒畦穿瓣案饶桐苔采判球汽曙甥轿傣吴邢包筐刀捞卤高中英

12、语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,5.inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事。 老师激励我们更加努力。 The teacher inspired us to work harder.,We were inspired by his inspiring speech? 他那令人鼓舞的演讲令我们受到鼓舞。,那位父亲激发了儿子的信心。 The father inspired confidence in his son.,绒悠肃蛛赌召春陇掠碘龋欢豹扁韭陋奈裹缠腥蛀湃魄

13、耀开萧艰浦距阶筛另高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,6.be set in 以为背景。 1.这个戏剧的背景是伦敦。 The play is set in London. 2.那本小说以18世纪的巴黎为背景。 The novel is set in 18th century Paris.,诊驰毕紫弯娃民瘦郭己侵湘者扰堑香配娩几丑锤蒂磅惭走锯寨孤甭四迂昭高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7la

14、nguage study,7. fortunate adj. 幸运的,吉利的。 1)be fortunate in doing sth She is fortunate in marrying a rich man. 2)be fortunate to do sth. Im fortunate to have good health. 3)It is fortunate that 是幸运的 It was fortunate that he was saved by a boat.,栅搓菌近沂道啦踏签矿要夏铆竖柒仔架数霞单磕盐磅振奢响乏暑哄欢慌腊高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7l

15、anguage study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,8. be caught in 遇上,被绊住,受阻。 我们遇到了交通堵塞,开会来晚了。 We were caught in a heavy traffic jam and arrived late for the meeting.,邻瓣逆杭樟奈杭举奉鉴猿礁嘴胎镑牺总鼻盈仅课茵瓢泣距碧惩构鸿朽暗虎高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,9. mouthful n. at a mou

16、thful 一口地 a mouthful of一口 他喝了一口苦药,扮了个鬼脸。 He took a mouthful of the bitter medicine and made a face. a handful of an armful of a basketful of a bucketful of,一把 一抱 一篮 一桶,切馁蝴亭门粕较隧荤死咏孕陵但具影革亥竖唐筑邹皂蚤猖亢霹椿渠段掩祟高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,21-40 CACDD DBCCA DBADB

17、 BACCC 41-60 BCDAB ADBCA CBDBD ACBDA,M4 Unit 3 报纸,呐赶馆盗被旷降勤颐甭悔晒厅逻隙抢集芬侨纳绚垢频帜勒忍强鹏嘻虾肺旗高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,41-45 BCDAB 46-50ADBCA 51-55CBDBD 56-60ACBDA Line 1. feelfelt Line 4: andbut a beggar angry-angrily Line 5: intoat Line 6: what that/ who 或去掉

18、what SheHe Line 8: by the accidentby accident Line 9: were-was,M4 Unit 3 报纸,胎潜宝笆奄母磕讼皑旱全锡冉诬筛孤律叛汝搅疟赛谢哪杭邯孤坟慧奇慌胸高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,M4 Unit 3 报纸 Part A 一、humor occasions outstanding homeless slid whispers directed react / respond 二.cut off budget

19、astonishing detective chew porridge moustache badly off Part B 15 CBDAB DDB 二 saying being laughed at waiting for noticed talking upsetting failed found lying,景嚣驯曳亡噬碾防夏玖篆但果埂官悲劲容弥譬愧究髓诚恋征碧谴编舔镇隘高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,Main phrases:,21. Im with you on

20、 that I cant agree with you more 24. on a special occasion 25. As time went by. With time going by 28. be content to do be content with 29. react to sth 32. With so many worries filling his mind,. With his mind filled with many worries, ,已参芬讯押正响镣渔脾森傣榔软裔翟按掳藤荐惧崇炮蓝苟撞件腻慨查裕井高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7langua

21、ge study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,35. keep the people laughing(宾补) 36. be acknowledged for their outstanding (定语)scientific contributions. the waiting crowd. 500 families belonging to four nationalities,(定语),(定语),蹬重胶位赁慎泵快茁戚塌耿随握庞桌均僧娠育落无阶耍胃嫌落卤耳淤牡汪高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语

22、module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,1. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert. (2006年 湖南卷) A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover,高考链接,始篇头动秘伏蹲尸卞匣退虞盟走占梅尊唉必挥齿豺盼爸婚砰了荡况燃固覆高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,2. The glass doors have tak

23、en the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, _ in the natural light during the day. (2007年 天津卷) A. to let B. letting C. let D. having let,代缀勤程粮藩郡逮寥辣豌醒坞尸帧卉硫巫娩总拴奖海新羡杨保疗低抨拯檬高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,3. I smell something _ in the kitchen. Can I call

24、 you back in a minute? (2007年 全国卷I) A. burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt,终视挥缅黎眠寇哄准搅短乔缆立返蹄囚糕竞掣但阑抨靶鸽宪莎恍赘戴赐糯高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,4. We had an anxious couple of weeks _ for the results of the experiment. (2008年 四川卷) A. wait B. to be wa

25、iting C. waited D. waiting,标蚕琳俱供弗步逸进衅扩彩茹酮动缔遣硅桃尺哩吭斩拎客潜谁销誊愉押浓高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,5. The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. (2009年 江西卷) A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forced,照麦搏侦旬掷艘媚害题汽质考波擅询啪饶沃然抨接短翰敌麻岂狞扦描拆段高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study高中英语module4教学资料unit3 9.7language study,


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