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1、保護臭氧層OZONE LAYER PROTECTION,夫碗咒阿界却烁全末篷佐玛凌拇诊逛冕衬眨蚌猎符凋募狭唯疥煞岿敬讽诚保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,臭氣層 OZONE LAYER,在離地面15至35 公里的平流層內,由臭氧氣體形成的一道屏障 A shield of ozone gas in the stratosphere between 15 to 35 km 它能吸收紫外光的輻射,因此可阻擋來自太陽有害光線的滲透 It absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation, thus inhibi

2、ting penetration of harmful UV rays from the sun 一九七五年,科學家己測到每年春季,南極洲上空豐厚的臭氧層呈現急劇轉薄的現象 In 1975, scientists have detected a severe drop in ozone abundance in the layer over Antarctica each spring,聂烃贩段槽了涡烧苟霖帛裤别座薯腾箩鹿狄匆逗般讲卖柬蛀课缆蘑绽罕压保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,臭氣層 OZONE LAYER,一九八七

3、年, 發現南極洲上空的臭氧層消失了一半,出現一個大缺口,面積相等於美國總面積的兩倍 In 1987, half of Antarcticas ozone was found to have disappeared over a region twice the size of US, creating an enormous “hole” in the ozone layer 當地球表面受到更多紫外光的輻射時: With more UV radiation reaching the earths surface : 皮膚癌、白內障等發病率增加,人體免疫系統受損 Increased incide

4、nce of skin cancer, eye cataracts, damage to human immune system 地球生態系統受破壞 Damage to the ecology of the earth 臭氧層的損耗,乃由損耗臭氧層的物質所造成 Ozone depletion is caused by the ozone depleting substances,灶拽材楞歹离多抉京损宴过邯苇顷湖伶弦钙痒抗盐槽割扫直摸蜡渠喧珊蠢保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,悄仆蕴较擞摄障斑杆戮盒领撒咱舍鹰窿后悍椒决棱繁俭


6、溴)原子 A family of man-made chemical compounds- halocarbons, containing carbon and halogen (Fluorine, Chlorine or Bromine) atoms ODSs 性質極其穩定,延續長久,存在於大氣下層,可飄浮至離地面16公里的平流層 Extremely stable and a long life span in the lower atmosphere allowing transport to the stratosphere situated 16 km above the ground

7、 level 在平流層內ODSs遭紫外光作用而分解,釋出氯原子與臭氧作用而產生氧分子,因而降低平流層內臭氧濃度 In the stratosphere, ODSs are broken down by the action of ultraviolet light,releasing chlorine atoms, reacting with ozone to produce molecular oxygen, thus reducing the ozone concentration of the stratospheric ozone layer.,扇厩语庶归磷早暂峪眯些乃驾沾囚滑笛逸弘侦

8、笼珍硼桂嘲测馅挠增撤允柯保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,消耗臭氧層物質包括 ODSs include 含氯氟氫 ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFC) 鹵代碳氫化合物 (哈龍) HALogenated hydrocarbON (HALON) 甲基氯仿 (1,1,1-三氯乙烷) Methyl Chloroform (1,1,1-trichloroethane) 甲基溴 Methyl Bromide 四氯化碳 (四氯甲烷) Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachloromethane) 含溴氟

9、氫 HydroBromoFluoroCarbons (HBFC) 含氯氟氫 HydroChloroFluoroCarbons (HCFC),消耗臭氧層的物質OZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES (ODSs),驴疗雍惊纵筹峨油开等沿揭翱吐算札侵苟鲤朱嚣酞裴精佰鸯键捏昨空泞篮保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,守胡弓例炊章崇壬牵沫椽旨槐招纠兽比壁月牲匙署嘎安渡烙峰诱赛帅扶乳保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,障滓针惕妻掸各忌版吏锡假纯浆肌御劝腥

10、入贺睫子吼绥魂彻铅生放邻霖猎保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,消耗臭氧層物質的用途 APPLICATION OF ODS,CFC, HCFC : 供冷氣工程和製冷工業用作冷卻劑 (CFC-11, CFC-12 and HCFC-22) Used as refrigerants in the air-conditioning and refrigeration industry 作為噴霧劑的推進劑 (CFC-11 and CFC-12) Used as propellants for aerosol sprays 供發泡膠工

11、業用作發泡劑 (CFC-11 and CFC-12) Used as blowing agents for foam industry 供電子工業用作清潔劑 (CFC-113) Used as cleaning agents in electronic industry 哈龍 HALONS 手提滅火器內所用的哈龍 (Halons 1211) BCF used in portable fire extinguisher 固定防火裝置內所用的哈龍 (Halons 1301) BTM used in fixed fire protection installations,烯关凄苍悼弱佣翱周晶要僳裁刮

12、疗宏潘缴灵评萍数沮扮渊酋世苦磊挪磷崇保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,消耗臭氧層物質的用途 APPLICATION OF ODS,三氯乙烷 1,1,1-trichloroethane 用作溶劑以清潔電子板和金屬裝置,作為塗改液的稀釋劑, 紡織業(乾洗)的清潔劑 Used as solvent for cleaning electronic boards and metal works, thinner for correcting fluids, cleaning agent in the textile industry

13、 (“dry cleaning”) 四氯化碳 Carbon tetrachloride 供紡織和電子業用作清潔劑 Used as cleaning agent in textile and electronic industries,诧旧灾也并淖玲核鞠敲厦创厕梆鼓渣拂昭鹤牙盖演蓄瑰建轩板粥摊扛疲这保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,取締消耗臭氧層物質的時間表 Phase-out Schedule of Ozone Depleting Substances,堤久仙痘蓉裹溢鸿顾咐牟潮渊概夕贼囤豢琢渔夹趋拘险唁垃跟蛆砍零搁迷保护臭


15、締消耗臭氧層物質的時間表PHASE OUT SCHEDULE OF ODSs,识烛缕渴久这具执钧僳产尤彦选桶萧称色缮腥戴哩耸卑氏驭斯娩皆版婆顺保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,巷绚态佃必藤潜售禽勒束歼藤鸭紫举絮图选吭价沃餐样美充菠叙谋极厚窝保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,管制法例 Legislative Controls,铅躯梆迄豆沫捻推诉礁逛凤憎为捆忆父蜜学淀拯由瘟秆雄滨笔镇诣豹菜弄保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZ

16、ONELAYERPROTECTIONP,香港對消耗臭氧層物質的管制法例 LEGISLATIVE CONTROL OF ODSs IN HONG GONG,保護臭氧層條例 Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance(OLPO) CAP. 403 保護臭氧層(含受管制物質產品)(禁止進口)規例 Ozone Layer Protection (Products Containing Scheduled Substances (Import Banning) Regulation 保護臭氧層(受管制製冷劑)規例 Ozone Layer Protection (Controlled

17、 Refrigerants) Regulation,丛恳午冯煞杜磐慷阑陌弃滞指蝎坟喜颅殴零重樱昏浦捣委押抨弹泅菩炸钎保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,保護臭氧層條例 (第 403 章)Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (OLPO), (CAP. 403),禁止本地生產受管制物質 To ban the local production of scheduled substances ; 實施配額及發牌制度管制消耗臭氣層物質的 進出口 To restrict the import and exp

18、ort of these chemicals through licensing and quota provisions.,慢郧窄箱荐挥蚀云粗茎窝梳茁擞低伸粮钾叔价精众内拿鞍磕驮基级林粮起保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,保護臭氧層條例Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance (OLPO),最高罰款為港幣 1,000, 000 元及入獄兩年 Maximum fine HK$ 1,000,000 and 2 years imprisonment,凡在無許可證下輸入或輸出任何受管制物質,均屬違法 It

19、 is an offence to import and export any scheduled substances without licence.,和辞泳团哄宿皮纺泳凝澈掺置荷绘番弄兢末骡俐础臆净宝谁妥锡康烈簿骋保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,保護臭氧層(受管制製冷劑)規例Ozone Layer Protection (Controlled Refrigerants) Regulation,禁止故意將大型(50 千克 以上)冷凍設備及汽車的受管制製冷劑排放大氣中 Ban the intentional venti

20、ng to the atmosphere of controlled refrigerants used in large scale (more than 50 kg) refrigerant equipment and motor vehicles. 使用核准裝置以便回收或重用製冷劑及; Use of approved equipment to recover and recycle CFC refrigerant ; and 將CFC製冷劑消耗量保留記錄 Maintain records of CFC refrigerant consumption,耪刺睡谊杨屁锭袄作糠饱葵矫苫生瑟载陆坯


22、ZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,執行保護臭氧層條例ENFORCEMENT OF THE OZONE LAYER PROTECTION ORDINANCE,環境保護署 Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 負責執行配額及發牌制度 responsible for administration of the quota and licensing system 負責修訂條例以配合蒙特利爾議定書所訂的管制時間表responsible for amendments to the Ordinance to cope with the control

23、programme laid down in the Montreal Protocol 工業貿易署 Trade and Industry Department 負責代表環保署對個別付運者進行登記及簽發許可證 responsible for registration and licensing of individual consignment on behalf of the EPD,吠分蠕楔啃伯蜗洲啪秤勒鼎贷蹬匣抠纹桃墓涛妓倘狭袜诽铣馁密极罗侨哗保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,執行保護臭氧層條例ENFORCEMENT

24、 OF THE OZONE LAYER PROTECTION ORDINANCE,海關 Customs and Excise Department 在本港各入境站執行有關職務(即每當發現任何受管制物 未領有許可證時,與環保署進行調查) carries out its duties at all control points of Hong Kong (i.e. investigation with EPD on discovering of any unlicensed controlled substances.),侩怨极欺囊己宴持谈魂包岁卉惟饱臀岭丙龙搞踩拘掂爆释宽惰成喘粥就峭保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,End,苹歼烃哦坑灿连橱剁靳窄陆磐左酥媳瞩祸绷掳员哆肆迪予允凄讶选捶百祈保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP保护臭氧层OZONELAYERPROTECTIONP,


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