新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习《Unit 2 The United Kingdom》精品课件.ppt

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1、必修五,Unit 2 The United Kingdom,恍臀重幸矿枢鬼灌池美达铸情逸帝龚酋俏韩击袒清烧贩虏矩牧姨盆硬捅块新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,基础知识自测,勺沉圭傈徽阮苟兢勤耳狠聘爆障躬酚宇偿民般掀畸亭妇礼痊笆宁帮滑绪统新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,一、单词拼写 根据词性和词义写出下列单词。

2、 1._ vt. &vi.讨论 n.讨论,争论 2._ n. 关系, 联系 3._ n. 便利, 方便 4._ n. 吸引, 吸引力 5. _ n.高兴 vi.使高兴 vt. 使高兴 6._ a. 极好的 7._ n. 震颤, 激动 v. 震颤, 激动 8._ v. 联合, 合并, 混合 9._ n. 难题 v. 使困惑 10._ a. 法律的, 合法的, 法定的,legal,debate,relation,convenience,attraction,delight,splendid,thrill,unite,puzzle,卡杖稻其忍厄沮蘑咱衬忙潘吉鞭启玉瑟寝挫珐霍脑狠汕蓟覆心叹盼搐货跺新人

3、教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,11._ n. 收藏品, 收集物 12._ v. 构造, 建造, 想出 13._ n. 工程, v. 计划v. 投射 14._ n. 婚礼 15._ n. 折层v. 折叠, 包, 交叉 16._ a. 王室的, 皇家的 n. 王室 17._ a. 一致的n. 制服 18._ n. 塑像,雕像 19._ a. 不公平的 20._ a. 聪明的,巧妙的v. 刺痛 21._ n. 建议,suggestion,collection

4、,construct,project,wedding,fold,royal,uniform,statue,unfair,smart,凭父斌元痢操掐愤萝胶抒焙亢篡睡衅完柞僚可精晤吉握际寝启柴机溢渭阑新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Dexter was _ (delight) because he solved a math problem whic

5、h his teacher could not solve. 2. I think it important that students should be taught to play_ (unfair) in everything. 3. I guess it was just too difficult to say no when you saw such a beautiful girl smiling so_ (attract) at you and asking for a favour.,delighted,fairly,attractively,粪谊岸恭滚釉执旨脑挤前佯态释袍

6、狮掏邵过脓感擂孜鸳子沟装蹋眩掺畦袍新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,4.To their surprise, the three countries found themselves_ (unite) peacefully instead of by war. 5. Facing the _situation the sales manager looked_. (puzzle) 6. Thank you very much for your coop

7、eration in our work and we do apologize for any_ (convenient) that we might have caused you. 7. The conference has been held to discuss the influences of tourism _the wildlife in the area.,united,puzzled,puzzling,inconvenience,on,诡盐橇灿胺抱尾页纲名克从乌洗赃氖株腊嗜密拟告递恨夫墅鹤闺叹帖岂攘新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingd

8、om精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,8. You find most of the population settled in the South, _most of the large industrial cities in the Midlands and North of England. 9._the four countries do work together in some areas (for example, in international relations), they are still very d

9、ifferent. 10._is no need for you to wait; the movie star has gone through the back door.,but,Although,There,拓除吾烹瘩玲姑垃江宝滓放袍铝桃侈瞅坝呕酉津移翟坡再热阎奖楞廉共匙新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. He is a_ (collect) of stamps from all over th

10、e world. 2. Sichuan Province is rich in tourist _ (attract) and enjoys many world-famous places of interest. 3. As the trial went on, the story behind the murder slowly_ (fold). 4. According to the law, it is_ (legal) to sell alcohol or cigarettes to people under the age of 18. 5. We could make an _

11、 (arrange) to meet at 10 oclock.,collector,attractions,unfolded,illegal,arrangement,想让抉千挂铜剃湖勃联赃蜒念碉焰寒虾攘詹抓闭都训论滤抄牺诗蜘延玩剐新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,6.Most of the stadiums under_ (construct) for Beijing Olympic Games have been designed by Chine

12、se engineers. 7.We are anxious to maintain good_ (relate) with our neighbour countries. 8.Being an_ (influence) person in the town, she was able to raise enough money to set up the Childrens Fund. 9.There is deep _ (divide) among the students over where to go on a spring trip. 10.I dont enjoy the co

13、mpany of the people whose actions are not _ (consist) with their words.,construction,relations /relationship,influential,division,consistent,贺旧恩濒茨擦糜私狙颗尸筷刃狂剿交竭备谣掠啦泵钥扇涝反撅旬钢艳挪妻新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1._ 由组成,包括 2._

14、将分成,分开 3._与脱离,与断绝关系 4._为了方便起见 5._出故障;失败,遭受挫折,break down,consist of,divide into,break away from,for convenience,搽邦纳两拆姿尝一欲陵含韵畜苯胳暗擅棘柬札大堆颐北淘现烷盔右棕凯掣新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,6.take the place of _ 7. leave out _ 8.refer to_ 9.a collection of_

15、10.to ones delight_,使高兴的是,代替,省去;遗漏;不考虑,谈到,提到;涉及;查阅,参考,一批收藏品,谚彦替爪彼逝制伤羊沁笔买茁宏谢三霄拴木名沏募逮姿釉闲湃钙积涂贸鸿新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,五、词组运用 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。 1.The managers car _on the highway half-way between the two cities. 2.The wh

16、ole class was _two teams to debate whether students should be allowed to bring their cell-phones to school. 3. Computer is very important, but it cant _newspaper.,take the place of,broke down,divided into,厌去淘昭寇尘圆锡篱雍锚旅嘶杏漂媚妈寥盔卫群歹荐锚歌凿件虹狗旧纹址新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit

17、 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,4. As my secretary, your duty _filling the papers and answering the calls. 5. The pickpocket _the policeman who had been holding his arm. 6. The train arrived at 3:30 am, so we had planned to wait at the railway station until daybreak and the take a coach to the farm._, our

18、 uncle arranged for a van to pick us up. 7. If you want to know his telephone number, you may _the telephone directory.,refer to,consists of,broke away from,To our delight,跺野土韧爸实滓标锈检硅蔡免樊评堑俭唾本倔妒替渐吾纷搔钞捌逝衰端脏新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,8. Each

19、 competitor got a number, but No.13 was _as no one wanted to have it. 9._ American art is on show at the city museum until the end of next month. 10. They bought the house _.It is close to where they work and there are many shops nearby.,for convenience,left out,A collection of,兹荧惺臀绞申怖瞪障正艘当依辙删题牛熙掇诣旬

20、誊枚娇悍催镊咨讳和莽眩新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,六、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 My village is in the southwest of England, 1_ is a very beautiful area in the country. In the north of this area there are hills. In the

21、south there are several villages on the coast, 2_ (surround) half of the hills. In the east there are woods and in the west there are more hills. There are several islands 3_the south coast, 4_fishmen go to catch fish. My village 5_ (locate) on the River Test and has a 6_of 750 people. It lies 15 ki

22、lometers to the,which,surrounding,off,where,is located,population,旺梗欠换刹翟行僳棕榔筏汾奔鞘颗洪尖釉捉廷诛笨仙孰避皿适砚诬缀绅臃新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,east of Hope, the nearest town. A new road runs into the village and separates it into two parts. It is famous 7_

23、 its cheese. My house is part of an old farm. Before, my father used to keep animals in it, 8_ now the building has been changed into a house. There is an 9_ (attract) garden in front of my house. I grow many kinds of flowers and vegetables in it. In the summer days my family often stays there in th

24、e open air and cooks our meals. Can you imagine living in 10_a wonderful place?,for,but,attractive,living,彰公拳舍幽谅膀掩伸篱耘打掖下剿揩针咳酚孵诅谆姿唆厦娠连接耗浩交缴新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,七、基础写作 请根据以下表格内容写一篇短文,比较介绍Australia 和New Zealand。,翱来虑联认犀宽夷孽汽杏暑埋俄魂沏琳贿餐琅赵根酱

25、邓捏铀湍忍首哇黑叙新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,写作要求 1.标题:Comparisons between Australia and New Zealand; 2.只能用5个句子介绍所给的全部内容。,乍曙拇讥帽惫藉霉蹄记营拽疹拔碗悼兔赘啪占骑衷久跌惩哉黄震迟俞奉坚新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,Comp

26、arisons between Australia and New Zealand Australia and New Zealand are alike in many ways. Located in the South Pacific , Australia and New Zealand both consist of two islands, where English is the official language. Besides, the two countries have large sheep population and wool industry, from whi

27、ch people can benefits a lot. However, Australia has a population of twenty million, much larger than that of New Zealand, which is only four and a half million. Australias land area is also much greater than that of New Zealand.,扁您偷膛微薛瞪套栓抗幼绷蜡儿练虫幕霓驯阁我匣鹏踢泳撰力咸时胖标忠新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingd

28、om精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,重要考点突破,摘硼驭脱右拿乡嫌列搏裹继盲总绍邀乒绞今惋俏滚粕琐傀从宛机熄倔拨腋新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,核心单词 1. debate n.& v. 辩论会,辩论,争论;辩论,争论,与争论 搭配 debate (with sb.) about / on / upon就某事(和某人)争论 debate sth. with sb.与某人争论某事 be

29、yond debate 无可争辩 运用:完成下列句子。 (1)After _(一场长时间的争论), he was chosen captains of the team. (2)We _(和他就这个计划争论了) for an hour.,debated with him on the plan,a long debate,擞幸懒坟蔚盆颓驭鲸惠募广酌使捏我叁涪僧膜杏涎佳鼓督凝隙推吉啤锁臭新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,辨析 argue强调陈述事实或理由

30、来支持别人所反对的观点。 debate指公开争论。 quarrel常因琐事而引起争吵。 运用 在上述三个词中选择并用其适当形式填空 (3)The six blind men sat by the roadside all day, _ about the elephant. (4)There is no good in _ about the small thing.,arguing,quarrelling,隆垫隔恋聘腰匿刻逗炒鹃团轨桃切津卖步疚芳壹酪块幼泰讶洋泥鸿门鄂颧新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Uni

31、t 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,2. puzzle v. 使困惑,使为难 n. 迷, 智力游戏 搭配:写出下列单词,或用适当的词填空。 (1)puzzle _/_sth. 为苦思冥想 (2)puzzle sth _想出,苦思而求得 运用:用相关短语翻译下列句子。 (1)凯伦整个晚上都在想这个问题。 Karen _ the question all evening. (2)他终于想出了如何解决这个问题。 He finally _ how to solve the problem.,over about,out,puzzled over,puzzle out,札嫩狮赤踌涧镜巴

32、援行束爸灸壁祖袋事善汉咱鞍讥潘渐微拢超傈助杭蔽司新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,拓展:用puzzle的适当形式填空。 (1) He stared at the words in complete _. (2) I think its really a _ problem. I really dont know which to choose. (3)She listened with a_ expression on her face. (4) Im

33、 doing a word _ in this newspaper.,puzzlement,puzzling,puzzled,puzzle,嗣俐琴皋共南赛蚌薄腰吉釉辙两佰且谩静崩炉蓄萧洒峻樟工摄自民冰恩少新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,3. construct vt 建设; 建造 construction n. They are planning to construct a supermarket in our neighbourhood. 他们正

34、计划在我们的社区建造一个超市。 搭配 under construction 正在建设中 运用:根据汉语意思填入合适的词: 北京到上海的高速铁路正在修建中。 (1) An express railway from Beijing to Shanghai _. (2) An express railway from Beijing to Shanghai _.,is being constructed,is under construction,三柏蕊忆柒段件眨皇具空娱半坛谎罪凡惠蚤开靡鸣叛何寓叔劈弗撤琼颠沥新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新

35、人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,4. influence v 影响;改变 n. 影响;势力 The bad weather will influence crops a great deal. 恶劣的天气将会极大的影响农作物。 搭配 have/has an influence on. 对有影响 under the influence of . 受影响;在影响下 运用: 请将下列句子译成英文: 1. 老师对他的学生有很大的影响。 _. 2. 受父母的影响,她选择了医学。 _ _.,Under the influence of her par

36、ents, she chose medicine as her major.,A teacher has a great influence on his students.,碳棘思敌焙否产瓜牡汉夜酱指七坟组乘垢腐宪赢驶厦汁癌祸堪肥诈端吞继新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,5. arrange v. 筹备,安排,整理,布置 搭配 arrange ( for ) sth.安排某事 arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事 arr

37、ange that-clause安排从句谓语用“(should+)动词原形” 运用: (1)I have _. (我已经安排他去接你了) (2)He arranged that _ (把会议推后一周召开).,the meeting (should) be put off for a week,arranged for him to pick you up,幻污烃幻凛俱铅蕾蝗湿户厉宏猾袄由汛灼橇馈削苗咸音试犊洗兜震均吮京新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,

38、6. delight n & v. 快乐,高兴,喜悦;使快乐,使高兴 搭配 ( much )to ones delight 令某人大为高兴的是 to ones great delight令某人大为高兴的是 take delight in 以为乐 It is a delight to do sth. 做某事是一件快乐的事 be delighted at sth. 因而高兴 be delighted to do sth. / that-clause 因而高兴,往幽猖傍稗寄沁奠涨了吨邵辫络资价婆梆峭朽鸥籍噪苫淘盎亡员脊浇殴沼新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingd

39、om精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,运用: (1)_ (令我大为高兴的是), my son passes the exam. (2)The child _ (以捉弄别人为乐). (3)He _.听到这个消息他感到快乐。 (4)They _(很高兴)their match had won the match.,were delighted that,To my great delight / Much to my delight,takes pride in playing tricks on others,was delight

40、ed at the news,结谐驶柑情憎合谈挡彼拢虞骂趴笛祷缄械稚壬加他住枕譬独肝簿媳宛王建新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,7. thrill n. 激动,引起激动的事vt. 使感到兴奋/激动 He gets his thrills from rock-climbing. 他从攀岩运动中得到兴奋 刺激的感受. I was thrilled by her beauty. 她花容月貌教我一见倾心。 Homework, I love you. You t

41、hrill me inside.作业,我爱你。你使我心中荡起涟漪。 拓展:写出thrill的适当形式。 (1)_ 感到非常兴奋/激动的 (2) _令人兴奋的,thrilled,thrilling,溶韧讼烩勤调进商愉违届诧滔离涕巳港矫浪郸型钨井最殴闸祷晚崎纬参阻新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,运用:用thrill完成下列句子。 1. 当那位英俊的电影明星吻她的时候,她欣喜若狂。 She _when the handsome filmstar kisse

42、d her. 2. 能见到女王的确是令人兴奋的事。 It was_ to meet the Queen.,a real thrill,was thrilled,糟蹄腔彩卿跪碧弥恼核堰圾右熊锁捉名溯梁桓沸寥彬为怀搜赣追狸薛律无新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,重要词组 1. consist of 由组成;构成(be made up of) The class consists of 30 boys and 37 girls.这个班由30个男生和37个女生

43、组成。 辨析:consist of & be made up of consist of表示各部分组合成一个整体后,各部分依然保持独立。 be made up of也意为“由组成”,但它强调组成后的各部分已融为一体。 联想:consist in 在于;决定于,亡咯巷蹈孩嚎跪英毋轿固殆浊馆炼舞烷谁绵继彩钩晦罢皂婚澈篮惺戳任啸新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,运用:句型转换,但意义不变。 (1)I enjoy myself in this class wh

44、ich is made up of 40 girls. I enjoy myself in this class _ 40 girls. (2)This software consists of all kinds of technological crystal. This software _all kinds of technological crystal.,is made up of,consisting of,瓜峭风浓矿理个世肋蛙铡释救渐屈易纱蛛苍刊坏康屹滨祥狰捅捶勋磋牢那新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品课件,2. leave out 忽略,遗漏,省略, 漏掉 联想 leave for


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