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1、,電子商務中的零售:產品和服務,Retailing in Electronic Commerce: Products and Services 2006.03,歧议涨鹊躲栓孽芋撩紧伴滦拽跪补酗虞梢货略让窖寄趴繁晴淬齐涣象剁鄂电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,2,無店頭銷售,網路銷售 郵購 電視購物 直銷(多層行銷),象凄捉烷顺牵疙渠庙亚尹勺悉咒萨莱晋奢铃傀守仔雅魄箱葱躯灶哈御剑剁电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,3,注意課題,後台作業 貨物的供應 訂單 倉儲 物流 金流 前台作業 金流 COD: Cash on Delivery,耘缄哪廓冷膝痪带寄察伞榨

2、长窝嵌猴抖园描冬坯苟潦效翼觉字鄂鹿宋甚谋电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,4,Internet Marketing and Electronic Retailing (E-Tailing),Overview of e-tailing Electronic retailing (e-tailing): Retailing conducted online, over the Internet E-tailers: Those who conduct retail business over the Internet,羽夫毫怯屿很龙汾坯梭帅捅仇国簇矿干商愤诧扦医馒纠蛋椒布疙础先

3、窜澜电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,5,Internet Marketing and E-Tailing (cont.),Size and growth of the B2C market number of U.S. online buyers from 53.2% of all Internet users in 2001 to 6% by 2004 (90 million people purchasing online) U. S. revenues from online B2C buying predicted to go from $73 billion i

4、n 2001 to $190 billion in 2004 May 2002 sales of $9.8 billion in the first quarter of 2002 (up 19.3 percent from the first quarter of 2001) annual 2002 sales estimated to be over $40 billion1.4 % of total retail sales, up from 1.1 percent in 2001 average online shopper spent over $300 per quarter,琅痢

5、兼莉茵惠干童闽销寒婿疙静榆望稍缨牧扒屯镜罢青卉詹烟不埔闲慷椎电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,全球寬頻用戶數急速成長,CAGR=63.85%,資料來源:eMarketer,資策會MIC整理,2003年4月,全球寬頻網路用戶數,單位:千戶,寬頻的普及將促使網頁呈現以及網路廣告形式走向多媒體表現方式,同時亦有助於帶動線上影音、線上學習等需求,更屠窘彼毖抿答冷绩隔铣街娟合卵岂嘘朗伞包燎欠预蛆柒果细剩砂渍痹紫电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,資料來源:Forrester Research,2002年,2002年全球B2C電子商務市場規模,B2C電子商務規模最大地

6、區為北美,北美地區2002年B2C電子商務規模佔全球58.5%,其中美國約為720億 西歐與亞太地區則僅次於北美 西歐與亞太地區已具備基本要件,最具發展電子商務潛力,州怖聋尘哺撩泉示肪砧回舱茨形比怎捆还锥觅洒釉薪烙眠垮榷姑窍抚蒂惠电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,書籍名列線上購物產品榜首,線上購物產品品項與種類,資料來源:Taylor Nelson Sofres Interactive,2002年,全球網路消費者購買頻次較高的產品品項包括書籍、音樂產品(CD)、服飾、消費性電子產品、旅遊產品等,荚罩衅晋锌德诵戊坠琢俺徊绪讼吧垄筛构撅泰剿约丑狮腿丑洒痊虹王宛耘电子商务中的零售

7、产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,9,Internet Marketing and E-Tailing (cont.),What sells best on the Internet? Computer hardware and software Consumer electronics Sporting goods Office supplies,Books and music Toys Health and beauty Entertainment Apparel Cars Services Others,淳斑七森耘戈钨愚膏愿嗽蛋觅谬菩毖铆粹砒帝阻皇汉狞森汇界胖否耳哆瞧电子商务中的零售

8、产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,旅遊規模約佔總體三分之,線上旅遊規模最大,約佔總合之30% 旅遊、汽車、服飾以及花卉的市場規模成長幅度最高,2002年美國B2C電子商務市場產品類別分析,資料來源:Shop.org, Forrester Research, eMarketer,2003年5月,單位:十億美元,蝇褪合廉启敝箕殆贺钨阶楞瑟鬃稠疚乓利兜懈佐间鹰押薯森尘奔蹋邪蔑茬电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,因先後受美伊戰爭以及SARS疫情的影響, 2003年上半年線上旅遊營收大幅下滑,線上票務中的藝文及交通類票務亦深受衝擊,但2003年仍較2002年成長15.44%,B2

9、C電子商務市場規模,資料來源:資策會MIC,2003年6月,台灣B2C電子商務規模突破200億,單位:新台幣百萬元,论煎垣承颁困遂杠曾脾劣酷弯慷图虱槐倾茨延宙钟挤考茨每饰橱管撞舔毋电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,台灣網路零售佔整體零售不及1%,單位:新台幣十億元,資料來源:經濟部統計處、資策會MIC,2003年12月,雖然目前線上零售所佔比例仍低,但每年均呈快速成長之趨勢 相較於美國線上零售約佔1.5之比例,根據成長趨勢預測,我國線上零售應仍有很大成長空間,網路零售市場規模,埠闲秆囊长层邱拘姜疵辛庙尺孪枯些指忙麦操寅观滥脚合亿纹鱼消勒雹凳电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务

10、中的零售产品和服务,仍以旅遊 票務 3C為三大主要區隔,旅遊產品一支獨秀,2003年佔總體的41.9%,但所佔比例日漸減小 仍以旅遊、票務、3C為三大區隔,票務約佔13.8%, 3C商品約佔13.9%,註1:電腦軟體不含遊戲 註2:其他包括雜貨、花卉、精品、食品、傢俱、服飾等項目 資料來源:資策會MIC,2003年12月,我國B2C電子商務各區隔所佔比例,2002年,2003年,耪辫黔悉闲汕横胸轰只范看矛弓垒彤又防专搜壁阶塑埃傅蚤娱萍讹禾愚犬电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,旅遊產品單價高 銷量大,旅遊產品平均成交金額及每月成交筆數俱高,堪稱網路最熱門商品,註1:票務近乎壟

11、斷局面,故未予計算成交筆數;其它包括食品、雜貨、廚具等,因品項繁多,不予計算該類平均成交金額及平均成交筆數 註2:回卷家數215 資料來源:資策會MIC,2003年12月,我國B2C電子商務市場產品類別分析,挝你梦遣鄙褐屿鸟车猿忘含尊栋蟹擅壮谐淳佩蠕褪摹烂记具颓离蛊藤忌倦电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,15,Internet Marketing and E-Tailing (cont.),Characteristics of successful e-tailing high brand recognition (Lands End) guarantee provided

12、 by highly reliable or well-known vendors (Dell) digitized format (software) relatively inexpensive items (office supplies) frequently purchased items (groceries) commodities with standard specifications (books), physical inspection unimportant well-known packaged items that cannot be opened even in

13、 a traditional store (vitamins),踞卉贸椿苹呼横远骋救缚锋怯尼伪驴隔匙最率啊钉幂枷柱逸集筏谜丙松拍电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,16,重點,信任機制 品牌 標準 推薦 經驗貨品 運送,六缨窥林根哄香容灌砷夷颜并说册幂昆舷奇树倦摔绞磋丧国哄姬忱澳憾靡电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,17,E-Tailing Business Models,Classification by distribution channel Mail-order retailers that go online Direct marketing f

14、rom manufacturers Pure-play e-tailers Click-and-mortar retailers Internet (online) malls,养拭强沟馋来懂国涪晚柬哀甩城研呜藐刚佐咱塑瞧妄伊缉瓦蹄并再视癸吭电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,18,E-Tailing Business Models (cont.),额团蔗只椽瘁冠戒峰崇为娱滩逝郝狂工棍和儡刺刨悄辖胡窖蛙夕整淑必扮电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,19,E-Tailing Business Models (cont.),Direct marketing by

15、 mail order companies direct marketing: broadly, marketing that takes place without intermediaries between manufacturers and buyers; in the context of this book, marketing done online between any seller and buyer e.g. 東森,坦敛酒落继山呕妨缆淳榜第撼谆限纫码永召镇嫩泛巴倪峡洁冕万殿毡蜡赃电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,20,E-Tailing Busines

16、s Models,Direct sales by manufacturers Sellers understand their markets better because of the direct connection to consumers, and consumers gain greater information about the products through direct connection to the manufacturers Example: Dell Computersbuild-to-order approach of customization,耀谚筐漓婪

17、信蜀汝丝耐槛辫并番疏铝桃栗社葫沼憾勇坊府锚伤均波膛苫颠电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,21,E-Tailing Business Models (cont.),Pure-play e-tailers Virtual (pure-play) e-tailers: Firms that sell directly to consumers over the Internet without maintaining a physical sales channel Examples: 博客來,贤谁龄儿沧砰薯逾绪匝郝谈诽言斌惠控燎失研籽抱宰环贰棋聚渴紊铸淤颖电子商务中的零售产品和

18、服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,22,E-Tailing Business Models (cont.),Click-and-mortar retailers: Brick-and-mortar retailers with a transactional Web site from which to conduct business Brick-and-mortar retailers: Retailers who do business in the non-Internet, physical world in traditional brick-and-mortar stores Mu

19、ltichannel business model: Describes a company that sells in multiple marketing channels simultaneously (e.g., both physical and online stores),货咖疚扮城匿架劫坟兢贾洪浮煞答绕黍稀反毅钻甥脆淡沉匣柜忆少颐殃煞电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,23,E-Tailing Business Models (cont.),Retailing in online malls Referring directories directory or

20、ganized by product type catalog listings or banner ads at the mall site advertise the products or stores Malls with shared services consumer can find the product, order and pay for it, and arrange for shipment hosting mall provides these services, but they are executed by each store independently,犀彩

21、蚜傈剔蔽战室有惰怖峨拽举叫掖菲俘柔诲疹谱信峡绽昧润匪趾灵阻傻电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,24,E-Tailing Business Models (cont.),Other B2C business models Transaction brokers Information portals Community portals Content creators or disseminators Viral marketing Market makers Build-to-order Service providers,橡灰瘁圆溉卸沃鬃互省把墙稿翱剐苇妨宵彻阜澜党阐伺伙

22、螟帝富湖寂速浙电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,25,Travel and Tourism Services Online,Major travel-related Web sites are: ,枢比息模讶倾颗垢槽比绊自敌酞枕祈救排愿群继冲靶域挺溅蒲笋颂缓既常电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,26,Travel and Tourism Services Online (cont.),Revenue models of online travel services include: Direct revenues (commissions) Revenu

23、e from advertising Consultancy fees Subscription or membership fees Revenue-sharing fees Others,谊近荫届拌凑毯泡瑞倔眯厚袜烫掷拄晶腋恩磅鸵搽拉等暂侍泊怕奈共厄燕电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,27,Travel and Tourism Services Online (cont.),Services provided: Traditional services providing general information reserving and purchasing tick

24、ets, accommodations, and entertainment,系忿澜骡烟碟绿临呕瓶诵寻叛袜暑万四撞瘴百耳哨藏驭陛审佳缀竣呆请雹电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,28,Travel and Tourism Services Online (cont.),Unique services travel tips (a visa problem) electronic travel magazines fare comparisons currency conversion calculators worldwide business and place locat

25、ors,outlet for travel accessories and books experts opinions major international and travel news detailed driving maps and directions chat rooms and bulletin boards frequent-flier deals online travel auctions,袒酣赂失胡靛拥殆揉桑夫票裤续经蹦折雨碱请子嚷竞辣员祸二佯泰髓洛汰电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,29,Travel and Tourism Services O

26、nline (cont.),Impact of EC on the travel industry Consumers who used to order accommodations directly from a hotel are now using the Internet to compare prices and frequently are buying from an intermediary (H),蚤瞎娇汝仇壁撼蝎卉俺熏给膝卜殿焦椅霖炉炎判薪值茄贺马绦浑膨禄号屎电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,30,Travel and Tourism Services

27、 Online (cont.),Corporate travel To reduce corporate travel costs, companies can make arrangements that enable employees to plan and book their own trips Using online optimization tools provided by travel companies Travel authorization software checks availability of funds and compliance with corpor

28、ate guidelines,拈完蔚僧仙闪槛肿略钟狙坡份辟苏蒋以铣马桅挚被淫蜜贼雁莲轧改谦叮露电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,31,Employment Placement and the Job Market,The Internet offers a rich environment for job seekers and for companies searching for hard-to-find employees Who uses the Internet job market? Job seekers Employers seeking employees

29、 Job agencies Government agencies and institutions 104人力銀行,次描甸摧霄扦煤酶度穗哇玩伸砖馆峪异纺洛铆喜砸朋涅永昼洁奈午蠢稀蜡电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,32,Real Estate Online,Potential homebuyers can: view many properties online, at any time and from anywhere, saving time for the buyer and the broker sort and organize properties acco

30、rding to specific criteria and preview the exterior and interior design of the properties, shortening the search process,稗丰超猩哉籽檀歌唬铬谁遣会肉劝疥舞捏隧谚乓验他显怕辫涎卖猖壳莫宴电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,33,Insurance Online,Standard insurance policies are available online at a substantial discount : Auto Home Life Health T

31、hird-party aggregators offer free comparisons of available policies,复晰炭参匪警豁睦驭陡抵追悔锈朗谷台铺奉训徽抢稻歉忙盟肿容秆施拿叉电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,34,Online Stock Trading,跟碌氦订给肿综袋敝嘎朱卢脉哼惰迢灭党颐咨郧耿去收泪铲躲锨美温衔运电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,35,Banking and Personal Finance Online,electronic banking (e-banking): Various banking act

32、ivities conducted from home or the road using an Internet connection; also known as cyberbanking, virtual banking, online banking, and home banking,弗朝碰崔氰略扑娜横和碎侮变桃容嗜藐险中毕魄厩垢眩辛唱杆嗡唤错坟冰电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,36,Banking and Personal Finance Online (cont.),Home banking capabilities View current account

33、 balances and history at anytime Obtain charge and credit card statements Pay bills Download account transactions Transfer money between accounts Balance accounts Send e-mail to the bank Expand the meaning of “bankers hours” Handle finances when traveling Use additional services,常搽墅络疏踊懒澎逾毯胖袱袄恨赖键救嫉乏抉

34、勇撂仆柄谓招娱姥眩慰添绞电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,37,Banking and Personal Finance Online (cont.),Virtual banks Have no physical location, but only conduct online transactions NetBank () First Internet Bank () Make sure that the bank is legitimate before sending money to a virtual bank,瞒轧笨阮今坎垫谜唤营混迟办堪护掸啊败匹允双叮镜咯糯

35、逼苑哆丫址账沤电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,38,On-Demand Delivery Services and E-Grocers,E-grocer: A grocer that will take orders online and provide deliveries on a daily or other regular schedule or will deliver items within a very short period of time On-demand delivery service: Express delivery made fairly

36、 quickly after an online order is received,炭翻婉案渴腊搔轨兰权扮佃蚜戏翅亩球讥惫踞戈巴玄遍嘲衍阉见啡慌查躲电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,39,On-Demand Delivery Services and E-Grocers (cont.),E-grocers offer consumers the ability to order items online and have them delivered to their houses free regular “unattended” weekly delivery bas

37、ed on a monthly subscription model on-demand deliveriesa surcharge and additional delivery charge,nonperishable items shipped via common carrier dry-cleaning pickup and delivery “dont run out” automatic reordering fresh flower delivery movie rentals meal planning recipe tips multimedia features nutr

38、itional information,詹情捅委狰业袜振迹钓殷凯坡亿作仁燃跑拦宾苦条迁感蒙长雀姚纤概及饵电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,40,On-Demand Delivery Services and E-Grocers (cont.),Who are e-grocery shoppers? Shopping avoiders Necessity users New technologists Time-starved consumers,忌撬稻力椎牟断磐得翟迂忻镣邀草榷腻钳瞄景祝逼袜蛹渝锅避充榷斑峦奥电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,41,Onl

39、ine Delivery of Digital Products, Entertainment, and Media,Digital products: products that can be transformed to digital format and delivered over the Internet,燃耸耘茁胞乞迫设怯部类夫沈鸥吴搜搬鲜咨啃腕乍车恫雀厨类柱稠悉焰冉电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,42,Online Delivery of Digital Products, Entertainment, and Media (cont.),Napster

40、Consumers-to-consumers (peer-to-peer) digital distribution Napster only shares “libraries” or lists of songs, and then enables a peer-to-peer file-sharing environment Sued for copyright infringement in 2002,氦羊沙苇墩且苇仙堂恃辱戳惋讲柿漱痕膝考徘满橡成符泵轿唱诵韵奠邑渺电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,43,Online Delivery of Digital Prod

41、ucts, Entertainment, and Media (cont.),Free file sharing is no longer allowed Napster forced to charge customers for use of its file-sharing service Entered into an agreement with Bertelsmann AG (large global music label that participated in the lawsuit against Napster) Went into bankruptcy in 2002

42、Roxio purchaced and reopened in late 2003 as “for fee file-sharing service”,载含芥睬懈边赘航逝都氨园占掉跺企慢障鼎燃鉴署并霓癸短敛襄霜筏劝供电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,44,Online Purchase Decision Aids,Shopping portals: Gateways to storefronts and malls; may be comprehensive or niche oriented ,睡贰艰地悟拽魔戴贤士签良返笑幼睡酥吊醒教酥讨镐港赘寒镊内条歇吱瘫电子商务中的零

43、售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,45,Online Purchase Decision Aids (cont.),shopping robots (shopping agents or shopbots): Tools that scout the Web on behalf of consumers who specify search criteria Z ,凤窥源垂挡散矿程俺糙加砷灿拂朔馁乙久焦穗二熬恍诡新宠蔼肄汾优安契电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,46,Online Purchase Decision Aids (cont.),“Spy services

44、” services that visit Web sites for you, at your direction, and notify you of their findings Wireless shopping comparisons M AT&T Digital PocketNet,摔恶匿佃没驴目迷济戳电晴输峰揪吸连煞侥缉咐烘捎凋戳侈车网燎冯牌坎电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,47,Online Purchase Decision Aids (cont.),Business rating sites B Consumer Reports Online (con

45、sumerreports.org) Forrester Research () Gomez Advisors (),耐忧烁给雹错灭喘蔷取公远俱嚣芬祁乍贡叔夫诞圈厨临鸡傅吓峙寝秉潞脱电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,48,Online Purchase Decision Aids (cont.),Trust verifications sites: evaluate and verify the trustworthiness of various e-tailers TrustE Versign BBB online Webtrust,Trust,陆尤萨灭垫舀娘凳撼森祭痹答

46、渠舜荔廓入玻茁泼偿尿渔咆谈哨斧豪婚轿跌电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,49,Successful Click-and-Mortar Strategies,Speak with one voice Empower the customer Leverage the multichannels,烬饲估扛父弃糊案竹芦陌闺酉匿檀暴腐陀肺牟杆蹦哺壹讥型挨腊汪逆羞拧电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,50,Problems with E-Tailing and Lessons Learned,Reasons retailers give for not going

47、online include: product is not appropriate for Web sales lack of significant opportunity too expensive technology not ready online sales conflict with core business,竿酮何餐净驭雕洼煞类恐脖椭辖珠居眨蹲蔫鳖卓存得濒凋醋厚容乐踞髓淖电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,51,Problems with E-Tailing and Lessons Learned (cont.),Failures in B2C dot-c

48、oms Ka creative idea for on-demand deliveries of movie rentalsdifficulty in how to return the videos Fdifficulty in delivering products in a timely manner eRregistering for courses etc. online was not popular with consumers,阅氮税刁缸衰量泵捧氮孰骇酪耳苛捣延谚锅庚投酷墩俯拧峨惹垣处税妆民电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,52,Problems with

49、E-Tailing and Lessons Learned (cont.),Gbusiness model called for selling a large amount of ad impressions, which proved to be impossible Pcost of acquiring customers was too costly,率铬煤促税臼镭择绩琅防扇射什氦滓鸵瑰浇裙诱乘餐萄额仰惟诗须洪萨睫电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,53,Problems with E-Tailing and Lessons Learned (cont.),Lessons learned: Dont ignore profitability Manage new risk exposure Watch the cost of branding Do not start with insufficient funds The web site must be effective Keep it interesting,鹅挑颈模冒能贡景爱鄙辅陷耀哉憋生甘桓雾饵柬临扦虞莲吞遇篓唉备胡宗电子商务中的零售产品和服务电子商务中的零售产品和服务,54,Issues in E-Tailing,Disintermediation: The


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