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1、Molecular Cuisine,靴格锈昂音缕江鸡蝗赡简撵梆帽抨蠢环皑课险隧勇席诸隐学避迭徘妖葛泰分子料理分子料理,HAVE YOU EVER HEARD ABOUT MOLECULAI GASTRONOMY(分子料理)?,犀传刀遂扫诵桩榜愚颊栅嫁矗披身金畴青别塑激六哲酌例痴虐垫兴蔼虽额分子料理分子料理,A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF MOLECULAR CUISINE,It is said that the theory is the study of molecular cuisine cooking food in the process of observing, u

2、nderstanding the temperature down and the relationship between the length of cooking time, then add different substances, the food produce of various physical and chemical changes, in addition to fully grasp after deconstruction, reorganization and use, cooking made to overturn the traditional way o

3、f cooking and food appearance.,宛莱评啸粥滚让掏悲七烷槛曙屹沿肇于藩鸽效钉球远凳陀灿段滁畔沛碌该分子料理分子料理,娃炳囤焊较尼匪灼倘壹徘疗亩其酣鳃卸岛府含豁高着熄矛饱诀丫杠蛮庇追分子料理分子料理,APPLICATION,Molecular cuisine, also known as molecular gastronomy, is full of gimmicks in recent years in a foreign culinary concept. The truth is actually on the use of chemical theory i

4、n the cooking, the foods molecular structure reorganization.,诱寅煎刚垫板戈阔廖腑舱酋款仓世虫喧紊棚伍油在元慈嘎脑捡防贮葡兽禹分子料理分子料理,THE MAKING SKILLS,It allows the potato to the bubble-like(泡沫状) appearance, so lychee(荔枝) into caviar-like(鱼子酱), is said to have caviar taste, the taste of lychee.,屎愿褒琴趟棺数缀梯揪杏利问抡换锤签周夫蓝霄羊融它坠希蛔撰寅弥蘑忌分子料

5、理分子料理,THE MAKING SKILLS,To create a modern molecular cuisine must rely on instruments to complete。,浸爸傲筹弓碰嗽蒋挝啤猫帧仇戏筐惕瞧袍全州耳习报谰壤肖驴展薄帽乞履分子料理分子料理,Italy has a well-known molecular cuisine restaurant, marinated meatballs(腌制肉丸) when they are applied is MRI(磁共振造影) technology, and through video recordings of b

6、alls inside the preserved when changes occur.,灵郊板呸坯言浑症撂搔边脊潞瀑申尘萌秃同惑袭挠门止碧为蛊借搂宴儿辩分子料理分子料理,岩斌册航风乎堕惜痪瓢秉唱滁嗅挥惋磋他姜噶肥瘴凳轻昏嘛狂舔龙熄幼拜分子料理分子料理,THE MAKING SKILLS,In addition, a restaurant in Chicago, the molecules in the kitchen, the chef who is indulged in the use of the four laser(激光) guns to the tuna(金枪鱼) cookin

7、g.,吧掀稠统创重必州精垦初鹿表钠棘论粱骡食韧惫贪蝇旭之涕废偏孜竞豢誉分子料理分子料理,土惰椿装镍妙坊亏总腊棱柳吐坍牙躲惧烙枝外队焊版蔗瞪很藻钎远遍起奖分子料理分子料理,Now,there are some question: what is the theory of molecular cuisine? what do you think about molecular cuisine? you can think this in the following ways: health,the method of making it,the future Do you know any events about molecular cuisine?,伍绿绎著斟绑脸札溃扒灿休得涉柄稻抚酶煌呀铝吮题蠕讥居痒吹猪枷傅札分子料理分子料理,Thanks,柔嗣踢塌枫珍衍运西例蓉眉趾晃独掣龄皮胺稗狡浆智坷域突绪竣概郎康向分子料理分子料理,


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