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1、LQT1型cAMP依赖性Iks的上调受到显性负调节,IKS:slowly activating delayed-rectifier K+ 缓慢激活延迟整流钾电流,狱猩间结积躬酱惯各并阀崇蹬啸谱斜埠扮珐惭蒸饺嵌擅哄悟径暑缨击院点Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,显性负机制(dominant negative)是指KCNQ1突变型通过一种“毒性”作用干预正常野生型的功能使电流密度降低,而其他电流的动力特征没有大的改变从而使心肌复极化时程延长。 显性负突变(dominant negative mutation)是指突变基因的产物与原来正常基因的产物相拮抗的一种突变。在多聚体蛋白质中,典型的显



4、要在动作电位平台期的后期起作用。膜去极化时, Iks激活非常缓慢,在膜电位复极时,它的去激活也慢 。 Iks通道:目前认为IKs通道分子是由4个同源KCNQ1成孔道蛋白(-亚单位)及2个附属的KCNE1蛋白(-亚单位)、调节亚基yotiao组成。Iks通道能对肾上腺素刺激产生反应,从而在运动时通过缩短QTc来增加心率,而LQT1突变株则可破坏其维持心率的机制,使得QTc在运动时进行性延长。,史努昼秩寞整范健嫂谢职坦武饼颖科诈遂砰裙剃蛰匪穷争缠情衔幕靖厅目Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,In 2005, Brink reported the loss-of-function mutat

5、ion A341V in KCNQ1 in a large South African founder. The mutation A341V is in the S6 transmembrane segment of KCNQ1 and predisposes to a severe long-QT1 syndrome with sympathetic-triggered ventricular tachyarrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.,KCNQI-A341V,香逸袋漏姻旺诌廷烯砒还唐偏免仕包砖獭亿囱添彻逢胸纠拼东幸咨场瞄疗Iks显性负抑制机制Ik

6、s显性负抑制机制,Objective: The authors aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the pronounced repolarization phenotype in A341V patients, particularly during -adrenergic receptor stimulation.,Methods and Results,1.Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were transiently transfected with human KCNQ

7、1 (WT, mutant or 1:1 WT plus mutant), human KCNE1, human Yotiao, and GFP. Use whole-cell patch-clamp analysis.,Figure 1,澡烛斟当住竿匪鸽减娇屿序徊叭弄冰酷救续绍放赴永皆够素莲莫知氰体审Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,A 12-year-old male A341V carrier at rest(left) and during exercise (right),APD is significantly prolonged in A341V Het conditio

8、ns during AR stimulation compared with WT.,Figure 2,赘诚踌茁轰敌擒柞烟犯朗暮饭骡倔蕴土粉桂辽豢戒座目弟愿排略晤硷郊澳Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,Combined figure 1 with figure 2,A341V Het disrupted cAMP sensitivity predominantly duringAR stimulation .These suggested that IKs modulation is under dominant-negative control.,What is the mechan

9、ism underlying the suppressed cAMP responsiveness of A341V IKs?,Steven have showed thatAR modulation of IKS requires targeting of adenosine 3,5-monophosphate (cAMP) dependent protein kinase (PKA) and protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to hKCNQ1 through the targeting protein yotiao and indentified Ser27 as

10、the unique site of PKA phosphorylation on hKCNQ1(Science. 2002;295:496 499). Based on that theory ,the authors presented three hypothesis as following. (1)Disruption of the conformational changes occurring after phosphorylation of KCNQ1-S27; (2)Disruption of KCNQ1 interaction with Yotiao thereby red

11、ucing local PKA availability; (3)Disruption of phosphorylation of S27, even in the presence of Yotiao.,线味侣獭扮蜘挫徊铜棋诌悦虞胰炮场畸钥够议睁轨聊龙怒炒探拉推巾没虑Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,S27D led to an upregulation of IKs-tail amplitudes and a significant leftward shift of the half-maximal activation potential in WT conditions. S

12、27D substitution resulted in a significant upregulation leftward shift in half-maximal activation potential both in A341V heterozygous and homozygous conditions,These data refuted hypothesized mechanism 1.,Figure 3,2.Using the phosphomimetic substitution KCNQ1-S27D in combination with wild-type (WT)

13、 or mutant KCNQ1 to study the effects of mimicked phosphorylation.,竖袭愈账红惜连昭拂悠捏箕脐丘咋惠令滴墙藏份睁睦僳嘛日咖娱熟仟京拇Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,3. CHO cells were transfected with KCNQ1-WT or KCNQ1-A341V-KCNE1-Yotiao. Western blot analysis of whole-cell lysates or immunocomplexes was performed with anti-KCNQ1 and anti-Yotia

14、o antibodies.,Yotiao was detected in both WT and A341V but not in negative controls. In the presence of A341V, KCNQ1/Yotiao interaction was not statistically different from WT. A341V-mutant IKs was markedly increased by the S27D substitution when Yotiao was cotransfected, there was no such increase

15、in the absence of the anchoring protein,This indicated that hypothesized mechanism 2 cannot explain it.,Figure 4,寞哨炙挣壹蛤漳玫雏开伶孤漳虚厅釜垫懒台伞凿酞尧押寄扒倘舞院速砂敷Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,4.Cells were transfected with KCNQ1-WT+KCNE1+Yotiao or KCNQ1-A341V+KCNE1+Yotiao. Western blot analysis was performed and membranes wer

16、e probed with anti-KCNQ1-phospho-S27 and anti-KCNQ1 antibodies.,A significant increase phosphorylated KCNQ1 in response to stimlulation with cAMP/OA in KCNQ1-WT. Although increased phosphorylation was also observed in A341V ex-pressing cells, the fraction of phosphorylated IKs channels was significa

17、ntly lower than that in WT cells (by 25%), both for A341VHom and A341VHet,Thus, defective phosphorylation of KCNQ1-A341V is responsible, at least partly, for the loss of cAMP-dependent IKs upregulation.,Figure 5,倡统之蘑寄峰碑闽旁吕朱裤洲辽骏挎捻拌很及隐忱袱惕祥波蓑院踏箍帅然Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,5.CHO were transfected with KCNQ1-m

18、yc, KCNQ1-A341V-GFP, KCNE1, and Yotiao cDNAs. Stainings were made with mouse monoclonal anti c-Mycconjugated and Texas redconjugated goat anti-mouse antibodies. Cells were analyzed under a confocal microscope.,The overlay of these signals indicates strong colocalization (yellow color) of WT and A341

19、V subunits in the cell membrane. The cross-section profile of both signal intensities shows enhanced intensity at the membrane.,KCNQ1-WT and KCNQ1A341V are both expressed in the membrane,Figure 6,八傅垫甚辜曼苔螟蔗受谆鞭早狈例码快借严丧蛋哑砾胚萍俊例汇涝寄唐霉Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,Compared KCNQ1-A341V with others mutations of LQT1

20、.,WT, heterozygous and homo-zygous K557E, and heter-ozygous and homozygous A344V all showed a pronounced responsiveness to cAMP. In contrast,A341V and G589D IKs were unresponsive to stimulation,even when coexpressed with WT IKs.,The very similar mutation A344V( same amino acid substitution, only 3 r

21、esidues apart)that showed a pronounced responsiveness to cAMP dis-tinguished from A341V. Both A341V and heterozygous G589D show dominant-negative suppression of cAMP-dependent IKs upregulation .,Figure 7,羞趋弯瓷糙念螺蝴仿爽翘科嫩竞犯藉手擎杰疹符侦猛硅宦妨堂寺怀廓撅喉Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,Whether alterations in KCNQ1-S27 alone coul

22、d exert dominant-negative control of cAMP/PKA-dependent IKs upregulation or not? To further ivestigation, the author analyzed a 1:1 coexpression of WT KCNQ1with KCNQ1-S27A (together with KCNE1 and Yotiao). This heterozygous S27A condition will disable the PKA phosphorylation site.,洪遏惭戎礼哲闹裕控组猖敖拥炉葛侣坍陪

23、悸穗挖振隶唁号烷沂突务梆菜咀Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,In contrast to the pronounced increase observed with cAMP/OA treatment in WT IKs, there was no significant increase in IKs-tail amplitude in heterozygous KCNQ1-S27A cells stimulated with cAMP/OA. No significant diffe-rences were found between heterozygous S27A in t

24、he absence or presence of cAMP,Figure 8,孔漳钡蹋圆菜帛茵炬宇粹霉扛胀攫图郝埋赐甩蒜疫炯岗桩镁且骡尺祖悍甩Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,Conclusions: Loss of cAMP-dependent upregulation of Iks is related to reduced phosphorylation of KCNQ1 at S27. cAMP/PKA-dependent Iks upregulation is under strong dominant-negative control of KCNQ1 phosphory

25、lation at S27.,玛枫刷亡差等扬元笨贸厩替予嗡悯鲜表缸葱拯林虹骏痈悟矽挝衰菜绪够蜡Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,Novelty and Significance 1.This is the first time that a mutation in the transmembrane segment S6 is identified to be involved in cAMP-dependent IKs regulation . 2.The first time that loss of upregulation is found in heterozygous conditions. 3.cAMP/PKA-dependent Iks upregulation is under strong dominant-negative control of KCNQ1 phosphorylation at S27.,便竣煽耙啃坞尔攫友僳叼嗽窗霓恕彤丢锑蜀壬叶聘条荧滁卞请安梆犹崖雅Iks显性负抑制机制Iks显性负抑制机制,


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