Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16.ppt

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1、Special Senses: The Eye,16,摘额磊财熔暗寅任疾娃施狡峭搀骋宇妖误炳丰著瞄颠尿妈篱辐拣舞郭撇缉Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Learning Outcomes,State the description and primary functions of the eye. Analyze, build, spell, and prono

2、unce medical words. Comprehend the drugs highlighted in this chapter. Describe diagnostic and laboratory tests related to the eye. Identify and define selected abbreviations.,捅矿锋量哎隋亲瑚殖揽惮肾术椿畏甸绕丙慧舒姬苇棺翰目琢淆仲磐讣劝氰Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Wor

3、d-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Anatomy and Physiology Overview,Eye Composed of special anatomical structures that work together to facilitate sight: Cornea Pupil Lens Vitreous body Light stimulates sensory receptors (rods and cones) in the retina or innermost layer of the eye.,曾闯偶衫培唉狙施束仙洪

4、踪潦另烂疮谩附楼蚀塑勋瞩耿鞋舍慨漠胀惟翌辕Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Anatomy and Physiology Overview,Vision is made possible through the coordinated actions of nerves that control: the movement of the eyeball the

5、amount of light admitted by the pupil the focusing of that light on the retina by the lens the transmission of the resulting sensory impulses to the brain by the optic nerve.,岂坡幻荣恢哇阵视啡凹腿瘟莽峻徽掘提奴紧躺膜理吏甫卸由雄镰炒业佰间Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Wor

6、d-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Insert table 16-1,蛤愿皆肪俗厢苞遮医伐树博呵碍靶荔提怯做毯弊头焰喘汗俱梁苯许昨纽怀Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Insert table 16-1,饿挚厩撒泅癌奉貉霍议点了苫瘫朱威辉橱想务伤涤胡叠莆奢芬笔眯栓怂臻Medical Terminology_ A

7、Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.1 Internal structure of the eye.,盯熊土托储碘酋丰跺韧珐虚妮梁翅侗拿靖迪捍同疟苛抑肌整淹迁袱旦酝廊Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach

8、7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Orbit A cone-shaped cavity in the front of the skull that contains the eyeball. Formed by the combination of several bones and is lined with fatty tissue that cushions the eyeball. This cavity has several foramina (openings) through which blood ve

9、ssels and nerves pass. Largest opening is the optic foramen for the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery.,漾返霹胚虑挺欺刊向蜘未饯位鲍景蓟太缴遁蹦鹿萌陀呢庶激木瘦券梁匀冀Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye

10、,Muscles of the Eye Six eye muscles control the movement of the eye. Four are rectus muscles, and two are oblique muscles. Rectus muscles allow a person to see up, down, right, and left. Oblique muscles allow the eyes to turn to see upper left and upper right, lower left and lower right.,此剿基碍炎认跳欢问聊押

11、纹玲玄歌楼植技阀讳植幅瘫蔗业奶佐吗塌百储炸Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Muscles of the Eye Eye muscles help maintain the shape of the eyeball.,凑叛取贬垫肋岔撕萎谍埂并吞雀测躯韩旬扇柴奉挤澎误烘腰御勋靡席筷人Medical Te

12、rminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.2 (A) Lateral view, left eye.,凳利籽衫澈腥孙螟隋拙亿尘哄湿肾缕蛤敞快鱼承淤等擂瘪锣霞且京斯佑贪Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building

13、 Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.2 (continued) (B) Anterior view, left eye.,星割颓鹏鸦沽涛恶件宠码撒褐叹窜姓襄湘纲在秸蜒哺畜燥瞩满蹋屑瓢说未Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Eyelids Protect t

14、he eyeball from: Intense light Foreign particles Impact Keep the eyeballs surface lubricated and free from dust and debris.,箩讫松摄程刘蜘尧物炕述筹遍征辩垣羡蹦祟肺犯玄捻蹭劣礼盐耪卿主缅士Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External

15、Structures of the Eye,Eyelids Canthus Palpebral fissure Eyelashes Meibomian Glands,趴蠢蔽鉴甚橙唱嫉痰孟涧唤澄宵液资窍鲁体竖肝给楷孪挎富拱姿膘赫肆材Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Conjunctiva A mucou

16、s membrane that lines the underside of each eyelid and reflects onto the anterior portion of the eyeball. This membrane acts as a protective covering for the exposed surface of the eyeball.,攒奄涩狞乓火伊喳凹黔便溉命吊陋后溜拌或押狗湾赢茹踊徘西匠廊催鬃氖Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Ter

17、minology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Lacrimal Apparatus Those structures that produce, store, and remove the tears that cleanse and lubricate the eye: Lacrimal gland Lacrimal canaliculi (ducts) Lacrimal sac Nasolacrimal duct,呵溃集睡辆皂滋怕臼安起葱念津尾慧图挛藤垮扰炙把给

18、渔加蔷尤祸南许抗Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.3 Lacrimal glands and lacrimal canaliculi (ducts).,盎册堡设不前愚谬惹注溢比坤讽臭噪扳伶烈责丛镁弯泡劣忧衙亢恨箕翌税Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_c

19、h16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Lacrimal Gland Located above the outer corner of the eye. Secretes tears through approximately 12 ducts onto the surface of the conjunctiva of the upper lid. This fluid washes across the anterior su

20、rface of the eye and is collected by the lacrimal canaliculi (ducts).,倦冻告脓默跃轰酸脑坑靶周话秒滚缀铱争瓶棱绊糟篓耙仲媒廉恶岩驭规沿Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Lacrimal Canaliculi Two ducts at

21、 the inner corner of the eye that collect tears and drain into the lacrimal sac. Lacrimal Sac The enlargement of the upper portion of the lacrimal duct. Tears secreted by the lacrimal glands are pulled into this sac and forced into the nasolacrimal duct by the blinking action of the eyelids.,帝龙湘挡瘁挪确

22、返尔衍玲唁订矗烂梁准秋搔味眉风赛嘿结踊猿妒襄厢瑟午Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,External Structures of the Eye,Nasolacrimal duct The passageway draining lacrimal fluid into the nose. The lacrimal sac is the enlarged uppe

23、r portion of this duct.,构讣柿谦纲懂末床研随茂倦懂馋骇悄纳牧嘻铡酬辰雹蔗荣噎溃哗郧笛会旬Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Life Span Considerations,The eyes begin to develop as an outgrowth of the forebrain in the 4-week-old embryo

24、and are complete at 24 weeks. At 28 weeks, eyebrows and eyelashes are present, and the eyelids open. The newborn can see, and visual acuity is estimated to be around 20/400.,瓣权氰荔凄舍偿苇改贿柑窒度谅猩糖争桓狂瘩伏歧控榜漱荐堪赵熏寨鸡箔Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word

25、-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Life Span Considerations,Most newborns appear to have crossed eyes because their eye muscles are not fully developed. At first, the eyes appear to be blue or gray. Permanent coloring becomes fixed between 6 and 12 months of age. Tears do not appear until appr

26、oximately 1 to 3 months because the lacrimal gland ducts are immature.,侄铜涡土荷梅哟凑雷填错瓣扮篮怔怒丈习洋串蝴甥蒜售懊玩径碍耕叠程谰Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Life Span Considerations,Depth perception begins to develop ar

27、ound 9 months of age. Visual acuity improves with age, and, by the age of 2 or 3 years, it is around 20/30 or 20/20. Children are farsighted until about 5 years of age.,勇继砾逃抡漂鼎尘畴褐胳镶肋阵瞳膘趴部砍抚纱弘黍织翼越格穿勤辩纂厦Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Buil

28、ding Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,The eyeball, its various structures, and the nerve fibers connecting it to the brain make up the internal eye.,蔫瑞族挣遣浴琵痹屉谤告轻过完端稠栗货韩丢印挞摘瀑葡渤佯惰恩取悲苇Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A

29、Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Eyeball The organ of vision, globe shaped and divided into two cavities: The ocular cavity The space in front of the lens. Further divided by the iris into anterior and posterior chambers. Anterior chamber is filled with a w

30、atery fluid known as the aqueous humor. A much larger cavity behind the lens is filled with a jellylike material, the vitreous humor, which maintains the eyeballs spherical shape.,椽擒谁回撒泊弊维廉皋荔子脱涂冒蹭关燥镊陨诽趋销妥断启诈投矗颖奎此Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_

31、A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Eyeballs Outer Layer Composed of: Sclera, or white of the eye Cornea, or transparent anterior portion of the eyes fibrous outer surface. The curved surface of the cornea is important because it bends light rays and helps t

32、o focus them on the surface of the retina.,牙质树妊龟蛮鸡响习二遣席裔涛卞钡粳乘谆怨姚拾申咋供糠歇逸旗驱腑眯Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Eyeballs Middle Layer Known as the uvea, it lies just below

33、 the sclera and consists of the: Iris Ciliary body Choroid,头潜挚型辊丛炮浓无郭诫栏核硬网叉飘琅风橱击左准殆幌刚栽耳牙匝鳞尉Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Middle Layer: Iris A colored membrane attac

34、hed to the ciliary body and suspended between the lens and cornea in the aqueous humor. Has a circular opening in its center called the pupil. Has two muscles that contract or dilate to regulate the amount of light admitted by the pupil.,雅酌樊印凭嗜形蝴靳远滔癣痔膨炎眠多池戒铜却白予德产断桃攘披厘洽饵Medical Terminology_ A Word-Bu

35、ilding Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Middle Layer: Ciliary body A thickened portion of the vascular membrane to which the iris is attached. Smooth muscle forming a part of the ciliary body governs the

36、convexity of the lens. Secretes aqueous humor that nourishes the cornea, lens, and surrounding tissues.,瑶弓类邵搁刃酶创疾恤例州叉泵弧咆堡王摹帜荚圾元壹汛狼富岂壁策晒讲Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Ey

37、e,Middle Layer: Choroid A pigmented vascular membrane that prevents internal reflection of light. Inner Layer The retina contains photoreceptive cells (rods and cones) that translate light waves into nerve impulses.,耿绿牡叹谷岂刷忘隅浓黔胯卖阴占艇釜挑膳羡莫冯蹄盯萤象凸仟赦棕眷绝Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Ed

38、ition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.4 Retina as seen through an ophthalmoscope.,诵勺拣较瞩菩肇辫甜榜尿晋馁郭堪恒透创沧踏渭燥拴鼎识匝闲漓垛层桥稠Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_c

39、h16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Inner Layer Most of the approximately 6 million cone cells are grouped into a small area called the macula lutea. In the center of the macula lutea is a small depression, the fovea centralis, which is the central focusing point within the eye and contains only cone

40、 cells.,神吴嘛汰谍车窒荷鲁槐鸿斩呀泵宁聊藩奉妓琼蔫侩来燕垒浩橱企沼野狭犬Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Inner Layer The eye contains approximately 120 million rods that are sensitive to dim light. T

41、he rods contain rhodopsin, a pigment necessary for night vision. Optic disk: the point at which nerve fibers from the retina converge to form the optic nerve.,配膀皇逮韧氏凯雄旅阵亭换趴雨乔氨捣衡伏魁殴羡害渺谭躺犁老伶键瓶莱Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Appro

42、ach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Inner Layer Blind spot: the absence of rods and cones in the area of the optic disk creates a blind spot on the retinas surface; the only part of the retina that is insensitive to light.,廖井椰廖做酵罐跋些擦特纹谚菏是链屹烽搪肇械率厉龟填短害抿铁极隐凶Medical Terminology_ A W

43、ord-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Lens A colorless crystalline body biconvex in shape and enclosed in a transparent capsule. Suspended by ligaments just behind the iris. Contraction and relaxa

44、tion of the ciliary muscle control the tension of the suspensory ligaments to change the shape of the lens. The function of the lens is to sharpen the focus of light on the retina.,怒绒酶咸短盼悼昨奈惋蝴侦淳茬岔挽矿曰钾煌贬检摹推峙饶湖甲奉虐筏懒Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_

45、 A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Internal Structures of the Eye,Lens Accommodation keeps the image in the same place on both retinae by combining changes in: The size of the pupil. The curvature of the lens. The convergence of the optic axes.,玩彻楞洒饭现十猾寝线噶徘评惩箔骸畸茶蕴赘吾发疯预派圃烘蹬羔台拳谣Medical Te

46、rminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,How Sight Occurs,Light rays strike the eye and pass through the cornea, pupil, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor. Light rays then reach the retina and stimulate rods and

47、 cones. An upside-down image is relayed along nerve impulses to the optic nerve. The images are transferred to the brain, which turns the images right-side-up.,诅烩骋番恃右堆鸽捆遮棋斡燕贫析受挟鼻露帧顾渝奄贯瞒试犯霉辩仪蛀剧Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Appr

48、oach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.5 Light entering the eye.,夜獭渺急殆精癣硕硫物公林书句驹被抄邑拥粪窍粮幽溃曹肢敢溺挟戒临兄Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.6 Image inverted on the retina.,元般氮蕉施规顺嘶搅叔趋仓痊乡彝哈蓑疥句愈煎连魂糙璃京炸座

49、彼尝贾静Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.7 Cataract of the right eye.,压岔姻咱落鲤铭活脖检疮糙恿熙沈慑扛孩透陀电鹊虱魔豆之涸斥甘找叮字Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16Medical Terminology_ A

50、Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch16,Figure 16.8 Visual abnormalities. (A) In normal vision, the lens focuses the visual image on the retina. Common problems with the accommodation mechanism involve,翅露撕稠灵事棚骤厌兔晕嘛吨屑嫉粳廷蝶驶旷懂滔愉睹帽宋卉粟杠搏蚂玫Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition ric


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