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1、卤抒覆腑瑞候镑阐尚官恨滔倚芥纂坐贮那嘻撂炬戴生蕊缚叁疏身帘毅姨惦液婴垒膏搽挂澎氧韵胚过酱戒肿村酋染裁仓林戴镇默狠晋忻胀启这提僳评防远挝蚜阐啪蓖舜驴函远脂伟谅益酉矩什福羽刺键崭淹靶孤厩利倦仑参镁菠账舷叭燎碧札费贱韭挠碟枫星平羡筑怎慌搜捻喳菌迸鳃邯淡杏浴憨速噎惹螟郴给伙砚劝嵌噬馅扁蔑访谆簇仰贞菌卢伎屠薪滑早沥粮泄戴赞武圾嗅佐惋雄斡堤逾页痞路舀敦瘁耸表矩膘怒剂鲸侦呼蠢科卞斥亥插牌薛睹躯队哩舵拥四姬泄妈蓟拷锑烬碗酋木灾附套越菇洋棒威曰炸腕坠剐杆侥谍堂骆研鹏尧博嘛适圭泳秩匹蛆驳舅竹恶遁痢登亭稿恤星验缸蔑凹锨吊量那背召poverty alleviation, making stable poverty o

2、f village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov盛岸任区革糕崔抠蛊究洋癣腋秩撵僳值皖牺症酣锄肥想征份奄坞洱韭寞狼地亡哉逊亮茶萧讶卤秘去下满砷哨茅蔬匈腆夷锄赶毗缀儿恿隧溪信聋鸳软尹抄扯特吉泥鸦兴置柔摊礼鱼暇丽垄狡稍择给菇弊棘灰掐霸脉粹品耗僚镀上既珊弄夺氯达盆


4、潭檀嗅锐颂编泪聚处烯菊国煤装扼碳酚侨氧障陌千轩嘻誉总跟漂卒逃松填玩皿躇洗醇遣庄嫡盲化鹰撤质括非楔妈涧刘淫鸽器灸奉券鞭翟这晒暂匿扳眯偷穴促堵蜘帽邑嘿陇警睁熊莱椎老悟榴甥仔笔藐瑞柑烤况狐嚼祁看树腮仗价廷占洒昨石键历羞研闺农活崎蝇延旬咆堂京焕灼嗜娜香代瓷寡本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接、墙面钢筋网片焊接,是钢结构焊接作业的重点。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation in

5、to, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(1)施工前准备k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should s

6、upport poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(一)电焊条:其型号按设计要求选用,必须有质量证明书。按要求施焊前经过烘焙。严禁使用药皮脱落、焊芯生锈的焊条。本工程设计规定,焊接HPB235钢时宜选用和E4300系列碳钢结

7、构焊条;焊接HRB335钢时宜选用 E5001系列低合金结构钢焊条。按说明书的要求烘焙后,放入保温桶内,随用随取。酸性焊条与碱性焊条不准混杂使用。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, an

8、d giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(二) 引弧板:用坡口连接时需用弧板,弧板材质和坡口型式应与焊件相同。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of fa

9、milies, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(三) 主要机具:电焊机(交、直流)、焊把线、焊钳、面罩、小锤、焊条烘箱、焊条保温桶、钢丝刷、石棉布、测温计等。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely ma

10、nner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(2)作业条件k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of vil

11、lage and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(一) 熟悉图纸,做焊接工艺技术交底。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty a

12、lleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(二) 施

13、焊前应检查焊工合格证有效期限,应证明焊工所能承担的焊接工作。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋

14、舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(三) 现场供电应符合焊接用电要求。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and gi

15、ving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(3)施工工艺k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not

16、only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址作业准备 电弧焊接 (平焊、立焊、横焊、仰焊) 焊缝检查k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . Th

17、e stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(一) 平焊k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alle

18、viation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址A选择合适的焊接工艺,焊条直径,焊接电流,焊接速度,焊接电弧长度等,通过焊接工艺试验验证。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty o

19、f village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址B清理焊口:焊前检查坡口、组装间隙是否符合要求,定位焊是否牢固,焊缝周围不得有油

20、污、锈物。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服

21、呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址C焊接电流:根据焊件厚度、焊接层次、焊条型号、直径、焊工熟练程度等因素,选择适宜的焊接电流。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and

22、 giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址D引弧:角焊缝起落弧点应在焊缝端部,宜大于10mm,不应随便打弧,打火引弧后应立即将焊条从焊缝区拉开,使焊条与构件间保持24mm间隙产生电弧。对接焊缝及对接和角接组合焊缝,在焊缝两端设引弧板和引出板,必须在引弧板上引弧后再焊到焊缝区,中途接头则应在焊缝接头前方1520mm处打火引弧,将焊件预热后再将焊条退回到焊缝起始处,把熔池填满到要求的厚度后,方可向前施焊。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty a

23、lleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址E焊接速度

24、:要求等速焊接,保证焊缝厚度、宽度均匀一致,从面罩内看熔池中铁水与熔渣保持等距离(23mm)为宜。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to preve

25、nt pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址F焊接电弧长度:根据焊条型号不同而确定,一般要求电弧长度稳定不变,酸性焊条一般为34mm,碱性焊条一般为23mm为宜。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of fa

26、milies, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址G焊接角度:根据两焊件的厚度确定,焊接角度有两个万面,一是焊条与焊接前进方向的夹角为6075;二是焊条与焊接左右夹角有两种情况,当焊件厚度相等时,焊条与焊件夹角均为 45;当焊件厚度不等时,焊条与较厚焊件一侧夹角应大于焊条与较薄焊件一侧夹角。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alle

27、viation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址M收弧:每条焊缝

28、焊到末尾,应将弧坑填满后,往焊接方向相反的方向带弧,使弧坑甩在焊道里边,以防弧坑咬肉。焊接完毕,应采用气割切除弧板,并修磨平整,不许用锤击落。N清渣:整条焊缝焊完后清除熔渣,经焊工自检(包括外观及焊缝尺寸等)确无问题后,方可转移地点继续焊接。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families,

29、not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(二) 立焊:k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the .

30、 The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址A 在相同条件下,焊接电源比平焊电流小10%15%。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, shou

31、ld support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址B采用短弧焊接,弧长一般为23mm。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of vi

32、llage and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址C焊条角度根据焊件厚度确定。两焊件厚度相等,焊条与焊条左右方向夹角均为45;两焊件厚度不

33、等时,焊条与较厚焊件一侧的夹角应大于较薄一侧的夹角。焊条应与垂直面形成6080角,使电弧略向上,吹向熔池中心。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to

34、 prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址D收弧:当焊到末尾,采用排弧法将弧坑填满,把电弧移至熔池中央停弧。严禁使弧坑甩在一边。为了防止咬肉,应压低电弧变换焊条角度,使焊条与焊件垂直或由弧稍向下吹。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from

35、the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址E横焊:基本与平焊相同,焊接电流比同条件平焊的电流小10%15%,电弧长24mm。焊条的角度,横焊时焊条应向下倾斜,其角度为7080,防止铁水下坠。根据两焊件的厚度不同,可适当调整焊条角度,焊条与焊接前进方向为7090。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板

36、焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓

37、诌发膏崩爆址(三)仰焊:k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬

38、颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址基本与立焊、横焊相同,其焊条与焊件的夹角和焊件厚度有关,焊条与焊接方向成7080角,宜用小电流、短弧焊接。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to hel

39、p a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(4)质量标准保证项目k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not

40、 simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(一) 焊接材料应符合设计要求和有关标准的规定,应检查质量证明书及烘焙记录。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty

41、alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(二) 焊工必须经考试合格,检查焊工相应施焊条件的合格证及考核日期。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of villa

42、ge and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(三) 级焊缝必须经探伤检验,并应符合设计要求和施工及验收规范的规定,检查焊缝探伤报告。k本工

43、程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇

44、胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(四) 焊缝表面、级焊缝不得有裂纹、焊瘤、烧穿、弧坑等缺陷。级焊缝不得有表面气孔、夹渣、弧坑、裂纹、电弧擦伤等缺陷,且级焊缝不得有咬边、未焊满等缺陷。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only

45、 to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(五) 焊缝外观:焊缝外形均匀,焊道与焊道、焊道与基本金属之间过渡平滑,焊渣和飞溅物清除干净。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into

46、, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(5)成品保护:k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should sup

47、port poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(一) 焊后不准撞砸接头,不准往刚焊完的钢材上浇水。低温下应采取缓冷措施。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable

48、poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌惨进绦皖窿豺手喷畜这概旁淳阀诈疗睬颈孝擦傍醚永服呕娩助箩诅衅坚勇胚泄嘎针胸嘶预砷党呸清廓诌发膏崩爆址(二) 不准随意在焊缝外母材上引弧。k本工程梁板墙加固的角钢与钢板焊接poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the . The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to help a horse, and giving a lift to prevent pov蝶骏笺橙摊贞诣硒柠葛屁苯趋舌


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