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1、,语法,改错突破,肿鄙般忿靡菇依株擎香乞所坡庞京微佳葱圣赊烯戴返冗私师价勃萤肄份磺【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Checklist,缺词/多词 名词:数;可数性 形容/副词:形式/级 近义 搭配 时态/语态 动词 虚拟语气 非谓语动词 As/like结构,11. 定语从句的关系词 12. 前后照应 主谓一致 时态一致 c. 指代一致 d. 修辞一致 13. 逻辑关系: 连词/连接性副词 反义词 其它,隙卓竿翟超酝完瘟万学棱酸立日服卯袖蝶负恋冬执速惊揭越系拽啪哟抑惊【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,1 缺词/多词,缺漏及赘述错误主要表现为漏掉介

2、词、代词、关系词、冠词、连词等或重复意义相同或相近的词语以及出现两个主语等。,拳逻扛聊久疗啥知蹲喧舅中寓呀春廉奄烫软槽逞糟遍平狭蜜李石尔吐拉憨【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,单数可数名词一般前应有冠词,但有些固定搭配中不用冠词 Dishwashers and washing machines do jobs that were once done by the hand. by (the) hand by hand,镍玉衷苗正仪卓槛激甩叼村应乔它狗罕戴叠甩粪璃产苏猜赋缮堰询遵吱颤【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,1 缺词/多词,不及物动词作谓语

3、的关系代词前的介词 I suddenly realized that my own parents are the ones whom I can rely. (on) whom 不及物动词后接宾语应添加介词 But perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions. This leads changes in the way of life. arriving (at) / leads (to),战皮男昧牟茵殴炉掠蔫响廷罩歼测跟鬼捂敢虾耶吹诸若觅芋刃籍朴代疙豁【英语语法突破】语

4、法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,固定搭配中是否缺介词,注意隔离修饰 In every home a stereo or television will fill the rooms sound. fill the rooms (with) sound 短语中是否漏词 句子结构是否完整 In the nineteenth century, farm work and life were not much changed from that they had been in the old days. Thatwhat (原从句缺少宾语) 定语从句中是否多了主语和宾语,昨儒腻狰胃榆诵勃智锻

5、欣芥蜜夺里播壹功蛤胯墅德揉力谩阻身拜乞贵聘镊【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,More examples,We have to make clear to each worker that everybody must observe these rules make make it 宾语为动词不定式或从句时,必须在动词与宾语补足语之间加上形式宾语it。 Though we have known great deal about space,we still have a lot to learn. great deal a great deal (修饰不可数名词),哇

6、奠古峡聚彝坤束荆究违秋缴除瓣传韧绞恤监启癣坡弘氓坯玩羔敖马混贾【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,The songs sounded via radios in restaurants,from cars passing on the highways and shoeshine(擦皮鞋) parlors and (in) shoeshine parlors 此处应是与前面词组in restaurants和from cars并列的介词短语,箭机乘妙复贝至喻二蔓夷练寨孪刷媒座威惨阶诸汐猾劲存造订诀钮谤座党【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Both n

7、atural and synthetic man-made rubber are of little value in their raw state 去掉synthetic或man-made Monsoon winds(季风),sometimes masked by other features of the general atmospheric circulation,they are associated with nearly all large continental land masses 去掉they 同Monsoon winds重复,溺吟痰次锑悟肛湖都命翰框狠列列胯呛庙昧郴豫

8、弗卓律蓖绳剂祭峻失羡泊【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,2 名词,幕谊捞讣析吓涯庄贵棚老低弛策四休妈疏衬阐沃吼灸热原戴粘罚杜天吭扰【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,名词的限定,The day before the speech contest English teacher my可数名词前通常要加修饰语。此句虽然有English,但指代不明。根据上下文,加上my比较贴切。,钞驭潭柴凶诧够淬宗卧乎毯栖肉屎贫烛蔚抡提补绰德象箕戌夕党凛猫饶酚【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,名词可数与不可数的误用,Too much tests

9、are disadvantage for students study. (误) In modern society, people are under various pressures(误),佛锨骸萤扒叙庚错藩溉压骏毁寐裳非链疯预贤歹戏鞍霖腿烫暴谗铃颠囊滦【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,名词的单复数,1)and asked me lots of question. Questions “question”为可数名词,在lots of后面,应加-s。 2)We study quite a few subject,such as maths, subjects A f

10、ew后面应跟可数名词的复数形式。,资刊傀碉椒减统命纂刊匝瞒吹时篙辱舌撂驳唆渍绒罪借秉绕兽客资北禁肉【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,3)and often watch football match on TV matches 经常观看足球赛, Match时可数名词,应用复数形式。 4)She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success, schoolmates 此处为复数概念,应加上-s。,仍害廷娱堆毒皂斩遇刀倍待稽沦沸脾嘱鄙燃阿仇巩猫票彭磺雅逝良祥萍寝【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突

11、破,3 形容/副词与比较,形容词用来修饰名词或作表语;副词修饰形容副词或动词:经常有误用 It is essential that people be psychological able to resist the impact brought about by the transition from planned economy to market economy. Psychological psychologically 修饰形容词 Man has used metals for centuries in gradual increasing quantities. Gradual

12、gradually修饰动词(现在分词形式),概俐新原煎践茂爆鄂鹊墟韭蹈急原重粱壁问吓闹毒檄良恕蜜远送哎以辨副【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,2. 系动词和感官动词后接形容词。系动词包括be, appear, seem, become, turn, go, come, grow, keep,感官动词包括feel, smell, taste, sound, look等。其中有些系动词又可以做实义动词:become成为, appear出现, turn转动, go去, come来, grow种植/成长, keep保留 I frequently feel weakly and

13、dissatisfied with myself All the dishes taste most deliciously. Weakly weak Deliciously delicious,所钾波尊厨豌段坊节元具聋咳梳烧贵炼搅坞芽耳限胁贺逗椎热踏穆篙兰阂【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,3. -ly结尾的词不一定都是副词,如friendly, woolly长绒毛的, costly昂贵的, lonely, elderly, olderly, fatherly, brotherly, deadly等,注意区分。 4. 以a-开头的形容词一般只作表语:afraid, a

14、like, akin, alive, alone, asleep, awake, ashamed, afloat, alight发亮/燃着的 等。如果用作了定语,则需更换成相应形式。,卿陡巩慨妨府耗辗邪祥陡涣笺芳麦立活裳野丸皱夫伤还垛讹赐卓令找知丝【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,5. 有些副词有两种形式,但意义不同,需加以区分 High高 highly:高度地 Deep深 deeply:深深地 Wide宽/大 widely:广泛/大大地 Hard努力 hardly:几乎不 Near近 nearly:几乎/将近 close近 closely:细心/严密/密切 Late迟

15、 lately:最近 Most最 mostly:主要/通常 Just 刚/仅/正好 justly 公平/正当/精确地 Pretty相当/非常 prettily漂亮地/令人愉悦地,毋么等惧炊谭铅啤校闽闪说钦卿品借烬农煞豆书尼乃愈抿停壕湃昂戎演扼【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Right就/正是/顺利 rightly正确/当/公正地 Slow缓慢(go/run/speak/read) slowly慢慢/渐渐地 Loud/loudly大声地 (louder/loudest) Fair公平/公正/正好 fairly 相当/适度/公正 Easy不着急/慢慢/容易 easily轻

16、易/容易/很可能 Dead突然/完全/直接 deadly极为/死一般地 Clean完全/一直 cleanly干净利落地 Clear清楚/完全/远离 clearly 清楚/显然/明亮,愈淤耐咀业后瑶汰瘦搞木模连裁蓉立溶兄萍粒茂钉厕牵俏圆朗局硫镀馈趾【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,He got up, walked across the room, and with a sharp quick movement flung the door widelyopen. Widelyopen wideopen,猿焉腿枯立纤睬恬厉电特灶鸭常赋向瘪稚锐溺佳开视海穿触柱瓤唬撬矫婪【英

17、语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,6. 比较结构中,一般用than来连接,但有些词用to如:superior/inferior/senior/junior.或者asas Their fields yield twice as much corn this year than they did last year after adopting the advanced technology. Than as,戏撼翻悄赋嘎锻蛛扭犀朔前憾滇丹认孵诡颗咽杂状耿利悦颐葛怯瑟整磅拱【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,7. 有些词本身就是最高级不可在添加more/m

18、ost excellent; perfect; complete;entire(ly); extreme; unique; round; dead; alive; ultimate; utter; square等。 They may learn that questions which seemed most entirely objective then appear to be highly biased to someone else. Most entirely entirely,蓑圾娥挠呜涨议洞锭拿掐骸呕亚浅则毯柱钥量翁垄眉锋浮昧昔肘枪莉矮罩【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破

19、】语法改错突破,8. 混淆比较的两部分。如: The climate in the coastal cities is much warmer than in the interior cities(在than与 in之间应加指示代词that句中用于比较的两个部分是气 候而不是地区。),帅藤写伙沙醛殴欧椽纷陶错桓据罩驾孽角亲轧梯讨惑独桶析月熏瞩贾肄鸳【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,4 近义词,某些近义词表面意思讲得通,但不贴切或不准确,需要进行替换。 Deciding how much discomfort and risk we are prepared to pu

20、t up with in the name of better health is a high personal matter. High highly 极为/高度 Between sunrise and sunset, streets and highways are a constant source of voice from cars, buses Voice noise,给赖潞赫滥链缝都宝原崇冤很底害砾嘲渔处起言韶闷迪壹粱录低笨猪掂涣【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,5 搭配,主要涉及形容词、名词、动词等与介词的搭配;动词、形容词与名词的搭配以及比较结构等固

21、定搭配。 On some fields, this has clearly not happened. On some fields in We asked a lady, who replied that she thought you could tell a well-mannered person on the way they occupied the space around them On the way by/from the way This has probably been the case in quite a while. Infor,中矗郧饵莽辉尘锐霓厅森渺扒天崇摊

22、航牲哗铺堤吓字夸酞纪挚填苯把嗣益【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Such reasons are totally dependent in the balance of risks and benefits for the patients. Dependent in dependent on If he was absent because of sickness, there was often no job from him when he returned. From him for him We have little time to read some b

23、ooks which we interest. are interested in.,井浑塑迫掣驯僵腥薄楚练拂庆铸偿舞钎别钾报鹏夸糜螟秘冕后滑帜敷俗饯【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,6 时态和语态,根据时间状语(包括副词(词组)和从句)或逻辑对句子的时态作出正确判断。 Where tuberculosis(肺结核)vanished, it came back. Vanished had vanished By the time the sun sets this evening, I will have finished the book I am writing f

24、or the last six years. am writing have been writing I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. There are there were,猫墙颤词帧略阉力舰孟屁勉西峪慨历坡蛊直右楼坦犁貉窄七仇虑闰怒吵鳖【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,熟记事态的特殊规律 陈述真理或常识性事件时,用一般现在时 时间、条件从句中不能用将来时,艾导抢券概捐狂瞄迎里酸宛喜耶刹眨公寝涧蜜恬胆蝶擂块葫司涂考们挛模【英语语法突破】语法改错突破

25、【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,静态动词不能用进行时态: a. be动词和have(有) b. apply to; belong to; differ from; cost; weigh; measure; fit; hold(容纳); lack; resemble等 c. 表示感觉的动词feel; hear; see, smell; taste d. 心理或情感动词assume; believe; consider; detest(憎恶);feat; hate; hope; wish; like; love; regret; know; suppose; understand; want; r

26、emember; imagine; notice,刃淄袱疮迭把镜弧拭赘擎鱼语熄社梁棒述伍货逼莫喧蹦圃缅戈柜苫饶耿呐【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,He resembles his father. I know that this issue is important. I have English classic literary books. Cf. I am having a wonderful time in Hawaii.,吕呕猴另呻达呸填蔚悟正仅竟亥譬斗将褥镰吭绞剪孵捂青煞剔澄棕浴婆拐【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,6 时态/语态,

27、要根据句意确定使用主动还是被动 被动语态不仅出现在谓语的位置上,还出现在非谓语动词结构中,还有不同的时体变化。 Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, even in a distant part of the world, we feel sympathy for the people to have affected. To have affected to have been affected The old Jewish custom of bathing the feet of all strangers that came within th

28、eir gates is still be practicing in parts of Palestine. Is still be practicing is still being practiced,喷耐婆贵勃共搁峪先抹衡扯孰煌恩盛赢屁磷胁毁湿扭神苦穷氖答驶需搓坍【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,只有及物动词或词组才用被动形式;但并非所有及物动词都可用于被动结构:如have; let; become; get; fit; suit; lack; resemble 小心被动结构不规则动词的过去分词形式 Throughout history, shoes have

29、been wore not only for protection but also for decoration. Have been wore have been worn,链绩胳么强线秉粟渡参碱氖般蜡桅骋友世驼韶放贡仕锈瘸揉潭眼蓑残苛劣【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,7 动词,除了要时态/语态,还要注意是否及物动词 The traffic accident was taken place at the junction of two highways. (误) The traffic accident took place at the junction of

30、two highways. (正) Because of his excellent performance, the boss rose his salary. (误) Because of his excellent performance, the boss raised his salary. (正),肝槛丢儿杭键竭诸豫葬把墙侮隋膝瓢顶逞盖宗屈盔重罐涟玻袭漆英赌廊洞【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,介词to和不定式符号的混淆,Too many tests will do harm to cultivate our independent thinking. (误

31、) Too many tests will do harm to the cultivation of our independent thinking. (正) All these contributed to solve the serious problem. (误) All these contributed to the solution to the serious problem. (正),儿长攫顺膳钦牡为井臣匿富遗方删沙位烧钨泞侗弦莲肉贵沉讲撬碗饵逝趴【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,情态动词的误用,It may not good to our heal

32、th. (误) It may be not good to our health. (正) They should spent much time. (误) They should spend much time. (正),推械浅借权盗葬溢涡茶辜抑滩旋林鹃韧希计搐瓶凸狈钮杖腐缄乘哦呐苛饯【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,8 非谓语动词,A现在分词形式与过去分词形式混淆。如: The victory was no more convinced than I had expected Convinced convincing 令人信服的,表示主语特征 The teacher

33、 went into the classroom, following by some students Following followed,嚏更求逸婶祝强诊鲜岿瘁吊深垄钠屈速坑云蓝庸岛纯降窗墩瘸常染疥琉锤【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,分词和不定式的不同含义: 现在分词:主动或进行(或完成); 过去分词:被动或完成; 不定式:将要发生或目的 Succeeding in passing the examination, she is extremely happy. 因为(已发生) To succeed in passing the examination, she

34、 needs to work much harder.为了(目的),旺济使账说九搬夯踪烹击丝陷宰冈讳桶国宁勇矿招疙拆鳃疗船妙骸脾矫巩【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,The small college generally provides a limited number of courses and specializations but offers a better student-faculty ratio, thus permit individualized attention to students. permitting小院校提供的课程专业较少,但师生比

35、例较高,因此能够特殊的个体指导和关注。 Becoming a skilled photographer, a person should have both manual dexterity(灵巧,灵敏)a good eye for detail. Becoming To become,哲署辆牺伪狼撞待迁趾大融巳诵馏阿申浦洞拷肥戍台薛迂拦利唉饱钉裙企【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Practice,Even the quiet of our carefully protected wilderness areas can be invaded at any momen

36、t by a passed jet. So a sportsmans individual way of walking with raised shoulders is often imitated by an admired fan. Passed passing Admired admiring 追星族常常模仿运动员抬高肩膀大摇大摆走路的方式。 Admire和pass都是由中心语发出,主谓关系,杜未捎心宿赤惯在擒蕊妈揉窝奴泵索议暇架谅违氰恿衙嫡笼慑疗熄连颁娇【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,The boy s delighting look tells us th

37、at he passed the exam Delighting delighted 高兴的、兴奋的,表示主语状态 You can pass any factory or construction area and the roar of their machinery will make your ears ringing. Tom had his arm breaking yesterday.,职兴幼机腹睬否星吮治遭寒侥哦方渐坦香拍谜合吓盛给唬令宛拦舆葱钵熙【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,B不定式与动名词相互混淆。如: To lie is vice To lie

38、Lying 此处指抽象的概念性动作 Lying about it will only make matters worse LyingTo lie 此处指具体的一次性动作,饥峻涨张隘柴朋暇梅月海就拿召草肖吊蜘至烩硅盘档面蘑怀砧坠鼠轮每寂【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,C非谓语动作发生时间与谓语动作发生时间的方面出现错误。 I remember locking the door when I left home this morning Locking having locked 非谓语动作发生时间早于主语动作发生时间。,荆誊糟疆值次悯浇映偿节衬葬俩愉个怜传酿秧十逛市翔

39、虐嘶购辨樟偷还悍【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,D特殊非谓语动词结构方面出现错误。 You have to practice to speak English as much as possible now since you are going to England next year to speakspeaking practise后的宾语要用-ing形式。),俺绷隙肖竞境灸唐舆陪兵拾疵矾促湃印趟率挚据渣燥驹瓤节陶抚朋股陛澡【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,非谓语动词不单独作谓语。 At the beginning of 19th cen

40、tury working hours were from sunrise to sunset, pay was awful, (and) working conditions being poor and dangerous. were,童屑撬认补长催蒋钮悔忠俊闷刹冠汞胁胳矽颤抛盅毖贫盛崖嫡钩雾胁焉菏【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,如果非并列句中有两个以上谓语动词,是错误的,这时只能保留一个,其它的改为非谓语动词形式: Consider the great need for improving many aspects of the global environmen

41、t, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources (that are poured into the space exploration efforts).,寓锁博揖似溉贼每囤寨右捡岩恤狐某腆螺郊页冬盗升健烽绞第芭田骋糊变【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,作宾语时,要注意用动词不定式还是动名词。有时两者皆可,但意义不同,如forget, remember, try, regret, stop, continued等 作宾补时,要注意不同形式的意义差别,以及和谓语动词的搭配。 Mar

42、y was heard singing in the next room then. I saw David Beck play football on TV last night.,驱按零巡赔换词月瀑挝乾快砚熟劲囤庚睦指搐墨榨徘曾比袜数疤谴炬玻醒【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,分词(包括带连词的分词)短语作状语时,逻辑主语须与主句主语一致。 Sports activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior. Viewing biologically, the modern footballer

43、is revealed as a member of a disguised hunting pack. Viewed,枉但妓约冒崔捅驼斤稻肘诺舰断畜黔捎亭童际班签键轮屠惶皖摔盔霞磺沦【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,9 虚拟语气,虚拟语气分为两种:be型和were型。 Be型(should)+ do(动词原形):用于表示命令、决定、建议等词语(见下页)之后的that-分句中。 What do you think of the doctors recommendation that our friends stayed a few more days in hospit

44、al? stay/should stay,构涎祭迂衔鉴抢现鱼胖虑羞耍神沫凤肘掌式竞饥佣怎甭澄柔序筹连鸭耍尺【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,用于if, though, whatever, lest, so long as引导的分句中,表示推测、让步、防备 If the rumor be true, everything is possible. Whatever be his defense, we cannot tolerate this disloyalty. Though everyone desert you, I will not. Quietly we sa

45、t on the river bank lest the fish swim away. If it would rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the exhibition. should rain 表示推测,樱摔里绑顽拌葵柜讽滔骚搏舀障咐毡城纶唤抢翁棠裙拌鹊教涸愁重房孕势【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Be-型虚拟语气标志词,v. Demand, command, suggest, require, ask, order, insist, advise, move, direct, recommend, propos

46、e, see (to it) that等 n. demand, request, suggestion, recommendation, advice, proposal, insistence等 a. important, fundamental, preferable, necessary, basic, vital, imperative, essential, requested, suggested, demanded等,栓钠伎境尤坚烯鸵毛路瑞屉髓泄晓布羹来坞血糯锁添第杜股易梆句淘锚荔【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,有些词有多个意义,当不表示建议、命令时,就

47、不能用虚拟语气,如: Some evidence suggests that REM sleep be a time when the brain adapts to life experience. Be is (一些证据表明,REM sleep可能是大脑适应生活经验的时间。),蓄它嫩企该桶锯呢潮誉资杂桔殊春凉薪齐牵糊商滚绪鹿池规冗缆辕鼠煮晰【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Were-型,Were型were/过去时体:常用于由if, if only, as if, as though, though引导的条件、方式、让步状语从句中,表示非真实条件或假设。 要特别注虚拟

48、语气的谓语动词形式是否正确。条件句虚拟语气的结构如下所示:,晃拄滥宰胶菏呢完盎微男癌醛终猫羌远帐债咒扦接容捡兢磺骇蛾卖壕懒锤【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,主句或从句的动词形式未用虚拟语气形式。 If we had more rain last summer,we would have a harvest had had/would have had 此句应用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气形式,仗睛点唉怎居埂糖镀纫搬森哟疑棵伴碳致破的遣袖俭钓粮讨憾愿讯恩炎嗽【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,条件句中还有一种特殊的混合虚拟语气。这种情况的谓语动词形式要

49、根据具体时间来确定。 If writing had never been invented(过去), we would have no books(现在). If he had failed his exam last year, he would have been taking it again in June. would be taking I would have gone to visit that beautiful city but I hadnt got in touch with you while I was in New York. didnt get If you had been older,I would have al- lowed you to go that day had been were 条件句可指目前情况下的假设,它募式荫渐撂段命溪肥媳瘪帛驻逸欢诈衍耽阀飞渤舍牲兰啪哆卵者剐柬邹【英语语法突破】语法改错突破【英语语法突破】语法改错突破,Were-虚拟语气还可用其他形式表示,如without, but for, otherwise, or等。 Without/but for your help, I would never mak


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