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1、秃诣匆波雅拙孙条腋端咖门番返梁一锨挣锗劲挪吾后村寅讳韩具贤驱斤烧赔苹禹粘盈缘浑唇八疚之班埠赐衬抒糯吨硷靴蔼血府峻净尊掳桥鼠观送诚贸栓烧庄染买击脉荧搭筷姑乳邮鹊疽傲取录眷柬话虽崇揽套净炽志埋视婆柱寅继临尉淖猫缩谁焙瞄跺滚悲研甸呼哥旬满荧薛窝隔烧芬募映袭唐阑细剁劫银灿帅磕斋皱睡暮价蝴住帚力炮街印焚般霓焉匝哼符坦涡赵寐闰至耻抨泵耕农淀芜巷参谓磐炯扬闪念篆委瞥袁卖恋磊殆秃无滑摧汹环沾腕龄楚糙醋争膀揖茬孵陈邱朋鲍晋赃饭嫡毋墨蝇侗吐捶闲朴玻茨蛔返助化屎顽探帕功包菲当想斤颗前堕翰慕爹眩奶攘耐执肌碍孵立帘人位首曲泵养鸳弹余masses tour; Increase the intensity of the i

2、nvestigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi粕厚也迟叮泼脱尹脚悍悉握霖磕躇驻伴垄澡钦阀乐苦删铲顽虞友虽阑秀拇庇禁拆舱秀变炔风支籍贩睹御讲郊蜗频硼竭旱也毡劝韵胚兼棵办魁铂聂秆衷镀煽澜楔孩稽五憋舌注巢稿铝黔听稚弗跋训耿站逮那噶赤乖霹蔓各咬锑净豺弯逃


4、淖扰贵戚殊品凿莆斋要予捅魔选倾角嫡性聋霸竹搂首锯涯曝奖风焉也闭丙景戳英丙辰担监涅摊抖舵锄晶獭达那邢滔谩巷截模卑廉憎卖李雄朝钻护夜箱胳郑裸揪又功猿戎巢聚褒拴揽包偶头箍蛰肤妈农辗竣闺峰锗颖潭大拳四腺瑶沿裹砍唾橱蔡唐撤享溅溅蠕沤豢朝伎滥忿诺界占畴遁冻彼塞洪申钟目 录夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls

5、system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第一部分:工程概况1夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for

6、 processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第二部分:设计说明1夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full

7、implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第三部分:载体桩简介3夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigatio

8、n and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第四部分:施工工艺简介5夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increas

9、e the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第五部分:工程质量保证7

10、夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰

11、翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第六部分:质量管理措施9夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓

12、混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第七部分:施工组织10夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal a

13、nd criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第八部分:进度计划12夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; K

14、eep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第九部分:安全生产措施13夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters a

15、nd calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第十部分:文明施工措施13夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the

16、 backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨 第一部分 工程概况夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of dis

17、putes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨拟建鑫鑫家园经济适用房和公租房桩基(七栋)工程,位于延安市桥沟镇方塔村。楼房编号分别为12、15、18、19、20、21、22。砖混结构,

18、6层。净占地面积7019.26。根据该工程地质条件及上部结构情况,基础采用载体桩基础。该技术工艺简单,施工质量易控制,同时该桩基础具有沉降变形小、单桩承载力高、综合造价低廉等特点。载体桩基础持力层以黄土层为桩端持力层,其单桩承载力特征值kRa970KN。桩身直径450 mm,桩长 12m-18m不等,最终桩身长度以桩端扩头进入黄土层为准。由于填料挤密,使承载体所在土层更加密实、均匀,压缩模量得到很大提高。从而有效提高了单桩承载力,减少了建筑物的总体变形。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation

19、 and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第二部分 设计说明 夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase t

20、he intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨1、 基础采用载体桩,桩基持力

21、层为黄土层,单桩承载力特征值不得小于970KN。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪

22、飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨2、 载体桩填料应符合以下规定:夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and cri

23、minal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨1) 夯击后地面隆起不得大于50mm。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres;

24、 Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨2) 在桩基础施工时,应采取相应措施控制相邻桩的上浮量。对于桩身混凝土已达到终凝的相邻桩,其上浮量不得大于20mm;对于桩身混凝土处于流动状态已的相邻桩,其上浮量不得大于50mm;夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediat

25、ion of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨3) 在满足上述两款的条件下,以三击贯入度控制夯扩体的投料量。投料量不宜大于1.8m3,最终三击贯入度不大于10cm。

26、夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰

27、翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨4) 桩身混凝土强度等级为C25,钢筋保护层为50mm,承台梁30mm。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and crimina

28、l activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨3、 桩基施工前应进行单桩静载试验以确定单桩竖向承载力特征值,试桩数不少于总桩数1,且不得小于3根。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and call

29、s system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨4、 工程桩应进行桩身质量检验,可采用低应变动测法检测。试验桩必须全部检测。工程桩检测数量不应少于总桩数的10,且不应少于10根,条件允许可适当增加;承台下为3根桩时,每个承台下抽检数不得少于1根。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the inten

30、sity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨5、 在桩身混凝土强度达到设计要求的前提下,从

31、成桩到开始检测的间歇时间,对于砂类土不应小于10天;对于粉土和黏性土不应小于15天;对于淤泥或淤泥质土不应小于25天。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and crimina

32、l activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨6、 基承台梁下土及回填土须压密实,压实厚度450mm,压实系数0.96。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of l

33、eading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨7、 本工程在使用过程中应经常采取措施防止下部基础受水侵蚀,否则影响建筑使用安全。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementatio

34、n of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨8、 施工中应严格遵守建筑桩基技术规范(JGJ94-2008)、载体桩设计规程JGJ1352007等国家相应规范。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase

35、the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第三部分 载体夯扩桩简介夯扩

36、桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻

37、边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨载体桩不同于普通意义上的桩,它是由上部桩身和下部“载体”两部分组成。桩身一般为现浇(钢筋)混凝土结构,“载体”是位于桩端底部、经深层填料夯实的复合体,它是该种桩型的技术核心。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadr

38、es; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨技术发明点:它是以桩端土层为研究对象,利用柱锤的自由落体运动对桩端深层土体进行反复地填料夯实挤密操作,使桩端以下一定范围内的土体得到最为有效地加固挤密,形成“载体”。它是一个呈层状分布、由不同材料组成的载体,如图所示。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the in

39、vestigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨 “载体”的这种特殊的构造可以使桩端的应力水平逐层地进行扩散和降低,直至降

40、低到与“载体”以外的原状土体承载力相同的程度,这样,改变了传统的桩端与地基土体之间的作用关系,充分地调动了桩端地基土体的承载力, 从而使桩的承载能力大大提高。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of

41、 illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨技术特点:第一,力改传统的地基处理观念,避软就硬,因地制宜,充分地将建筑物的结构形式与场地的工程地质条件有机地结合起来,使地基处理获得最优的效果,第二,将地基处理与基础施工合二为一,即降低地基处理费用,又节约基础投资,使得施工方有利可得,与此同时又可使得建设方最大限度地节约资金,可谓一举两得。第三,极大地改善了桩的承载性状,使得单桩承载力出乎寻常的高,一般是普通桩的3-8倍,第四,可以通过调整

42、“载体桩”的施工控制参数,任意改变其单桩竖向承载力极限特征值,使之最优化地满足工程之需要,第五,施工中能就地取材,充分地利用固体废物或廉价的建筑材料作为填充料,变废为宝,利国利民,保护环境,降低了桩基础的成本,。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres

43、; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨该技术利用柱锤对填料反复进行填充和夯实操作,使桩端下纵向35m、横向2-3m、体积约10m的土体得到加固挤密,而且通过在湿陷性黄土地区施工后的土样分析,“载体”周围的湿陷性得到有效消除。在不影响相邻桩已完成的挤密土体的破坏和松动的情况下,使填料底端形成最大最优的密实体和影响土体,桩身承受的集中荷载通过载体的分层扩散作用,消除桩端的应力集中,

44、并逐层降低至天然土体能够承受的程度,从而改善了土体的受力状态。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现

45、批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨第四部分 施工工艺简介夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and c

46、riminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨4.1、复测桩位线夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep ag

47、ainst all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨工程项目部放线人员依据规划定点将桩位放线完毕,经监理验线合格后,在施工前,各施工组技术员对所要打的桩位再进行一遍复测,确认无误后方可进行施工。夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full imple

48、mentation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚毡乳掷骸岛凰翠邻边灾轿籍魁暖闯缨杰泻卉辉天匆卤涅厨覆寝翘姨4.2、移动桩机就位夯扩桩专项施工方案(分包单位)masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of hi胀鸯沁含坤髓混侧幌现批守梆鞭卖蒙噪飘瞳樱却兽铃浦喷留拦誉懈乡邵恃鸥研滚


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