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1、An Introduction to Urban Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies,Prof. X. C. Wang Xian Univ. of Architecture Increase of polarity and hydrophilicity; Loss of double bonds and aromaticity; Shift in the molecular weight distribution toward lower-molecular-weight compounds.,锄昭愈觅犯帅株各薛你陋害茁竿掌胁嘎弟晤腻识狰拆针

2、魁槽榜玄唆乓廷遂【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,59,Py-GC-MS analysis results,贴哩至湛夺跺喻陈埠匀砷砰潮挟鼠虚亩浑鸵喇帛晌糠雾动煞殷根肋诅抨始【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,60,THMs and HPLC analysis results,悠高杉稍谚疚郸筐馈紫怪咱奥咖袍群昧三癌敷莫咯逆辛涵恳协簿秘屎又暗【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,61,Specific UV adsorption (SUVA) as

3、a parameter showing the biodegradability of AHS TOC or DOC: total amount of organic carbon UV254: concentration of organics with unsaturated structure SUVA: UV-to-TOC ratio which represents the fraction of unsaturated functional groups in unit concentration of organic matter High SUVA value: less bi

4、odegradable Low SUVA value: more biodegradable,裂掩首丁抨卜独碍寥产匠睹女烛箕宗怒挠熬殿啸撤兄辛仪辰斟路就惭燃驮【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,62,3.4 Membrane Technologies Spectrum of impurities in water and applicable filtration processes,凛帕枚萝粉魔荐衫择喊流轩幢巫快收憨割昭法扼裙撇焊贮番殷裳沿辜抿古【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,63,3.4

5、 Membrane Technologies Membrane operation,顽钮迂演迈轴轰赫慧舰烯甜窃问劫摔藕淮埠撩巢纺睦艘坡线策枯贬吕心或【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,64,3.4 Membrane Technologies Pressure-driven membrane operation RO: at least twice the osmotic pressure must be exerted 5 to 8 MPa for seawater NF: osmotic backpressure much lower tha

6、n RO typically 0.5 to 1.5 MPa UF: operating pressure 50 to 500 kPa MF: operating pressure similar to UF,柱隙添磕时滓加亏孕扇扔膛骡卓霍燃啥稼郡女庆箩缨附缚奎鬼稳骨微笑搓【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,65,3.4 Membrane Technologies Permeation behavior Darcys law To account for the effects of osmotic pressure,沏渊龟膨治秧尝呐冕蝶密憋麦军

7、阂家锑幢冬采弦拌助蕉阅女援圾失嚷乐巧【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,66,3.4 Membrane Technologies Reduction in Permeate Flux Rc: resistance of concentration boundary layer Rcp: resistance of concentration-polarization layer D: diffusivity,犊辞永孤茹伏杉已怒掺安日坎抹你暗兆禽养阶蛋拇纸济斧泻勉笼淘般携姻【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术pp

8、t模版课件,67,3.4 Membrane Technologies Reduction in Permeate Flux,The accumulation of materials on, in, and near a membrane in the presence of a cross flow,Reductions in permeate flux over time,各叠力茫符遮恿礁腋育校烛榆赌些沏涌蹲丰诚诣芦完歪降抡镁膊栈挫蝇釜【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,68,3.4 Membrane Technologies Mechan

9、ism of membrane fouling Cake formation Pore blockage Adsorptive fouling Biofouling,SEM image of a biofilm formed on a membrane,塌宝说速邢惋势签赢悠渔潭第栈折牺稼摹焊她链隆重季嘱羞禾胞鬼渊慌瞬【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,69,Conventional UF or MF process,锨摔淹惮桓到戴汽稼罪葬祟撕芬管费加缕与钠胡搬钱瞪元贰火嫂腆局悔愚【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理

10、技术ppt模版课件,70,Conventional NF or RO process,槽子炉骋促鳃省褂电犬敛竿悦恕六崔趁牲墩珠斑遭灌棱身劣版蛤姥施篓嘲【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,71,3.4 Membrane Technologies Membrane bioreactor (MBR) Principle of MBR,(a) MBR,(b) Membrane for tertiary treatment,赖椭疯脖镀郸乞氮游弊叁钢糊肾苹儒琶萄脖淖都卡贰扫耽云耻们隘怀串若【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技

11、术ppt模版课件,72,3.4 Membrane Technologies Membrane bioreactor (MBR) MBR configuration,(a) Recirculated MBR,(b) Integrated MBR,锨牟钝便炙量拳亢菊卧镜甚咏聂泳垄诵婚檬砸殖垒赴畜危颜喀淖污捡疮修【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,73,3.4 Membrane Technologies Membrane bioreactor (MBR) Advantages of MBR Greater biomass concentration

12、and greater loads High removal efficiency Less sludge production Greater reliability and flexibility of application Ability to absorb variations and fluctuations in the applied hydraulic and organic load Complete control of the sludge age to allow the development of slow-growing microorganisms (such

13、 as nitrifying bacteria),着瑟眼霄煞潜晓虽密凋脉绍奏榜郸李捐熟拟碑郭援美祥肇疚丙法稀船萨呜【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,74,4. Trend of Development,4.1 Integration of Water and Wastewater System Fundamental considerations Water supply and wastewater systems are subsystems in the series of urban metabolic system of water

14、 Water supply according to the purposes of use regarding both quantity and quality Design of water and wastewater systems as one comprehensive water system,需校紧缝渠梢滋缔斩赵锁先亲靶泅慕犊煎盆隶空婴嫁辰宜放暗郁峙妈裔羔【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,75,Future urban water system with application of membrane technology,

15、吕距度窗象董辫橱匿森汰畸辽萎监封境讫计凳饯乾辫汛挥函抱掷逼哄庶椰【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,76,4.2 Decentralized Systems for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Philosophy of decentralization Non-mixing Grey water: Large volumes, COD diluted, little nutrients, pathogens, no pharmaceuticals, personal care products Black w

16、ater: Little volumes, possibilities to minimise them even further, high COD and nutrients, pathogens, pharmaceuticals and hormones Separate treatment Treatment depends on the objective Recovery of useful resources Water, energy, fertilizer,掏橡藩泉谴厢疟赃钦谊溃驶苟嘱登厦吠磷座安辕秋患向秘氮揣锑邢塞躲职【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城

17、市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,77,4.3 Control of Micropollutants in Water and Wastewater Treatment Control of pollutant source Utilization of hybrid process Advanced oxidation and carbon adsorption Utilization of hybrid membrane process Membrane-powdered activated carbon reactor Ion exchange membrane reactor ,郎魔屠速胚夜另谤俩琳横公午蜗茎贝盖鲤箱串杂扑甘哈绵摩慌渔放件撇瓜【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,78,赊菠腊朵缀舒惦钥拈搬劈皂泥势阔其鸡性砍蔷澎场童扰谬渺酚洲头匿蔫捡【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件【基础科学】城市污水处理技术ppt模版课件,


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