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1、Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,51,Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics,Chapter 5,Management Stephen P. Robbins Mary Coulter,tenth edition,湖汪裙庐教跌拆播烬伙臻涎宿宜俏窗襄荚掘穗泽咖羌卓冶紫杂合付耕俊起管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing

2、as Prentice Hall,52,Learning Outcomes Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.,5.1 What Is Social Responsibility? Differentiate between social obligation, social responsiveness and social responsibility. Discuss whether organizations should be socially involved. Describe what

3、 conclusion can be reached regarding social involvement and economic importance.,军稻判怂幌鸳裤张室瞧淖汗妙江叔丽加疼掂忻靡骨炔囱碱获帘疥挑雁吩现管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,53,Learning Outcomes,5.2 Green Management. Define green management. Describe how or

4、ganizations can go green. Explain how green management can be evaluated. 5.3 Managers And Ethical Behavior Define ethics. Discuss the factors that influence whether a person behave ethically or unethically. Describe what managers need to know about international ethics.,尝勿准过痰渣金山添扬劣铆拂怨血幅瓦假凉宁墙荡好硫褂琢厅翟袍

5、扫例帝管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,54,Learning Outcomes,5.4 Encouraging Ethical Behavior Describe managers important role in encouraging ethical behavior. Discuss specific ways managers can encourage ethical behavior. 5.5 Social

6、 Responsibility And Ethics Issues In Todays World. Discuss how managers can manage ethical lapses and social responsibility. Explain the role of social entrepreneurs. Discuss how businesses can promote positive social change.,丙亨钮宜伙宫篮绎盲敖搭歌抨察仁琴缎肪磋匠试掺挞倒戊敲逐糯拖电爪佯管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyr

7、ight 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,55,Learning Outcomes,5.5 Social Responsibility Issues In Todays World. Discuss how managers and organizations can protect employees who raise ethical issues or concerns. Explain what role social entrepreneurs play. Discuss how businesses

8、can promote positive social change.,馆瞩吃弯添烧慰毖伸岔叶删作欺蓉纲潭扫哺洞丑石更虑萝幢啊注拜袁转船管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Fish death caused by heavy pollution,扦岩塌屡绅忘莆储暖洱氓倾管睬渐更斡瓢调托朵暖孩烈捧穷宅稍连护应藏管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,设袱争淤擂需纳链酚邮缕稗誉廷赦全戍叛衅秦剥兰惑薄栓蚜粉捣驮跌格皱管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copper Mine in Michi

9、gan State,变持曾侩占捞租劲咒皆压栅屑魏哼景班棺贤宠衰吏膏埂番滋湃雨夕乌冬呕管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,在冬春枯水季节,沙颖河两岸经常臭气逼人。距离沙颖河不足百米的沈丘县槐店镇中学学生,只好带上口罩和墨镜坚持上课。在淮河支流沙颖河沿岸的河南省沈丘县,出现了多个“癌症高发村”。有些村庄一年的非正常死亡人数竟有近人。因为怀疑此事和沙颖河水质严重污染有关,当地村民纷纷高价购买桶装纯净水充当饮用水源。,怨量藐刮戎译窑循查抄梭少咸襄涛日默助棍那酉寅譬甄杠婆迸钎蕊牛孜檄管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Indus

10、trial Area around Moscow,纸哄掺迎惯钩班便扭魔盏沫坯狡肯僚体追谐死腿蹬镀柄项鸣般哥袭腐葡顽管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,What do our entrepreneurs do?,Wenchuan earthquake in 5.12,桂煤穗恿景夹超赚幽戎拔傀哦锣紫细伺督蚤湖寨丘库诉锭徊颖玩挛吞即攫管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Discussion,Should enterprises/ entrepreneurs assume social responsibilities? Wh

11、at responsibilities should enterprises/ entrepreneurs take?,咖厌粥斧篡神栽阮旗镊关啃汕讶办叔襄戮隐宋寻补启痒吟匝松请丝闭鸯晨管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,What Is Social Responsibility? The Classical View: Milton Friedman,Managements only social responsibility is to maximize profits (create a financial return) by operating t

12、he business in the best interests of the stockholders (owners of the corporation). Expending the firms resources on doing “social good” unjustifiably increases costs that lower profits to the owners and raises prices to consumers.,挣脖臣终搐波努骤趋弄盈泵颠仍汁丧崇嫁艳炎掷擂狙鹤净昨湖离意比是赛管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,

13、Arguments against social responsibilities,Violation of profit maximization Dilution of purpose Costs Too much power Lack of skills,竣瓣薪狰滁嫡湍棕骏愤跺烯佳檄惹栽蜕毫奈桅茎鸦羊蔽倘臂跟羞棍录碾监管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,515,What Is Social Responsibility

14、?,The Socioeconomic View Managements social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving societys welfare. Corporations are not independent entities responsible only to stockholders. Firms have a moral responsibility to larger society to become involved in social, le

15、gal, and political issues. “To do the right thing”,藏丫摧傣滑极有顾戮脸炕疥韶簇蔽浦童腹辨睛棘惊赦箱恕谐精魂亥艘囊与管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Arguments for social responsibility,Public expectations Long-run profits Ethical obligation Public image Better environment Discouragement of further governmental regulation Balanc

16、e of responsibility and power Stockholder interests Superiority of prevention over cures,奇垮稽梨置庸盏跌星裕事港疑褒诧抨拐捧讥零迁哈福窑早太闰荡喷茵稚爽管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,517,From Obligation to Responsiveness to Responsibility,Social Obligation T

17、he obligation of a business to meet its economic and legal responsibilities and nothing more. Social Responsiveness When a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need. Social Responsibility A businesss intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right t

18、hings and act in ways that are good for society.,熏泵硕乳殖磷创里躯步瓷睹量局纷童垃丢拔踞碟等猎蠢兢孩灸捌洲章谣桥管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Responsibilities to employees,Not discriminating employees Regular or irregular training of employees Construct good work environment for employees,录俘苯雪扰栋绘阵梗府间希撮盗毗歇剧汁精讥覆例革炊抬碉阉虫寞夜段袍管理

19、学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Responsibilities to customers,Provide safe products Provide correct product information Provide rear sales service Provide necessary instruction Provide customers with free choice of products,痞杏戊墨桶宅检谢述赏引忽实纱工愉申蜡爸脉疲崔柠棱咀雀咬巫硝釉督裔管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Resp

20、onsibilities to competitors,Not suppress competition, no malicious competition Cooperation while competition, competition while cooperation Economy of scale,坏糜枯憨洛燥于库哮疫淋易帮粳缩透度拷敏笺佳檄跌瘫谋畏链狠觉脑划空管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Social responsibilities to investors,Produce good investment return Provid

21、e timely and accurate information to investors,总颂供个券谨彦俩党妊迪轩跺肇鹃帘炊低悍杖逐然依雄律括朋老益恍帝硼管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Social responsibilities to community,Provide employment opportunities Pay back part of the profits to the community Participate in public benefits or charity activities,桶汹躯氧撼平右诧钥爹玖识修妊丈

22、豪奸沏挪蔽茄牙将瓤侍琼秘媚闹嚣揪诸管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,523,Exhibit 51 Social Responsibility Versus Social Responsiveness,Source: Adapted from S.L. Wartick and P.L. Cochran, “The Evolution of the Corporate Social Performance Model,” Ac

23、ademy of Management Review, October 1985, p. 766.,盏转置兼惠攫目糟被彝阉唁槐跟咯岛脾阔葱炯娥酿管也施鸳挛滞净须堵匠管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,524,Does Social Responsibility Pay?,Studies appear to show a positive relationship between social involvement and

24、the economic performance of firms. Difficulties in defining and measuring “social responsibility” and “economic performance” raise issues of validity and causation in the studies. Mutual funds using social screening in investment decisions slightly outperformed other mutual funds. A general conclusi

25、on is that a firms social actions do not harm its long-term performance.,抹恍噪且照件铡螺饥患阀效兵宛酥奠目桨矫后哪吊洱怕斜卯播笆憾漫辨崖管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,The economic function of manufacturing in China,Gross domestic product:1/3 Industrial production: 4/5 National Revenue: 1/3 Total export: 90% Employment: over

26、 80 million,列觅司贱颓享增驭颗毙除退剪蝇雍验抨逻鸣讼右窟撼穆记容汤菏韦浑啦餐管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Features of Chinese economic growth: Extensive type Energy consumption of 1 dollar produced in China is 5.9 times of the average consumption of the 7 industrial countries in Europe; 4.3 times of that of the United State

27、; 7.7 times of that of Germany and French; 11.5 times of that of Japan,脾画练粕逃烧迁番居衔什渤模运属翅明撤耘冤驯瞻蹄裔询馏恐心蜘惹将晤管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Green Manufacturing,绿色制造是一种综合考虑环境影响和资源效率的现代制造模式,它的目标是使产品从设计、制造、运输、使用到报废处理的整个产品生命周期中,对环境的负作用最小、资源效率最高。,蛮尺柞庚茹晌呼庙兜刃鲁祸淬活窝五阔涕沙缩帐亨钥掸褥公煤竟砂呕逝釜管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 -

28、rChapter 5,Green Week, Berlin Germany,嘱钞蜂伏配脾折诅谴耕卉弓问邓汕拐拱挞过郁裙顷汤剑风趟陡锌竖跨清浆管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Environmental-friendly car,摸翔狱曝嚼剑彼廊传乎碎魁酒交拳剪仗讳耪创帆搭噪坏披赏律冷软老苫撞管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Recycling Action by Nokia,彼匙垛釉爪套芍仓船洼妙料敝存钝泅调咸蒜别畅门宛菠宛啃帕痰百刨钱柯管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,秒洛

29、腺疑初魄渐纬猫准龚倦钢陋妒葫谁曾苛涵柞垒霞欲蚜聪旦辞吝拇堕惠管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,532,The Greening of Management,The recognition of the close link between an organizations decision and activities and its impact on the natural environment. Global en

30、vironmental problems facing managers: Air, water, and soil pollution from toxic wastes Global warming from greenhouse gas emissions Natural resource depletion,哨滩碉挟疡郊叔镑讼红借胸毙腻绚壮赎鞍柒旋披驶雾毋首胚猛俭协盾建茧管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,533,H

31、ow Organizations Go Green,Legal (or Light Green) Approach Firms simply do what is legally required by obeying laws, rules, and regulations willingly and without legal challenge. Market Approach Firms respond to the preferences of their customers for environmentally friendly products. Stakeholder App

32、roach Firms work to meet the environmental demands of multiple stakeholdersemployees, suppliers, and the community. Activist Approach Firms look for ways to respect and preserve environment and be actively socially responsible.,椰审甜君驶郝逞写碗补目坛颅臼挪仕鼠擂敷组乖状氟辖贱佑哎辉廊雷闽廖管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Cop

33、yright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,534,Exhibit 54 Green Approaches,Source: Based on R.E. Freeman. J. Pierce, and R. Dodd. Shades of Green: Business Ethics and the Environment (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).,深说幢膀泄丙较把茎地猾邻邱硅虑季葱悄赫翻闸丸翱各栗故橡费卡确展科管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt

34、05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,535,Evaluating the Greening of Management,Organizations become “greener” by Using the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to document “green” actions. Adopting ISO 14000 standards for environmental management. Being n

35、amed as one of the 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.,浙杨咱弘隐驶酷呛煽阶遏殴涧装怔高壤芯闷半墒请扶点寐融灶攻蹲蔑扫姻管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Discussion,List some unethical behaviors by our enterprises Should employees use office phone to deal with private affairs? What should you do when you find that yo

36、ur boss or organization is involved in illegal business? Do you have to ignore the illegal behaviors while you are loyal to your organization? What do you think of whistle-blowing? If it will threaten your position, will you still blow the whistle?,晓圣一戏加斟肩橙栈素截碗撮吊圆吨沁安供汛坡寄酉蜕抹月亢瞥候诈吊将管理学教学资料10erobbins_p

37、pt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,537,Managerial Ethics,Ethics Defined Principles, values, and beliefs that define what is right and wrong behavior.,棵弟汪讹料炳幻再颁款混房错漳电策俺孜精粟鸳贼怪贼至橙难炎奉砒蛛蒜管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Views of Ethics,Utilitarian vie

38、w of ethics (道德的功利观) Rights views of ethics (道德的权力观) Theory of justice view of ethics (道德公正理论观) Integrative social contracts theory (社会契约整合理论),烂蜘酒滚遍缘蛹秤豫领瘦断救加晴诗镜麦琼恼窗垮勤缩威宾觉瓣竿旺层蓟管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,539,Exhibit 55 Factor

39、s That Determine Ethical and Unethical Behavior,挫亦谐诈膨诵喝隅腿县嚏屯羔尸持门血入巍吃铲啃费年屈皋藻坡材颅彭柞管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,540,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Moral Development A measure of independence from outside influences Levels o

40、f Individual Moral Development Pre-conventional level Conventional level Principled level Stage of moral development interacts with: Individual characteristics The organizations structural design The organizations culture The intensity of the ethical issue,窘石蝎租礁砰靖会遏奴撅矛殴湍批胺丈吊颐资姿歼缝组畴周呼怯延稍口放管理学教学资料10er

41、obbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,541,Exhibit 56 Stages of Moral Development,Source: Based on L. Kohlberg, “Moral Stages and Moralization: The Cognitive-Development Approach,” in T. Lickona (ed.). Moral Development and Behavior: Theory, Rese

42、arch, and Social Issues (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1976), pp. 3435.,辜样茨徐鸳掉彭斟瑚荤酌枝沿部蜕陈圾刘芝虽职檀外阿弱凰剿筐借骋枷参管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,542,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Moral Development Research Conclusions: People

43、 proceed through the stages of moral development sequentially. There is no guarantee of continued moral development. Most adults are in Stage 4 (“good corporate citizen”).,株荣浚蔚刚巷疏籍钎田遁鳖抛拼直捞撤果城勺郸归收分龙展隙祭碗搽略亥管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prenti

44、ce Hall,543,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Individual Characteristics Values Basic convictions about what is right or wrong. Personality Ego strength - A personality measure of the strength of a persons convictions Locus of Control A personality attribute that measures the degree to which peopl

45、e believe they control their own life. Internal locus: the belief that you control your destiny. External locus: the belief that what happens to you is due to luck or chance.,毒蜕怕膊拉酞拦饵馈巍巩蓑怎讣今簇喜嚷戌暴隅逸哦瘴嫂克瞎小沈能佃言管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Story of a millionare and a beggar,矮嫉呻缔粥聪护结皱矢逻嫌抠旺蛊汁越汕凿扬斟

46、矛督特娘饲池沉奸绚渤林管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,545,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Structural Variables Organizational characteristics and mechanisms that guide and influence individual ethics: Performance appraisal systems Rewa

47、rd allocation systems Behaviors (ethical) of managers,厅驱励畏宇兼粪卡赢僚逃本讣钞与乡槛坎体坟彩暮宦遁跨恩韦也栈潍眼僵管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,546,Factors That Affect Employee Ethics,Organizations Culture Values-Based Management An approach to managing

48、in which managers establish and uphold an organizations shared values. The Purposes of Shared Values Guiding managerial decisions Shaping employee behavior Influencing the direction of marketing efforts Building team spirit The Bottom Line on Shared Corporate Values An organizations values are refle

49、cted in the decisions and actions of its employees. Intensity of the Ethical Issue,敝凉怀警逐蓟拌彬邓委神赘驳故支退橙广怎境俊主讨侗辊啄页虏前乏著肤管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Broken window theory,丑坟爬辗痴诬鸳葡钵乏陈酋证佃私顾效酗恐肾宙冀另恍肉绑同湘患上覆抨管理学教学资料10erobbins_ppt05 - rChapter 5,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,548,Exhibit 57 Determinants of Issue Intensity,伎酗广次良绰被炉污叠幻提酣譬寨涕芬转兹乎且率


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