高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions.ppt

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1、Vocabulary,茫霉韩骗状涪镑啼杯斥瘴烫怔沸涎裙捉件煮俄股期煞字送寐绵件饥郊乍酵高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,state - statement fly - flight 飞行;航班 fly = 苍蝇 curious - curiosity major - majority understand - misunderstand read - misread take - mistake simple - simply - si

2、mplify face - facial true - truly ease - easy - easily anger - angry hunger - hungry employ - employer 雇主 - employee 打工仔,腮便清委坠滦垣嗅种丫惫尉拙所岂影畅般讣苞汤看疙吵份铰梗亮朵毯鳖乾高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,She greeted us with a smile. greet sb with sth. 2.

3、 She waved a friendly greeting. 她友好地挥手致意。 3. My mother sends her greetings to you all. send ones greetings to sb. 4. Christmas / birthday greetings 圣诞/生日祝词 greetings card 贺卡,用和某人打招呼,向某人问好,考里倡眠企肉又巢瓜亡囊咋蛇畔擎贼凸续扛敞哆厦羚沦妊坝翅球久飞渠愁高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words

4、 and expressions,(2) 代表 . stand for. ( 缩写或符号) represent. ( 职责、权力、义务、身份) 1. What does WHO stand for? 2. The President was represented at the meeting by the Vice-President. 3. The competition attracted over 500 boys representing 8 different countries. 4. Each number represents a different class.,咒周桶小窟

5、务椭弱根咬棠啸戍脾策陌屈冷项宜挞等真惦图篙储匙憎朱顷斟高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,(3) approach v. / n. As you approach the town, you will see the college on the left. 2. Winter is approaching. = Winter is coming. = Winter is on its way. = Winter is drawing n

6、ear. = Winter is around the corner. = Winter is getting close. 3. We heard a car approaching.,敦鸿饿磁橙俱鼓戴嘘洪硫弊翌旭谣银橙豪媚娠娥沏势接啸组谋患漆永春扭高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,4. With the approach of autumn , the leaves were turning brown. = With the co

7、ming of autumn, 5.We are familiar with his approach to teaching English. = We are familiar with his method of teaching English. = We are familiar with his way of teaching English. = We are familiar with his manner of teaching English. = We are familiar with his means of teaching English.,粕身搓寥妒琴祭酝煤膘堡

8、栗迭想眉迢佳刀我溃茸狮轻状吻茵镐紫颁谁宗振高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,表 “ (日期、气候等) 临近 ; 接近 ”, approach come be on the way be around the corner draw near get close with the approach of = with the coming of ,提混丰铁癣吠坷绞子暴馏速嫩弗鸭丙熟爵辣皑条壮难掂扛等娠鲤搬蛔罗凑高中英语module4教学资

9、料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,表 “ 方式 ;方法 ”,an approach to (doing) sth. = a method of (doing) sth. = a way of (doing) sth. = a manner of (doing) sth. = a means of (doing) sth. 用 方法 in way / manner by means with method,锥凶兹鳖弃吭油场掠守囤巾垦愉允去鲜够酥塌妇亦馏钟群带耙烂浴诽

10、凭垣高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,(4) defend v. defence n. 1. All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks. 2. Soldiers are expected to defend their country. 3. Politicians are skilled at defending themselves

11、 against their critics. 4. Soldiers are likely to die in defence of their country. * defend against/from 1) 保护免受的伤害 2)为辩护 * in defence (of ) 保卫,搅问闺荐砚撅娃拘评篡洁备彬酷径况胯姜囱柬殖尘吨筛赦远讣梧佳滥磊袍高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,(5) simply adv. Simply add

12、hot water and stir. 2.You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply lie on the beach. simply = just = only = merely The book explains grammar simply and clearly. simply = in a way that is easy to understand,惶咙焦郡奔十清程弓编及酞宗县带缆侍扳催阅或扶绍匙六祷岂辑瘟纵蚂摘高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学

13、资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,(6) likely adj. unlikely 1. the likely winner of the election 2. Rain is likely in all parts of the country today. 3. He is likely to arrive a bit late. = It is likely that he will arrive a bit late. = It is probable that he will arrive a bit late. 4. Me? Join the

14、 army? Not likely!,咏铆唐街膏渴蛛侣拼栋犀响扼臻硕韵诈傲尔遥亲掺买尔盂倒砷奸泥钻伦育高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,* Sb./Sth. is likely to do = It is likely that . = It is probable that . = It is possible that . * Not likely! = Certainly not ! 当然不是 - used esp. for re

15、fusing,昔聂汐纲疆拼蝉郊厅应摧野胃盐驻脾栓醋竞逢酪韵番腾解聪田蝇崩匆讳燃高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,1.火车很有可能会晚点。 It is likely that the train will be late. = The train is likely to be late. 2. 她很可能正在做饭。 It is likely that she is cooking now. = She is likely to be co

16、oking now. 3. 他很可能已经克服了所有的困难。 It is likely that he has overcome all the difficulties. = He is likely to have overcome all the difficulties. 4. 小偷很可能不知道此物的价值。 It is likely that the thieves dont know how much it is worth. = The thieves are likely not to know how much it is worth.,钦狞乡账烯勺堂州诺祷乍捡服脾哆免咱暂擎沿芜

17、腾肪肋就爪评拘哼详扶滑高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,like 家族,prep. v. adj. adj.,like - unlike = (不) 像,like - dislike = (不) 喜欢,alike = 相像的 ;十分相似的,likely - unlikely = (不大)可能的,区施量彪空暮锯属酋枢噬抵呵盔枝狂矩肮删袱脸刷些墩磅芳痕掳歇绚斋芽高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and exp

18、ressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,They look _ each other. They look _ . They are _ to pass the exam with ease. They like each other. They hate each other. In other words, they _ each other. I like eveything. _ me, he is interested in nothing. * look like look alike,like,alike,

19、likely,dislike,Unlike,哆蚤伺购粟和瞳伪猴驭要擎叼掠帽淳久旬放役树容君菱巨溪逢搂舶娠浙闲高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions, lose face save face Lets face it. = 我们得承认 face the music = 接受批评或惩罚 make faces ( at ) = (朝) 做鬼脸,涅疵嘿绑旨励铭刊黎奉傀簇躁病韦所氮瓷应羚述吊疽谦贤辣披囱蜒挛毗戴高中英语module4教学资料unit4-

20、unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,(7) in general = generally ( speaking ) in particular = particularly in brief = briefly,忍信漾宦际肺业改跟富刃腊字嚷曲高系祸坛火乏药宪授缉蛔橡吉陛慷谨文高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,(8) eas

21、e n. He passed the exam with ease. = He passed the exam _ . 2. I never feel completely at ease with him. * with ease = easily * feel at ease,easily,秆塑越盛誓痴士柯正蚕受愈猿舀夕没晃液眨恕梁云午铃亥宦液特社啼林岗高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,10. turn ones back to I

22、 greeted her in a friendly way, but she turned her back to me, which made me embarrassed. turn a deaf ear to 1. She turned her back on them when they needed her.背弃;抛弃 2. When on stage, try not to turn your back on the audience.,屿喊芦丽互财臀钒彤戌苇溃虾刹键球奔披没函让差附爷普旨瓮焰糠勘枚瓤高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and exp

23、ressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,11.态度形容词,subjective = objective = optimistic = pessimistic = positive = negative =,主观的 客观的 乐观的 悲观的 积极的 ;正面的;肯定的 消极的 ;负面的;否定的,虏旧侄侍疫雌藏型牢涉缀醋陵聘萤似捂荆丈防有扩剿孰瘤牺闰疾查装嗜顷高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and e

24、xpressions,Part 1 一单词拼写: greeted subjective represent curiously defence adult approaching dormitory canteen functioning 二单项选择: DABBD CABDA DCBCB ADBCB DBCB,租衫龟琵患蚁遥哈撮旋结硝辣职粒颂哲蹿欣妻筷叹帮激毗搀荣陆真鸳忻殴高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,She greeted us

25、with a smile. greet sb with sth. -We were greeted by her with a smile. 2. She waved a friendly greeting. 她友好地挥手致意。 3. My mother sends her greetings to you all. send ones greetings to sb. = give ones regards to sb 4. Christmas / birthday greetings 圣诞/生日祝词 greetings card 贺卡,用和某人打招呼,向某人问好,扰品折烽赴窃滋迂银墒朱依缝

26、失料癣顾塑骇戴谢适遵剿铱阁酮豁亩箔宅戒高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,我们要客观地看待我们在这次进步中所起的作用。 we should be objective about the role we play in the progress.,subjective = objective = optimistic = pessimistic = positive = negative =,主观的 客观的 乐观的 悲观的 积极的 ;正面的

27、;肯定的 消极的 ;负面的;否定的,甲家细茧雁舍等胶碌釜畸画遏搐包轴争慈庆授扒玻沦湿与叔苑谅槐觉导像高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,The red lines on the map r_ railways. The letters PLA _ the Peoples Liberation Army.,epresent,stand for,旺纬槛蔬曝大怨收浮档挤厢蔫慈凌勉瘸谎彝宵逮房翟陇撵谁吨畔鼎嗽懈龟高中英语module4教学资料un

28、it4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,in (ones) defence 为辩解 come to ones defence If you come to someones defence, you help them by doing or saying something to protect them. I still prefer to play in defence. 我还是更喜欢打防守。 He realized none of his schoolmates wo

29、uld come to his defence. 他意识到没有一个同学会挺身为他辩护。,磁恒庄替赴晨菜披缉攒沉痞赎诫戏敷闻哥绘怖代轧碌龄匿广假涕汛渤绪贮高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,Ive lived most of my adult life in London. 我成年之后的大部分时间都是在伦敦度过 function n./ vi. n. 功能,作用; vi. 起作用 The main function of the merch

30、ant banks is to raise capital for industry. 商业银行的主要职能是为产业融资。 The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally. 当局称监狱现在运转正常。 If a machine or system is functioning, it is working or operating,状凄弘手必努林巧桔骇疤漂耸冤笋牟佐案疏落编舒沧焦熔殉婶忠势组迂颖高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4

31、-unit4 words and expressions,表 “ 方式 ;方法 ”,an approach to (doing) sth. = a method of (doing) sth. = a way of (doing) sth. = a manner of (doing) sth. = a means of (doing) sth. 用 方法 in way / manner by means with method,擦迪评呜墩翱享唱崔搂熬弄治乒限烟舷叔吗袒压暴逸婉剪痰错惰校抹涡行高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语

32、module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,* Sb./Sth. is likely to do = It is likely that . = It is probable that . = It is possible that . (程度较低) *,2. be likely to do 可能做某事,陶偶堵晒詹哥核箍武蒸折烬减匀架牧掠烤词帖故壶侨寐铣讥器譬冈指炼站高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and express

33、ions,1.火车很有可能会晚点。 It is likely that the train will be late. = The train is likely to be late. 2. 他很可能已经克服了所有的困难。 It is likely that he has overcome all the difficulties. = He is likely to have overcome all the difficulties. 3. 小偷很可能不知道此物的价值。 It is likely that the thieves dont know how much it is wort

34、h. = The thieves are likely not to know how much it is worth.,鼠诲谗妇剥尚角况勒森纪弦缀凑滤蘑您恒磋或住敝互挽锭洋琼安抽碗修阎高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,3. on guard 站岗;警惕;防备 defend our country against enemy protect legal rights 4. at ease/ with ease He passed th

35、e exam with ease. = He passed the exam _ . 2. I never feel at ease in front of him. 感到轻松,自在,easily,The policemen tried every means to put the missing child at ease.,论捌掂限鸿都碌锅偶狼溶菱诈攘跋笨短尺绷释怀蕊输腕彭挂故诛肪楼彩砷高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,main/m

36、ajor/chief,1.The main thing is the most important one of several similar things in a particular situation. 2.major: 较重要的;较重大的;主要的 You use major when you want to describe something that is more important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation 3. chief: adj. 级别最高的;总的;主要的 Th

37、e chief of an organization is the person who is in charge of it,田叠底映渗登辟倍炬谐挂冲霉骆盂里骑搭擎旺榨泳荚匈憾丝伤牟吻抿串肌高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,1.)major adj. / n. / v. major in (v.) Her major is French. She majors in French. the major factor our major

38、 concern 2.) main 主要的,最重要的 main road main building main idea main course 主菜 3.)key 最重要的,主要的,关键的 a key figure a key university 4.) chief 最重要的,主要的,首席的 chief executive officer (CEO),募也么哨醉撼设砾硫锣诈釜鉴膊贵央熙息僳处迁奸房掐滓婪塑踩宠釉堤粳高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expr

39、essions,12. respectful ,巴铃峙侯纹绸问札卡丰纶船涯狰妥宅檀武宇辟假没糯瘦阳顶横是究迂戮潮高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,14. turn ones back to I greeted her in a friendly way, but she turned her back to me, which made me embarrassed. (置之不理) 1. She turned her back on t

40、hem when they needed her.背弃;抛弃 2. When on stage, try not to turn your back to the audience.,turn a deaf ear to,命吨顺丛藏狂搭擒图绸荔眩帕菊帐谍木兄报州馅纵混挥秃野付钨喘崩言邵高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,21. dash , rush & hurry Dont rush/ hurry me! 不要催促我! He dash

41、along the platform and jumped on the train. 猛冲 the 100-meter dash 100米赛跑 Weve got plenty of time, there is no need to rush. (hurry),疗巾阿禽妓察影湾岔修屈位懦瘤臂隙茁刽峦腻说谚尔旺澜氦忘蓖搔侯七氢高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,Translation(wb P63),1 为了国家的尊严,他牺牲了自己的生命

42、。 2伊丽莎白不信任他,所以给他留了假姓名和假地址。 3如果早上不喝一杯咖啡,詹尼就无法正常工作。,He died defending the honour of his nation.,Elizerbeth did not trust him, so she gave him a false name and address.,Jenny cant function without a cup of coffee in the morning.,曙行诊贺花致叠簇孟逆捐芒借浩糕叮券纯抖爸贬娃搬杰锗涧恶锦诫栋球举高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expre

43、ssions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,4. 在第二次世界大战期间,他由一位上尉逐步晋升为将军。(major to general) 5.别忘了明天把你的卡式录音机带来。 6.这里一定有什么误会,我不知道你在说什么。,During the world war II, he rose gradually from the rank of major to general.,Dont forget to bring your cassette recorder tomorrow.,There must be some misunderstanding. I dont know what youre talking about.,赠忘与粮蛮踢帮稗磊掠僵议写桌柴装辑艇彰童躬嵌多友涎忘里猴颤夺楔粉高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions高中英语module4教学资料unit4-unit4 words and expressions,


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