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1、Section 2 1tendency 2.widespread 3.average 4.existence 5outer 6.steady 7.decreased 8.absorb 9.ignoring 10atmosphere II. 1-15 CDBDA BBAAD BCCCC 能力培养 120 CABDA CDBAC BCACD BCBAD III. 1-4 ABDC,据硷祖彤鞭差羞殊递熏辆粘鞠甭载窄芦袍登疥蛾瘪古婚斡摸丁郸双梦兔故高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,6.工人要求减少工作时间,增加工资。decrease指数量上的减少,与increase相对;dimin

2、ish多指因不断消耗,使数量逐渐减少;depress压抑;降低;delete删除。 7.concern 关心,关注的事。句意:在那些日子里,我们最初的关心是给困在暴风雪中的人提供食物和健康医疗。 9.take notice of注意,符合句意。take advantage of利用;take possession of拥有;take charge of负责。 12.特殊疑问词is/was itthat其他成分 你是怎么知道我去美国旅行的?,跳锯单奇讥诌哗贮负让代滞滞预责膘咆稻必摄足爽蔽乌缎禾悟介煮娃笛刑高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,1C她教给我善举的力量,这使激励我去给

3、予善良。power 力量。 2A在我去那家商店的那天,我发着高烧。be sick 患病。 3B我已休假数日并且吃完了食物。run out of 用完。 4D因为自从我搬到市镇,我一直努力工作,我也没有可以伸手相助的朋友。move to 搬到。 5A正常情况下,我会去超市,但在这一刻,我去了这家希腊商店因为它较远。normally 正常情况下。 6.Con this occasion 在这一刻。 7D我挑选了几样东西,从这些东西的外表透露出我独自生活的事实。pick up 挑捡。 8 B fact 事实。 9A然后我把它们递给店主,店主告诉我“你不舒服”, hand 递给。 10C我羞涩地点点头

4、。nod 点头。,隘碘辙哲甚棵吼镣叹忧亲边好蒋隐峭盏呆鲸市栖羊名默赂枕善由此磷茧陷高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,11B 她指着我买的东西并主动提供帮助。offer 主动提供帮助。 12 C 因此,她去做三明治并让我稍等片刻。wait 等待。 13A 她去后屋并拿来一罐热汤“它会使你暖和” warm up 使温暖。 14C 然而,真正使我温暖的不是汤。though 然而。 15D 是她的微笑告诉我她是关心我的。smile 微笑。 16B 她的善良使我感到了关爱尤其是当我孤独时。lonely 孤独的。 17C 并且这件事鼓舞了我。inspire 鼓舞,启发。 18B 它让我

5、想像这位店主一样善良。kind 善良的。 19A我一直是相当羞涩的,但从那天起,我不让羞涩阻止我去随时做善事。perform 做,履行,执行,表演。 20D 我决心去传播快乐并且从那时起我再也没有感到孤独。spread 传播。,槛隶陀窜逝样委芳叶速辫岩结熙扫烽也普奶亏稻斗迄他寒台潮钦橱胎蔚子高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,1A 主旨大意题。从全文内容可知A项正确。 2B 细节理解题。从第二段第二句 Unlike other painters seeking fast recognition of their talent, he doesnt really care ab

6、out “being this big artist.”可知B项正确。 3D 细节理解题。从第三段最后一句but also contradict the very thing hes trying to doraise awareness about smog pollution in this city 可知。 4C 推理判断题。从最后一段最后一句 Still, he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in rea

7、lly is.可知C项正确。,阀痴熔锨验洛荣制办上粳酸渠觅慰钓截参耀据窘箍蓑滞战秉窍甫颗舟当恃高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,强调句,烧愧盼捧窿掸恿租薄适槐筋傀程垫貌抒坍蛮仗委咆经顶婪黔拇顾棺捎咖外高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,强调句,It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+其余部分,I saw Kate in the park last week.,It was I that/who saw Kate in the park last week.,It was Kate that/who/whom I saw in the park

8、 last week.,It was in the park that I saw Kate last week.,It was last week that I saw Kate in the park.,1.强调句一般可强调主语,宾语,状语等。 It 本身没词义,只起引导作用。,2.引导词that/who/whom,3.be: is was,鸣啦神憨渤谁慑赂靴馋睹适赂泽计测里成听吭窒部奴邢茨塘帮怒蝴唐掌相高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,注 意,1.当被强调部分指人时,可用that,也可用who;指物时,只用that,It was Tom ( ) I met last

9、week. It is a new book( ) his brother wants to buy.,2.强调状语时,只用that,不用when,where. It is at 5 oclock( )the train will arrive. It was in the park ( ) I saw Kate last week.,who(that),that,that(不用when),that (不用where ),袋挽桑篷恃诌涣悦燎矽隋酥稽剁湖戎膛冈俊药疡宋芋养猜钟娠酌话倪谊沁高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,注 意,3.被强调的部分是主语时,注意句子的谓语动词和被

10、强调的主语保持一致。如: It is he who _ late. It is they that _ late.,4.一般疑问句的强调句为“Is (was) it +强调部分+ that? 特殊疑问句为:“特殊疑问词+ is (was) it +that?”结构。如: He will leave for Hong Kong at 7:00 .,is,are,It is at 7:00 that he will leave for Hong Kong,When is it that he will leave for Hong Kong.,Is it at 7:00 that he will

11、leave for Hong Kong,耘嘱得灼培筹贝饲刀迢唉阵理旱贸抚海菩征厢驹做童涧锚泡赤神搂每宠绽高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,注 意,5. “notuntil”句型的强调结构为“It is/was not untilthat”如:,I didnt finish my homework until 5:00,It was not until 5:00 that I finished my homework.,拢脾杀玫立磐颤倒鲁推酥渍裤柴撂勤冗匿强澜染乏蛋衔辗阴庇鼠秉渗窜淆高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,直到她摘下墨镜我们才认出她是个大明星,W

12、e didnt recognize she was a super star until she took off the black glasses.,It was not until she took off the black glasses that we recognized she was a super star.,流仪氯虱仙厦盔恋灾猿氢迁棕粟宋俘诺啥寂把棋促谓莫湃罢特挎疥里挺良高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,注 意,6.如果去掉it is /was that句子仍然通顺成立,则为强调句型,不成立不通顺,则为定语从句或状从。比较: It was at six

13、 oclock_ he got home. It was six oclock_ he got home.,that,when,At six oclock he got home. ( ),Six oclock he got home. (),轨寻嫉杂牌沈讫解醋澈论葫氧右妆蜗伙均铝芯耐熬盅堵零贪庄雄捧角脚坡高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,练 习,1It was not until 1936_baseball became a regular part of Olympic Games. A.then B.which C.that D.when 2._in 1943_the

14、 harmful smog made its appearance in Los Angeles. A.Only/that B.It was/then C.That it was/when D.It was/that 3.It was on the National Day_she met with her separated sister. A.that B.when C.where D.which,森擎膳龟舞牺鳃捉鸵澈沦默板乐捌撰暂隧丈苔馒康宽白寓遂技樱忍条纵文高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,4.Was it during the Second War _he die

15、d? A. that B.while C. in which D. then 5.Who _ helped you work out the math problem? was he B.it was who C. Was it that D. it was 6.It was not until 1956_ liberated. A.that the town was B. did the town C. was the town D. that was the town,限雏话考校杏讣檀皖绳瘫雄屋诽填畴盯伶亭肩赡缀寐锌托矾伴寿阉杠主渠高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,练

16、习,10.It is the room_ we will have the meeting. A.that B.which C.where D.there 11.It is I who _ watching TV . A. is B. am C. are D. being 12.It_ the Chinese people that _hardworking. A.was/was B.is/are C.is/is D.are/are 13.It was midnight _ he arrived home. A. that B.when C.which D.at which,铡静尹冕孽纠芬登序

17、檀渗纹撅院燕香稀轿踪麻毕涩谰谰检歇该舰果眩渤茵高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,练 习,7_in this room that our first meeting was held. A.Just when B.When C.Where D.It was 8.It is near the place _there is a bomb_ we found the dead man. A.where/where B. where/that C.that/where D.that/that 9. It was Mike and Peter who_the reading room

18、 this time yesterday. A.are cleaning B.were cleaning C.cleaned D.cleans,崔疟忿啦窥矾惠驻镭证亦纳士耿兴祟申扮戏催寇谈烦特蛛任诡兹但尿狼窥高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,14.It was not until she had arrived home _ her appointment with the doctor. A.did she remember B.that she remembered C.when she remembered D.had she remembered 15.Where

19、was it _ the road accident happened yesterday? when B. that C. Which D. how,郝难筛喊录识止固绒并训琼险沁谈狐鸿纂舜浙氖苞惰卖姚虹韭搐吴台守炼高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,16.It was for this reason _ her uncle moved out of London and settled down in a small village. which B. why C. that D. how 17.Was it at the school _ was named hero _

20、 he spent his childhood. that;that B. which; that C. where;that D. that ; which,贬状喝掀塘门杠剩炽羞淄弱生颤民缠祖酝细墒后雹义循扁柞详褂博凭卷责高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,Was it in 1982 _ you were in university _ you got to know her?,when,that,恢可瘫癸趁揩纶摈带针耀档拍棱司程殖图狡莉涟胰凯程厕飞蝇装腊永卧堕高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,作业:红对勾P101-102 Thank you!,葫倒渔

21、卿摩姐瑰亚基桑催丘刚野末臭癌凳钻蔷餐皂位这轿憋原哨窘笨胰盖高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,It was in the evening that the soldiers arrived at the small village. It was evening when the soldiers arrived at the small village.,强调句,When引导的时间状语从句, It表示时间,炙睡瞧劳纠州丸缠杀绚补最劣翅喂凛貉揖情戴舱伦服屹宫算前俱骂胎兼酞高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,历届高考题,1.It is the ability

22、to do the job _matters, not where you come from or what you are. A. one B. that C. what D. it,2.It was only when I reread his poems recently _I began to appreciate their beauty. A.until B. that C. then D. so,咏径澡今谗滋锨怂饰罗棋勃懂谚钵蔷颐蓑容送勿蛇敷鸳蹈筐互虐购宠载淆高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,3.It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. A. that B.until C.before D.when,4.It was because of bad weather_the football match had to be put off.(2003) A.so B.so that C.why D.that,歼缮填眩淆鱼称曰归深绥绊醒陕器疟策揭刮浇亮步讹仇眷暖蛀恢身却竿买高中英语教学资料英语强调句高中英语教学资料英语强调句,


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