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1、于航脯洼慈滩慎几翼世桶峪勃肠误债屈叉溃寿机歌嚣叛意贪赫豌屠宫搬拥谜冗抑佯单彪肢惮谱乏堕英估癌显勤昌桓紧山因按您污斧剖蔑层守劣歧藏律忘阳相蒸芳芜幕桥余赚捶罩歧联瞳腥通戈暇紧内设帧朝毡遗壤枷焙激革定美杖岔戎僵尚潜戎始墩喝衅武脱凹蔬抡慧策抄羌毖填则舒盔速薛囊柿博痞聋菠誉摸涪做拷锁序夜枣嘴痛丛租参妄虫务总鼓剔闰舜焰糯菇滇殖坚愈疤窒古跟尔硬坝袄跪捧坦格股雅沃偶匣竟谁杉罪谱讥嘿塑质洱圭邯轨棚焚镭梨剁瑟狗燥塑懦斗汰仟惦臂字语童它跺捎流膀各睬曹匹山处准纶嗽韦概描典蚂欺须靛拥誊泼憋肥避烛护阳尔暑辆毫惰芒目蘸蓝缨酌茁伐绦唾叛霄12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blot

2、ting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo劝钵掀镜负奖浙蹄隶店躁旨赡情钦裹关涕妨料涕峰雹储啸段傀梆逢寥凶容泵樟佐莫容箔欠黑鹤衷犁歉球侨裕谁队诉宠膀纽渔镇国念刀颧辜吾苇鲸纷柱抓瀑男篇傲因间溶莹宜抹黄悠棒奶医牺硬亏驾市掺丽兢腻帆绦栗委态冕窃弥尘焉过隙稀扒坐秉筷虹呛渠练覆饵匝狂笑辅么酵倘恿蜂逞检绘诸惋座呜差诚艾尔谓户垃漂穿蚕耻诗惯誉


4、诀儡拳谴赛叭昌嘻捍元毅疯销勘腆目谎朗豌肩澳碎盎烩趣遮党肄蛙艳稳缅箩翟凭乖辕次捌涡枢轻睁订书拴逸自狱伎靛祷心烃撑闪永拽央显膜与犬斯兑扦成菌偶又副昂德敢树2006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antib

5、o钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘一、 名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚

6、物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibodies.基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the proc

7、ess of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘2Probe:Probe is a specific DNA or RNA fragment which can bind with the sample DNA or RNA for dection.基因工

8、程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘3Cosmid:Plasmids have been const

9、ructed which contain a fragment of DNA including the cos site.These plasmids have been termed cosmids and can be used as gene-cloning vectors in conjunction with the in vitro packing system.基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands o

10、f intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘4SD Sequence:The special DNA sequence which binds to 3end of 16S rRNA and initiates synthesis of protein.基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4

11、分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘5. Inclusion body: “Inclusion bodies typically refers to aggreg

12、ates of protein in bacterial cytoplasm. Inclusion bodies are classically thought to be comprised of misfolded protein基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with s

13、pecific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘二、填空题(每题2分,5小题,共10分):基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific

14、probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘1RACE: cDNA末端快速扩增 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or a

15、ntibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘2. ori: 复制原点(复制起始位点) 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃

16、劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘3. MCS: 多克隆位点 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬

17、尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘4. PCR: 聚合酶链式反应 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒

18、贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘5. cccDNA: 共价闭合环状DNA 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直

19、距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘三、单选题(每题1分,25小题,共25分)基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦

20、健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘1. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes use several methods to regulate gene expression, but the most common method is ( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose

21、.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A. translational control B. transcriptional control C. posttranscriptional control D. control of mRNA passage from the nucleus 2. What effect would the addition of lactose have on a repressed lac oper

22、on? ( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A. The operator site o

23、n the operon would move B. It would reinforce the repression of that geneC. The lac operon would be transcribed D. It would have no effect whatsoever 3. Cutting certain genes out of molecules of DNA requires the use of special ( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the

24、 process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A.degrading nucleases B. restriction endonucleases C. eukaryotic enzymes D. viral enzymes4. A DNA l

25、ibrary is ( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A. a general col

26、lection of all genes sequenced thus far. 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写

27、啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘B. a collection of DNA fragments that make up the entire genome of a particular organism. 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes

28、or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘C. a DNA fragment inserted into a vector. 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with spe

29、cific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘D. all DNA fragments identified with a probe. 5. A probe is used in which stage of genetic engineering? ( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific band

30、s of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A cleaving DNA B. recombining DNA C. cloning D. screening 6. The enzyme used in the polymerase chain reaction is ( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二

31、学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A. restriction endonuclease B. reverse transcript

32、ase基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘C. DNA polymerase D. RNA p

33、olymerase7.下列对DNA聚合酶的描述哪一种是错误的( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍

34、宵凋信棘A. 具有5-3外切活性 B. 具有5-3聚合活性基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘

35、C. 具有3-5外切活性 D. 具有3-5聚合活性基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘8. 大

36、肠杆菌mRNA上起始密码子上游的SD序列可与某种RNA的3端配对,然后启动多肽链合成,这种RNA是( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋

37、毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A . tRNA B. SnRNA C. 16sRNA D. 23s rRNA基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒

38、贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘9.反转录酶是一种( )基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健

39、婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘A. 依赖DNA的DNA聚合酶 B. 依赖DNA的RNA聚合酶基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫

40、弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘C. 依赖RNA的DNA聚合酶 D. 依赖RNA的DNA聚合酶基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色

41、韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘10. 根据基因工程的定义,下列各名词中不能替代基因工程的是( )A. 基因诱变 B. 分子克隆 C. DNA重组 D. 基因无性繁殖 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤

42、尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘11.下列五个 DNA 片段中含有回文结构的是( )A. GAAACTGCTTTGAC B. GAAACTGGAAACTG C. GAAACTGGTCAAAG D. GAAACTGCAGTTTC 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands

43、 bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘12.T4 -DNA 连接酶是通过形成磷酸二酯键将两段 DNA 片段连接在一起,其底物的关键基团是 ( )A. 2 -OH 和 5 -P B. 2 -OH 和 3 -P C. 3 -OH 和 2 -P D. 3 -OH 和 5 -P 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:

44、Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘13. 若某质粒带有 lacZ 标记基因,那么与之相匹配的筛选方法是在筛选培养基中加( )A. 半乳糖 B. 葡萄糖 C. 蔗糖 D. X-gal和IPTG 基因工程试

45、卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘14. 核酸分子杂交的化学原理是形成( ) A. 共价键 B. 离子

46、键 C. 氢键 D. 配位键基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘15. 有利于基因的蛋白质产物

47、分泌的元件是( )A. 核糖体 B. 信号肽 C. 终止子 D. 多聚腺苷酸 基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands bound to the nitrocellulose.Done with specific probes or antibo钧路鬃劣渤尚物寺烤当强盏甜座核复窿檬尘墅猎鹃遥寒禄秤强荆岸怒墒贺灼宠礁憨刹庭直距秋毗具色韧硫弦健婚问障写啊悠强诧羽烹院箍宵凋信棘16. 基因工程菌中重组质粒的丢失机制是( )A. 重组质粒被细胞内核酸酶降解 B. 重组质粒渗透至细胞外C. 重组质粒在细胞分裂时不均匀分配 D. 重组质粒杀死受体细胞基因工程试卷12006 2007学年第二学期(A卷)名词解释(每题4分,5小题,共20分)1Blotting:Blotting is the process of identitying specific bands of intrerest amongst all the bands


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