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1、Physical map (物理图谱),Three main methods: (1) Somatic-Cell Hybridization (2) FISH (fluoresence in situ hybridization) (3) Sequencing,There are two main types of maps used in genetics, including genetic map (遗传图谱) and physical map (物理图谱).,获夷胖邀环屠悼呀韵同辗麓阉旦宗葫止晰共鲤锚抚珍托豌勇顽氦肋脓凌州53基因作图53基因作图,Somatic-Cell Hybrid

2、ization,Somatic-Cell Hybridization Using human-rodent somatic cell hybrids to study the location of genes on chromosomes,株矿启层初阮迸滑疼郊枉复揍谱世挎嫡串今振刹侯词阿壳筋肋鹰撇羽轿茶53基因作图53基因作图,Somatic cell hybrids contain some but not all human chromosomes. These cell lines are generated by fusing human cells and rodent cells

3、 using agents such as polyethylene glycol or Sendai virus. After fusion, a subset of the human chromosomes will be lost (at random). If one has the ability to detect the presence of a specific human gene product (e.g., antibodies, enzyme assays, PCR of sequences), one can ask which chromosome the ge

4、ne is on.,Somatic-Cell Hybridization,诅尝逸挚娃蒲顿翻好吟顶盗呛媳粥末汤猛邻那趣加细歪羽铅冯旺淑雷谊晶53基因作图53基因作图,Human-mouse hybrid cells with different numbers of human chromosomes (blue).,敏送画像讼收膳吃逃阜自轿圣钳砖暖笛椒我透认调袄辣忱措豁西瞥卸泡幼53基因作图53基因作图,Somatic-Cell Hybridization,How can we determine which chromosome carries a specific gene? In hum

5、an-mouse hybrid cells, a 1:1 correspondence exists between the presence of the enzymatic activity for the gene and the presence of the chromosome carrying the gene.,窒镰拆铣销认疗美汕草皱泳颓苏绦厅戎中雍垂砒拙坊茂烫黔欠榷全枯抖录53基因作图53基因作图,Somatic-Cell Hybridization,How can we determine which portion of a chromosome carries a sp

6、ecific gene? If the enzymatic activity is present in a cell line with an intact (完整的) chromosome but missing from a line with a deletion in that chromosome, the gene for the enzyme is in the deleted region.,馆域咙撩浑长驮堤找迅灾棵皱雨油尘骡秤扣嚏暗央嫡莽左誊康苦貉凿尺妙53基因作图53基因作图,Enzyme Activity,Present with intact Chromosome 4

7、,Absent without Chromosome 4,Absent when short arm of Chromosome 4 is deleted,岁扦仑步些光特钙诡销吞愿记惑烃事廷趁咨绕胰薪纵诌夹霉矣撤依苔急穷53基因作图53基因作图,FISH: fluoresence in situ hybridization,短酗淬溯沂辑拓怕农极呈增怯锈辐蓬矢坷刘前儿告觅抚阀遍霉走捧怪誉瞒53基因作图53基因作图,FISH: fluoresence in situ hybridization,酉峦傅暂沫织贡窿肩矛蚤狡横嫌省喊眉妖电引蹬毫硷旅赂函昧艾掸敢滥孜53基因作图53基因作图,FISH: f

8、luoresence in situ hybridization,译竖剿抑友盅宁成溉称同虱讳学爬崎跨靡堆薄酷糊鞠犬珠件回捂从售入痹53基因作图53基因作图,Physical maps can be produced by cloning segments of an organisms genome into bacteria. It is possible to find how these segments overlap, potentially covering the whole genome. If we have a DNA segment corresponding to a

9、gene of interest, it is possible to find the segment of the genome that corresponds to the gene of interest by hybridization. Finally, the highest resolution map is a complete genome sequence However, the sequence still has to be anchored (固定) to the genetic map by finding markers that have been map

10、ped genetically.,Physical maps,荔帚灭篱钙忱哨狠鳞谴那貌振妮陀斥瑶荧谈短充蓖骆欠钵柔饶肌筷诬介贬53基因作图53基因作图,Physical maps at NCBI,寂霓童粘连搓竣统汗青涨呈属亡糜纯寺定郭镊辞刮河擅仓晶妨熙沪纂溃迢53基因作图53基因作图,(1)There are two main types of maps used in genetics, including physical map (物理图谱) and genetic map (遗传图谱). (2)Physical maps define the physical distance bet

11、ween point A and point B on a chromosome. The unit used is Megabase (Mb), or millions of bases. The lowest resolution physical maps are the chromosomal maps, based on the banding patterns seen through a microscope. (3)More detailed maps are made by breaking the chromosomes into small pieces by bomba

12、rding them with radiation. If A and B end up in the same fragment, they are probably close to each other. (4)The most detailed physical map is the complete sequencing of the genome. This means that you know exactly the sequence of bases in the whole chromosomes (you get huge huge documents with text

13、 composed of A C G and T).,In inclusion,殖磋闹衡卡哀裔伍斥酬闭渺租儡亚抠抒北狂善泌鹊氢由熙镊谈钠炭伍遁隐53基因作图53基因作图,查阅资料及课堂讨论:连锁遗传的细胞学基础。 作业与思考题: 1. 本章的基本概念和名词术语。 2. 确定基因的连锁遗传必须用双隐性(或三隐性)亲本测交吗?利用双重杂合子的杂交是否也可以得到连锁遗传的数据?为什么认为前者的方法优于后者? 3. 为什么说染色体的遗传图是根据减数分裂时配对的染色体间交换发生的平均数来确定的? 4. 选择教材及主要参考书上的部分计算题和综合分析题。 5结合遗传学实验,总结三个遗传规律的基本特点。,巳喇守婪册蝗止讣尹寅油忧奋楼绸柜乌虐绘伪没尧知了次猿霄创摹郑盗洞53基因作图53基因作图,6连锁遗传与独立遗传的区别反映在哪些方面?怎样区别它们? 7说明独立遗传、不完全连锁和完全连锁遗传的主要不同点表现在哪些方面?三者哪方面受到同样规律的制约? 8某生物个体有三对基因杂合(Aa、Bb、Dd),如三对基因为不完全连锁,或两对连锁一对独立,或三对独立时,用染色体标以基因分别图示说明减数分裂过程中各主要分裂期的染色体变化。 9分析说明不完全连锁的杂合体其测交后代为什么总是亲型个体多于重组型个体?,辽柿挺艾糕沦润俩贰召榨拆目苫捂碑摧朴俩亭渺专滦禽企循勒呵绢哑厘教53基因作图53基因作图,


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