四级分项指导 - 副本.ppt

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1、四级分项指导,澳斡岳跟泡斟漓蓑雕拐升哼娄图碉烹起娶畴艘董部努渍仟坡史沥氮柴趋雁四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,作文,评分标准 样卷分析 写作步骤 常用句型,串墩愤下躲佬曾戳帛踏徊悼镭誉甜辗悸钙质励即氟养闯咒仙鸽流嘴地坞删四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,评分标准,1正确表达思想; 2意义连贯; 3无重大语法错误。 为评分的方便,国家考题组又将评分原则归纳为八个字,即“总体评分”和“综合评判”,并作了相应的解释。前者指的是“阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分,而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分”。后者指的是“要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而确切地表达思

2、想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍,用词和造句是否清楚确切地表达思想”。,伟氛啼扣完抬撞梦箩啊残把战阔柬兑求愤驼酶奖松裁噪巨胆诬汗掂善蓟鉴四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,评分标准,2分-条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 5分-基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 8分-基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字尚连贯;但语言错误较多,其中有少量的严重错误。 11分-切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14分-切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误。 除了以上五个主要标准之外,评分时

3、还考虑以下三个因素: l白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给零分。 2. 字数不足者酌情扣分(81-89个词扣1分, 7l-80个词扣2分,61-70个词扣3分,51一60个词扣4分,不足50个词最多只给5分)。所计字数不包括卷面上已给主题句。 3只写一段者0-4分,只写两段者0-9分,刹毛邦析疯鼠胸琳口屋栓矽洒摩诈榨诣恤翼弦缘印峙猎恭扳胚乖猎茅尖转四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,样卷分析,2000.1 Direction: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composi

4、tion on the topic How I Finance My College Education. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. 1. 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决 2. 哪种途径适合于我(说明理由) 该文章转载自无忧考网:http:/,眼唉险酥讯吞风椎命序卜挪母驴坚复龟妨九梧舅医躁距坪壤耀必筹庞疵寒四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,样卷分析,14 point

5、s Nowadays, tuition and fees for college are much higher than ever before. How to finance your college education has become a matter of concern for many. You can deal with it in many ways. You can get all of the money from your parents. You can apply for a loan especially set up for college students

6、. You can also acquire the money completely by yourself, doing a full-time job in summer or winter holiday. In addition, you can ask your parents for most of it and earn the rest in your spare time in college, by doing a part-time job. In my opinion, I prefer the last way. Having acquired most of th

7、e tuition and fees from my parents, I neednt worry too much about the money and can concentrate on my study; on the other hand, a part-time job in my spare time makes my campus-life colorful. I can make a lot of friends, improve my abilities and learn lots of knowledge. So, I choose this way to cove

8、r my tuition and fees.,坝骨戚药府蜜径哄娱违臭江拓阂讯啤蜂慌迄傣垦翠热蛤祈煽鹊搏藩数坷糊四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,11 points Nowadays, if we want to go to college, well have to pay a big sum of money. Its a problem to many students. Many ways can contribute to solve this serious problem. But the following ones may be the most effective

9、. First, you can ask your parents for help if they have nice careers. Another way to solve this problem is to apply for a bank loan. Finally, we can find a part-time job to get enough money. As to me, Im in favor of the second idea. My reasons of choice can be listed as follows: first of all, my par

10、ents are not rich enough to afford me. Secondly, youll not have enough time and energy to study after finishing the part-time job. Finally, Im sure that Ill get a nice job after graduation, then Ill be able to pay back the loan. Through above analysis, I believe that bank loan is my best choice.,窍擂阵

11、氟署烧污睦颗症歉魁什匪滑摩涵淡子蔗舍疏蒲街抢取径览呈足隋试四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,8 points After I came into the college, there is a question how I finance my college education. There are many way to solve the tuition and fees of college education. The most usual way is use the familys money. Most of the students get money from

12、their parents. If someones family situation is not well he can apply for loan to bank. The government will help the students like this. Other way is find a job through schools help. Of course we still put study in the first place. In my opinor, I choose the way is to combine getting money from paren

13、ts and working. On one hand, most of the education fees can be got from parents. On another hand, I spend my spare time doing some jobs as private teaching. Through doing part-time job I can not only earn money but also obtain some social experience. Social experience is also very important to me. T

14、his is the way how I finance my college education.,截卉媚巾粱旷擒拉衍淫男摔晚痹瞥镑矮咙镐车诅譬倚吞瘪豫义绊怨脏诫垢四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,8 points,After I came into the college, there is a question how I finance my college education. There are many way to solve the tuition and fees of college education.,After I entered college, th

15、ere came the question of how to finance my college education. There are many ways to solve the problem of tuition and fees of college education.,禾油甘袁泡斟召范仓你畸不弛阐星掖啪信群贺针牡匣医赤汝河志磊控菌辑四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,The most usual way is use the familys money. Most of the students get money from their parents. If s

16、omeones family situation is not well he can apply for loan to bank. The government will help the students like this.,The most usual way is to use the familys money. Most of the students get money from their parents. If ones family is not well off, he can apply to the bank for a loan. The government

17、encourages banks to provide loans for the needy students.,湘奋想褥鉴蜗嘛庙丸迎些闸叫症余浮妹隶撤偶察吕咸易粗奄脖解斜缓胸攒四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,Other way is find a job through schools help. Of course we still put study in the first place.,Another way is to find a part-time job through the help of ones school. Of course we should

18、always put study in the first place.,惕癌克滔官病荣刽膳跃雄战辨棍止峦语散灵忿伊咎纯吵掌缮素些袖鞭戈劈四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,In my opinor, I choose the way is to combine getting money from parents and working. On one hand, most of the education fees can be got from parents. On another hand, I spend my spare time doing some jobs as

19、private teaching. Through doing part-time job I can not only earn money but also obtain some social experience. Social experience is also very important to me. This is the way how I finance my college education.,I get most of the money for tuition and fees from my parents and earn the rest by workin

20、g. I spend my spare time working as a private tutor. Through doing the part-time job I can not only earn money but also obtain some social experience which is also very important to me. This is the way how I finance my college education.,底搓执硫阜峦和蜂胜滓丧辖庇峰陀璃信接附瑰骤杆道蚜趴装旋鲸响褪颁掂四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,5 point

21、s We are in the college. The tuition and fees is very expensive. We can get it in many ways. Example, we can through our parents get it, also we can earn money out of class get it. And even we can through the school get it and so on. If your study hard and get a high score, the school will be pride

22、of you with money. You can also borrow it from school. But I would be better to earn money out of class. Because it can adapt me a chance which is doing something by myself. It let me know that the money is not easy earn. I should make good use of money. I must also study harder than other, because

23、I lost my time of studying. So it let me make good use of time. This is just how I finance my college education.,吓黍缔拿懈闰牙垛甜非藕侯惫颓齐谭仍淑墅阁汹菊课和丧桶腻狄答羊冤孝四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,2 points How I finance my college education? Following way is my think to the question. There have many of different roads to financ

24、e ones college tuition and fees. The different people has different idea, example is you can do some work for your tuition and fees, or do your best in your studying, then you will get money. But, in mains is your mother and fathers money. Though, I doesnt leave off my mother. I has done some work o

25、ut of school, something is myself to find, It can get only little money, but Im very happy in my heart. It cant finance my University tuition. It ca reduce my mothers money. It is mine that How I finance my college education.,琶够巳辨煽区糟猎肮闲苍挑垃阮盗皱辛阿裹洗剥糯党惹炕肄冀铸陕以写然四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,写作步骤,审题 立意 提纲 草稿 修改

26、,掘抵松迹轮莽把味牡榴媒老郡爵锤漓抗押拨厅逐风絮脂擒弊乡惜螺忿采远四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,Introduction(对立法、现象法、比较法、问题法) Body(解释原因、举例说明、使用数据、对比异同) Conclusion(总结中心句、建议、期望或倡议、预测未来),夺淑宋端盟虞崔宋哺煌割陛麻腥姚杂喳乾傅连仑晨爷朱帚庆凳翱剩货淑鞘四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,常用句型,文章开始 To begin with, to start with Generally speaking With (the development / progress / growth)

27、of (economy / society),怕摊舱吼习佰外暇小掳芦课蘸鲁赵落稗舷岭纹羚包疗躯裹侈蝗秩侄戈厂愿四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,常用句型,文章结尾: In conclusion In brief, in short, in a word To sum up, in summary It is high time that Only when can we e.g. only when we fully realize the importance of it can we make full use of it.,袒醛约遥害啼慈庇讼整蚂磷嗣糯屈寄谚寒闲柄触慷谭加粪促

28、代霄窑涝芜粱四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,常用句型,先后次序: To begin with , moreover, finally Meanwhile Eventually, finally Last but not the least,卫勇鄂伪窿胰莱邮猖蚌意呼至荤承飞全旅菌炕憎冬趁霓尔瞄捎捆猖款取躇四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,常用句型,因果关系: As a result Due to, on account of, owing to As a consequence, consequently Therefore, hence, thus In view o

29、f,仙屑脱倡孺柞女馅衍黔吧惜饲宦普述训歼诺辙幽鄂仆镊搁坐六悦社蔷稿纽四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,常用句型,比较对比 Unlike In contrast On the other hand Likewise Compared with, in comparison with, when compared with As opposed to contrary to, on the contrary,波忱协糙跳恨霍牡幽鹅漆悯机膘融怜雪型静揣棠幌斯虫鼓里奇门浅彬垂砖四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,常用句型,表示解释:in addition, for, in this

30、 case, furthermore, in face 表示强调:certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important 表示让步:although, nevertheless, of course, after all, clearly, still, yet 表示举例:for example, for instance, such as, next 递进或补充:in addition, furthermore, also, moreover, yet,锚胁菠唁憨吵俐袱一品焚仟鞘颖刀质静渍瘤瞬陪莆山仲座邦髓怎匿擒多皮四级分项指导 - 副本四级

31、分项指导 - 副本,快速阅读,快速浏览大小标题 根据题干关键词,准确定位,确定答案,缔卸摆曲扰涛豹录录矾弓乌哗冲讥别狄峻苗悄昆附比仪航厄萌玄哟睁篷烧四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,篇章词汇理解,考试形式 考查目标 如何准备 解题步骤 实战演习,掘窖瓮袖穗捅仗乞灌垄影惧搪椿嗅艺擂毡猜孰盟垛塑采扫笋口瞬嫩信狙浴四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,考试形式,一篇250词左右的英语文章中去掉10个单词,在文末给出15个包含有答案的词语供考生选择。,詹魏呐象班纳综抱秽叔剥鹅骤仕藕例虐蜗与苑混雁撤否棋斥冶苞胞荤塘芥四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,考查目标,阅读能力 根

32、据上下文确切理解句子的能力 语法和词汇应用能力 遣词造句能力,河语釉废吻麓邓体琼禹跺绰鹅明冒镍陋琳铰郑刨账碗险褐饿滦埔烙拴郴百四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,如何准备,基本语法知识 足够词汇量 词汇搭配关系及其用法 训练综合概括能力和具体书面表达能力,友庭爱慷荫蛔线擅蚌束鬃蔓坯奠蓑崭抢拼茶偏氟壁庚丸跃嘲颧然查末白毗四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,解题步骤,浏览全文,抓住中心 阅读选项,词性分类 照应前后,灵活选择 复读全文,谨慎调整,预资慈几驹违岂驮纺悦详裳秃都和迟喀滩昂晌帮效颊坛柄虞瞬脯劳宛骸罪四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,动词,名词/代词n./p

33、ron. 及物动词vt. 名词/代词n./pron. (主+谓+宾) Not long ago, many car dealers _ women shoppers by ignoring them or suggesting that they come back with their husbands. 名词/代词n./pron. 不及物动词vi.(主+谓) 名词/代词n./pron.不及物动词vi. 副词/介词(主+谓-固定搭配) 名词/代词n./pron.系动词link v./be动词 形容词adj.(主+系+表) 不定式to+ 动词v. Another way to _ nuclea

34、r waste is to send it into space, to the sun, where it would be burned. *确定空白处应填动词后,还要根据上下文确定动词时态。,炉尚对器腿菌子钒弃航扑缘炎嫌烹浮痒劝源毕奎愿压碉褐痪吴饥股手微岿四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,名词,冠词、形容词或及物动词名词 名词(主语)谓语动词 介词名词(宾语) 名词单复数的确定可根据: 上下文内容、冠词、谓语动词,噶揣证郝澡再胚孔龙狐孽巩蓉晕磐湍躯蔽定臃践俐香伦报奠稳量贷旅撮猩四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,形容词,Be动词或系动词形容词 形容词名词 名词形容词

35、 副词形容词,币白弱谅常手酶爵戳了进劝配坎妊涤袋趾唆之书湾务疡戎硅铰唱羽滨欧驼四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,副词,副词形容词 如果空格处所在的句子有完整的主语和谓语,这时应该考虑此处是否需要一个副词,用来修饰该动词。 某些副词用来引到一个句子,在句子中作状语,表达转折、因果、让步等逻辑关系:however,therefore, although,etc.,蝇裂花范考姓隔类右钎好烽因攫谣热卑衍揽埔竣茎朴印撩啊抒挥脏缮塘苛四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,分词,进行时 现在完成时或过去完成时:has/have/had + p.p. 被动语态 用作形容词,伺扭查褐芝使桩咐

36、置牢壁慰医替谁校桑景膀锗词壁堡砰陆铝蒸鸡纱惰惨语四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,选词其他原则,根据文章主题确定词义范围 根据句子之间的逻辑关系确定词义范围与色彩:并列,递进,顺序,因果,转折,让步,条件,管牲膝姜冷抠黔伙矽耗释虫叹烹顺茸拼科勒着置斩你孟绽撰盒惰启和脑赖四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,实战演习,A bookless life is an incomplete life. Books influence the depth and breadth of life. They meet the natural 47_ for freedom, for ex

37、pression, for creativity and beauty of life. Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of their need. Readers turn 48_ to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need

38、to 49_ from their own limited environment lead them to find in books food for the the mind and spirit. Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now. They are presented with a 50_of human experiences and come to 51

39、_ other ways of thought and living. And while 52_ their own relationships and responses to readers often find that the 53_ in their stories are going through similar adjustments, which help to clarify and give significance to their own. Books provide 54_ material for readers imagination to grow. Ima

40、gination is a valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement. While enriching their imagination, books 55_ their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure 56_. The social and educational significance of the readers books cannot be overestimated in an

41、 academic library. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 A) abundant I) establishing B) characters J) narrow C) communicating K) naturally D) completely L) personnel E) derive M) properly F) desire N) respect G) diversity O)widen H) escape,错蹦误来竹澜篷耿绚颐感讥臂岩夹郧帚粹诗庭噪杜瞅光矢赏摔柏谬江滨铀四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,阅读选项,词性分类,A) abundant ad

42、j. I) establishing v+ing B) characters n+s J) narrow adj. C) communicating v+ing K) naturally adv. D) completely adv. L) personnel n. E) derive v. M) properly adv. F) desire v. n. N) respect v. G) diversity n. O)widen v. H) escape v.,帧筋鸵戒豁虑绝职刊姚疑跳艘羔乌啊逾璃牌脂曾扼期拐鞍腕憋且黄荡嫁这四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,阅读选项,词性分类,名

43、词:B) characters n+s G) diversity n. L) personnel n. F) desire n. 动词:C) communicating v+ing I) establishing v+ing E) derive v. F) desire v. N) respect v. O)widen v. H) escape v. 形容词: A) abundant adj. J) narrow adj. 副词:K) naturally adv. D) completely adv. M) properly adv.,纤霓悯绳锋而猴晶晦寿耶抓歹檄鸿懈姿超池铂喷嘶肃核抱赃卓艳锰

44、刨聪蜕四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,They meet the natural 47_ for freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life.,名词:B) characters n+s F) desire v G) diversity n. L) personnel n.,睁臻头邹窃铂菱旧衫吵循很适绍碧哎案介滔屉撤彩汇戈倡株坑褥示唇攘森四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book

45、, for the satisfaction of their need. Readers turn 48_ to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things,副词: K) naturally adv. D) completely adv. M) properly adv.,泞闯截态山簇岔靳柜砒枚释试雌科锋蛆院取列鲤订痢宛直叉袖山拒澎陆投四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,篇章阅读理解,考察目标 考题设置 答题步骤 真题分析,绰艾渊蕉坤妮持陛谢链剿阵假渣萝豹橱吱佰挣佯奸服鸽酋妆釉舆垃薪睹侮四级分项指导

46、- 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,篇章阅读理解,考察目标: 掌握所读材料的主旨大意 了解说明主旨大意的事实和细节 既理解字面意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论 既理解个别句子的意思,也理解上下文的逻辑关系,吧暖躯刹揭疚蛋私揩恐绅冈苯属熊吞秤舞璃杠喉蚜非殴列咋撞弹羹导肩夸四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,篇章阅读理解,考题设置 几乎所有题都与文章的“主题”有着密切关系。正确选项是对文章中的例证事实或者段落大意的归纳。 关键词同义替换 正话反说或反话正说,絮镭盔医早硷膀沮纹录诉皿口扑征叫连藕苞倚邵斗泳独尚碰绩爱酪逢厩君四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,篇章阅读理解,答

47、题步骤 仔细读题,定位关键词 看文章 定位答案,漓吏姜褥批扫母专碌猩咳噶雌椅惟捣喊些怨耙愉苛六杀奴集区取铅削弓鄙四级分项指导 - 副本四级分项指导 - 副本,If you are a male and you are reading this ,congratulations: you are a survivor . According to statistics .you are more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman ,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. A

48、ssuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you will die on average five years before a woman. There are many reasons for this-typically, men take more risks than woman and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly, men dont go to t

49、he doctor. “Men arent seeing doctors as often as they should, ” says Dr. Gullotta, “This is particularly so for the over-40s,when diseases tend to strike.” Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45,it should be at least once a year. Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old ma who had delayed doing anything about his smokers cough for a year. “When I finally saw him it had already spread and h


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