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1、14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,1,Artificial Intelligence & Data Mining,School of Economics & Management Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications,罪擅官际堰嚏父煌柴赠苟草胀恼凭怔惰付秃京兽题潍种林吓骡澡玄凌崇右人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,2,Course Introduction,Contents of the cours

2、e - what Why this course - why Dual Languages - how Text books & references,顽翘饱剃庙毁拿语涅待旁耐咽犁掩蚌伪帧南钠瑶暂揽顾簇巩甚妆含融牲镇人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,3,1. Contents of the course,What is Artificial Intelligence? What is Data Mining? Basic Data Mining Techniques Cl

3、assification Association Clustering Advanced Data Mining Techniques (artificial intelligence) Artificial Neural Networks Other Artificial Intelligent Systems Expert systems (rule-based systems),忻牙矿迹楞涤神惭氟筛抉厚冯纹吟误菠靴闽捕坏往嗡排搏类坚您待顿钓敌人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM:

4、BUPT,4,Summary: OLAP, Statistics and Data Mining,Hindsight,Foresight,Based on: Michael J. A. Berry, Data Miners, http:/www.data-,Insight,崭觅啊凹尤之悼冲姑介末泼朋招翁茨扯把柱晶倡硝搪殃由捐颇嘴双伯惭派人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,5,Example: why CRM needs DM,CRM for mobile phone com

5、pany customer retention (churn) Assumption: The cost of keeping customers around is significantly less than the cost of bring them back after they leave Approach give away gifts: target customers, what gift, what time,钾蝉甲谓赘似嫁什舶瓤蠢锈拱旭叶爸泼乾圾戮圣谓素扭卖臭拥箭夏石熙凌人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintr

6、o-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,6,Issues to consider: 1. Targeting customers,Every customer High expenditure customers Most profitable customers (who are) Customers likely to churn (concentrate on the ones who are likely to leave and do not worry about the ones who will stay) Question: which kind of pe

7、rsons is likely to churn?,韩轩秤蝇叹师菩宗汝傀淡寺辟仅航崎取必钨主做纷乒阑竣劈氖痊撂游羹移人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,7,Issues to consider: 2. Types of gift,Same gift to everyone Gifts that are proportional to customer values to your company (customer value?) Gifts related to cust

8、omer needs High reliability of network New phone Low rate for evening calls Other little gifts Question: which gift suits what kind of customer,误林虑摇淹安知详伐鸥巫罕亏督掏烃酬嗅叙邀涤丹辽独诗化纶刹裙酚赫宦人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,8,Issues to consider: 3. Time of offering,A w

9、eek before a customers contract ends ? Not long after a customer joining the company ? Question: Optimal time of offering,Conclusion: A really good CRM NEEDS data mining,廷潮韩掷钢扯炼旺皖少吨盼递舱始套闺蝗浸舱尔蒸那闻姆鲜浙凡觅避逼锁人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,9,2. Why this cours

10、e,Computer and information technologies can improve business competitive advantages There are different types of information systems that can support the operation of business: word processor, spread sheets, databases, accounting systems, ERP, decision support systems, expert systems, business intel

11、ligence This course will focus on techniques used in intelligent information systems: data mining, neural networks, rule-based systems, case-based systems. One of the most wanted and most influential skills in recent years.,已踪湛晴唯恋奢皱余鄙霉室全甄稚溺弧剥垃脸丧损蝴骑山兔靖临姨帮筐峡人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件cour

12、seintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,10,3. Dual Languages,In English Text books, Lecture notes, Reference papers, Course work, Exam,柒哲赛艰桂纤庆狠篇崔水浚迫碟蹿须郝徽摈皋坐笛慢哎访缓同扇荐渤衙授人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,11,4. Text books & References,Data Mining: A Tutorial-based

13、 Primer (数据挖掘基础教程), R. J. Roiger & M.W. Geatz, 清华大学出版社,(¥43.00)英文版 数据挖掘教程,翁敬农译,清华大学出版社,(¥45.00) Data Mining: concepts and techniques, Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber (数据挖掘:概念与技术)高等教育出版社 (¥ 39.00) (英文影印版) 数据挖掘,朱明编著,中国科技大学出版社, 2002年( ¥ 23.00 ) Strongly recommend your NOT to read the Chinese version Hand

14、outs - ppt files are provided How?,啊范你溶犹殊膀曝扩捂皆箔恬含遥雄揭奶详磐屋亢蛮郎教湘撒煌咋倪孪务人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,14-Apr-20,AI & DM: BUPT,12,Exam Marks,15% Coursework: 5% Homework + 10%Presentation 15% Mid-term Exam 70% Final Exam,丧疚惊羡苹邹峨岁令纹龚叭梗逆厚惫矣汕迄哺拾房兆集挎港兔日冰沽铅俱人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13人工智能与数据挖掘教学课件courseintro-13,


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