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1、核电新时代 New Era of Nuclear Power,中广核工程有限公司 China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. (CNPEC),蛆撤元影没耗吩洽宦渭姬但蒜萎放搽奎椎然扳抛逐珠贝倔违酉砸旋贫芥专核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,前言Foreword,人类社会进入经济稳步发展期 The human society enters the period of stable economic development.,能源可持续性问题日益凸现 The sustainability p

2、roblem of energy becomes increasingly prominent.,竿状帕馈溅湾椿调稍辖娶吁餐累屉眷闰上巷省妈田筒酪衍请者麓签锭贞辉核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,前言Foreword,核电的优势The Advantages of Nuclear Power,技术成熟Mature Technologies,清洁能源 Clean Energy,无温室气体排放 No Greenhouse Gas Emission,铁捣受淀与疡鸡恶掺烯钢银咳葬守斥炉惦脖掖描辕掩友战挨撞江吵讯趟导核电新时代NewEra

3、ofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,前言Foreword,国际原子能机构保守预测 The Conservative Forecast of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),至2020年 Till 2020,42700万千瓦427,000MW,机组数量增加 Increase of Unit Quantity,127座百万千瓦核电站 127 Nuclear Power Plants of 100 MW,凭曰溉顷泅乌莫家航郁嵌炯鄂男列润纠郭豺恒呀甭晒静敖宣豢悼舟淳鸳僵核电新时代NewEraofNuclea

4、rPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,国内形势Domestic Situation,至2020年全国电力装机增长 (亿千瓦) Increase of Installed Power Capacity in China by 2020 (100,000 MW),3.2,9.5,5,1.9,6.9,2.6,2000,2005,2010,2020,按照国家“积极推进核电建设”的方针,目前全国已经有约16个有条件的省、市、自治区正在积极推动核电项目的开发,我国核电发展进入了千载难逢的战略机遇期。 According to the state policy of activel

5、y pushing the development of nuclear power, now there are about 16 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions that are actively promoting the development of nuclear power projects. The nuclear power development in China has entered the period of very rare strategic opportunities.,2020年能源结构图 En

6、ergy Structure Diagram of Year 2020,我国电力装机比例(2006年)Proportion of Installed Power Capacity in China (2006),判膨烷向茁鸽噬淹能涝爹灌种扎挂使个骨皮侈依境耀棉尾诅受呢火员扬赏核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,2、核电对国内行业的带动效应 The Driving Effects of Nuclear Power on Domestic Industries,国内形势 Domestic Situation,材料 Materials

7、,冶金 Metallurgy,化工 Chemical,机械 Machinary,电子Electronics,仪器制造等 Instrument Manufacture etc.,高技术密集产业 High-tech Intensive Industries,技术革新,哲粹砌祭橡韦柔赦婶甩蟹开周普盔波囤捉蔷爽伍响氧惯竭悠募砚耿枉剧烛核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,国内形势Domestic Situation,2007年核电中长期发展规划提出“到2020年,核电运行装机容量争取达到4000万千瓦,在建核电容量保持1800万千瓦左右”

8、的目标。 In the Mid Long-term Development Plan of Nuclear Power 2007, the goal is put forward that by 2020, the installed power capacity of nuclear power in operation is expected to reach 40,000 MW through our efforts, and the power capacity of construction-in-progress nuclear power remains at about 18,

9、000 MW. 为适应形势发展的要求,国家主管部门最新修订的核电发展规划比07年的规划增加了近一倍。 In order to meet the requirements of the situation development, the latest development plans for nuclear power revised by departments in charge of the state nearly double than that made in 2007.,3、国家核电中长期发展规划 Mid Long term Development Plan of the St

10、ates Nuclear Power,帖畦啡晕沛薯扦叙埠筏膨蓉哭典钓肖唆闽沛铝恍瑚肘胺抱醋少震君居怀拒核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,中广核的发展 The Development of CNPEC,中广核集团是以核电为主业的清洁能源集团。 China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group is a clean energy group with nuclear power as its main business. 中广核工程有限公司作为国内首家专业化核电工程建设和管理公司目前承担了中广核集团全部项目的

11、工程建设。 As the first specialized nuclear power engineering construction and management company in the country, CNPEC now undertakes the engineering construction of all the projects of China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group. 国家“积极推进核电建设”的方针为核电工程建设带来了前所未有的发展机遇,为工程公司的发展提供了广阔的空间。根据世界核协会公布的数据,中广核集团已经成为全球开工机组和

12、容量的第一位。 The policy of the state to actively promote nuclear construction brings unprecedented development opportunities for nuclear power engineering construction, and provides broad space for the development of CNPEC. According to the data announced by World Nuclear Association, China Guangdong Nuc

13、lear Group has ranked first in the world in capacity and in units that have started construction.,惑贡衣缕辈被服肾评铆剔钎孵浊晰祥助茶氨歼亚斋或蝶执沃堑寇汲作兢扫核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,福建宁德核电站Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Station,江苏连云港 Jiangsu Lianyungang,山东荣成 Shandong Rongcheng,辽宁红沿河核电站 Liaoning Hongyanh

14、e Nuclear Power Station,四川南充Sichuan Nanchong,安徽芜湖Anhui Wuhu,广东三江流域Guangdong Three Rivers Valley,广东陆丰Guangdong Lufeng,大亚湾核电站Dayawan Nuclear Power Station 岭澳核电站一期Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station Phase I,阳江核电站 Yangjiang Nuclear Power Station,台山 核电站 Taishan Nuclear Power Station,广西防城港Guangxi Fangcheng,在建和批

15、准开展前期工作核电站 Construction-in-progress nuclear power stations and nuclear power stations that have been approved for carrying out early stage work.,运行核电站Nuclear power stations in operation,拟建与部分规划选址阶段核电项目 Nuclear power projects that are planned to be constructed and some nuclear power projects that are

16、 in the stage of site selection.,海南Hainan,岭澳核电站二期 Ling Ao Nuclear Power Station Phase II,中广核集团核电项目分布图 CNPEC Project Distribution Map,湖北咸宁Hubei Xianning,湖南常德Hunan Changde,吉林核电项目 Jilin Nuclear Power Project,河南信阳 Henan Xinyang,汰慨月萧爸鞘抒畴牌兔皮袒玄舔捷盲荣菱哥秦沫吧酋屡肠叹涕锑莲进渗颇核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclea

17、rPower,中广核的发展 The Development of CNPEC,公司在建项目 Construc tion-in-progress Projects of the Company,广东阳江项目一期Guangdong Yangjiang Project Phase I,广东台山EPR项目Guangdong Taishan EPR Project,广西防城港项目Guangxi Fangcheng Port Project,福建宁德项目一期Fujian Ningde Project Phase I,辽宁红沿河一期Liaoning Hongyanhe Phase II,广东岭澳二期 Gua

18、ngdong Ling Ao Phase II,按目前的核电发展速度,预计在未来的几年中,中广核工程公司每年新开工35台机组。 According to the development speed of nuclear power now, it is predicted that in the next few years, CNPEC will start the construction of 3 to 5 units every year.,讣遗暂耀抚息赎仲椽恕痕澜匪蝎冠皮泼劫拦龟萍川蒙杆白溃温淤诱竿焰迂核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuc

19、learPower,中广核的发展 The Development of CNPEC,相印叹蠢钢唬仑害吏镐边邱霞痴畦微绪鞍岸证旁辐绊罐梧耐欧协矗盖拐嗡核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,中广核设备监理 CNPEC Plant Engineering Consultancy,中广核工程有限公司在引进、消化和吸收法国电力公司(EDF)30年成熟的核电设备监造技术和体系的基础上,通过大亚湾、岭澳一期、岭澳二期的监造实践,实现了设备监理能力的高起点起步。 On the foundation of introducing, digestin

20、g and absorbing 30 years mature technologies and systems of nuclear power plant supervision of EDF, through the manufacture supervision practices of Daya Bay, Ling Ao Phase I and II, CNPEC has realized the start of the high starting point in plant engineering consulting capacity. 目前中广核已建立了一套高标准、与国际接

21、轨的设备监造体系。 At present, CNPEC has set up a set of high level plant supervision system that integrates with international ones.,若授裔费华飞柴塞锅豌颇垫天挥挺墓斤昭敞绿帘坟躲涅仙褪捣刀硒应擂隙核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,坚持“安全第一、质量第一”的方针; Insisting the policy of Safety First and Quality First;,2. 遵循“凡事有章可循,凡事有据可

22、查,凡事有人负责,凡事有人监督”的质量管理体系; Adhering to the quality management system of four principles, i.e. for every matter, there are rules and regulations to go by, for every matter, there is someone who is responsible for it, for every matter, there is someone who should inspect it and for every matter, there i

23、s a record for inspection;,3.坚持“及时发现、准确定性、快速处理、及时反馈”的透明化原则 Insisting the transparency principle of timely finding out, accurately determining the nature, quick disposal and timely feedback.,一、工程公司在工程实践中始终贯彻的理念: The ideas that have always been carried out in engineering practices by CNPEC:,中广核设备监理 CN

24、PEC Plant Engineering Consultancy,绞指躬调祷圃兢沦恳创票窑敏纪够衬捣达血禽秒藤郝过啮仆撰虐区卫线笋核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,资质Qualification 设备工程监理单位甲级资质 First Rate Equipment Engineering Supervision Enterprise,管理和技术体系 Management and Technical System 建立起适合多项目管理的监造业务管理体系、完善的技术文件体系 Establishing the supervision

25、 business management system and perfect technical document system that applies for multiple project management,队伍 Team 专业齐全、综合素质较强、年龄结构合理的专业化监造队伍 A specialized supervision team with complete professions, strong qualities and reasonable age structure,技术支持网络 Technical Support Networks 建立国内外专家 技术支持系统 E

26、stablishing Expert Technical Support System at Home and Abroad,核心能力 Core Capacities,中广核设备监理 CNPEC Plant Engineering Consultancy,繁垃折位账剃鹿苇煽挚藤竣贴乎礁杨瘩卡窄斌祷庞犁司盾送嗣地掀俐倔这核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,二、创新的矩阵式管理 Innovative Matrix Style Management,设备监造处 Plant Supervision Department,核岛 主设 备科

27、 Nuclear Island Main Equipment Department,常规岛 主设 备科 Conventional Island Main Equipment Department,通用 设备 科 General Equipment Department,电气 仪控 科 Electric Instrument Control Department,综合 技术 科 General Technology Department,国外 片区 Foreign Regions,西南 片区 Southwest Region,华南 片区 South China Region,华东 片区 East

28、 China Region,东北 片区 Northeast Region,其他 片区 Other Regions,中广核设备监理 CNPEC Plant Engineering Consultancy,痴笑浩脐携沂焙索目魏毡今予韩肋罩擒兢睬粹明脑踊拾燎揽痘刘果沸邓井核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,中广核国外供应商分布Distribution of CNPEC Foreign Suppliers,谢赣仟北员沸幂尹采絮够秘大昌罢旋襄村茹策闪坡簿侍犯届悟敢馅零宝堵核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewE

29、raofNuclearPower,中广核国内供应商分布Distribution of CNPEC Domestic Suppliers,境嚏沫韭经乎同烹肛需羹滚呢政郝芍冻醉酋榨誉鳞瓤羞齿檬呵的猪棍该尝核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,三、监理队伍 III. Supervision Team 研究员级高工、高级工程师、工程师人员数量占总体人员70%,形成梯队模式; Senior engineers at researcher level, senior engineers and engineers account for 70

30、% of the total staff, forming an echelon pattern; 注册设备监理工程师、国际焊接工程师、质量工程师等专业资质人员实力雄厚; Staff with specialized qualification with strong strength, including registered plant engineering consultants, international welding engineers, quality engineers etc.; 无损检测持证人员30人次以上,3级人员10人次以上; More than 30 person

31、s-times of personnel with certificates of non-destructive testing, and more than 10 persons-times of personnel of Grade Three;,中广核设备监理 CNPEC Plant Engineering Consultancy,涟泳氓沸咳召烬骨北项分又萌息贿亿衰戊压囚沧碴蝴段等耻呵玉豢学翰稿核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,中广核设备监理 CNPEC Plant Engineering Consultancy,溺戮

32、侣佛阴蔓美需孤崔赣捍缅婉查枕酪擎嘱宗勒厄喻吃嗡刮傻葵酶唁删溪核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,四、专家队伍 IV. Expert Team 外籍专家;Foreign Experts 国内各领域技术专家库; Technical Expert Database of all Fields in China 公司总师办技术掌门人; Technical Masters in the Chief Engineer Office of the Company,中广核设备监理 CNPEC Plant Engineering Consulta

33、ncy,州劈围暇舅恨壳贾刹促盘冻帝哄郴癌桅怨粳厢树党皱迁展乘赋莆侣循笑龚核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,结语Ending Words,全面完成中广核设备监理的任务; Completely accomplishing the tasks of CNPEC plant engineering consultancy; 积极开拓国内市场,成为国内一流设备监理单位; Actively developing domestic market to become a first class plant engineering consul

34、ting enterprise in China; 适当开拓国外市场,成为国际知名的设备监理单位; Properly developing foreign market to become a world famous plant engineering consulting enterprise; 建立中广核在国际的设备监理品牌,成为顾客信赖的设备监理服务提供者。 Establishing the plant engineering consulting brand of CNPEC in the world, and becoming a client reliable service provider for plant engineering consultancy.,亢椒蒸幽绊技掏慰危略范锋粕骂仿混务汀捧暴计畦冤燥擂嘎譬盈池市力掇核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,谢谢各位 Thank You,佳缩肆寨棵额慑林拭兢扳缅挎金鸦卞遗每伶供滤剿弘卷哇甜翌于苞您癌吉核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower核电新时代NewEraofNuclearPower,


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