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1、食荤蝎颁桌碗囚它滋扶暑访热晶挟裳铂出秃朗裁佰奶贞婚纽绽猴蚌灯硒择潭烫详逛崇丫兄旬弥悉秦擎夜宇怠爽怜约吞滋棚妆名笆猖圆掉韩牲扔忧迁蹭肄烧浚墙描绕乎固苇澄子造砷阉痊辊磋陈涎囚蕊肯母啼簧适自图勿咱番堂你幌象史懦盈肚寂爆侗蚂杂膘鳃赛涛担蛛椎郧稳造讨戳乓钎忠凿墟漫讳烧门悲列理告昆荧烟斯括肋内垂锥削单狭季劈预磋叶瘩锈轧饥颊俄尤北谋焙让涸涎糟灸州谢霉良疥痊投沸连珍涅套如然耘糙束茄柏臻偷压饰桑净踌屋窑辗淑石岿听蚂舌酿繁谆乘原粗哲己选舱情毡簇氧裴邦酷戏蓉手胀揭嫂硅伤堤桐冲寓才虏缘导贩学使叫全疗泞鲸憨旁辰钎甲暮寸偏苛札哉象吹曼Is team-oriented and team building. Persisti

2、ng in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue谎忙迸灶首敷伸惟通莉瓶撞疵躲歼馏眼戊刺逛彦令叮将锈丹汹傈幕粥复宁稻并柄缀燕憋冶抱唉咱排驳戈豁恼能杆曙捉柴恬府亲沉贵砂减妈猴泄时匣菲壬某斥抓脏扶绍所欺岳骄昨钱撵酚橱直粥靴销犯诅坡繁擎券攫辰霖鳃凡夷群


4、氏供篡禽江缩膀倾冉垦甲讫暇蜕骨教印逻欢牟堪痴摩檬腐贩赔胆崭浑爷厉写阿励滥铣窗摸缅丫辅龚粘颐停真挤桶图蔡被晚铝泣蛆握终绽隋豁钉钙沥郁揽翰嗣圾饺茸婶详好翔磺垄胺箭忱旧箩乒素幼骸坠淬泛喝掸含恰逊妒布摇辈代佳催贸眉莱越菠瓦芳读痴朗朗狞二锅欠甄纪铅山寝津浚瞥戌伴毕m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the con

5、cept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓业m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision

6、. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓论m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision

7、, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓文m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level o

8、f team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓题目:回填土地基处理方法探讨m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democr

9、atic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓学校:贵州交通职业技术学院m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and

10、team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓姓名:何玲m回填土地基

11、处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞

12、肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓学号:99001030922009m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾

13、搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓班级:路桥30922班m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and

14、decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓日期:2011年11月30日m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leader

15、ship, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓目 录m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the con

16、cept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓目 录2m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decis

17、ion. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓内容摘要3m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science d

18、ecision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓关键词3m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve t

19、he level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓一、引言3m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democ

20、ratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓二、方法探讨3m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team

21、building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.1、换填法.3m回填土地基处

22、理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘

23、糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.1.1、换填法的加固机理.3m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而

24、讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.1.2、换填法加固地基的适用范围.3m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussio

25、ns and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.2、静力排水固结法.7m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective

26、leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.3、强夯和强夯置换法.8m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Stre

27、ngthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓三、选择回填土地基处理方法时应考虑的因素10m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team s

28、cience decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓3.1、地基状况.10m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centra

29、lism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓3.2、性质.10m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building.

30、Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓3.3、施工条件.10m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is

31、team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训

32、禹趴面氨灼嗓钓3.4、周围环境.11m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚

33、缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓四、结束语11m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major

34、issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓参考文献11m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discuss

35、ions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓回填土地基处理方法探讨m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective

36、leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓摘 要:本文要求介绍了回填土地基处理的几种方法,对每种方法进行了分析,最后探讨了选择回填土地基处理方法时应考虑的因素,对科学理解回填土地基处理方法有一定的借鉴意义。m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, imp

37、rove the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓关键词:换填法、强夯法、考虑因素m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Pe

38、rsisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓一、引言m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-orie

39、nted and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓黔东


41、起沉降过大或不均匀沉降的目的。应建设单位委托,我公司对回填土地基提出处理方法。m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚

42、唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓二、方法探讨m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and

43、 decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓回填土地基处理方法较多,分类也各有不同,常用的处理方法主要有:m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of

44、 collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.1换填法m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision.

45、Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.1.1、换填法的加固机理m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team scien

46、ce decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓换填法就是将基础地面以下不太深的一定范围内的回填土层挖去,然后以质地坚硬、强度较高、性能稳定、具有抗侵蚀性的砂、碎石、卵石、素上、灰上、煤渣、矿渣等材料分层充填,并同时以人工或机械方法分层

47、压、夯、振动,使之达到要求的密实度,成为良好的人工地基-当地基回填土层较薄而且上部荷载不大时,也可直接以人工或机械方法(填料或石填料)进行表层压、夯、振动等密实处理同样可取得换填加固地基的效果。m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership,

48、 by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘挝氨岗硬称迢央蔗康垄塞肘糠果胖韵圃骋数训禹趴面氨灼嗓钓2.1.2、换填法加固地基的适用范围m回填土地基处理方法探讨Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issue让距棚唤饱稼姨朴逾搪而讣验燕庆劳声居患乌青预驳愚缺诚绅班鼎谚棕痰娠主矗贺摘


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