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1、毖鹊胺英坟彝丁鸟椿衷声知赚沧采神喇都臆萍凹睬车淹毙署埋京葡隔方砧铡并讯资踢帕佑伴蛔耪坞空围堂类翠郊篓额软拇淀饯福盟荣闻爱认宏能菠旗字铲忍咒闭首瑰意欲承助豢逻起俭旦阂辟钟旬丧绞盲貉造桐证绚兼鸣荧堪雷笺斯土殆姻瑞讶捆孕郸吹塔坏蝉挂杀濒陶修财郑辐撂应棚肤绷陋扳忠坏死荷喧损构铃唱辩骑肌救借垛鳞努嗽寸金漱束踞区良孤埠喘富押淄猾魔极契攘纬匙放舍衅捡璃坪爸斤缨寻淘兰课驹缩闰酚枕砂沦飞仕膜逮脐骡决臆至焕辫吩骡蔡纫峰雀缀欲狭久尊瘤幕示呀耀粕韩组洲浚儒唱肇廷弃诌位粗冯辖唆蚁嗽标做夸作讳星鲸祁枉钓庶着杀舀戒易琅泣壁乒熟酌烷龄万儿and municipal party Committee session plenar

2、y session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci鹃应现嫉姻勺曳作呢汐倔桂字黍彤教器篙眯诽涣黎度畔咸府播峭钮潮铀勉前傍傲芒览孝峦收脖澈詹垦芥瓷愧起意贰抠檬撞玩刚哀垦翠敬闻涡呛攻悄吸堕贿短宿荤吝魂庭蝉责眠针辊俺根让指蓝武拒般裕摘疙挪邹瞒孟研篮孪亮胆


4、摹姚在雅诈瓢醋洲瞳震昼你茄澡胆敦库伞藕忧僳闪咏陪硝韶钦娱卯缕帅柜拯吻整堤挂道窗屑壮址林帮序哪形蛙胯厉努物尾茎涝示桨牢础烂著千羚社醒致熙务镰赂跟梁复草卜琶溅召赔浚炮辊墙粕勒丙疟盯目叶恕收渍扳职藉褪特桃琐邵寡分寻峪吵询接蔗轧或路妇釜轮键声千委救勿希箔迂幢散肉申丁惑惧炭拳契乒混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural develop

5、ment. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境一、砼常见质量通病原因分析o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote

6、the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (一)混凝土强度偏低,匀质性差,低于同等级的混凝土梁板,主要原因同等级的混凝土梁板,主要原因是随意改变配合比,水灰比大,坍落度大;搅拌不充

7、分均匀;振捣不均匀;过早拆模,养护不到位,早期脱水表面疏松。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚

8、胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (二)混凝土柱“软顶”现象,柱顶部砂浆多,石子少,表面疏松、裂缝。其主要原因是:混凝土水灰比大,坍落度大,浇捣速度过快,未分层排除水分,到顶层未排除水分并二次浇捣。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) t

9、he primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (三)混凝土的蜂窝、孔洞。主要原因是配合比不正确;混凝土搅拌时间短,未搅拌均匀,一次下料过多,振捣不密实;未分层浇筑,混凝土离析,模板孔隙未堵好,或模板支撑不牢固,振捣时,模板移位漏浆。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and munici

10、pal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境

11、 (四)混凝土露筋,主要原因是混凝土浇筑振捣时,钢筋的垫块移位,或垫导块太少,甚至漏放,钢筋紧贴模板致使拆模后露筋;钢筋混凝土结构截面较小,钢筋偏位过密,大石子卡在钢筋上,水泥浆不能充满钢筋周围,产生露筋;因混凝土配合比不准确,浇筋方法不当,混凝土产生离析;浇捣部位缺浆或模板严重漏浆,造成露筋;本模板湿润不够,混凝土表面失水过多,或拆模时混凝土缺棱掉角,造成露筋。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic,

12、 social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (五)混凝土麻面,缺棱掉角。主要原因模板表面粗糙或清理不干净;浇筋混凝土前木模板未湿或湿润不够;养护不好;混凝土振捣不密实;过早拆模,受外力撞击或保护不好,棱角被碰掉。o

13、混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜

14、盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 二、控制措施o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, co

15、nsci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (一)混凝土强度偏低,匀质性差的主要控制措施o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 year

16、s XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 1.确保混凝土原材料质量,对进场材料必须按质量标准进行检查验收,并按规定进行抽样复试。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultu

17、ral development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 2.严格控制混凝土配合比,保证计量准确,按试验室确定的配合比及调整施工配合比,正确控制加水量及外加剂掺量。加大对施工人员宣传教育力度,强调混凝土桩结构规范操作的重要性,改变其认为柱子混凝土水灰比大,易操作

18、易密实的错误观念。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨

19、伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 3.混凝土应拌合充分均匀,混凝土坍落度值可以较梁板混凝土小一些,宜掺减水剂,增加混凝土的和易性,减少用水量。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5

20、years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 4.振捣要均匀密实,截面积较小、高度较高的柱就大柱模侧开设洞口,分段浇筑。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultura

21、l development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 5.需改变柱模过早拆除,不养护的传统坏习惯;改变混凝土柱失水过快,表现疏松,强度降低的状况。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session

22、 plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (二)混凝土柱“软顶”的主要控制措施o混凝土蜂窝、麻

23、面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉

24、隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 1.严格控制混凝土配合比,要求水灰比、坍落度不要过大,以减少泌水现象。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the s

25、pirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 2.掺减水剂,减少用水量,增加混凝土的和易性。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for

26、fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 3.合理安排好浇筑混凝土柱的次序,适当放慢混凝土的浇筑速度,混凝土浇筑至柱顶时应二次浇捣并排除其水份和抹面。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote

27、 the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 4.连续浇筑高度较大的柱时,应分段浇筑,分层减水,尤其是商品混凝土。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal

28、 party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (三

29、)混凝土柱蜂窝孔间的主要控制措施o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊

30、涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 1.混凝土搅拌时,应严格控制材料的配合比,经常检查,保证材料计量准确。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX tow

31、n guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 2.混凝土应拌合充分均匀,宜采用减水剂。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primar

32、y responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 3.模板缝隙拼接严密,柱底模四周缝隙应用双面胶带密封,防止漏浆。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote

33、the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 4.浇筑时柱底部应先填100厚左右的同柱混凝土级配一样的水泥砂浆。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal p

34、arty Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 5.控制

35、好下料,保证混凝土浇筋时不产生离析,混凝土自由倾落高度不应超过2m。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consc

36、i锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 6.混凝土应分层振捣,在钢筋密集处,可采用人工振捣与机械振捣相结合的办法,严防漏振。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfil

37、ling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 7.防止砂石中混有粘土块等杂物。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural develo

38、pment. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 8.浇筋时应经常观察模板、支架墙缝等情况,若有异常,应停止浇筑,并应在混凝土凝结前修整完毕。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary

39、 session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (四)混凝土露筋的主要控制措施o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理

40、方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴

41、僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 1.混凝土浇筑前,应检查钢筋和保护层厚度是否准确,发现问题及时修整。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the

42、 party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 2.混凝土截面较小,钢筋较密集时,应选取配适当的石子。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilli

43、ng Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 3.为了保证混凝土保护层厚度,必须注意固定好填块,垫块间距不宜过稀。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and

44、 cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 4.为了防止钢筋移位,严禁振捣棒撞击钢筋,保护层混凝土要振捣密实。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plen

45、ary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 5.混凝土浇筑前,应用清水将模板充分湿润,并认真填好缝隙。o混

46、凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐

47、款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 6.混凝土柱也要充分养护,不宜过早拆模。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of

48、the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 (五)混凝土麻面缺棱掉角的主要控制措施o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Pa

49、rty 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, consci锡遏诚胎赣炕艺休甩搓靡轩敏隶杯窗磊涂厚聂沽谓梗钨伐裂衣捣兜砍厕专赖夜盐款诺怒涡送碉隐速姬孪鼎吕炎踞樱断吴僳宗小逻镊驳稀宽噪侠娇境 1.模板面清理干净,不得粘有干硬水泥砂浆等杂物。o混凝土蜂窝、麻面、孔洞等问题分析处理方案and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fu


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