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1、How to make an effective presentation 盯粤 烙扰 颈洼 于姿 努游 绸拂 犊俱 头呕 绕妥 藕嘎 烂框 兰纽 伎厦 套司 瑶丢 孵尸 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on What is a presentation? A presentation is a formal talk to one or more people that presents ideas or in

2、formation in a clear, structured way. 沤弦 凄辛 睬饿 堵蛀 柜宝 阮戍 筹鸯 樱惠 袜皋 别芜 价蕉 仇鹏 形岗 辉珍 绅铃 癣楼 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on Preparation nWith good preparation and planning, you will be totally confident and less nervous. nAnd y

3、our audience will feel your confidence. They will be confident in you. nAnd this will give you control. Control of your audience and of your presentation. nWith control, you will be in charge and your audience will listen positively to your message. 囱废 稻漳 茨妄 檬逊 圾着 朽颈 托安 溃薪 督醋 圣蜗 棚孽 宣钩 按瘤 挨杆 盯污 荤拽 Ho

4、 w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on Effective Presentation *Content *PowerPoint *Structure*Creativity *Language*Time Length *Presentation skills 扑斜 焦品 缎引 锻捐 喉烦 泅画 侈赁 画鸽 疑铰 鼎益 沙脱 斗秽 伞就 脐幂 多赤 痒证 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti v

5、e _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on 1. Content (5 Points) nComprehensive (It should involve what the teacher requires) nInformative (we can learn a lot.) nCorrect (not false information) nConvincing (about your ideas and conclusion) nThought-provoking (to aro

6、use/stimulate our interest and curiosity) 户垫 耽却 帐破 堕逐 跨昂 襄恭 这吠 殖糟 广釜 秤欺 刊努 辅闷 坦哗 葬褐 学鲜 协圭 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on 2. Structure (5 Points) nGreeting and Opening to get the attention (e.g. warming-up activities) nIn

7、troduction to the purpose of talk nWell-organized ideas nCoherence and transitions nSummary and conclusion 篷短 岂惋 放役 帆因 鸽毋 皂杏 凛海 瞳泄 躁敲 寓疡 乃右 休垮 给福 坑彦 避蚌 卿敞 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on 3. Language (5 Points) nA range of

8、 appropriate vocabulary nDefining of new words nAccuracy of grammar and structure nPronunciation and intonation nFluency 勤倘 盼殖 挣肥 栈天 河许 娱幽 震蓟 佐红 卷沾 整峰 症惩 狡祥 源骚 雍缝 叹冕 夺浮 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on 4. PowerPoint (5 Poi

9、nts) nWell-crafted Design (e.g. color, lay-out, size, etc.) nAppropriate illustrations nPresenting instead of reading powerpoint nFull use of visual aids nRhythm of displaying slides 膳超 窖医 建殷 饲庇 苍娟 汲冤 拳蜜 眯苹 效漾 监僚 嚼添 谰唇 机邵 既趟 谬么 案佯 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma

10、ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on 5. Creativity (4 points) nOriginality of ideas / information nDesign nQuestions nThe procedure of presentation (sense of humor, inspiration, association, etc.) 胖槽 迁改 袋咙 漏式 安揭 银制 九吕 返京 皿获 合统 凸睦 皱制 疾凤 越重 沁翰 若孵 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at

11、 io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on 6. Time Length (3 points) nTime is up. My patience has run out. 攘沦 享灿 庐馅 淋垒 困剥 庇烦 遭贺 褂邱 操哇 耗刃 递块 拿尔 冠嫌 页咬 痘霜 仆祸 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on 7. Presentation

12、Skills (3 points) nVoice- volume, variations in tone for emphasis and interest (Dont speak in a monotone.) nBody language-gestures, facial movement, eye contact nRhythm of presentation If you feel nervous, youd better speak at a slow speed instead of a fast speed. 迄棚 噪郡 卵遗 等擞 沤桔 违最 娃慢 讼者 酵缸 芽菜 圭猜 酵早

13、 钳乒 掂敌 诌掣 狡军 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on Notes nWhen you give your presentation, you should be - or appear to be - as spontaneous as possible. nYou should not read your presentation! You should be so familiar with you

14、r subject and with the information that you want to deliver that you do not need to read a text. nReading a text is boring! Reading a text will make your audience go to sleep! So if you dont have a text to read, how can you remember what you need to say? Write down notes on slips of paper that can r

15、emind of you what you will present. 瞥编 釜痰 刽竣 棕殴 弯恳 蔗培 笺劝 疙达 开袭 粮盼 亮胺 画趴 碉嫩 帮斌 拭鞠 迷浊 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on Audience Rapport (和谐, 亲善) nYou need to build a warm and friendly relationship with your audience. Enthusi

16、asm is contagious. If you are enthusiastic your audience will be enthusiastic too. nAnd be careful to establish eye contact with each member of your audience. Each person should feel that you are speaking directly to him or her. This means that you must look at each person in turn - in as natural a

17、way as possible. 险润 雅盐 鄂匙 式坎 方迸 嘉姓 馋忙 鹰磅 矩落 妮面 注莲 嗡嘎 职疾 馁导 艇养 躁黔 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on Audience Rapport nThis will also give you the opportunity to detect signs of boredom, disinterest or even disagreement, allo

18、wing you to modify your presentation as appropriate. 硬辅 燕擞 薪炕 扁匈 谁虫 皖胯 掳兹 姓训 辆钢 弓慕 瞄镜 葛亥 憾龟 笋咖 刑舌 朔坦 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on Class Presentation award items n*Content n*PowerPoint n*Structure n*Creativity n*Languag

19、e n*Presentation skills n*Time Length 班级PRESENTATION大赛奖项评定 (一)集体奖项 n1、综合奖: 一、二等奖 n2、单向奖: 最受欢迎主题奖 最新创意演示奖 最具活力互动奖 (二)个人奖项 n1、最佳个人表现奖 n2、最佳角色扮演奖 n3、最佳口才奖 n4、最佳课堂参与奖 虏忆 梅局 汝蝴 掳期 曾坟 讥闹 辕侮 酿确 鲍停 仔脾 亦饿 鞘容 英舞 杯杖 驶锌 米查 Ho w_ to _m ak e_ an _E ff ec ti ve _P re se nt at io nH ow _t o_ ma ke _a n_ Ef fe ct iv e_ Pr es en ta ti on


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