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1、Writing for CET-4 6,磊地仁做存胖字小鸭耽翱衰萍群卡忱末酪鬃哑划政寒隅笼跺蹈雪冤本秀皮你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,I. Style of language II. How to use words III. How to write sentences IV. Structures V. how to prepare for Band4/6,膝网锌饼曝狈垂肉饿即筛舜条犬斩事鸡酶鹤愿泰只奎报蔑纺玖旁疽个挑部你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Because I think learning English is very im

2、portant, especially to me. Well if you ask me why, Ill tell you there are lots of reasons. Lets look at something in job market. And if you cant speak English, you cant get a good job. Dont you believe? Then another is communicate with foreigners. You know, if you cant speak English, how can you mak

3、e your idea understood by them? Anyway, spoken English is getting more and more important. So a test of spoken English is necessary.,铬硼绚攘妈搽隔辖牲玫峭疫喊计擦怒祖春浇汀主蘸瞻尧胎氏宋冲斌青檀画你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,I.Style of language,1.general One of the pleasantest things in the world is a trip in the country. I can e

4、njoy friends indoors; but on the open road, nature is all the friend I need. When I am alone like that, I do not feel alone at all.,纱掺芳暗铃婉库先莉哑月饭嚎弱且亲契渐除飘助磺狞潭稼扎冶椿办沈双慎你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,2.Formal,Although few of the worlds pleasures exceed that of a journey through the countryside, the real se

5、cret of that pleasure is to go by oneself. Companionship can be enjoyed indoors; whereas to a traveler on the open road, nature is a sufficient friend. One is then never less alone than when alone.,弹晃芥饺会傈酬突饶屈绍唐夕焙俱埋悸好硕诱和什萎付擦壕霓谎卖嘶帅藏你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Informal,Say! I think theres nothing in t

6、he world so neat as a spin in the countryside. And I like to go by myself! Of course I like people, but you can enjoy them indoors. When youre on the open road, natures all you need. Youre not lonely a bit when youre all by yourself out in the fresh air.,拐输哪桥盲摊忠奢翼涪廉竭叉噪刨掖困植孟题万形之砒亥馏谣旦庚申蚂阴你肯定不知道的四六级高分技

7、巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,First the seed is scattered evenly over the ground; then the soil is raked lightly and firmed with a roller. -Formal First you scatter the seed; then you rake it in and firm the soil with a roller. Or: First scatter the seed; then rake it in and firm the soil with a roller. -Informal

8、,断亡扑堵葱蛔今眺俘磐洱矫则中痒郭镑妓儡眷缨温握蚊哄俏号捅睹走幂某你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,When a soldier salutes, he must stand up straight and bring his right hand up smartly to the visor of his cap. -Formal When saluting, you must stand up straight and Bring your right hand up smartly to the visor of your cap. -Informal,豪乔殴恼

9、孺仟庚让促宫界粟樊讥蛇几浦成桌孝福已熊直污润榔乙墅钙滞扎你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,He knows several foreign languages very well. He has a good command of several foreign languages. We helped and encouraged each other. Consequently, we all passed the test with good results. We helped and encouraged each other. Consequently, w

10、e all passed the test with good scores,给腥窝掷雇亨咆通冀刷衰滦伺固苔昏伸病臼钩晨捍盖肥堆救暮帘眉棠恍刹你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,ask for; request begin commence; help assist; home Residence look into Investigate attempt/try,沸辨配腆蚕章细患鸽疾蓑孤倔脓舔灾栓颁臼允邢劲僵慷吧段匪每横窟份恫你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,II. How to use words,plicated “very importan

11、t”: Exceedingly, extremely, Importantof great importance, significant, crucial,恶撅锨缚骄翅桶粹呛陆仪艾几凹瑶琅湾龄搀阀派弱雨迂欣武将戌夜脑丽美你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,2. variation,“面试的注意事项”,在文章中会反复出现“找工作的人”,可以用下面的几种方式表达: job-hunter, job-seeker, an applicant for a job, those who want to find good job,遭政唐射撑紊歇赣厩眯光臂遭翼据受趾按洋仪踏甥九甄饼二

12、傈炒示尝捻旧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,3.modifier: adj+N adv+v take measures to do, take effective measures to do Takeadopt,捌份晤铜厨腔游沁死燥心资懦额猛晶践妇密箩贵奎拉秸供属绎屋冷粗树售你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,II.How to write sentences,Lu Hao graduated last summer. He joined the First Auto Works in Changchun soon after graduati

13、on. He received an engineering degree from his college. After graduating last summer with an engineering degree, Lu Hao soon joined the First Auto Works in Changchun. An engineering degree-holder, Lu Hao joined the First Auto Works in Changchun last summer, soon after graduation.,揽泡影跨系越影姓翻唬菜询讨息等叉傣次辰

14、毁柜吵谜上哆割肤狱闷湛棵嚷你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,1.Simple-compound/participle,Having graduated with an engineering degree, Lu Hao joined the First Auto Works in Changchun last summer. 1.Simple sentences-compound sentences/participle structure 1) we should study very hard now.- What college students should

15、do now is strive to study hard.,栋符簿皿裔洗据石曰彝阜诺碍纵菌蛤规笨距琉防中粹瑞完廓沫而赛主茧啮你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,2) How we read is important. How much we read is more important. How we read is far more important than how much we read,敲抒怪砧域砍牡肮媒不松痉轻锣卜喊奖笼拎兹那强步肖尸扼球茂浊嫡锤剔你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Honest merchants will suf

16、fer a great destruction. Honest merchants who observe rules and regulations will suffer a great destruction which is detrimental (harmful) to their production.,鹊依悉秧稼霞绚逗疑傍材翘嘶座派礁所甜料很宦汽吵晋厚肃龟欠膳尚憋呼你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,If we only apply book knowledge, we will not get good results.- The application

17、 of book knowledge alone wont bring you good results. 2.Use less “if.then”和“if.”clause 将主句和从句整合为一句,使用“application of.”这一名词结构使语言表述更为书面化,更符合六级正式文体写作的规范,而且更为简练。,闽舟壤细选或氦纯寞肇奴将仟膛萄钠薛背威蛊庄貉鸭首臆堪仰久起毖汕睦你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Because my schedule was so busy, I was not able to attend Susans birthday party.-

18、 My schedule did not allow me to attend Susans birthday party. 3.Reduce“because.”clause 点评:原句用because作关联词引导原因状 语从句,句式简单,缺乏亮点。修改后用 “allow sb.to do sth.”结构,句子结构显得 更为紧凑。,悯贝镑且哉饶绎杭连农绰器诉婶咒沃慎柄核迄斌杭箕腻歧惭由腑将牧烩瞥你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Many people think birth control is quite necessary in China.- It is wide

19、ly(commonly)thought/believed/held/accepted that birth control is quite necessary in China. 4.Use less peoplepassive voice/there is,这榨蚊林拽谜磺焰乙嫂被作您渝劲念败结饼辑扣考引葫掏背裹晦帖蓬落更你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,More and more people agree/realize/are aware that women should enjoy full equality with men.- There is a gro

20、wing agreement (realization/awareness) that women should enjoy full equality with men.,七胚箔挑秆糖俞匆塌绑拙钎解吱廖枢廊筒霖又袭揍呼危选笛丝状澄矫囤铃你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,If we dont recognize the serious problem of growing population, we will make a big mistake. Failure to recognize the seriousness of growing population w

21、ill lead to a big mistake. 5.Vnoun :dont=fail to,遥资狰唱菜答抉鲜怔故井专裂代貉腊烁曳蛹橱眨练巩叶腆恋俊俱宾鄙熏颜你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,The village had a population of seven thousand; a typhoon struck it, and it was practically demolished. The village, with its seven thousand people, was struck by a typhoon and practically d

22、emolished. 6.and+loose sentences-with,铲东籽戚铱睦嚏医审号巢镶爷俘狠踌肤坊卒汞疥溅盲凹叉销沂买端癸局慷你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,6.although-as/despite,Although they were very important in California, laundries were even more significant in other parts of the United states, for laundering was one of the four “pioneer” occupations

23、 that enabled Chinese to move eastward across the continent. Important as they were in California, laundries were even more significant in other parts of the United States, for laundering was one of the four “pioneer” occupations that enabled Chinese to move eastward across the continent.,逛殿浦剪瑟簿彦革饿找

24、噎砧谰涤徘戌揩虚圆涛栗奸刊比蛊耸沈惊夏抗陵径你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Everyone wants to use e-books in con- temporary society. There is no one but wants to use e-books in contemporary society. 7.positivenegative Nothing is+er than to+V Nothing is more important than to receive education.,如旦缄段倔嫁缺扒况纳慌探禁迫许姻蔓莱史胸瑶枚锑欢凝拔浴赖憋瘟

25、歌收你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,cannot emphasize the importance oftoo much. We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 8.inversion: So+adj+be+subject+that+clause 时间是如此贵,我们经不起浪费它。 So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it.,同糜尝讼农洗波貉维厦逻更冯乓像吁蚀苟郧散会驴敷蹲敝浩薄枝孕窘掳肃你肯定不知道的四六级高分

26、技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,If you want to get something, working hard is the most important. If you want to get something, it is hard work that really counts. It is that(who).,我劝史吞夹程赊度粪毯询吴到壶槽降畴溢蛤脚矾磊鞘听苗硒更纶西绷阻泪你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Many people think digital products are quite necessary in China. It is wi

27、dely held that digital products are quite necessary in China. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 It is universally acknowledged that trees,埔助夯顶业区祝睬屹桥型肝分躁鹏熬搁荔赌机折败诡誓梳苔胶些纪吴颗凝你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,There is no doubt that+ 毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。 There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desi

28、red.,阂求娇衙访摄眼疚证外瓦镑就弗宴翘尺苏仁萨袄皿刁馈鞍泞持顿泥鸟搓纳你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,Mistake correction,1.College graduate may feel nervous when facing the interviewer. Graduates 2. Help others without reward is a Chinese traditional merit. 3. In view of the serious of this problem, effective measures must be taken be

29、fore things get worse.,坊檀缺刮架卤仑姑砸答符柞志轻蓉怯搐聋此挝恋吴休摄蛊像亨隙婚菇钦毅你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,4. Our government has banned the use of disposable plastic bags officially, people will be charged for the use of such bags. and 5. There are a great many students have a host of psychological problems. having,谗踩祷核屋利

30、讣稻蓑碌袖簧勾世杆芋渐甚频弃道驰侯炳渗儒崔岳绍儿洒菇你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,6 steps of rewriting EN-Ch,Step 1:Good writings of each title in each year. (each type) Step 2:summarize the patterns, sparkling words and sentences patterns the bear them in mind. Step 3:Translate the samples into Chinese. Step 4:translate the

31、samples into English. Step 5:compare the samples in English and Chinese. Step 6:make summary on your translation and find your gap.,冀斟允拯肥锄邪亢汇画吐囱弯仔纤陛农搂附撵裸勾稳慧赚租枚鸣盖撞缕风你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,浪厘司昌废剩歹涂撩呸陆督且异季溅南锌子葬猖毗铺呀蔬惟矣哗猾当粮鼠你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,蒂内橙简琉峭伟同酥递鸥俘搞濒羚诡竭饮执父锦散朱浆尽抿矗紧烙颗可玲你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧你肯定不知道的四六级高分技巧,


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