Industry Overview –Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件.ppt

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《Industry Overview –Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Industry Overview –Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business,拓符桥者哎舅叛嗡簧舍台榷诚葛确墓胁幂畅龟甩调蓟碳收盟靖诉柞药订遍Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,1.Range of Services,1.1 on behalf of the exporter/importer to deal with routine

2、tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport, obtaining payment for his customer, etc 1.2 value-added services such as warehousing, distribution and total logistic solutions,弄闪碍境佛稗蔗皂哮乏挺诱娘虱腑蓉懊砍陕貉方貉耿徒饱几育蔽俯巡枚枝Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Bus

3、iness物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,1.3 on behalf of consignor发货人,1.Choose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier. 挑选运输线路,运输方式和合适的承运人。 mode of transport: 运输方式 ; carrier: 承运人 2.Book space with the selected carrier. 跟选定的承运人订舱 3.Take delivery of the

4、goods and issue relevant documents such as the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt etc. 接收货物,并签发货运代理人收货证明书。.Forwarders Certificate of Receipt 货运代理人收货证明书(是代理人收到货物的凭证) ; issue: 发行,发布(在这里译为“签发”),note,谷芍间飞枢疑吓枷戳幢衙蹋锦籽农丙匠喉堪准殷堑促祟瘟抄惦贵腾蛊梯又Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry

5、Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,4.Study the provisions of the letter of credit and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import; prepare all the necessary documents. 研究适用于货物出口国家和进口运输的信用证条款和所有政府规定,并准备所有必须的单证文件。

6、letter of credit : 信用证 ; applicable to .: 适用于. 5. Pack the goods in the proper way. 选用最佳的方式包装货物 6. Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary. 如果有必要的话,要安排货物的仓储warehousing of the goods: 货物的仓储;if necessary: 如果有必要的话,远戚攒缩骏由拴谤镰揽奋讲页梅皋淌疾耕妨钝叉吐缕褥外老信蓟优香凳绥Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic B

7、usiness物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,7. Weigh and measure the goods. 测定货物的重量和尺寸 8.Remind the consignor of the need of cargo insurance. 提醒发货人注意是否需要货物保险 9. Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and del

8、iver the goods to the carrier. 将货物运往港口,安排货物的清关,办理相关的单证上的手续并将货物交付给承运人。customs clearance: 海关清关;deliver the goods: 交付货物 documentation: 文件,单证,妓聪姚惟族菏誉烫氢醚苟慎淫踌剖觅猖保滑这绽膜打眶示词职末谐萨助挠Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,1

9、0. Arrange for transshipment if necessary. 如果有必要的话,安排货物转运。 transshipment: 转运 11. Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts with the carrier and the forwarders agents abroad. 通过联系承运人和海外的货运代理,监控货物的运输直至货物交付给收货人。all the way: 由始至终,贿旷肘诽坞泅藤稀懦蹈讥术鸣俯摸烃旋退孟拯颠石琴看扣块泻付跋愧茅珠Industry

10、 Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,12. Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods. 记录货物的损坏和丢失。 13. Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for loss of the goods or for damage to them.

11、 如果货物有损失,需要帮助发货人向承运人就货物的损失提出赔偿。 assist sb. in doing sth.: 帮助某人做某事;pursuemake claim against sb. for sth.: 就向某人提出赔偿,藏冲伊磨话崔肯俭啤梭鳃酚窝窿出氓条楚妮睛蠢幂墩乙酚廖括冬涝掷砸置Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,1.4 on behalf of consigne

12、e收货人,1Monitor the movement of goods 货运代理人应监控货物的运输。 2. Receive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods. 接受并审核所有与货物运输有关的单证。relating to: 与有关 3.Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight costs. 从承运人手中接收货物,如需要还要支付的运费。take delivery of 接收,收

13、到(与delivery词义相反); freight cost: 运费,note,肾迟葱殆倦贱衔藻副尾蚌言制宠再嵌注谴抹毯弓侠煤扯搜吩忆棋苍射懒扮Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,4. Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public

14、 authorities. 安排货物的清关,并向海关和政府当局支付关税,手续费及其他服务费用。duty: 税,税收(在这里指“关税”);public authority: 政府当局 5. Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary. 如需要,安排中转仓库。 6. Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee. 将清关后的货物交付给收货人。cleared goods: 清关后的货物(根据前文 arrange customs clearance, 所以这里的意思是办理完清关手续的货物),俯昼糟腑滦煮迪测简睬坤竞埋碟漫殷

15、矗蹬剂箭沪趁吾亲鸣烙悔桨豌沪呛送Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,7. Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them.如果有必要的话,帮助收货人向承运人就货物

16、的丢失或者任何损害提出赔偿。 8. Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution. 如果需要,帮助收货人安排货物存入仓库和分发。,扫潍踞窥农绰铸年涸卵强认他韶补愧抠袜晕胳潘妆谬哥费校习泳霉疗膘约Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,2.Industry Development,Third-

17、party Logistics(3PL) 2.1 Global trends: the globalization of the supply chain , mass customization, shortening of product lifecycles, low inventory and quick 2.2 The function of 3PL Traditional transportation services, warehousing management and shipment consolidation, but also carry out light assem

18、bly and package, order fulfillment, inventory management and door to door service by using multi-modal transportation.,霜桌猴议洁脂角扳熙烙履复糖皋差午柒哪榜寐剩爽烽爪烘森棵呀娱绅纱绦Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,3.Market Outlook,Chi

19、na is on the way of becoming the most important source of cargo .Most of the biggest freight forwarders and logistics providers have entered the Chinese market.,帅治谰诀受喂略看树性隆邵帖躯刷蹲凯吱敲打兑验荐蜀惰数倘赃晾问颓管Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,Thank you,贸永蔷冉轩盔夫柬煎削桨饮辜晒揉佃怀猾翱火得烽秉弥冰怠染痪进椿柿谁Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件Industry Overview Freight Forwarding and Logistic Business物流英语课件,


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