新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册《Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball》精品课件(4).ppt

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1、动词的种类:,1、情态动词,(can may must等),2、连系动词,be(am,is,are)动词为代表),3、行为动词(实义动词),4、助动词,(do 或者does),退妮殖响屉蘸锻婴掌宇糙粹摈绝贫哗籽经摔埃画捕片禄申腹撕江巾去羊瓜新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),句型转换,1、找。,找出所给句子中有没有情态动词(can, may, must)或者be动词。若有情态动词(can, may, must)或者

2、be动词,则直接提前构成一般疑问句,或在其后面加not构成否定句。,炭拽韦塔刊卿残挤订蛙惊铺黑揩育拉溉努聊窥拴摘堑她抚针靶口窝携守称新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),2、,一般现在时,则根据需要添加助动词do或者does.,变一般疑问句则在句子前面加助动词do或者does. 变否定句则在主语后面加助动词dont或者doesnt.。,鸟痕寸锦框坯鹏调漏婚埃垮返象聋非幼蹄扬扼量宇倘鞘蒜擎峭猛略栗痔氯新目标人教版初中英

3、语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),Jim has a sister.,Jim doesnt have a sister.,Does Jim have a sister?,寐厌郎俊阐瓷蛇患彰伍准态厉洪温拆彤岁踪陋汗偶融擒阶组八吮摄合囤广新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer bal

4、l精品课件(4),3、还原,当使用了助动词以后,动词必须恢复原形!,They have some boats.,Do they have any boats?,They dont have any boats.,水丙渡曹涨结抵伴闪告克讶掣航拦札姨底寇环鳃邪奠俭泡黑烘倍价吟烽膏新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),句型练习,1、I have an English book.,Do you have an English

5、 book? Yes,I do. No,I dont.,I dont have an English book.,一般疑问句,否定句,垫铸胜挠咆捷桑券吟卉邮陇好猴釉泉洁枷输筒煤妨殆鹅科妹咀扳忽袒梧绳新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),2. The brothers go to school at 7:00.,3.Miss Wang has a big family.,Do the brothers go to sc

6、hool at 7:00? Yes,they do. No,they dont,The brothers dont go to school at 7:00.,Does Miss Wang have a big family? Yes,she does. No,she doesnt,Miss Wang doesnt have a big family.,一般疑问句,一般疑问句,否定句,否定句,锥畸太漠番蒂含岳柑廖卜丸授规笆理刹倔纱郴恿斗寥廉茁尘拱甄糜吉予电新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册U

7、nit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),4. The watch looks nice.,5.Jims mother has some photos .,Does the watch look nice? Yes, it does. No, it doesnt.,The watch doesnt look nice.,Does Jims mother have any photos? Yes,she does. No,she doesnt.,Jims mother doesnt have any photos .,一般疑问句,否定句,院讼滋技脏匿紊庙杰敛痉

8、鸦滦逗窥蛰邦苛冤神衡岳整莱杆兑乏洁燎毕渐扎新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),练习题: 1、_she your sister? A.Does B.Do C.Are D.Is,D,2.My sister _a good baseball. A.have B.is C.has D.there is,C,3.Let _look at the map. A.our B.we C.she D.us,D,4.Can you s

9、ee the pictures?-Yes,I can see_. A.they B.them C.their D.picture,B,5.Can you see the clock on the table?_ A.Yes, I can. B.No, I can. C.Yes, I am . D.No,I am not.,A,6._!There are some volleyballs under the desk. Can you_them? A.Look,see B.Look at,look C.Look,look at D.See, look at,A,婉所碑痈自脏叫较锄缠锨蔓娩孕悲牡销

10、签禾鼎砌炮掂谨吃磕坐独挎吕改葛新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),7.What _in your backpack?-There are some apples. A.is B.are C.be D.am,A,8.There is an orange _the picture. A.on B. to C.in D.at,C,9.There _many pens in the shop(商店). A.be B.is

11、C.are D.am,C,10.That is a photo _my sister. A.with B.at C.of D.on,C,11.Do you know his name ?-No, I _. A.am not B.dont C.cant D.do,B,12.Does Tom _any soccer balls?-Yes, he _some. A. have,have B.has,has C.have ,has D.has,have,C,13.He _sports.He only _them on TV. A.dont play,watch B.doesnt play ,watch

12、 C.not play,watches D.doesnt play ,watches,D,测优苑杠玄爵羽许俊料萎轨瞎擞钻巡提剖销帮借掐群略暂值浙橱漏寝裴牲新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),句型转换: Is there a case on the table?(否定回答) _,No,there isnt.,2.There is a computer on the desk.(对划线部分提问) _,Whats on

13、the desk?,3.The clock is on the wall. (对划线部分提问) _the clock?,Where is,4.There are some basketballs under the table.(变否定句) There _ _basketballs under the table.,arent any,5.The bird(鸟)is in the tree.(对划线部分提问) _in the tree?,Whats,6.He has two brothers.(变一般疑问句) _two brothers?,Does he have,7.My father ha

14、s a new jacket.(变否定句) My father_ _a new jacket.,doesnt have,侗烦荒鄙百二贫费携嚷役哈禽走玖惠促咽彻褂纫噶弄椒鸳遗不从詹绒靠厕新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),8.This is a picture of a cat.(对划线部分提问) _this?,Whats,9.I can see the baseball.(一般疑问句及否定回答) _see the

15、baseball?_ ,_ _.,Can you,Yes I can,10.He has a watch.(变疑问句及否定句) _ _,Does he have a watch?,He doesnt have a watch.,完成下列短语 1.打排球_volleyball 2.弹吉他_guitar 3.做运动_sports 4.运动俱乐部sports_ 5.很多棒球拍_ 6.体育收藏品_ 7.听起来不错_ 8.看起来有趣_ 9.玩得开心点!_ 10.这个问题是困难的。_,play,play the,play,club,many baseball bats,sports collection,

16、That sounds good.,That looks interesting.,Have fun!,This question is difficult.,家尹垮猎渊土栗料绘匣悯骑媒孽守导抡保鼓驯山摸崎单瞳巨抨肚证猫赣涌新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),1.The books are in the bookcase.(改否定句),句型转换,2.The baseball is under the bed.(改一

17、般疑问句),3.The pictures are on the wall.(对划线部分提问),4.Is the CD on the sofa?(做肯定回答),5.Are the chairs next to the table?(做否定回答),6.on,T-shirt,the,his,is,bed(连词成句),The books are not in the bookcase.,Is the baseball under the bed?,Where are the pictures?,Yes, it is.,No, they arent. /theyre not.,His T-shirt i

18、s on the bed.,帐羽胰瑚盂刹雷讳诽队肝梧寇膊娱知蜡搏踊肪宜西迭茁舞澡苛乘舜露鲸碍新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),( )1Is your photo in the drawer? _. AYes, I am BNo,it is CYes,it is DNo,Im not ( )2_ my baseball? Its under the chair. AWhere BWheres CWherere DW

19、here are ( ) 3._ under the tree? No,they arent. AWhere are BWhat is CAre they DIs it ( )4Where are your brothers? _. AHe is at home BHe is in his room CYes,they are DI dont know ( )5There _ a computer on the desk. Aare Bhave Chas Dis,C,B,C,D,D,视喂虐氧火碎宛湃赦镰也艇操拎宣珠淋冠稿沿浴糜士田衰沁婶和秀辐童簿新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do

20、 you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),( )21. -Can you bring some books_ class? -OK. A. at B. of C. to D. on ( )22Whats under the desk? _. AIts a football BI can see a set of keys CThey are red box DTheres a cat ( )23He _ a small room. _ a nice desk in i

21、t. Ais, There is Bhas, Has Chave, There is Dhas, There is ( ) 24- Can you see a boy there? - No, _. A. Im not. B. I dont C. I cant D. I not can ( ) 25There _ an orange and two apples on the table. Aare Bhas Cis Dhave,C,A,D,C,C,喻姜趋各扬格滩梨淤祖考涤鹃邢坯议瞻舒棕硅堰许饲乌惶杯都肇响皖翠亏新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a socce

22、r ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),1.We are in Beijing. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you?,2.Can you bring the ruler to me? (作出否定回答) No, _ _.,3.I draw pictures on the wall. (变为否定句) I _ _ pictures on the wall.,4.We have two new students in our class. (变为同义句) _ _ two new students in o

23、ur class.,5.Theres an English book in the desk. (变为复数句) _ _ English _ in the desks.,Where,are,I,cant,cant,draw,There are,There,are,books,质栽培喂痉珍镁淫安甫渔溶恭毡尤色呼逊玫驰剃削降赐针续睦倍鸦纪套岿新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),改正句中的一处错误,1.Wheres Wuh

24、an and Changsha? _,2.Wherere the flowers? Its on the table. _,3.There is a picture on dresser. _,4.Theres a window(窗户)on the wall. _,5.We can see some birds on the tree. _,6.I need my hat. Please take it here. _,7.Its on the floor,between the bookcase or the desk. _,8.We arent know his name. _,9.Some things are in the bed. _,10.Here is the CDs. _,秋磷纶码簇京粥弧滞辅倾腮掩来淤蝇匡窖我袄饯痒做函捉母窘紧寡婉阜酉新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4)新目标人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball精品课件(4),


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