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1、第 1 页 成语英语翻译精选 特征码 gTgjYOqcDaFUVwsvyKVv * 成语英语翻译精选 繁荣昌盛 thriving and prosperous 爱不释手 fondle admiringly 爱财如命 skin a flea for its hide 爱屋及乌 love me,love my dog He that loves the tree loves the branch 安居乐业 live and ent 白手起家 build up from nothing 百里挑一 one in hundred 百折不挠 be indomitable 半途而废 give up half

2、bracing all-inclusive 饱经风霜 otives 彬彬有礼 refined and courteous urbane 兵不厌诈 in ed 不败之地 incincible position 不耻下问 feel not ashamed to learn from ones subordinates 不可救药 be past praying for beyond redemption 第 2 页 不劳而获 reap ammon of unrighteousness 不亦乐乎 extremely 不远千里 go to the trouble of travelling a long

3、 distance 不约而同 happen to coincide 不择手段 by any kind of means by hook or crook play hard by fair means or foul 不知所措 be at a loss be all adrift lose ones head out of ones ely cruel 沧海桑田 time brings a great change to the e nervousness 层出不穷 emerge in endlessly 层峦迭嶂 peaks over peaks 察言观色 carefully orosely

4、 臭名远扬,臭名昭著 flagrancy, notorious 出乎意料 unexpected 出口成章 have an outstanding eloquence 出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群 fill the bill supereminence 出谋划策 give counsel suggest 出奇制胜 defeat sb. by a surprise action 出生入死 go through fire and prehend by analogy 垂头丧气,无精打采 doouth lose ones spirits ore than 第 3 页 sufficient 此起彼伏 as one

5、 falls,another rises 从容不迫 go easy take ones time 从容不迫的 leisured unhurried 从容不迫地 by easy stages 粗枝大叶 careless slapdash sloppy 粗枝大叶的 broad-brush 措手不及 unay 大材小用 ely puzzled 大惊小怪 a storm in a teacup foofaraous inds mature sloinor differences 大显身手 大显神通 strut ones stuff 大言不惭 夸夸其谈 fanfaronade rodomontade 大

6、义凛然 inspiring aily loyalty 大智若愚 Still pty vessel makes the most sound Still bstruck transfixed 待人接物 the e and onious 得过且过 drift along muddle along 得天独厚的 advantaged 得心应手 handy phant 德才兼备 have both ability and moral integrity 德高望重 sainted saintlike 第 4 页 登峰造极 reach the limit reach the peak of perfecti

7、on 地大物博 vast territory and abundant resources 颠倒黑白 颠倒是非 混淆是非 call ove forces 调虎离山 lure the enemy a his base 掉以轻心 treat sth. Lightly 喋喋不休 blat cackle chackle harp harp on jaitable spirit 东施效颦 blind imitation atched unparalleled 度日如年 one day seems like a year 断章取义 garble quote out of context 对牛弹琴 iles

8、tone Cast pearls before sedy to the case 多才多艺 versatility 多才多艺的 accomplished all-round allround miscellaneous versatile 多愁善感 sensitivity sentimentality 多愁善感的 moonstruck spoony 多此一举 bring oore the better 咄咄逼人 aggressive 脱胎换骨 thoroughly remould oneself 阿谀奉承 趋炎附势 greasiness 恩将仇报 以怨报德 忘恩负义 bite the hand

9、 that feeds one 尔虞我诈 each trying to cheat the other 第 5 页 发人深省的 thought-provoking 发人深省 set people thinking 发扬光大 carry forp over hill and dale 翻天覆地 e into ones kingdom rise in the pany,each going his ooralize 分门别类 classify 纷至沓来 come in a continuous stream 纷至沓来的 thick as hail 奋不顾身 dash ahead regardless of ones safety 愤愤不平 be indignant 愤世嫉俗的 cynical 丰富多彩 rich and colorful 丰功伟绩 great achievement 丰衣足食 have ample food and clothing 风花雪月 sentimental 风起云涌 like a rising ake a shoake short shrift of palter scuffle 釜底抽薪 take a drastic measure to deal agnificence 覆水难收 spilt ilk *


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