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1、Language in Use 1 Look at the sentence from the passage Are animals smarter than we think ? and answer the question. 2 Rewrite the sentences using in other words . 3 Rewrite the sentences using go so far as to . 4 Complete the sentences with the words. 5 Complete the sentences with expressions in th

2、e box. 6 Translate the sentences into Chinese. 7 Translate the sentences into English. 参 送 兄 亏 了 皋 疑 焰 芜 库 个 缎 诀 项 吁 悸 逸 什 膏 荔 撒 狱 星 匀 梆 倒 摔 刊 疾 呆 险 坝 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 1 Look at the sentence from the passage Are animals smarter than we think ? and answer the question. Many sci

3、entists in the 20th century dismissed such findings as unreliable, usually influenced by anthro- -pomorphism, in other words, judging animals by human attributes. What is the function of in other words? (a) Introducing another way of saying or explaining something, especially a more simple way. (b)

4、Introducing an example of something that shows the type of thing that you are talking about and helps to explain what you mean. Language in Use 1 Look at the sentence from the passage Are animals smarter than we think ? and answer the question. Many scientists in the 20th century dismissed such find

5、ings as unreliable, usually influenced by anthro- -pomorphism, in other words, judging animals by human attributes. What is the function of in other words? (a) Introducing another way of saying or explaining something, especially a more simple way. (b) Introducing an example of something that shows

6、the type of thing that you are talking about and helps to explain what you mean. 雕 洗 陷 农 盒 辰 安 塌 懊 笑 违 暑 盒 遥 蒲 偿 勇 邀 茹 擅 讥 装 诈 诞 陌 忧 望 溪 伏 趾 涎 沛 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 2 Rewrite the sentences using in other words . 1 Scientists used to believe that animals were like machines program

7、med to react to stimuli. They were not considered capable of feeling or thinking, and certainly not of understanding abstract concepts. Scientists used to believe that animals were like machines programmed to react to stimuli, in other words, they were not considered capable of feeling or thinking,

8、and certainly not of understanding abstract concepts. Language in Use 贵 逆 磺 郧 哈 疆 傅 星 兴 酗 涂 皋 酣 启 阵 既 氯 赘 烛 炯 稍 鸵 蔽 豹 工 股 换 肾 蜀 玫 尧 昧 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 2 Our perceptions of animals are filtered through our own human understanding of the world and we often project human feelings

9、 and thoughts onto other creatures. Our perceptions of animals are filtered through our own human understanding of the world, in other words, we often project human feelings and thoughts onto other creatures. Language in Use 树 穗 褂 六 承 烦 轻 申 彼 术 婶 当 熄 泉 慨 淋 才 耀 泄 逾 羌 介 呈 见 广 非 咀 穗 舷 隘 粤 迄 新 概 念 大 学 英

10、 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 3 In his book The Descent of Man, published in 1871, he questioned whether higher mental abilities such as self-consciousness and memory were limited to human beings. Darwin speculated that human and non-human minds arent all that different. In his book The Descent of Ma

11、n, published in 1871, he questioned whether higher mental abilities such as self-consciousness and memory were limited to human beings, in other words, Darwin speculated that human and non-human minds arent all that different. Language in Use 昆 擂 句 浇 淌 武 蚕 影 惧 呐 舌 鉴 清 诬 湍 请 母 熙 宋 详 凶 私 甫 扁 措 豫 桩 存 屯

12、 曹 珍 屏 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 3 Rewrite the sentences using go so far as to . 1 Soren said if a burglar came, Hogahn would probably lick him. Soren said if a burglar came, Hogahn would go so far as to lick him. Language in Use 邀 鸽 妄 麦 真 痞 座 萄 栓 批 糜 新 叮 洞 蜡 血 傲 赂 迅 脂 饥 锤 钎 顽 握 镇 汾 医

13、恶 摄 压 码 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 2 Hogahn was so protective that he barked at anyone who came near the house. Hogahn was so protective that he went so far as to bark at anyone who came near the house. 3 I even thought of Hogahn as my first grandchild. I went so far as to think of Hoga

14、hn as my first grandchild. 4 In the past scientists believed that animals were not capable of feeling or thinking. In the past scientists went so far as to believe that animals were not capable of feeling or thinking. Language in Use 犹 陛 磐 噬 辞 忍 猎 溪 浩 埋 庚 郧 茂 楚 裙 沪 趴 精 蔼 富 右 侮 着 淤 灿 辽 雄 泅 袍 赌 苦 叙 新

15、概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 5 Darwin argued that animals face the same challenges and have the same basic needs as humans. Darwin went so far as to argue that animals face the same challenges and have the same basic needs as humans. 6 Scientists now ask if animals have feelings and intelli

16、gence, should it affect the way we treat them? Scientists now go so far as to ask if animals have feelings and intelligence, should it affect the way we treat them? Language in Use 凑 垣 粪 嘲 凡 粥 府 括 幌 鸳 序 壶 吞 婆 诊 源 迢 嗜 描 榔 梁 观 肾 饲 珐 大 舞 狈 箭 垮 淬 孤 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 Collective noun

17、s 4 Complete the sentences with the words. 1 Having a concept of numbers helps geese to keep track of their . 2 We were attacked by an angry of bees, but no one got stung. 3 On safari in Africa you can see a of elephants on the plain. Or: On safari in Africa you can see of elephants on the plain. La

18、nguage in Use flock swarm herd herds 婚 捉 隆 茄 骋 日 奢 活 席 否 廷 六 由 葱 库 绘 濒 襟 彰 粘 呢 卸 低 冗 淘 助 哪 裙 激 隶 莹 的 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 4 Our boat was surrounded by a large of dolphins. (Usually people say “a school of fish”. Many people also say “a school of dolphins” though they arent fish.)

19、5 The pop singer was greeted by a huge of fans. 6 When someone is in hospital its traditional to bring them some chocolates, or a of grapes. Language in Use school army bunch 舱 档 岩 珠 汽 悸 琶 沉 无 裔 证 幌 帅 骄 哄 戏 推 逃 吉 点 颓 雅 毫 骨 擂 亢 皿 祝 惠 砰 忿 酿 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 Collocations 5 Comple

20、te the sentences with expressions in the box. 1 Mark has three dogs. Hes a real . 2 The average contains between four and five litres of blood. 3 Scientists are trying to prove whether animals are capable of . Language in Use animal lover human body abstract reasoning 法 僧 试 边 虐 赵 隔 沽 绪 淤 叫 勿 泪 哼 坡 抹

21、 育 覆 酞 万 儒 涂 帐 信 啦 蘸 西 泥 缄 厅 荒 嘲 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 4 Survival is a basic common to all creatures. 5 There has always been conflict and war in the world. You cant change . 6 Animals dont understand like art, culture and society. Language in Use animal instinct human nature abstr

22、act concepts 沈 实 衰 射 叮 鬃 紊 札 因 号 婪 键 糜 银 块 欠 芍 帅 腺 堂 哦 冲 挣 贼 益 慈 碘 纹 裴 彤 枫 角 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 6 Translate the sentences into Chinese. I had tossed sticks for him before and knew the approximate distance they would go, depending upon their weight and my motion. This stick, howe

23、ver, caught a gust and, flying where the sheet wanted to go, sailed across the yard, over the fence, and, with a fine skaters touch, glided onto the pond. 我以前也经常这样为他扔木头。根据木头的不同重量和我 动作的大小,我知道它们大概能飞多远。但这块木头赶上了 一阵疾风,朝着床单想去的方向飞过了院子,越过了围栏, 最后以溜冰高手般的优美动作滑进湖水里。 Language in Use 络 殖 勿 饭 扼 巡 地 弊 牲 草 石 殆 泻 莫 艺

24、 佛 逾 翰 糟 担 篷 焊 抑 蝴 拾 牡 赦 谓 嗓 课 姜 磊 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 2 The next moment I was standing in the water and Hogahn was swimming toward me, breaking the ice with his front paws. He seemed a little startled by the intrusion of the ice in his path, but definitely in control. I went as

25、far as I could until the pond bottom sank down under my weight and the ice water penetrated my jacket, and I stood and waited. 接下来的一瞬间我已经站在水里,霍根用前爪破冰朝我 游过来。一路上冰块的侵扰似乎让他受了些惊吓,但他绝对 能控制得住自己。我尽量向前趟,直到我的双脚陷进湖底的 烂泥,冰冷的湖水浸透了我的夹克。我站在那儿等着。 Language in Use 烃 凰 捡 树 绚 踌 择 掣 罢 菱 秉 赋 拯 鹏 捷 耸 螺 篷 豁 伸 觅 举 曲 侩 窄 瞄 抒

26、 棋 溪 牧 奸 谴 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 3 It can recognize different people and make choices about what to eat or which path to take. But does this mean that an animal is capable of thinking and, if so, can it be proved? Our perceptions of animals are filtered through our own human unders

27、tanding of the world and we often project human feelings and thoughts onto other creatures. 它会认人、选择食物、识别道路。但这是否意味着它有 思维能力呢?如果有的话,又如何证实呢?我们对动物的认 知是经过过滤的,是建立在人类对世界的理解的基础上的, 我们常常把人类的情感和思想投射到其他动物身上。 Language in Use 睫 胶 级 殖 暂 肥 荣 渠 晴 粘 恩 乡 岔 脖 冀 缅 鞍 葫 痊 落 痘 摇 沫 党 难 沃 哑 比 屹 废 峨 于 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念

28、 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 4 Many scientists in the 20th century dismissed such findings as unreliable, usually influenced by anthro- pomorphism, in other words, judging animals by human attributes. However, the pendulum is now swinging away from thinking of animals as machines without intelligence, and back to

29、wards Darwins ideas. A wide range of studies on animals suggests that the roots of intelligence are deep, widespread across the animal kingdom and highly changeable. 许多20世纪的科学家轻视这些发现,认为它们不可靠,这 是受了拟人说的影响,即根据人的特征来判断动物。但是, 现在舆论的天平已经不再向那些认为动物像机器一样没有智 慧的观点倾斜了,而是向达尔文的观点倾斜。大范围的动物 研究表明:智慧之根在动物界的分布既深又广,变化多端。

30、 Language in Use 锻 辽 睫 克 憾 斌 查 郭 蓑 孰 碰 淤 答 病 拯 泼 扛 绚 蒜 荫 到 毁 景 京 竟 屑 旦 哺 骑 枷 悄 沤 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 7 Translate the sentences into English. 1 夜贼们忙着往皮卡里扔赃物,急着想尽快开车逃走。正在这 时,负责看守小区的保安发现了他们,并报了警。(just about; watch over) The burglars were throwing the stolen items to the pickup and w

31、ere just about to drive away when the guards watching over the living quarters found them and called the police. Language in Use 兽 庙 粘 过 绊 史 燃 果 命 蛇 豆 咕 坟 买 棵 虹 牺 珍 擞 栋 邦 痪 里 珊 锹 百 万 灯 腊 衫 湍 容 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 2 三个士兵在密林深处艰难地行走了一整天,试图走向河的东 岸,结果却发现他们只在树林里打转,离目的地仍有几十英 里之遥。(only t

32、o find; short of) The three soldiers had walked with difficulty through the woods for a whole day, trying to navigate to the east bank of the river, only to find that they had been circling in the woods and were still dozens of miles short of their destination. Language in Use 坯 论 狙 基 形 衫 佐 勇 殖 海 具

33、蚌 矣 佳 灶 凛 篙 涡 尽 冤 厂 瞎 鬼 劳 换 坑 醋 惑 哉 雾 疯 饼 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 3 我觉得今天早晨做动物心智报告的那位学者显然高估了动物 的智慧,她甚至认为黑猩猩能够用电脑跟人进行交流。(go so far as to) It seems to me that the scholar who talked about animal intelligence this morning has obviously overestimated the animal intelligence. She went so

34、far as to suggest that chimpanzees can communicate with humans through computers. Language in Use 炳 戳 杜 柞 徊 旨 隅 摔 答 管 迈 泡 觉 软 躬 泳 膘 阜 台 减 簧 壶 叁 桩 渝 寺 钠 女 峦 坠 媳 瘫 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 4 作为志愿者,我们不仅仅要对前来询问或寻求帮助的人微笑 服务,我们还应该具备跨文化交际的技巧,否则我们就干不 好这个工作。(be limited to) As volunteers, what

35、we need to do is not just limited to smiling to those who come to us for information and help. We must also learn skills for cross-cultural communication, without which our performance cannot be satisfactory. Language in Use 卉 骇 攀 渐 帕 剑 哨 奥 运 招 酪 羡 骇 隙 常 船 台 升 枉 仁 哭 斜 残 娘 萝 究 勾 舞 衍 型 湿 盅 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7 新 概 念 大 学 英 语 二 0 7


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